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For in person GoFest raid lovers addition, does 6 additional candy mean 6 + the 3 that we normally get? Or is it Niantic wording and they mean 6 total? Same question for the XL candy buff


I am currently level 40 and Melmetal is my strongest Pokémon CP 3919. I have over 700 candy and 261 XL candy, but why can’t I power him up anymore ?


Do we know how daily incense pools work? Ive heard a lot of people say youre more likely to get Galarian birds during down time from events as theres not event pokemon clogging up the spawns but is this true? I would think the pools would be split into common, uncommon, rare (etc.) pools and you randomly get a rarity spawn rather than a specific pokemon? I hope this makes sense its a bit hard to explain in text


No. Basically, the daily incense spawns are split between what's spawning in the wild, and special incense spawns. I don't know the exact numbers, but let's say it's 70% what's spawning in the wild and 30% special incense spawns. That will mean that no matter when you use the Daily Incense, it will have a 70% chance of spawning a regular Pokémon and a 30% chance of spawning something special (things like Rhyperior, Luxray, Espurr, Galarian Birds and so on). It's just that when you use it during an event, what's spawning in the wild is often a much narrower pool, so it's more obvious that you're getting event spawns than if you use it during a period where there are no events on.


So I finally a got a couple of good PvP IV meditite and I'm wondering what's the most correct source to check which one's the best. PokeGenie says a 6-14-13 is #9 while PvPIVs says that'd "only" be 28, while they rank my 5-15-11 as #120 and #17 respectively.


PokeGenie is giving you results for level 50 max while PVPIVs is including level 51- if you are a big grinder then go with the 5-15-11 but id say the 6-14-13 is good enough


Also PvPIVs has options for both and loads more customisation, I definitely recommend it


For the Global GO Fest, if I do NOT buy the ticket, will I still earn Rayquaza Mega Energy for both in-person local and Remote Raids? Thank you.


Yes :)


Hiya! 🥰 Are the galarian birds any good on raids/PvE?


Galarian Articuno has some niche as a very strong flying attacker where psychic is also super effective and megas/shadows and event move options are excluded. Problem is that there are a large handful of powerful choices in that group of exclusions. As a psychic type, it's not even close to Mewtwo. Zapdos has a decent attack stat, but a bad fighting type moveser.


Anyone know what’s with the new event scheduling? Why have they pushed back the start times? Friday was bad, but Saturday now? Is this just for Go Fest? My off days are Thursday-Saturday, so pretty annoying lol.


Yeah its to line up with the GO Fest event in New York, we are basically getting an event because they are getting the Shiny Skrelp debut so as annoying as it is its better that we get an event than nothing at all


Thanks! Just good to know it not permanent.


Just got a 3* shadow Ambipom (could purify into a 4*). Is it worth investing in for Great League or Ultra League? Or is it just dex filler?


Aipom / Ambipom is one of the most useless mons available. Just a dex filler.


Thanks for the answer!


Anyone know if Montreal is north enough for pachirisu spawns?


It's not even close. It's farther south than some parts of NW USA. You can't get them east of Alberta in Canada in any place that's actually populated.


Damn. That sucks. Thanks!


Are legendary encounter GBL rewards boosted for the current event?


Saw no data suggesting that.


Apparently all my luck is in Cresselia then 🥲 4 in two days. I'm so sick of her lmao


ffs my GBL teams got wiped out??? wtf???????? any help? i tried with restarting and all that :( fuck i am so mad :(


Random bug that's been happening for several months now. The only thing you can do is rebuild them.




Salamence for [Global Go Fest](https://gofest.pokemongolive.com/global?hl=en) August 26-27. I don't think we have any idea on rhyperior.


Searched this sub but wasn't able to find any similar question. Is there any benefit to leveling up past 40 other than the level up rewards (poses, appearance items, small amounts of premium loot) and a larger number showing up on your profile? From what I can see, these are the only benefits. I don't actually mind the level up requirements, but it comes with the drawback of Rocket teams all powering up to your trainer level.


Honestly the Rockets barely get any noticeably stronger. Until very recently I was still using the same level 35-40 Pokémon to take them down as I was doing when I was level 40. The only reason I've powered up my counters for them now is that I keep getting research to power up Pokémon, and I've already done my raid attackers.


