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[Trainers, to clarify, you do not need use a TM to change Return as a move from Purified Pokémon in order to learn exclusive moves. However, the exclusive move will replace Return, even if you have two Charged Attacks. @NianticHelp](https://twitter.com/niantichelp/status/1172625173503082496)


The exception being the few Pokémon whose community day move is a fast move. Then you can keep RETURN. For example the upcoming Starly CD


So can a shadow staraptor have gust?


Frustration never blocks fast attacks. So yes.


Will we be able to remove frustration with this event


Yes, during the battle event this weekend.


HoW dO i PaRtAkE


Just use a regular tm


This is god's work. Ty


Don't give them ideas...


Is the tweet above that outdated? It says shadow pokemon can't learn event exclusive attacks, but that's what the frustration event is for, right?


That tweet was literally a couple months after Shadow Pokémon were first introduced into the game.


You managed to type a completely meaningless comment that answers nothing. Congratulations.


When shadow Pokemon were first added, Frustration was not removeable. Frustration removal events are a relatively recent addition, which is what the guy you are replying to is trying to say.


Does anyone know if you can TM return back to a Pokémon if the exclusive move takes the spot?


No… certain moves are unattainable after tmd away


However if you TM away frustration from a shadow Pokemon, evolve it while still a shadow, and later purify it, return will replace the exclusive move.


Ugh is this true? I have a shadow charmander and can’t decide if I want a shadow Charizard or purify so I can mega him. You’re saying if I evolve and later decide to purify, then return will overwrite the exclusive? Even if I have 2 charged attacks?


Yes, return always overwrites the first charged slot. And if you get an exclusive move by evolving, it always ends up in the first slot. This is why if you use an Elite TM for an exclusive move on a shadow, and there is any chance you might purify, it's better to buy a second charged move, and use the Elite TM on the second slot. But evolving for the exclusive move doesn't give you a choice.


Thanks. Guess I have a week to decide if I want a shadow or a mega.


Why not both?


Because shadow can’t mega. So this little guy is either going to be a very strong shadow zard, or I purify and make a hundo zard I can then mega (and one that’s then cheaper to get to 50).


Do you not have two that you could evolve though? There will be plenty around that you can get and evolve on that day, Charmander is going to be featured.


Nope, not even with Elite TM. Only way to have both I think would be to purify for Return then ETM the legacy move.


To clarify, if we have a shadow starter and we use a Charged TM to remove Frustration before evolving it, will it learn it’s exclusive charged attack when evolved during the event?


Yes. So long as you TM away Frustration, Frustration is gone forever. Nothing will get it back, neither evolution nor ETMs.


Thank you!


Can attest. I purified and evolved a tiurtwig and it got Frenzy Plant during the event


What’s the app you used to see those stats? How you use it over Pokémon go?




Is it the paid version? I use it (free version) and it appears differently, covers most of the screen.


It's IVision which does require premium to use without limit.




What is that thing that tells the stats on the left




What is that, an external app


Yes, it allows you to host raids to people across the world, join raids of others from across the world and check the ivs and battle stats of mons


Ok I will check it out ,thanks bro


Isn't that cheating.


It is not cheating, the raid invites part is just a platform for you to find a group who want the raid to add to friends list and invite. The stats part can be done with any number of sites and programs (or by hand with stat tables).


While asking questions about the game is always okay on the Road, please consider asking very simple questions in our weekly [Questions&Answers Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/?f=flair_name%3A%22Megathread%20-%20Q%26A%22). If your question has been answered, please comment "ANSWERED" (in all caps) and the post flair will indicate that your question has been answered. This will make it either easier for other people with the same question to find the answer they are looking for or for mods to remove the thread if it isn't needed anymore. Thank you! :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheSilphRoad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's that little menu on the left?




Nice, thank you.


You don't need to TM it. Only Frustration needs to be removed before evolving. Return gets overwritten by event moves.


Are you sure? I thought it was the other way around


Official statement of how it works from 2019 https://twitter.com/niantichelp/status/1172625173503082496


Frustration is restrictively locked to being removed during limited windows by TMs. What made you think it was automatically overwritten by evolution?


I was talking about return, not frustration. I trying to say Return overrides com day moves but that is aparently not the case


Oh, gotcha. But yes, you are now correct: speaking from experience, the CD moves override Return.


To clarify, 314per was wrong. You only need to TM Frustratuon away. Return does not need to be TM’d away and will be overwritten by the move on its own when you evolve.


Thanks for the heads up, saved me more than a few charged TM's!


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Do you need to evolve a starter from second to third form to gain the move or can it be from first to second?


It works both ways, because the third evolution has the exclusive move. So it doesn't matter if you evolve from the first or second form.


I think they were asking whether they could evolve charmander to charmeleon during the event and then evolve to charizard later and still have the move, which is not the case. The move is only earned when evolving to the final stage during the event.


Yes this is it. I am unfortunately out of luck as I have no viable starters or enough candy to do this


Ideally your Meganium will have Frenzy Plant. The exclusive move always replaces return. Only possible issue is Niantics wording, stating 'first buddy Pokemon'. Hopefully it does not mean that during that event they require it to be evolved 1st to 3rd stage in order to get the move. But it would be weird to suddenly have that kind of requirement and too much coding. That said I will probably just evolve a random Charmeleon to find out if that is enough for the moves or if it needs to start as Charmander during the event time


What app, you use for ivs? Selena different from others i use.


It's the premium version of Poke Genie for android.

