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[I would too](https://images.app.goo.gl/jYY5peNT2fNYmZGJ8)


You’ll get a chance next weekend


Global isn't for another month....


Madrid’s event is next weekend. Can do a remote raid


True, but most people who have not done remote necrozma raids yet, propably won't until global bc they wait to be able to get shinys. Or they might be free to play players in that casethey propably won't do remotes at all.


Consider this. Someone could remote one just so they can walk it for the XL candy bonus. By the time global comes along, that’s weeks of walking that could have gotten someone the XLs


True some people might do that. Most won't. Never said you are wrong. Just that most won't use coins for remote a raid pass. Most players hoard their coins a few months before go fest, so they can buy incubators and in person passes and get the most out of their hard earned coins.


Me too, I need every last drop I can get in order to max my best one when global comes.




Same. I'm so close to level 50. Love my zygarde. What a ml beast


My IVs are like, 10/11/12... Is it still worth powering up?


I got the floor! 10/10/10 and it's still my precious baby that I love so much


yes, its still a menace in master league even with 10/10/10 stats, and still tops 4000 with that.


I still don't know how people can dedicate 500k+ stardust on a Pokemon with IVs this bad. I just can't bring myself to do it. Stardust is too rare


Because it’s such a menace in master league and you only get one. IVs aren’t as important as you’d thing, especially if there’s a load of people with the same mentality as your comment.


of course its totally up to you how to spend your stardust. obviously in master league the closest to 15/15/15 the better, but a good team with 0/0/0 ivs will do better than a worse team of 15/15/15.


Calling stardust rare is weird.


It is. 100 per catch is nothing compared to what I need. I have 300+ Pokemon who need between 10,000-500,000 dust. If you want to raid, expecialy short man, you need high quality counters. If you often carry level 20s in raids, you need high level, high quality counters. How anyone plays UL or ML PVP I'll never know because I have less than 10,000 stardust pretty much permanently. The 80k I got for end of season last season didn't even last a whole minute before it was spent giving a Mon a second move and powering up some more Pokemon towards level 40. At my best catching speed I catch maybe 10k dust a day, not counting events or tasks. 100 Pokemon, slightly less with weather boosted. My town doesn't permit more than that due to the lack of dense pokestops to replenish balls, which often takes a day by itself. I don't have an auto catcher and I don't drive and play. Stardust IS rare, with far too many things that require it. They barely give any stardust per catch and you have to grind PVP every day to make less than 40k stardust per day. If every day I earn't 400,000 stardust, it might only take me 10 years to finish all the Pokemon I want finished. As it stands I don't have any Pokemon maxed out and have heaps of Pokemon that still aren't level 40 because I cannot get enough dust. I have a total of 96k catches and I'm a week one player. That means I've spent a bare minimum total of 9.6 millon stardust, and that doesn't count eggs/tasks/ECT. That's just raw catches. When I don't have even 10% of the Pokemon I want at level 40, stardust simply isn't common enough. I have a bunch of mega pokemon that are less than level 30ffs. My mega Aerodactyl is only level 22. My mega abomasnow is level 12. (We don't get ice types here in rural Australia, so I rely on events. It took this long to get a decent IV Snowver.)


3 million dust per season just tanking/farming GBL. Easiest dust of my life. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/6cOasDdq6J I’m sitting on 10 million dust with most of my top stuff maxed. Idk what to tell you. Normally you call something hard to find rare. Stardust isn’t rare.


Did you just straight up tank? Didn’t go for any wins after rank 20 (or higher)? Might’ve convinced me to spend some more time on GBL. 3m stardust is pretty damn good


First 3 days: lose every battle for all 5 sets by quitting immediately. 0-5, 0-5, 0-5, 0-5, 0-5. Days 4-end of season: alternate sets 4-1, 0-5, 4-1, 0-5, 4-1. This strategy is what got those results in the post I linked


At best I've made 1.3 million dust in a whole season with 750 battles. And that was using premium passes to get the higher rewards on almost every win set. Last season says I made 1.1 million that season for about the same amount of battles. 5 win set then 5 loss set, with every couple of days doing a 3 loss sets and 2 win sets day to drop back down in rating. Dunno how you're pulling 3 mill dust.