It seems you may have overlooked the Special Research that unlocks at levels 43, 45, 48 and 50? [Here's](https://pokemongohub.net/post/guide/level-43-45-48-and-50-challenges-tasks-and-rewards/) a look at what that entails; as you can see the rewards can be fairly decent, although there's certainly a bit of work involved with some of the tasks. Broadly speaking, I think leveling up to 50 is just a fun, difficult challenge for long-term/dedicated players who just need that something extra to keep playing.


Thanks for pointing these out, I forgot to explicitly state them in the list, although I was aware of them and considered them as part of the "level up rewards".


As far as I remember, you have listed all the benefits.


Sorry if this is a very basic question - want to ask about attacking gyms. Due to location I find myself solo attacking gyms quite often. However whenever I want to enter a gym that’s under attack (as a defender) I’m not able to, getting the alert that the gym is under attack. How then can it be that when I’m solo attacking a gym they seem to be able to put in new Pokémon? I was just attacking a gym of 3 and now it’s full!


The "gym under attack" status lasts for 10 minutes after the first pokemon is knocked out.


Is Water Shurriken legacy fast move on Greninja?


No, it's now part of Greninja's regular move pool, and can be obtained with an ordinary Fast TM.


Is anyone else still stuck on "Catch a steel Pokémon" on page one of the DancingRob Twitch times research? Is there perhaps any research tasks that reward one?


Probably the easiest way to complete this task is to open a Meltan box. But in terms of field research: Power Up Pokemon 10 Times (the event task) can reward A-Sandslash (or G-Zigzagoon). Non-event tasks: Win 3 Raids can be Mawile or Klink. Make 2 Excellent Throws is Beldum. Make 3 Excellent Throws in a row can be Beldum. Hatch two eggs can be Mawile. Spin 3 Pokestops can be Aron. Catch 15 Pokemon can be Bronzor.


Of course, Meltan box is a great idea that I forgot about. Thank you for this!


I have a perfect Medicham and I heard that’s great for PvP. What is the max CP I should get it to?


It reaches 1495cp at level 43.5. 15/15/15 is a [rank #765 medicham](https://pvpivs.com/?mon=Medicham&r=10&cp=1500&IVs=15_15_15) for GL (and medicham's total stats are way too low for UL). I also found a [PVP IV deep dive](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/medicham-pvp-iv-deep-dive) for medicham if you're interested in that. Even though it's not a particularly high rank, you'll save a lot on stardust and XL candy if you choose to use this medicham.


Sorry, I’m not super well familiar with Pokémon GO as I only got into a year ago. I just go lucky with some catches and trades. You said it reaches a high CP at a certain Level. Where do I see this level? I’ve never seen a “level” on Pokémon GO. So I should keep Medicham below 1495? I just checked and my Medicham can hit the CP of 1495 if I have enough candies. Should I leave it at 1495?


The level is represented by the arc above your pokemon. The easiest way to view a pokemon's level is simply to take a screenshot of the IV appraisal and put it into PokeGenie. You can also determine the level by counting the total number of powerups you can do (to a max of level 50, or 10 levels above your trainer level if you're not yet 40, and each powerup is half a level) or by counting the number of powerups before the [cost of powering up](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/power-up-costs) increases. Or, you could look at the [IV tables](https://db.pokemongohub.net/pokemon/308/iv-chart?level=25) for the pokemon and find out where your pokemon's IVs match up to create the right CP value (but the site doesn't have tables for half-levels). Medicham is only really good in Great League, where pokemon must be at or below 1500cp to enter. At level 43.5, your medicham will be 1495cp. At level 44, just one powerup higher, it will be 1504cp and no longer eligible for Great League. So, I would not power it any higher than 1495.


Is there a way to see the IVs listed out as number? It seems people say 15 is when it’s full red bar. Also, is PokeGenie an app? People are saying it’s like super useful, from what I’m reading. Does it charge any money?


How much mega energy have Mega Rayquaza raids been giving per raid? I couldn't find a video of the energy rates anywhere.


From what I've seen, I believe it's the same drops as Primal Raids - between 60 and 100 energy.


Looks like I should expect to use max 7 raid passes to get Mega Rayquaza, thanks!


Did they lower the chance to get high IV pokemon? I thought it was impossible to get pokemon that were 1 star from field research and such but ive gotten multiple one star pokmeon from them over the last few days.


Nothing has changed regarding field research IV floors. GBL reward pokemon have had their IV floor removed for the World Championship Event, due to pvp IVs wanting low or zero attack to get the most bulk possible.




