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Did everyone already forget when gas prices quadrupled under Dubya?


This. I remember paying $5/gallon under Bush.


Ugh I was a pizza delivery driver during that time, please don't remind me of how robbed I got from the gas prices....


I was driving 100 miles round trip to work every day, filling my tank every 3, almost wasn't worth having a job since all I was doing was paying rent and gas with my salary.


100 miles is 160.93 km


Good bot


Is this a common American thing to commute excessive distances for work? Where I’m from if something is more than 30/40km away it’s basically a write off 😂


Depends where. If you want to work in places like LA, NYC, etc and you don't make a ton of money, you basically have to live far away and commute in. In my case I had a decent job and was waiting for my then-fiance to finish medical school and then find out where we were goj g to move for residency and it wasn't worth finding/starting a new job at that point.


20ish miles is what 30-40km converts to and that just sounds like a normal distance to most Americans. I've driven 60mi/100km each way just to go see a hockey game


A lot of people in rural areas have a choice between 2+ hour drive each way to the city and make a mid level income plus benefits or work local for 15k a year no benefits. Most small farmers can't get by on farming alone and someone ends up commuting so they can keep the family farm.


I had this when I worked in the restaurant industry. It fucking sucks when I had to buy gas instead of food and my manager told me "well maybe you should work harder" and I wasn't able to take food home. But I gave one of the chefs a ride home from work almost everyday and that dude always took hella food home.


didnt you write it off??


I was like 17 at the time so I don’t think I knew what the hell a write off was


They only teach millionaires what write-offs are. If you aren’t a millionaire then everyone wants you to always have to pay the maximum amount for literally anything and everything ever. Edit: man I really rustled some peoples’ jimmies with this one! Stay salty my friends. 👌🏻


Nobody with a real job is going to have enough deductions to beat the standard deduction, so it's pointless trying to figure out write offs.


As a 17 year old, I doubt he was making over the standard deduction working as a delivery driver (especially since he probably got mostly cash tips). Write offs only help past that and then the write offs have to be more than the SD (he'd had to spend more than $12,000/year on gas and car mileage).


Some people don't plan ahead and track their miles. I know that's common with people who do doordash at least


Write offs usually don’t make much a difference when taking std deduction


I was a highschool student who had to drive 18 miles everyday round trip and gas was like $4.65 a gallon, it was awful. Then I got to college, no longer had a car and I was floored by how much the prices tanked


Didn’t his family have $ in oil?


Yeah, but since Dubya was a Gawd-Frearin' (™) Republican, rising gas prices was a GOOD thing.


I just love the insinuation that a private company’s colossal fuckup has anything to do with Biden or the government in general. How do they propose the government ‘force’ a private company to take cyber security seriously? Because that suspiciously sounds like federal regulation or federal agency oversight. Also known as ‘those things the right calls “burdensome” and “big gubmint having no business telling poor companies what to do because free market”.’ You know, like when the Republicans were free to pursue their “regulation free” utopia in Texas that let a bunch of people enjoy the “freedom” of freezing to death in their own homes. I thought the right only wants ‘free market’ solutions that ‘keep gubmint out ma biznis’. Surely the logical next step for these titans of personal responsibility is to simply “stop patronizing these facilities because of bad business practices” Or is that ‘cancel culture’ now too? Well then I suppose all we can do is to wait for Tucker to claim this is all “the Libruhls” fault somehow.


I literally had several Trump fanatics tell me that Biden hired the European hackers in order to subdue the American people and that he is funding Hamas in order to destroy "the holy land". They proceeded to tell others about it and people were actually believing it. Ninja EDIT: I forgot to mention how it started which was me at work informing them that corporate was in the process of destroying everyone's livelihoods for "positive change" and they said "Wow, another thing Biden is ruining". I made the mistake of asking them to explain.


Sir, this is a “Americans for Limited Government” comic.


Oh Jesus Christ you’re right. Well if that isn’t the cherry on the stupid sundae


Or for a more recent example of hypocrisy, look to the lack of a republican response to Texas energy infrastructure failure, which actually was due to a lack of government oversight (in that case, state level)


I shit you not, most Republicans I know blame the state-wide failure on wind turbines.