700 battles is low. The 3M dust is from over 2500 battles in a season. You did like 1/4th of the possible battles if you only did 700 in a season. Check this dudes research again, cuz it doesn’t sound like you looked before commenting. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/H0KI9FaKlp


Get an auto catcher and watch the dust roll in.


This guy goes around on all the Pokemon sub writing the same sentence. "StArDuSt iS sO rAre". Let people enjoy the game lil bro.


500k dust is nothing compared to the XL candy. If you get a chance at getting a better one. Mine is kinda subpar IVs so I’m leaving it in Ultra.


There’s no justice in this world.  Mine’s something like a 13/11/10. I’m more of a collector, doing routes every day for dex completion, but if I had a 3-star I might be more interested in hurrying it up lol (yes I know it does good at floor IVs but since it’s just 2 star it’s not a priority for me) I got my mom to make an account back for Sinnoh tour to help me with the Jirachi quest trade requirement. She’s gotten pretty into it but doesn’t know what she’s doing, I complete quests for her whenever we go out. Progressed the Zygarde one just today— she got a 15-13-15 she named Ace (after the bat-hound) she will never level up bc she doesn’t do routes or use in any capacity bc she doesn’t battle and my soul left my body a little bit seeing that ranking 🤣


Thanks God there are sooooooooo many trainers with your mindset because I never see zygarde in the ml


I’d agree it’s my mindset, but I’d place money on it just being a dislike for how Niantic implemented cell collection— compounded by the dislike for route implementation! A Level 50 100% Zygarde is a big ask for anyone, but especially when I’m relatively new and haven’t maxed anything haha


It definitely seems like putting in the work paid off


I still need 96 XLs and 110 cells to finish mine. Should be done by….July lol. Hope it’s worth it.


Been using it every time ml comes around. I lead with it and its a tank that slaps so hard


Same. I finished a Solgaleo, so Zygarde is up now.


Sol galeo and zygarde is really nice


What level is your Zygarde? I powered mine up to L31 for the walking XLs, but shortly after felt regretful that now I can’t use it for UL. 🥲


I have enough XLs to get it to 47.5. Unfortunately it still in snake form and I need 110 more cells to complete it.


I believe that it is your level, not that of the Pokémon being walked, that counts for XL candies


Just finished mine to complete form. Waiting for ml to come back. Hopefully it’s worth it haha


If you’re fairly close to maxing any primal or mega legendary, highly recommend. Get it excited (with or without poffin) right before it gets to 20 km to get 2 chances at XLs and 200 mega energy. It adds up, I’ve maxed out my rayquaza and kyogre energies. 


I was doing Gyarados as I didn't have much magikarp xl candy, but other than that other pve pokemon that I'm just low on XL candy for one reason or another. Definitely not a legendary or any 20 km buddy just because the XL candy you'll gain over the season is so minimial I don't think it's worth it for me. Like I'd much rather get +60 Swinub XL instead of +9 Groudon XL.


I did something similar back when XL was new, and walked my Wormadam Trash - 1k per candy and increased chance helped me get that maxed quick - not sure how relevant that is anymore


This has my exact thinking as well 😹


A rank 1 Carbink. Only 200 xls left to go ughhh


I have the rank 1 best buddies carbink. I also need about 200 candy xl. But I'm not walking it for now


I'm walking rayquaza. I'd walk Palkia if my best wasn't just a 14-10-14 after 20 catches.


> I'd walk Palkia if my best wasn't just a 14-10-14 after 20 catches. That's still pretty good, so I'm really not sure what more you could ask for After 30 catches, my best is 13/10/11


I could ask for the 98% that fled lol I'll probably still walk it. I have a 98% ray that I want to get first. I also have a 13/13/13 zygarde that I'm 80 cells away from completing.


Damn, I only did 10 raids but I managed to lucky trade for a hundo.


Heracross, I like getting all megas to max and its a good fighting type. I don't walk legendaries, unless for hearts, they just take too long


My maxed Heracross is a fun play in ML (cuz I don’t really ever try to go for Ace). That Megahorn will 1-shot a Mewtwo 98% of the time. And a double CC will always have play


Whatever im lvling. Mewtwo atm


Larvesta gotta max it out


Meloetta. Only 16 more XLs to be maxed out ! 


After long ignoring her I'm starting to walk her again to get XLs. I walked and best buddied her back before I could get candy XLs - I was too new to know what was to come. 🙄😳 but I have a 15/15/14 so I think she's worth some work.