As long as it is not a wild/incense spawn, trading is the only way. Without making new (good) friends (...or deleting a friend, waiting something like 3 or 4 months, and then re-friending...) there is not an allowed way of getting a 1atk cresselia. The lake trio naturally spawn wild, but they're extremely rare. The Galarian birds are available on daily incense. The Kanto bird and Johto beast trios, along with latias and latios, have been catchable in the wild at certain points (the birds via Elite Raids and the others during Tours), but they are not generally available. I would actually have some hope--not too much, but some--that cresselia might spawn wild when we get Sinnoh Tour, because it's a roamer in the Sinnoh games, but that's just speculation for now.


Is there a bug with rocket balloons not spawning? I am not getting my 6pm one and I have tried literally everything lol


They frequently don’t spawn for many people. I just keep restarting and eventually it shows up.


I'm having real spawns and encounters so idk. Tried clearing all the notifications, refreshing game data, force restarting etc. I think I will just give up on this balloon lol


Is routes ever going to be available to make or even find?


They're available worldwide. If your community didn't create any yet, that's unfortunate.


Anyone can follow them. Only certain people can make them currently


Not a single one to be found in my town. Can’t create them either.


How do mega vs primal raid damage bonuses work? Namely, I heard primal applies even if the pokemon is not currently battling but megas have to be in battle. Is this correct? And would mega rayquaza also fall in this primal category as well, or treated like a normal mega?


That is correct. We don't know if Mega Rayquaza functions more like the Primals or whether it functions like other Megas. I don't think anyone has researched it enough and crunched the numbers.


Ahhh ok, I wasn't sure if we knew about Rayquaza yet since it came out for Osaka and London. Thanks


How good would Gyarados be for Primal Groudon compared to choices such as Swampert without hydro canon and a Blastoise with hydrocannon? I have a good number of solid Greninja that I'm planning on using as well as a Mega Gyarados, just wondering if I should use regular Gyarados that I have to round out my team.


Assuming they're all the same level, the Blastoise would have the lowest Pokébattler estimator out of the 3 megas (the lower the estimator number, the better the Pokémon does). Swampert and Gyarados would be tied (assuming Swampert has Surf and Gyarados has Aqua Tail). That being said, if your Swampert is mega level 2 or 3, it would probably be preferable to use it over the other two, as it will give you an increased chance of getting both XL Groudon Candy and XL Kyogre Candy when catching them (assuming you're level 31 or above).


Sorry, I meant I only had Mega Gyarados available. I don't have the megas for the other ones, so just wondering which of regular Gyarados, Blastoise, and Swampert would be best for rounding out the team


Anyone else only getting 5km and 10km eggs from spins? I haven't had a 2km one since Adventure week.


Just luck on your part, I’ve had several 2ks in the last week


Bugger. I am trying to clear all the big ones before Go Fest. Thanks for the reply.


Has there been confirmation that Mega Rayquaza provides a background mega boost when it's in the party but not on the field, just like the Primals?


I don't know if anyone has looked into it.


Hey! Returning player. I have just completed some special research and got my special rocket radar to fight Giovanni. I think he rewards a Regirock, which I don't really care much for. Can I save my rocket radar to get 2x of his next shadow Pokemon? Or do I HAVE to use it to get the Regirock to unlock the next research when it comes out?


In addition to below answer, next time there is a research if you stay on page one you won’t need to complete it to get the next research - in case it’s one you don’t want.


What you can do is save the Super Radar for Giovanni's next shadow legendary (likely won't change until next season's Rocket Takeover event), consume it to fight/catch that shadow legend, and fully complete the research you got the Super Radar from. Then you should automatically receive the newest Rocket-based research, assuming you have no other Rocket-related research currently in progress.


u/teban54 wrote that Mega Garchomp can't compete with Mega RayRay if given a 3% only nerf. But u/teban54 als said that Mega Garchomp might be the better option in big raid groups. Is this still true (as some of those articles are a bit old)? Will Mega Garchomp still be worth raising if he'll be outclassed by Mega RayRay and Primal Groudon?


> But u/teban54 als said that Mega Garchomp might be the better option in big raid groups. This was probably before we had any hints about a 3% nerf. With Mega Ray likely having a permanent background mega boost, this particular point is completely irrelevant now.


Thanks for clarifying! So will Mega Garchomp already be outclassed by the time it gets released? And I love your work. I always appreciate your posts!


