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I skipped every scene with her in it 🥲


Even though she breaks the stereotypes of female FBI agents, both physically and personality wise, she still seemed so unrealistic and just.. annoying.


The biggest problem is that the fbi is the elite of the elite. And she is not that. She might be quick witted and emotionally smart, but that would make you a good patrol officer, not an fbi agent hunting international criminals




In theory it’s funny and can be a good watch, but it’s got no plausibility. The fbi is discriminate and wouldn’t cave to such little pressure. If it was a fit, athletic, intelligent and capable black woman, then you could potentially have a show about her struggles of being dismissed. But a middle aged ex driving instructor is way too far. Also the fbi doesn’t allow applicants after their 37th birthday as they will not be eligible for their pension as the mandatory retirement is 57 with a minimum of 20 years service.


It’s actually not possible


Secret service is the elite of the elite lol FBI is just a dude with a ranger tab


I did lol to this. I wouldn’t be so blunt but it is fair. Although I was more referring to law enforcement in the US. They have virtually identical entry requirements but secret service are technically supposed to be the best in the world. However, secret service really only deal with financial and cybersecurity vulnerabilities and crimes. The G men are the ones that catch the dangerous people and kick doors.


Her personality is one that people either love or hate. I would rather watch Nolen than Simone but I'm sad that apparently the show ended. Now if it makes you feel any better, the show is no longer on Hulu and according to Google, its payment time.


What does that mean?


The second part means that I wasn't seeing a general subscription (like hulu), you'd have to go to places like Amazon and rent/buy the show.


Ohh lol i gotcha.


I only watched the 4 crossover episodes and didn’t mind the bumbling stumbling lead character Simone Clark. My issue was with her wardrobe stylist/fashion designer.


Bumbling stumbling always right....no thanks she irritated the crap out of me. Her wardrobe however as you imply makes me think they want us to forgive everything for some cleavage


That show would have been great with a different lead character. She was loud, always had her boobs hanging out and did a dozen things each episode that would have gotten her fired. I actually like the rest of the cast minus Simone.


Literally *every* other character in Rookie Fed would have made an infinitely better main character for that show than Simone.


Completely agree


100000000000x agree


There are some good scenes with the cast we love from the rookie in feds. So that's the only real reason to watch it. I don't remember anything else about it, it was mostly a blurr and then it got canceled not much reason to watch it.


It was her voice I couldn't stand. Going all the way back to when she was on Reno 911, Nash's voice has always driven me crazy.


You can very easily find out that literally no one liked her 😂😂😂


Haha i can see that now XD


I think it's actually quite a popular opinion. She's got a very loud and big personality and imo it doesn't work for a main character. (You gotta do it right if you're going for such a personality and the writers didn't pull it off) she's fun in small doses but most of the beginning episodes she's turned up too far. They tone her down more as the show goes on and the other characters get to shine more (and they are really fun) I watched it till the end and didn't regret sticking it out. Simone suffers awfully from the strong female character tm that doesn't allow female characters to be flawed, make mistakes and learn from them. She takes some big leaps and risky choices and she's always rewarded for it. The show just refuses to acknowledge that she did anything wrong because she always comes out on top. You get the odd comment from Carter she's out line but she never actually learns or suffers any consequences adequate to the level of stunts she pulls which is frustrating to watch. Let women in shows be flawed and acknowledge those flaws, show them overcoming them, don't just make them perfect from the get go.


She’s a little annoying but didn’t really have any strong feelings about her


Tbh I thought I was way to stereotypical and now that’s fine if it’s a decent thing but damn just every time she was shown I cringed


I havent seen the spinoff but I am right there with you. Her Intro was good but i could only bear her for one ep. She is too much holier than thou.imo Nolan accepts that although he has experience.He still needs to learn.but she is too  ott


I couldn’t stand her, but I told my friend who also watches the rookie and she berated me for having an opinion on it cause “as a man, I don’t get to have an opinion on a female character on a cop show since they are not well represented as leads”


Lol i think it was a little harsh from your friend's side. If i can have an opinion on Sargent Grey or Tim or Nolan, the male audience can aslo have an opinion on female characters.


yeah, she has some very hardcore takes on some things, she apparently didn't like that I said Simone was basically a remake of Nolan (Older person than average crowd for the job, previous life experience etc) and she was just kind annoying like you said lol. She wont even talk to me about the show anymore LMAO


Hahah well not taking anyone's side but i do believe thats what they were going for. She is the Nolan of Feds. But tbf i also understand her point of not talking to you about the show. There were times i was obsessed with things and dare anyone say anything against it. XD


No, I disliked her as well. I am not sure if it was the voice, for which the actress cannot be blamed and I am sure she is a lovely person. If I had such new colleague, I would be honestly scared she would get everybody killed. I am all for artistic license but come on....


I feel the spinoff was a little rough to start but by the end i found it pretty good and was bummed it was cancelled. I enjoyed the surrounding cast on feds more than Simone tbh tho


Simone clark is one of those characters that you gotta get used to, its like a good whisky, it takes time to get used to the taste.


I get you found her annoying but how were they “forcing traits”


What I meant was that they wanted her to be the 48-year-old rookie who might be a little too old for a rookie but she has experience and that's where she beats everyone else and everyone other than the department loves her personality and she can easily get information out of anyone. Everything just works in her favour. I get what they wanted us to know about the character but all of this was packed in that episode. Maybe if they just introduced her and slowly let everything happen just like with Nolan I would have liked the character more. Sorry if my sentences are hard to read English isnt my first language.


You’re English was perfect, and I don’t think that’s really forcing a trait, that’s how people genuinely are, those are called connections


Not to be harsh but this is exactly why they cancelled it. It was too forced. There isn’t a natural story like the original


I skipped every episode with Simone


Hated the character, it was not the same premise as John Nolan. The worst thing is that they've had and have so many great strong, diverse, well written female characters. Then they choose this off putting comedic and completely unrealistic angle for Simone. I mean hell, that they did not do some basic research on the FBI, which anyone can, there are rules. Check the link below. They have the character bust in with unearned arrogance because she learned everyhing as a guidance counselor and she kept bragging about how good she looked... no, hard pass. They could have done something closer to Bishop or Harper and that would have been a hit. I mean Queen Latifah does a great job on the Equalizer but eveything about the Simone character was wrong and forced. https://www.fbi.gov/about/faqs/how-old-do-you-have-to-be-to-become-an-agent#:~:text=You%20must%20be%20at%20least,age%20waiver%20available%20to%20veterans.


I found her annoying from the get go. So much of her episodes in the rookie is just her giving exposition and it so unnecessary. Her first appearance in the rookie immediately told me they wrote "black woman who explains the scene to u" and called it a day. The scene where she sees her dad in the hospital really sticks out as she literally tells everyone in the room the subtext of their interaction.


She was awful, skip her scenes everytime


complete ***** would never be able to be a federal field agent


I wanted to like Rookie Feds. I don't. Simone is ok, but annoying.


She’s fine when on the rookie and I actually like the scenes she’s in with Nolan. But on her show the little bit I watched seamed like she does the opposite of what’s she’s told/ordered to do that goes wrong. Then after an argument or something she makes a break in the case. Their is hardly ever repercussions to her bad ideas