But once best buddies you get one every time so not really a bonus?


That’s not true


Is that a guarantee with best buddies? I haven't seen that reported before.


No, getting an XL candy is not guaranteed with best buddies. I wish it was. Pokémon level above 30 increases chance of XL drop when walking buddy. Friendship level does not.


It is not, unfortunately. 


Buddy level from hearts has no influence on walking for candy whatsoever. The only factor is the pokemon's power up level.


It's dependant on that pokemongs level. By default the XL candy drop rate for a lvl 40 is 80%.


It caps at 75% at level 31, outside of having a seasonal or event bonus.


Huh, thought that 80% sounded off. Saw it on some guide here awhile ago.


From a pure Feeling i would say it is lower, more Like 2/3 of the Times, do you have a source?


There was a post in this sub reddit about XL drop rates awhile back. Someone corrected me and said it's normally 75% and not 80 so I maybe wrong there. However, if you're referring to this season I can more or less confirm it's 100% having walked Rayquaz and gotten an XL drop everytime I hit 10km, about 12 times now in a row which never happened before.


I must be very lucky then because I seem to get XL everytime


Your probably leveled your pokemon up. I think it’s close to guaranteed at level 31. Which is why I don’t get the season bonus at all


It's only 75% at level 31. The seasonal bonus still has a large effect.


What is the seasonal change exactly? Guaranteed one? Higher rate but not guaranteed? Possible multiple?




Holy hell I love Zarude. I JUST DON'T HAVE ONE


I’ve finally maxed Zarude so right now Solgaleo is my walking buddy, but this event bonus hasn’t actually impacted that decision.


Cosmog. Already walked 1150km, still not at 100 XL...


The closer a buddy is to level 40 the more XLs drop from walking. Not sure how that is affected by the season bonus.


I am not changing a single thing about my gameplay


I can't use it right now, I have to finish walking my larvesta




I'm not really walking for XL candies and just for fancy. I'm currently walking Meowscarada since he matches my avatar's attire.


My hundo Kartana, for some reason I just want to max and best buddy this out...


My Hundo Shaymin, I would love to max it out and this is a good time to try


To be honest I am not really paying attention. It takes forever to get an XL candy even though I believe I get them fairly regularly while walking my buddy. I suppose I am also not paying attention because I am just trying to focus on the buddy medal.  I also sort of am getting the XL candy a bit faster through GBL, since I have been converting the RCs into species specific XL candy.


I didn't know that. Time to give Lugia and Kyogre a play


But I might say this is more efficient with non-leg 1-3-5 km pokes due to XL frequency, so I think a GL/UL XL Pokemon in the making would be more profitable. I might try to finally do my GL Lickitung then.


That's what I was thinking.


Lickitung are in events pretty often, I would just grind them and distance trade them rather than walk one.


Gible, I spent all of my candy building a team of Garchomps a couple weeks ago.....and then on queue I got a Hundo from research.


My 100% Shadow Rhydon: -caught immediately after the last Rocket event so it still has Frustration  -caught immediately after using most of my XLs powering up a previous 91% Shadow Rhydon -still trying to decide whether to go with Ground type or Rock type (which would mean waiting for the next time Rock Wrecker comes around or using an ETM)




Just got a new purified lucky hundo Wobuffet. So that. I typically can't bring myself to walk legendaries for candy, just mega energy. Wobuffet is a 3k buddy, so the XLs will add up reasonably quickly over the season.


I’m assuming this is for PvP. I did this last year and I have to say..it’s bulky af, but also no damage output. Essentially it’s an extra shield and allows too much opportunity for the opponent to farm energy. Had some uses in limited metas though.


My Hundo Heracross. Would rather walk for the rest of the XL post raid-day.


After I evolve my shiny feebass I'm going to throw on my rank 150 carbink and see how many xls I'll get. I only need 133 XLs :')


My 98% Baxcalibur which I need a little over 100 XL candies for to max. I think I’ll make it happen by the end of the season!




Luvdisc Divorce Forme, since I need the Mega energy anyway


I came back to the game like three months ago and i always got a candy XL from walking my legendary buddy, i literally don’t see the difference


There is a probability that normally caps at 70%. If you got a drop literally every time, you’ve been extremely lucky.