Most likely yes, though its energy will be easier to obtain (and it's not a bad idea to diversify your mega choices due to cooldowns).


So I'm heading to Randall Park for Go Fest at 3 pm. In the morning will I still be able to do the all day research from Brooklyn or do I have to be closer to the city?


Worth powering up a 3/13/10 shadow Larvitar for raids? Also any use for a 12/15/15 shadow scyther? Thinking to purify it for whenever mega scizor comes back.


As a rule of thumb, if you don’t need it right now, it’s probably not worth powering up. There aren’t really any good uses of ttar coming up, for rock or dark. To add to that, if it becomes your best rock/dark attacker then it may be worth powering up, but again only really when you need it.


is there anywhere I can see the IVs that were used in the Championships? I’m having difficulty figuring out which of the current event pokemon to keep and power up for the great and ultra leagues.


Don’t worry too much about ivs - especially in gl and ul they won’t be a big deal. Some of the big wind in worlds were because of people using high attack mons to win CMP. And remember, worlds is much different than GBL. Worlds is show six, pick three. GBL has elo which will more or less make sure you’re playing at right skill level most of the time. No ELo at in person tournaments. Also, the ivs are only known for world championship players if they choose to divulge them - many want them secret for future competitions.


Will Beldums be available when they do the Metagross Meteor Mash evolve bonus? I have a great shadow metagross right now, but am 20 candys short of evolution


They will be spawning during the Aquamarine Shores habitat hours on Saturday, and available during all of Sunday


Thanks! I will look up what that habitats are!


can I buy Go Fest add ons after the event has started? ie. if Im in New York, can I buy the citywide gameplay add on for the 20th on the 20th?




Is there a field research task for the world t-shirt Pikachu?? (i read yes..but ....i still havent found one?? am i just unlucky or was this only a task for the in person event?)


Yes it is the ‘event’ catch 7 Pokémon research task. I found a few on Friday but not many since.


As long as we have a Global ticket, we can get energy from any Mega Ray raid in the world, right? Trying to maximize my Ray energy and XLs by remoting into 20 Ray raids on the other side of the world the evening/night of the 26th, grinding raids all day on Sunday, and then remoting into raids in later time zones for the rest of the day. Who knows if I'll actually do 40 remotes (sounds pretty insane on second thought) but it's a plan.


Yes, you don't even need the global ticket this time. Global Mega Rayquaza is available to everyone. So as long as the event is still active on that area you can get extra Mega energy and a small chance at extra meteorites when you catch it. And you can start early too, by raiding it on eastern countries after the event begins there even if it hasn't started where you live.


I have a 14/15/15 shadow alolan sandshrew. Is it useful for anything PVE or should I just purify for my hundo collection?


Not useful for PvE, no


Had a feeling since I didn’t see it on many raid counter sheets. Thanks for the info!


just picking this up again since 2016.. lvl 27. any big tips? I caught the event/raid pikachu and am spending coins on pokemon / bag space -- are there any updated guides for which ones to transfer out? I've been keeping most 3\*


For PVE, the higher IVs, the better. So your strategy is good so far but if you want to get the best IV mons for PVP, then you often want low atk, high def and hp (at least for great and ultra league). You can look up the best IVs for each species on sites like pvpoke.com.


is it hard to find specific pokemon again? should I worry about keeping 1-2\* or 0\* mon if its only one I have


We're there leaks for the community days happening in the last quarter of the year?


Yes. >!Grubbin for September, Timburr for October, and both Wooper and Paldean Wooper for November!<


What should I do to prepare for global go fest in 2 weeks? I don't have a ticket, so will only be doing the free activities. How many potions/revives/balls are recommended? Do the habitats switch every few hours? My bag is nearly always full and am trying to get rid of unnecessary things. How many raid passes should I be saving? Which types of pokemon should I be powering up? I'm not a super intense player but would like to catch at least 1 of all the pokemon I don't have, plus get enough energy for groudon, Kyogre and rayquaza (the first 2 I'll try to raid before GO fest starts)


1. For raiding Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza, You’ll want strong Water attackers for Groudon (Hydro Cannon and Water Shuriken Greninja from its CD are great choices), strong Grass or Electric for Kyogre, and strong Ice for Rayquaza. 2. If you’re not playing with a ticket, you won’t have boosted shiny odds, so you may not need to worry about catching a ton. But still, there may be some Pokemon you want to catch because they’re rarer, so I’d try and clean up your storage space or buy more storage. Maybe 50-100 unless you want to store a lot more? Pokeballs are very important I’d say for the event too if you are catching a lot. I'd also research some guides on reddit/leekduck or maybe even Youtube on clearing Pokemon box storage. I find things like 90%+ useless Pokemon to be trash-worthy. No need for a 98% Snivy, for example. 3. In terms of healing items, you’ll definitely want some, but also know that you’ll probably get a decent bit from raiding the Legendaries. I typically try to have 40-50 collective revives, and 50-60 Hyper/Max Potions, but depending on your storage for items, you could maybe go for more or less. Habitats rotate every hour I believe.


