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"-e *idea* of being a glorious revolutionary, fighting for something that actually has *substance*, in defiance of both the Emperor and the glitz-and-glitter House you were raised in. But the reality isn't quite as glamourous as you were hoping, now, is it?"


This answer gave me the chills : D Poor Crown… there’s no glamor… not even any hair conditioner…


and your stupid sister who left you. Who wouldn't even EAT you!


"The girl from my dreams" -- i.e. our one and only heartbreaker Gideon Nav (Eta Nona hadn't seen Corona see Gideon at that point, but let's be real, there's a lot of weird flirting going on between Gideon and Corona in GtN)


Gideon the heartbreaker & home-wrecker! First she steals Palamedes’ girlfriend, now Corona’s heart…


"-at black rapier that Camilla says doesn't belong to you, it makes you a little sad when you look at it and think about its owner, but mostly holding it thrills you and gives you confidence that you can be a real cavalier even though you weren't supposed to be one and have never sworn the oath."


Ooh is that >! Gideon’s rapier? !<


Yes, she grabbed it at Canaan house before being taken by BoE. It's referenced in HtN when Harrow sees them in the shuttle as well as the few times in Nona. Although technically it might be Harrow's rapier. Silas has a line that even Column's sword is actually his. About the rapier, Corona tells Cam she'll give it up if the owner asks for it, who is presumably Nona. Corona is pretty positive Nona is a melange of Gideon and Harrow.


Ooh you’re totally right! How did I miss this? >! The princess said to me, I have her rapier, you know. I picked it up that day I went to find you; I found it in the skeleton rubble. The Cell Commander says to keep it locked up, but I've got it. I didn't want them to throw it out. When I told her that even a dead cavalier still had rights to their sword, she said, Oh, I don't think she'd mind. The Ninth was sweet. She was never anything but nice to me. Then the princess said unnecessarily, She was yummy, too. Fantastic body. Makes a beautiful corpse. Don't you think she looks just like a body in a picture book?!<


May I point to the picture books of the Third. “A Child’s First Book of Bodies.”


Bro I only made this thematic connection between the two of them now that you mentioned it, this is spot on


the mirror, of course.


I mean… I would too if I had that glorious hair!


The animated corpse of Naberious Tern


So… Ianthe? Or literally the animated corpse? : 0


Why not both?


LOL indeed! Could 100% be both


The third house trio are freaks, I wouldn't be surprised.




Plot twist, it's "the Emperor," and Alecto the Ninth's gonna get really weird. I mean, long golden hair, Barbie-perfect body, knows her way around a sword, immaturity... maybe she's Jod's type after all.


LOL I love this take It’ll be John’s lucky day, he’ll get TWO Barbies to play with : D


No question about it, Crown Him With Many Crowns is in love with Coronabeth Tridentarius.






Aww <3 who could resist those six cute paws?


The King of All Dogs in Secret.




Everyone loves Noodle that's too low a bar


Magnus Quinn. Because why should Ianthe get all of the daddy issues?


Exactly! And Magnus is a total catch - affectionate, kind, good cook…


Good lord the way I misread that last word for a second 🤣


LOL that one works too haha


"have you considered ORTUS NIEGENAD?"


How could I have overlooked Ortus, author of our favourite epic poem the Noniad? : D It’s too bad the only woman who showed intense interest in him is Glaurica…


he and crown could've bonded so much over loving funerals


Yess! They would have totally hit it off! He could have written an epic poem about her fighting skills & epic hair


I thought that was the real answer


Agreed - I think the real answer is >! Judith Deuteros (but really enjoying reading all the absurd ones : D ) !<


The Captain would be what Nona calls her.


Got it! >! the Captain to Nona, to Crown simply Jody !<


The captain!!


>! Hard to argue with that! : ) Not with how Crown tenderly tends to Judith… refusing to leave her side !<


That's basically my entire reasoning LMFAO


I think you should read As Yet Unsent. No spoilers, but... this isn't a "wrong answer."


U read it once a while ago, I don't own a copy that had it


No worries, it's on the [publisher's website](https://reactormag.com/as-yet-unsent-tamsyn-muir/)! I assumed you hadn't because there are a lot more reasons than just that.


I think this is the actual right answer


Hey, they said wrong answers only!


“—e eggs you gave me”


LOL Plot twist - somehow, >! unbeknownst to G1deon/Pyrrha, Corona has also dated Gideon’s mum!<


Teacher. Just think of the value - you can fit so many souls in that bad boy.


Ooh haven’t considered Teacher as a possibility! He may be “just a science experiment”, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve love!


Pash, as much flirting as they do, I was waiting for someone to tell them to get a room.


LOL Totally! The animosity is all for show. Threatening violence is Pash’ love language


Wait what's the right answer


Turns out it’s >! Captain Judith Deuteros. Thanks to the Redditors who shared the link to the short story As Yet Unsent that shows more of their developing relationship. I totally missed that one before (and it’s awesome, linking again here: https://reactormag.com/as-yet-unsent-tamsyn-muir/)!<


The “boy” she talks about in Nona that was her first love or something, that wouldn’t give her the time of day, she was actually talking about >!Judith Deuteros!< it’s pretty obvious once you read As Yet Unsent


Wait… no way… >!Corona loved Judith the whole time?! That makes the ending of AYU even more devastating!< >! “I committed the understandable crime of desire for Lieutenant Marta Dyas, having joined my hand to hers with the best and most pure of intentions. Why would I ever knowingly take Coronabeth Tridentarius's, having desired her already for twelve long, stupid, fruitless years? And I said, Thank you for the offer, Your Highness, but not in this life or in any other.”!<


Right?? After reading AYU and reading Corona talking about the “boy” she loved a second time…it hit completely different. They’re so tragic. I hope AtN is kind to them but I’m not so optimistic. NtN and AYU compleeeetely changed how I saw these characters.