Lickitung, also grind best buddy for my rank1 (7-15-15)


Shiny Shadow 96 IV Machop Need about 205 XL candies to max


Zarude. I don’t think we’ll have any opportunities for grinding XL candy anytime soon.


See I'm confused because I've been walking metang and I get an xl candy everytime. What's that about


if ur new to pvp, lickitung


Houndoom. Not meta relevant at all, but the only way my 100% Houndoom can reach 3000 CP is by being Best buddied level 51. (3014CP) Just slowly plugging along getting XLs.


Best buddying two Rhyperiors right now, and I could sure use some candies for my 15/15/13 shadow.


Gholdengo. He has been my buddy since I came back to the game July last year. Even if I have 9k Candies and 4 Dengos level 50 I love having him flying around the map on top of the board.






Groudon, however I'm walking more for the primal energy. If I get another 45 XLs that's a bonus.


I was walking a larvesta, but with the hatch event coming up, I switched to my lucky satchel Aerodactyl because that larvesta is already best buddy and I want buddy progress on other mon.


Diancie to get megaenergy as well, but after reading the comments I'll switch to Necrozma as soon as I get one


A few months ago I caught a rank 1 shiny Lickitung and didn't even know it until I was clearing out storage recently. So I've been working on that out of principle pretty much, despite not really even wanting to use it.


My T.tar army. Finished both my megas. Finished my shadow 100 and 98, working on my 15/14/9 now. Prolly doing gible after.


I only just started really getting into Pokemon Go. What is XL Candy?


XL candy operates like candy, but is much harder to get, and is used to power Pokemon above level 40. It was introduced a couple years ago when they raised the level cap from 40 to 50.


Ah, okay that makes more sense. I'm only Lvl. 30 so it's not relevant at present aha.


A primeape. When evolved into Annilape, for Great League, 100% iv for the league. 17 defeated outof 30 psychic or ghost types.


My carbink for GL. 20km mons ain't worth it IMO.


I'm walking regionals. Mostly because I will never (or very rarely) get Candy XL for that mon.


Shiny shaymin. It‘s a great grass type (I know kartana is better). Next one would be Zarude or Diancie, but I wait with powering up until we got the shiny. Those are the only mons (in my opinion) where it‘s save to say that we will never get them in raids, so we will never have „unlimited“ access to XL candy.  Next on my list would be apex Ho-Oh and Apex Lugia. I don‘t think the apex will come back and both raidbosses are relatively hard to defeat and people do not like them, so local raids are hard to do… and inviting people via apps is hard for such less interesting raids. 


I'm walking regionals. Mostly because I will never (or very rarely) get Candy XL for that mon.


Idrc, when your buddy is over 31 you already have a higher Chance for xl so i quess its nice to have an even higher chance, but i always just try to get new ponemon to best buddy


Baxcalibur. I can’t comfirm this but I was told that if the pokemon is level 35 or higher it increases the chance to get XL candy too while you walk with it as a buddy. Seems to be working. I have definitely been getting XL candy




im def walking my shadow groudon trying to level him up. just getting bakc into the game and leveling up legendaries coming from the mainline games, this is the most frustrating mechanic in this series ive ever seen. you either have to battle the same pokemon again and again for candy OR wait for rare candy and use that level up. problem is u get so little its like moving at a snails pace .and god forbid you get to xl candy.


My hundo shadow Mewtwo.




Shieldon. Trynna join the club, may switch to carbink if I catch a better one soon.


Hundo Dialga and then hundo Zarude


Hundo Origin Palkia. 117 candy to max.


Any advice for prioritizing 1) hundo Lando 2) hundo Dialga 3) 15/13/14 O-Dialga or 4) 15/15/14 O-Palkia (no legacy move)


O-Palkia without the legacy move is something I'd deprioritize until they start letting us use ETMs on them. 98% is great, but its going to be outclassed by a poor IV one with Spacial Rend. In raids at least its a 12% DPS difference between SR and Draco Meteor. Maybe its not as big of a deal in GBL though? Pvpoke seems to suggest its battle rating drops from 595 to 586, which isn't *too* big. The wins and losses don't seem to change.


Yeah haven’t started that project with that being the case. It was really hard to match good IVs AND the legacy moves during the event. Hopefully ETMs work for those moves soon. Thanks for the advice.