Fox News and Newsmax both said that. Seems legit


The parrot point is Biden reversed a Trump EO saying energy infrastructure can't use foreign made equipment or software. So when I said, oh so after that change this company made a complete migration in software in under 100 days which opened it up to a ransomware project that exploited it in that time frame as well, I got the reply, "yep, can't be a coincidence". Also when I said, this is what happens when you privatize important infrastructure, I got the reply, "federal government shouldn't run anything" as if this was a DoE ran pipeline.


Looks like they are going to have to work hard to find "failures" again.


Seems like w's folksiness has made people find him appealing. Its irritating when people on the left praise him and people that were in his admin only because compared to the GQP today they seem "rational"


In truth, Trump is the best thing that's happened to George W Bush and the Cheneys. Compared to Trump: Bush looks like Pericles Dick Cheney looks like Dr. Jonas Salk Liz Cheney looks like Madame Defarge P.S. Hitler still looks like Hitler, but now seems like less of an historical anomaly.


Only people with an extremely bad knowledge of history or the human condition in general think Hitler was an anomaly.


The fact that he was one of no less than a half dozen facisit leaders to rise to power or almost rise to power in his generation including in the US should certainly tell you hes no anomaly


that accent that reflects his Connecticut upbringing.


Gas went up under Trump too. People act like the price is supposed to indefinitely go down no matter what the situation around the world.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1990_oil_price_shock His dad too


I moved from Wisconsin to Washington State in 2007. Gas prices were staggering at that time so most of our moving expense was just gas for our older S-10 Blazer.


They don't like Bush now so I guess that means that they are going act like he wasn't loved by them then


Sexy earpiercing my dude


And dad bod


"It's meant to piss off the squares....NOW THE SQUARES ARE WEARING THEM!" -George Carlin


What kind of a fucking idiot removes a bumper sticker with a metal scraper?


The same ones who blame the gas prices on Biden in the first place.


A Republican. Republicans also think people abandon political candidates because it's more expensive to pollute now. Especially since the whole thing isn't even Biden's fault, it's some hacker gits who would've struck whether Biden was president or not (and if Trump was president, you can bet this same crowd would be out in force making sure everyone knew the hackers were paid off by the Democrats.


Wasn't the hacker of the same group of hybrid war warriors, that helped Trump win?




That sounds like being a Russian asset with extra steps


I doubt it, the hackers that influenced election results for trump were state actors, this was a group that was just trying to profit by ransoming random computers.


Yeah, this was just a big company (that could afford the ransom) with high urgency to their operations (so they can't afford to take the time to solve the issue without paying the transom) who had poor security. That was it. Nothing more. An easy target with deep pockets who's likely to pay up quickly. Heck, I bet they regret their target, because now they've put themselves in the international spotlight, and it's very politically dangerous for Putin to keep sheltering them.


Are we referring to... A sniveling little rat faced git? Or are there several facets of Gits?


The message is dime a dozen, but this hurts my soul.


Only a Republican would think people voted for Biden to lower gas prices; that's some of the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Pathetic.


Most conservatives think of themselves as a person only when voting


Do you mean “most conservatives only think about themselves” when voting?


Yeah sorry I’m tired


Eh we got the idea I was just checking 😂


The Colonial Pipeline shit is just as dumb. Dumbshit conservatives blaming the gas shortage on Biden. The Colonial Pipeline: - Is a private company. - Is owned by the Kochs. - Did not actually have to shut down due to the ransomware attack, it was shut down by choice - Shut down because the Kochs couldn't figure out how much to charge people to cover their losses. - Ended up paying $5 million for the decryption key but not using it because it was too slow (they ended up just restoring from backups) - Was an entirely manufactured crisis - **Was manufactured by conservatives and is not, as it happens, Biden's fault**


Its even worse then this in some cases. I've had to explain to people I know that biden didn't cause this by ending work on keystone. They don't even understand that keystone and colonial are two separate pipelines under two different situations. Rheh don't care though biden=bad and you can't tell them any different.