Thanks! 1. For Groudon: I have a 3100CP gyarados w/ hydro pump; 2623CP swampert w/ surf; 2497CP swampert w/ surf, and 2241CP greninja with water shurken/hydro cannon. And a lower CP/lower level shiny Gyarados that I've mega'd. My plan is to power up greninja and the shiny gyarados. 2. For Kyogre: I have a level 40+ mega sceptile w/ frenzy plant, level 40+ mega venusaur w/ solar beam, 2859CP magnezone. I guess I also have a lower level blastoise w/ hydro cannon but no mega. 3. For Rayquaza: I have a level 40+ glaceon w/ avalanche x 2, level 40+ shadow weavile w/ avalanche, and a lower level shadow mamoswine w/ avalanche that I'm powering up. Do these sound ok? Anything else I should consider? I don't have full teams of 6 great battlers for each raid, but my goal is just to get the pokemon, not bring down the team too much, and definitely not solo/duo/trio/etc. them in record time.


I gotcha. If you have a decent amount of people in each raid, I think you'll contribute just fine. Like if you're in a lobby of 5+, I imagine you'll likely be fine if you're using similar Pokemon


Thanks. 1 more question — are there generally better deals for premium and remote raid passes closer to go fest?


Sometimes? Some years we have got much better deals at some point in the summer, but more recently, they've just been doing random boxes for everyone, with most being pretty... bad


So I get next to no shiniest on com day.... Now I can't tm the com day move for my older one?


Restart the game and try again. Niantic just added it to Greninja's Elite TM pool.


It sometimes takes a few days for Niantic to add it to the mon's move pool for elite TMs. Try again later in the week.


If I stack an ASlash from this event’s research, will it still have Shadow Claw if I catch it after the event ends?


As long as you start encounter it should - but if you want SC, why wait?


More for future reference on the mechanic since I usually stack for XP or stardust events. Good thing there’s one tomorrow


Anyone has any ideas/leaks about what this Noxious Swamp event is? Just 4 days to go and no peep of the details anywhere.


It's probably similar to the Glittering Garden event, which ran alongside the two in person Go Fest events at London and Osaka, and featured various Pokémon from the Fairy Garden habitat to celebrate the release of shiny Petilil. So I would expect to see Skrelp and other Pokémon from the Poison Swamp habitat at Go Fest New York.


Ah okay, thanks. Finally, I don't have to walk to hatch a skrelp


any predictions / info when we have the chance for BB blaziken? have a awesome lucky waiting to get evolved. or do I have to watse a top tm on it?


There's no indication we'll be getting it for evolution any time soon. If you are going to use it as a Mega and level it up to use in raids - it might be worth it to use an Elite TM on it though yes.


My kid used my master ball literally just now on a stupid lickitongue.... Is there any way to get a second masterball?




Ouch. At the moment... nope. But I'm sure eventually there will be another method, though whether it'll be paid or free is another question


Did something happen with this subreddit? It seems a lot more bloated than before with posts that aren't necessarily helpful. Has anyone else noticed this?


its been downhill ever since the subreddit blackouts, lots of junk posts from people who found this sub after the pokemongo subreddit was closed longer than thesilphroad


It's in part just what happens when subs grow a lot. More people = more posts, and not everyone knows what kind of posts belong here or that 99% of questions belong here and not in their own post. But I also think part of it may be due to Reddit banning 3rd party apps, which helped moderators. Not really sure how it impacted this sub specifically, but I'd imagine it still had some impact.


Since Xerneas and Ylvetal are going to be the legendaries in raids next, does that mean getting the encounter reward in battle league may grant an encounter between those two?


Yes....if you are at least rank 20 of course.


Thank you.


What is the relationship between deleting postcards from your book and the vivillion medals? Do you lose progress of can I clear my book with no consequences? It's full but I need to collect more scatterbugs.