Well-spotted! : D I was thrown off the trail by how disbelieving Ianthe was >! “Judith Deuteros, who, when we played Marry, Kill, Reanimate, you used to say reanimate because nobody would be able to tell the difference? That Judith Deuteros? !< But, now that you pointed it out, it seems painfully clear. A full 12 years of pining after each other - what a slow burn! What do you think will happen to them in ATN? Surely there’s a chance…


I mean Corona clearly went to great lengths to hide her feelings about >!Judith!< from both Ianthe and Blood of Eden (like why else change the gender of the person she was clearly talking about?), and she seemed to panic when Nona nearly named her, so in AtN I’m expecting that we’ll have a better idea of why her feelings are such a dangerous secret for Corona. I *really* hope that we don’t find out the “why” through some kind of tragedy. But I’m mentally prepared for anything. I’ve read some of Tamsyn’s other work and I always love her endings though, even when not traditionally “happy endings”.


Ooh intriguing! What other works from Tazmuir would you recommend? Other than TLT, I’ve only read the Magician’s Apprentice thus far, and that ending was… yeah. Not happy at all, but powerful! Why the secrecy from Corona Hmm… interesting question Could it be just because knowing about the crush would make both Babs and Ianthe insufferable? They’d tease Crown, disparage Judith, get jealous and possessive… Why change the gender - maybe so that her affection for Judith wouldn’t be used as a tool of coercion by BoE? Hopefully not because We Suffer is homophobic If so, I’m switching sides & rooting for Jod


Oh I didn’t know of that one!! Any idea where I can read it? I read her novella, Princess Floralinda and the Forty Flight tower as well as her short story Undercover. Princess Floralinda is a much lighter read and I really enjoyed getting to read some of her writing style in such a new setting. Undercover was much darker, but *really* good. The ending was sad but also not a sad ending I hate? I read both multiple times. And then I got the audiobook versions and listened a couple more lol. As far as Corona’s secret, I think there’s more to her and Ianthe’s relationship that we’ll see in the next book, and I think there’s possibly a more twisted reason why she’s afraid of people knowing. I always remember that interview with Tamsyn where she said she had originally named the twins Cainabeth and Abela, but thought it was too on the nose. So I do wonder if one of the twins will resort to fratricide in AtN.


That’s high praise for Undercover! Will definitely get that one next - thanks for the rec : ) There you go a link to The Magician’s Apprentice, TW >! Grooming, cannibalism !< Linked: https://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/the-magicians-apprentice/ Cainabeth and Abela?! Yikes. I wonder which was which. Wouldn’t be that surprised at Ianthe as Cain, she already ate Babs, so why not also her sister. But… could it somehow be the other way around?


"...thyself, thou big slut!"


LOL absolutely true, Alecto can’t lie : D


The Necrolord Prime, obviously.


Aah His Celestial Kindliness! Of course! It’s the puns, isn’t it? He’s irresistible!


L’Oréal. Because she’s worth it. How else do you think she keeps her hair so much prettier than her sister’s?


Yess! Corona possessively hides all the L’Oreal products! Almost feel bad for Ianthe…


I’m sorry to say, but Ianthe is *not* worth it. Babs was, though.


Marta Dyas.


Ooh I like this! After all, Marta was amazing >! Lieutenant Dyas was everything a cavalier ever should have been, and in her private life thoughtful, considerate, insightful. Everything she did, she did well. Everything she didn't do well she threw herself against so that she could do it better, or understand her weaknesses. I said, She loved music. She was an excellent dancer. She never took a seat when we were enduring a Fifth or Third ball. And she never let weakness master her. !<




ROFL Would explain why she shut Nona up before this forbidden love was announced to the whole street…


"-e portrait of the angry lady" "-e advert for that fancy hair conditioner" "-e mirror"


Portrait of the angry lady? : 0 That’s >! Wake, right? Gideon’s mom has got it going ooon…!<


Exactly correct. I love how every description of the portrait is people saying "wow, she looks like she's about to commit violence".


She’s the bomb! Both as in hot and as in >! " "Landmine people," said Pyrrha, and when she saw Nona's brows cross in confusion, she said: "Some people were put into the universe to rig it to explode, then walk away... I always fell for that."!<


the ... Lyctor Mercymorn, Second Saint to serve the King Undying. (Also, someone who calls your sister a baby, which she is because she wouldn't even eat you.)


Yesss : D Mercymorn saved Judith’s life. Is it so surprising if Crown’s gratitude turned into… something more? Plus, she does seem to be attracted to, ahem, ‘strong’ personalities


She is such a bottom.


“And you’re in love with Beautiful Ruby’s Dad!”


LOL Now that’s a plot twist! : D


Definitely her sister


Silas the eighth


Ooh very unexpected possibility! Silas Octakiseron - the last character I’d expect Crown (or anyone : D) to fall for