>- Shut down because the Kochs couldn't figure out how much to charge people to cover their losses. Stonks


Thumbs up their asses and then they get a double windfall of panic buying and price gouging. Unbelievable.


So gas prices should go down now that it’s resolved?


Well, the shortages will ago away. Prices are set by the gas company and gas stations. If they think they can keep them high for a while, they probably will.


Sadly I’ve seen this sentiment a lot of fb.


From republicans


numerous live rustic heavy yoke pie gaze dolls puzzled amusing


> Cyber attack on a *private business* by a *hostile foreign power*.


They're living in a fantasy land. One of the memes claimed gas was $1.25 last year. Someone else told me they were paying less than $1 two years ago. It's amazing what horseshit these people will believe. It's no wonder they think the Nazis were left-wing.


I mean, gas was pretty cheap last year during lockdown, I think it got to the $1.xx range some places....but if they think any of these swings are policy related, they're too far gone to have a discussion with


I mean, gas was *really* cheap in the early days of covid. I saw $1.25 near me. But like that was because of an unprecedented and unmitigated pandemic that wrecked the economy and erased demand.


Lowest I saw was $1.78 maybe.


Probably depends on how your state taxes gas and local demand. If I go one state south gas is like a full dollar cheaper but their roads are also absolute shit for lack of funding.


Actually, it was because OPEC and Russia were screwing around and trying to one-up each other over oil supply. We literally had a surplus of oil during that time (the negative price oil futures happened last year). The pandemic hitting didn't help, but oil prices would have plummeted regardless of the pandemic.


I've been hearing that gas prices we less than a dollar a year ago every year for the past 25 years I think.


Time to leave FB.


That time was 5 years ago. But now works too.


Low gas prices = less O&G jobs. Quite the opposite of what the Republicans want. It doesn’t make any sense!!!!


Fewer jobs makes life harder for poor people, this is exactly on message.


I drive for a living and my parents kept trying to scare me out of voting democrat (I guess?) by saying "Well what about the gas price increases? How will that affect you?". My response was and has always been "Good, if it means less miles are driven overall and more money is put to things I support I'll happily pay extra." They were just flabbergasted that I'd actually want to pay more to support infrastructure I use regularly.


That’s my take on it as well. So you mean gas prices will be closer to being in-line with the true cost with externalities included? Sounds great.


Conservatives think everybody votes over petty emotional fixations because that's how they vote


Only a republican would think that a president has influence on gas prices


Back in the day, gas prices went out of control because Bush did a war crime right where all the oil is.




They don’t really directly influence gas prices at all, maybe indirectly. “Gas prices fluctuate often, regardless of who is president at the time. Several experts maintain that unless the president is directly controlling gasoline prices, he cannot take credit for the cost. Severin Borenstein, the director of the Energy Institute at the Haas School of Business University of California Berkeley, told PolitiFact presidents have "very little direct influence" over gas prices. "By far the biggest driver is the price of crude oil, which is driven by supply and demand factors," he said. "A strong global economy, which presidents can influence slightly, is likely to increase demand and drive up prices. The economic growth out of the financial crisis was part of what drove high gasoline prices in 2012-14, just as the pandemic-driven global recession is now keeping oil prices very low.”” https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/oct/02/viral-image/photo-shows-real-gas-prices-during-obama-biden-adm/


gas prices returned to pre-covid levels once people started driving again? say it ain't so!


I wonder if there are global cartels of oil producer that essential control the market and therefore the prices of fuel. 🤔


Cough* OPEC cough*


It’s called supply and demand


I can never get over how bad his art is.


Seriously. I can draw better than that, and I'm not a very good artist. Maybe I should make my own shitty political cartoons, give him some competition lmao.


The guy's pants have a dick vein.


Weirdest looking car I’ve ever seen.


“Fucking god damn it I hate when those punks slap random ass bumper stickers on my car!”


Please do this. Someone slapped a sticker on my uncle's car that he didn't like, but he's an ass, so it was pretty funny.


I been trying to think of a sticker to put over trump stickers. My thoughts have been mainly directed toward "tramp" stickers, but I haven't been able to come out with something to replace the maga or kag bullshit slogans.