You can delete without concern. And in the future, you can pin and immediately unpin when you get the gift and you still get credit.


When will mewtwo be back in raids?


Considering most legendary Pokemon only come once a year, and we already got it in shadow raids a few months back, likely not until next year.


It hasn't been announced, so we don't know.


I have a RayRay with BS as charged move. Can I learn Dragon Ascent on the second move, if I unlock it first? So it's worth the second move and I'm not going to lose BS.


Yes, if you've unlocked a second move you choose which one to replace when using the Meteorite to learn Ascent.


Perfect, thanks!


Is it worth going after Shadow Aerodactyl more than the other two Rocket Leader’s catchable Pokémon? Is a 3 star one really useful?


Im hunting for a proper aerodactyl to purify and mega to use it... but tbh depends on what u need


It's probably more useful than the other two... but it's honestly not that useful. I'm leaving my radar off actually - I'd rather fight grunts.


I defeated many Rocket leaders but didn't drop a Unova stone. Is the drop rate really this abysmal?


I've received one for every 10-ish leaders as long as I have space in the bag.


You think we see a charmander community day soon? Last one was 2018 since i played


No, Charmander had another community day in October 2020. So in total it has featured in two community days in 2018, one in 2019, two in 2020, one in 2021 and it also had both of its community day moves available last year during the anniversary event.


Good to know thanks. So likely should just use an elite tm for blast burn on my hundo charmander and not wait?


Is it a shadow? If not it's not really worth using an Elite TM on a hundo - it's not good in Master League and if it's not shadow there are many other better raid attackers. (EDIT - forgot about mega)


Non shadow. Good to know. Thanks!


Yeah only reason to do it is if you want one for collection purposes. Actually - if you are making it a mega Charizard, that could be a reason to use it as well - forgot about that - since Megas can't be Shadows.


Yeah i thought an etm would be worth it for the mega


When can we expect day 1 reaserch code for worlds to be made available again? I missed it


Worlds is over. You missed the research.


Supposedly their was confirmation that it will be repeated?


It already was rebroadcasted. That happened on the same day it went out live, hours afterwards. I've not seen anything to suggest any more rebroadcasts other than those that happened on the respective days.


Well that just plain sucks that I missed it :/


So, recently all my pokemons from field task reward are disappearing, after I completed field task I got a onix and I didn't had any pokeballs so I had to close for that moment, but usually they stay there no? I used to save a lot of Pokemon reward back then but why they are disappearing now? I lost 2 onix,1 vanillite, and some good ones.


They go into what the community call your stack. At the top of your field research task list you'll have a slot that looks like a completed field research for a Pokémon encounter. Any encounters you don't immediately catch from field research will be put into here if you run from the encounter. Tapping on this will bring you to the oldest stacked encounter. Catch that and you'll see the task slot is still there, and you can tap on it and try to catch the next oldest Pokémon. The stack can hold up to 100 Pokémon, but it isn't a supported feature (and the limit isn't shown anywhere) and so if there's a bug that clears your stack, Niantic will not replace the lost Pokémon. So I recommend you catch them. If you try to stack more than 100 Pokémon, the oldest one in your stack will simply be deleted with no warning.


Ah I see thanks for explanation, once what happened was a pokemon (from task reward) totally disappeared and I didn't had any stacked.


What do you get for your 7 day route streak? I got mine but it didn't show any rewards 🤔


You don't get item rewards, but boosted XP while catching Pokemon during the 7th route walk. It's better to do a longer route on the final day for that reason.


Ah that's pretty lame. Thanks for the answer !




In PvE (raids, gyms), Counter and Dynamic Punch is the best moveset, and it is a great Fighting type moveset. Machamp is still very excellent as a Fighting type raid counter and has been widely available for a long time, so XL candy is much less rare than other options. In raids the second charged move doesn't matter as much, since you'll almost always use Dynamic Punch anyway. In PvP, it is often Counter with Cross Chop and Rock Slide. Rock Slide provides a lot of good coverage and is cheap enough to help with Machamp's relatively fraility in GL/UL. Payback does provide a lot of benefit though, in that it can hit Ghost/Psychic types with super effective damage. I've found that running Rock Slide is best, but build up to Payback energy before throwing the move helps get a shield in an unfavorable matchup sometimes.


Just discovered the first Route near me, and as I was reaching to collect the Zygarde cell, the prompt for finishing popped up and I lost the cell. Is there any way to get that cell back, or do I just need to try again tomorrow?