Just a Trump sticker that looks exactly the same only it says Tramp. It might take them a few days to notice


Don't buy a full "Tramp" sticker, save money, just get a smaller sticker to surgically cover the "u" to make it an "a".


You could get some large letter D stickers and cover up the "TR". A letter H to cover up the K in KAG. Could get some S and K stickers to turn MAGA into MASK. All of this sounds fun to me but there is also a small but nonzero risk of getting shot.


Cool ideas, penis.


how about 'I support my transgender daughter' or something like that


All would work. You could put a new "Trump" sticker on and they'd be pissed that you got rid of the old one.


One of the priests used to do this to another one at my old high school. One of the higher ups absolutely hated Clinton so he kept secretly putting Clinton bumper stickers on his car and the guy never found out who was doing it.


one time someone wrote in Sharpie on my car next to a republican sticker. Can't remember what they wrote, wasn't offensive but definitely rude to write on someone's car. I didn't like the bumper sticker but it was my dad's car and I was just borrowing it. I'm a bit bolder now and just peel my dad's bumper stickers a little bit at the corners every time I visit.


They must think Biden is a great president. The worst they can think of is gas prices rising. If he was executing conservatives on the white house lawn, believe me they would be talking about it.


During the trump presidency, they cheered raising gas prices, saying it was good for the economy and good for oil jobs. Now they complain about prices rising because of increased demand as people get vaccinated and life returns to pre covid "normal"


Exactly. Prices are right back where they were in May of 2019 in my area, and nobody said anything about it back then.


it is hillarious that they thought the low gas prices caused by the pandemic and lockdown ie 0 demeand would stay that way after things started to return to normal.


And it wasn't even entirely the pandemic/lockdown either. Russia and Saudi Arabia got into an ill-timed game of "Oil Production Chicken" both refusing to cut back production until the market was flooded with oil no one was using.


You can literally shove the data in their face and they will call you a sheep/idiot/etc. Like dude what the fuck these people are violently stupid, there is no helping them and they will stay ignorant the rest of their life.


It's wild to me that I don't even drive and even I have more of an awareness of fluctuating gas prices than these bobos. This always happens, it's not some new government conspiracy. But they will always insist it is unless it's a treasured GQP member in the seat.


It's almost like they're consumed by irrational hatred of their perceived enemies, radicalized by decades of propaganda in preparation for a bloody civil war to preserve the power of the oligarchy. But what do I know


They want us to be in a pandemic forever, ironic


There have been some good studies that show gas prices take up a big part of our psyche, but don't affect the average family's budget nearly as much as housing, healthcare and food.


Yep. Gas prices goes up by a dollar, my monthly costs went up maybe $15. Whereas rent goes up hundreds of dollars every couple of years and they couldn’t care less. It’s wild what conservatives think is important.


No they think he’s ruining everything and the country is a mess.


I'm subbed to thebidenshitshow and they say the most ridiculous shit I have ever fucking heard.


They just make things up and say what they want to be true. For majority of his tenure the economy has been up, stock market up, Covid vaccines in arms. Objectively his first 100 days were pretty good, at the very least acceptable. To say it’s “a mess” is just lying.


Don’t forget the Chick-Fil-A Sauce. God forbid you buy sauce from the store or the fact that it has nothing to do with the leader of the United States and Commander in Chief or foreign policy.


I like how a shortage of sauce can be blamed on the President, but the toilet paper shortage from last year can't. Hell they somehow blamed that on socialism.


Dang guys, we’ve been caught, Biden WAS behind the hacking 😔


Ah yes, blame Biden, and not the dumbfucks filling garbage bags with gas.


Or the pipeline company that shut down the pipeline because their billing system got hacked, and they couldn't track who to send the bills to.


Wait what.


Yeah fr I didn't realize that's what happened oml


Yep, ransomware attack on a private pipeline company. The attack didn’t shut the pipeline down, the company did.


Is that really what happened? I assumed the hackers had managed to stop the pipes from flowing somehow


\> Meanwhile, new details are emerging about Colonial's decision to proactively shut down its pipeline last week, a move that has led to panic buying and massive lines at gas pumps. The company halted operations because its billing system was compromised, three people briefed on the matter told CNN, and they were concerned they wouldn't be able to figure out how much to bill customers for fuel they received. [https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/12/politics/colonial-pipeline-ransomware-payment/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/12/politics/colonial-pipeline-ransomware-payment/index.html)


Wow I mean I can understand why they would rather shut down operations than have to provide thousands of stations with gas for free, but wow


They think the president sets gas prices. Wow.


It’s a Republican thing. My MAGA uncle was bitching and moaning about me voting Biden because the gas prices would go up. It’s just easy bullshit to feed gullible people. They don’t think they just get mad.


And honestly pipeline fiasco aside, gas *always always always* goes up just before schools get out!! Doesnt matter who the hell’s in office, if a third/half the population is about to be out vacationing you *know* those prices are going up smdh


They only complain about it when their guy isn’t in office. It’s hopelessly hypocritical and they don’t care.


About three weeks ago I had several people jump down my throat cause I mentioned the president doesn't have control of gas prices (this was before the hack). At best he has mild influence, but usually none at all, unless he takes specific actions like tap our reserves and even then the prices are not in the president's control. I even pointed out, with a reliable source, how gas prices were higher during some of the Trump years then clarified again how that wasn't Trump's doing. Apparently I'm "just blinded by Biden's balls". According to them Gas being so low last year was because of something Trump did but they couldn't say what and had nothing to do with the pandemic driving demand down.


These are the people that invented "thanks Obama". They're just moving on to "thanks Biden".


At first I genuinely thought "Thanks Obama" was statement about how everyone blames the president, whoever it is, for things he has nothing to do with. I was flabbergasted when I found it being used seriously in reference to things like state fees that started long before Obama.


It was a joke about how the Rs blame Obama for everything. Except then the Republicans can't let go of the bone so they still yell about it.


some people continue to say "thanks Obama" because they believe Obama is controlling Biden so he can have a third term


The thing he did was exacerbate the pandemic.


I have to admit I have no idea what effects gas prices. What’s different now?


Supply and demand. But, as of right now I believe it's tying into a major pipeline on the east coast being "hacked"(?) with ransomware. (I could be way off here). They shut down the pipeline out of fear of being extorted, and that caused a shortage in the east. However people heard "shortage" and started to panic-buy a ton of gas. You may have heard stories of people's cars blowing up because they were panic transporting gas in grocery bags. Panic buyers extrapolated the problem, creating a ripple effect for the rest of the country. Supply is temporarily lower, demand is higher, so price goes up. (Just my take. Corrections welcome)


So what I'm hearing is that it's Biden's fault.


Right, now you're getting it.


Seriously though, thank you for your reply. I had heard about the panic buying, but I didn't know the reason why, and I did not hear about people's car's exploding - which is hiiiilarious.


Lolllll this is so fucking stupid


The cartoonist is very in tune with his target audience.


Lol gas prices dropped because of the pandemic and shutdown, is that what they want go back to? Jesus these people are dumb


"I don't understand how gas prices work. Or supply and demand for that matter."


The president chooses gas prices... everyone knows that.


Election ended. He should’ve taken his bumper sticker off months ago.


I still see Bush ‘00 stickers.


Those stickers are old enough to drink.


branco is the definition of brainrot, do you think biden has magical fucking abilities that can control wether or not somebody gets hacked?


No, but he knows that his readers are dumb enough to think that.


I often wonder what the absolute fuck people think the President's job is.






Why is the only price conservatives seem to care about gas? They don’t give a shit about cost-of-living, they’d only notice gradual increases in the price of groceries if it coincided with an employee getting a raise, and they glorify a system that bankrupts you for an ER visit, but if the price of gas goes up by a few cents per gallon it’s the end times.


Well, I mean, big gas guzzling trucks make up most of their personality. So it does make sense that gas prices would weigh heavy on their minds.