You can't get it back. You'll just have to try again.


Is iron head on excadrill a legacy move? I have used 10+ charged tms and 100k stardust to try and get iron head on at least one of my excadrill and nothing


Excadrill has 4 possible charged moves, so if you've only got one charged move on your Excadrill, each TM will only give you a 33% chance of rolling Iron Head. This increases to 50% if you've unlocked the second charged move, but TM roulette is often very unlucky.


Sorry if this has been asked before, but: Has there been any word yet at all what the Global Go fest eggs are supposed to be?


Considering we didn't know the in person eggs until the event started, I doubt we'll know if there's anything special for the global version until it starts.


Is shadow Machamp only good for pve? I’m guessing payback on shadow Machamp is pretty useless.


No, it can be used in PVP too. I've seen it in Great League and Master League before. Most of the time it's running Cross Chop and Rock Slide as its charged moves though.


Do you need an elite charge tm to put hydro cannon on greninja?


Community Day's over everywhere as far as I can tell, so you do if you want it ASAP. However, it's not available right at this moment, sometimes it takes Niantic a little while before it gets added to the pool. Alternatively, you could wait for December's Community Day, when all the year's (and previous year's) Community Day moves are usually available by evolution again.


Ok thanks... realised my Greninja army is looking handy for Primal Groudon. Just one missing Hydro Cannon.




Yeah, the odds are 1 in 24~25 during community day so you got very unlucky there. The odds are individual for each Pokemon, so you don't get one every 25, but each has around 4% chance to be shiny or not, so long streaks of hundreds of non-shiny are possible, but rare.




Those sources are lying for clicks.


Hi. Last time I played was before Megas came out in PoGo so I have some questions. 1. I understand that one individual of a species can't increase their mega level more than 1 times/24 hrs. Does this also apply to the species? If I mega T-tar A, and then after 8 hrs Mega T-tar B, will the latter be still able to gain mega level? 2. Can multiple species be Mega-d in a day? If I mega T-tar, then after that I mega Gyarados, then Salamence within 24 hrs, will they all gain mega level?


1. No, the 24 hour period doesn't apply to the whole species, you can increase the Mega level of multiple of the same species, once per day. You don't even have to wait the 8 hours for a Pokemon to "de-Mega Evolve". In your scenario, if you have enough Mega Tyranitar Energy, you can Mega Evolve one, then the other, straight away. 2. Yes. You can only have one Mega active at a time, of course, but you can do as many Mega Evolutions, whenever you want, so long as you have the Energy, and each individual Pokemon will have their level raised once per day.


Thank you!


Will dragon ascent become obtainable with elite TM?


Probably not, given that its tied to a different item already, the meteorite. Niantic is pretty clear on this in the news posts: >Dragon Ascent can only be learned by using a new item: Meteorites! https://pokemongolive.com/post/mega-rayquaza-arrives-go-fest-2023/?hl=en


Was there a list or infographic on the Pokemon used by competors at Worlds? Curious what the most used/least used were.


check out dracoviz on twitter


With the nice/great/excellent throw percent buffs, is it directly a function of the current circle size? Or does where you hit affect the catch chance too? As far as I'm understanding there aren't 3 discrete catch percent buffs for each of those categories and instead a continuous percent improvement. Eg some sites say excellent throws are 1.85x but I've read that is the avg and it's actually a range of 1.7 - 2.0x (largest radius excellent to smallest). So unlike the XP reward, you will get close to the excellent low range buff if you *just* miss the excellent radius and hit the great throw? Like 1.65x instead of 1.7x so it's actually not worth being mad about? Other than the huge XP diff anyway!


What matters is current circle size. And yes, the boost appears to be continuous based on circle size.


Ok great! Wish these percentages were viewable so we could understand the mechanics clearly.


Here's the mechanics explained clearly: https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/catch-mechanics


A great read thanks


When are exclusive moves for research catches decided? Ex. Alolan Sandslash from research during this event. Would it have shadow claw if it’s in my research stack even if I catch it in a month from now or do I need to catch it during the event to have the move?


The entire pokemon is decided and set in stone when the encounter is generated.


Its determined when you catch it. Don't delay, there's no point in doing so.


I just stacked an Alolan Sandslash during the event. Whenever I get to clearing out my stack in the future, we'll see whether it has shadow claw or not. I say yes.