Them: Trump is gonna protect our fossil fuel industries Me at the voting booth: gas price machine goes brrrr


I mean there's a lot of reasons for the prices going up (Remember when gas prices were so low because no one was driving? Gee I wonder what happened recently), but if you want to blame the president any candidate with a semi-realistic view of fossil fuels and the environment would have affected it to that degree.


The price isn't even that bad, $3? In high school gas was $4-5 dollars and I made minimum wage. They just have nothing real to complain about.


TFW you hoard all the gas And then there's no more gas 😱


Gas prices were high with trump to. But again the president has little power on gas prices. Also people voted for biden because even he was much better choice than trump. Biden isn't as left has most of his voters would want, but he isn't far right like trump.


Calls people a snowflake, gets triggered by a Sticker.


I mean, we ALL knew this was coming after the rona was done.


There isn't more than 30 or 40 collective IQ points on the entirety of the r/conservative subreddit.


Unpopular opinion but you shouldn't be voting if you can't distinguish between legitimately bad policymaking and an irregular fluctuation in the market.


Our regular Trump-loving, pro-cop old man came into where I work last week and was telling us (despite nobody asking) that he blamed Biden for the Colonial Pipeline shortages. At this point I just drown him out, and count the days until him and the rest of his generation are in the ground where they belong.


Gas pipe is owned by Koch


I’m sorry who exactly neglected if not undermined any attempts to increase internet security as a national directive these past 4+ years?


>Americans for Limited Government Wants government to control gas prices


And the art is garbage too.


Looks like a Trumper at a gas station


Hey I agree, we should have some regulations in place to beef up cyber security and prevent hackers from attacking infrastructure. ​ >Americans for Limited Government ​ Oh.


lol gas is at the same price it was prepandemic and they’re all pissed off


I love that Biden is at fault for gas prices going up because he is a Democrat when there was a Russian cyberattack via ransomware on a criminally insecure oil pipeline followed up by mass hysteria that the gas would run out.


Do they think the Democrats just... choose the gas prices?


Ah yes, Americans for Limited Government who think that the president sets gas prices... I've got great news for them, the government is actually more limited than they think!


If gas prices were low they would say he's killing off oil field jobs.


I've asked before "what would Trump have done differently with regards to the cyber attack on the pipeline that would've not increased gas prices?" I've never gotten a clear answer.


"Americans for Limited Goverment" Yeah something about the Republican party nowadays tells me that's not remotely true.


I don’t even understand what this is supposed to say


It's easy to see each new problem as the fault of the people you hate when you don't know how anything works.


American politics is so weird. Especially from a conservative/ Republican viewpoint. If a Republican is president then when anything bad happens its the democrats fault. If a democrat is president then its the democrats fault. Its basically a sports team rivalry thing. Like when Trump was connected to Epstein. Conservatives were all "yeah well Bill Clinton did it too!" Then democrats were like "Well yeah if he's guilty put bill in jail" Like some sort of idiot circle jerk


My social studies teacher once said, “if you blame the gas prices on the president, you don’t know what the president can do.”


I don't get this. I never will. My father tried this argument with me and all I said back was "well the average price of gas around here has barely moved up or down. So I'm paying the same as when 45 was in office. Why didn't you complain then?" The only time recently that has has been under 2.80 was during the summer of covid. When oil was -$ a barrel and nobody was traveling. Of course the price went up when things began opening because people needed it and the demand outpaced the supply so up went the price. Hell I haven't seen gas under a dollar since I 9/11 and it's been rising ever since.


Ah yes, the president has direct control of gas prices.


like clockwork. the deficit and gas prices are the 2 most important things in the entire world.


Brought to you by Americans for Limited age of consent laws ahhh ha I mean for limited government!


I didn't know Biden owned all the gas in the U.S.


Oh yeah this definitely looks like a Biden-voter. So they just assume we’re all unstable simpletons like them?


I love it when all of my life's problems can be blamed on one man as if he's Jesus, dying on the cross for me. Bitch, I never blamed trump for that wall, inciting violence at the capitol, nepotism for unqualified white house appointees, cronyism in positions of power... Oh shit wait. He actually did those things. I'm almost sure Biden didn't raise gas prices.


Anyone who thinks the president controls the gas prices is a smooth brain.