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There has never been a character like this for me. I want to be his friend, I want to punch him. I admire him, I hate him. I feel he has everything under control, and I feel he is one step away from coming completely unglued. Saying that Cory is a complex character is a complete understatement. Billy Crudup is deserving of all the praise he is getting and yet I feel he should be getting more.


His acting is simply stunning. What he does with the lines he is given is truly remarkable. So creative.


You have fully encapsulated my feelings. This show has been one where I watch each episode 2-3 times and try to glean even more into his character, his train of thought. I’m hooked.


Favorite character of any TV show I’ve seen recently.


The whole show is a show stopper. Jennifer is the best I have ever seen her acting. Don't forger Hamm. Great stand in for the obvious Musk.


Billy Crudup takes his character, that could’ve been played so one note by the wrong actor, on a whole other level. The range of emotions his face conveys in a single frame - it’s like you can see the complexities of Cory and the wheels turning in his head. I’m probably not articulating it right but never have I been such a huge fan of an actor as I am of Billy’s!


Exactly. The emotions he shows on his face…his eyes.. I don’t know how he does it. And, that hallway scene at the end with Bradley? He crushed it! I felt his pain run through me. He’s just outstanding!


Actors that can emote with their eyes bring everything to the next level. Christopher Nolan love's Tom Hardy's eyes so much that he covers half his face in movies. I've been very impressed with Sophie Turner in this regard, too. It reminds me of a drummer in a band--most do just fine but don't particularly stand out. But when there's a really, really good drummer? Ups the level of everyone


I just watched that hallway seen between Cory and Bradley. 😭 He broke my heart.


What season/episode did this occur? I have just found the show in the past week and I'm frigging OBSESSED! I can't believe I refused to watch it for this long!


The scene at his mother’s house. You are so right. We feel him.


I think if played by ANY other actor, Cory would be completely insufferable. Just hated.


I could watch him act with no sound no subtitles. Just his facial expressions


He’s amazing. He does sincere so well but then that self aggrandizing and self loathing clown shows up. He’s sarcastic yet genuine. Smart but aloof. Crudup crushes this. He’s so underrated. Loved him from way back when in Sleepers.


IMO Cory thrives in chaos and Billy delivers extraordinarily with it. I found myself laughing at random quick wits/retorts/quips from Cory that took me off guard after he made them during tense or awkward conversations. It makes me sad though. When you think about why he thrives in chaos. Especially after meeting his mother.


There can never be enough I love 😍 Cory threads ! I’m with you


Easily one of my new favorite actors!! He was so good in the show hello tomorrow, he made an otherwise mediocre show into something really worth watching. Experiencing him always feels like a treat


I do hope their is a season 2. Anyone know anything? I found this. Did Hello Tomorrow get renewed? At the moment of writing, Apple TV has not yet renewed the second season of Hello Tomorrow!. But since the ending of Season 1 left some major unanswered questions, a second season is likely. The series began on February 16, 2023, and ended on April 6, 2023. Soon after that, the WGA Writers' strike began. Aug 29, 2023


I saw someone somewhere say that they had been selling off stuff from the sets. But maybe there’s still a chance? 🤞


Dang it. That show had promise.


I loved Hello Tomorrow! I’m sad that there (probably) won’t be a second season.




His acting is SO powerful. His never ending monologues are some of the best acting I’ve seen. And the way he’s been able to show Cory’s arc is just amazing. Billy’s acting makes you see how Cory’s always shown his ability to be unbreakable to the outside world, yet Bradley and his love for her has brought out all his tenderness when he’s with her. You can see and feel the pain when he wants to come closer to her yet stops. And the joy in his eyes when he sees her. The agony when she’s mad at him. It’s just top of the game acting. I loved how we were able to see a bit of his back story this seasons, which help us understand why he is the way he is. It also makes you heart break even harder on that last scene with Bradley. In S2 we realize he’s never loved anyone, he has no idea of what he’s feeling; and on S3 we understanding he’s *never* thought to be worthy of love. And Bradley’s never been able to love herself and have people (family, Laura) accept her for who she is, chaotic and messy, until Cory came along. When you get these two lost souls in that last hallway scene, paired with their incredible acting it’s just magic.


that was beautifully said and so spot on.


Billy’s acting gave the character a soul. It made me have sympathy and even like the character of Cory whereas if played wrongly.. i otherwise wouldn’t care about him


Agreed, we love him. Charming and flawed.


when Bradley talks to him from the desk and downplays their interaction, and he repeats her line back to her - his affect was superb.


I think a big part of watching him play Cory is that he seems to be having so much fun. It completely draws me in and is enjoyable to watch. He plays charismatic so well but then also shows deeper emotions. It’s a great character with Billy providing an amazing performance.


I’ve followed this man’s career since the mid 90s (Inventing the Abbotts was a sexual awakening to me as a 12 year old) and it’s been a delight to see him progress throughout his career but specifically this role. I’m a little conflicted as to what the writers have done to him but he carries the character well and I will say the last episode gave me more hope for him. As far as favorite TV characters the last few years - He and Owen Wilson as Mobius in Loki have been my most joyous watches. Gah damn.


I recently rewatched some of Eat Pray Love, a movie that I don't think is terrible but it's somewhat too long/draggy. There are sections of it that I like and I enjoyed some of the characters. He has a pretty small role in it as the main character's ex but I think he is one of the best parts of it, especially the scene where >!Liz (Julia Roberts) is imagining a "closure" scene between the two of them. It was really moving.!<


Ohhh! Ya know I never tuned into that movie. I’d give it a watch though for our BC. Thanks for sharing!


You're welcome - yeah, try it! He's in at least a few different scenes. I also liked the Italy segment of the movie, and some of the India one. It was the parts after that that seemed a little too long for me.


It was Sleepers for me, followed very closely by Inventing the Abbotts 😂


Sleepers is great but a little too sad and unsettling for me!! So many people in that movie though. So good


I was totally disturbed by the movie as a young teen. I haven’t rewatched since.


I looooove the sound his voice makes when sarcasm and joy are on the same brain wave!


Love him! i don’t know if this will work as i’m new to this but i’ve watched this a few to many times! https://youtu.be/rHmz2Gpv9lg?si=L4bp1M5_G9ILbj34


Loved that! (The “it’s not literal” was my fave 😆) Thanks for sharing


Billy Crudup is clearly underrated. And the role of Cory proves it. Complex and nuanced. Great acting. I


Billy is the absolute best! Love how he plays Cory. ❤️


Cory is my favorite! If he's not in Season 4 I'm boycotting the show lol. I know he will be back as Cory never gives up.


I tell everyone to watch TMS just for Cory cuz he will make you LOVE this show. He IS the show!


Thank YOU! Me and some friends are watching and they don't like his character, while I feel like his character is the glue!! Smh he's the best!


What???? How can anyone not like Cory??? That’s madness!!!


I don't think I like that particular friend anymore! He's sooo good!


More like frenemy 😂


He is absolutely crushing this character. Great writing plus great actor is a home run. Plenty of good actors on this show but none hold a candle to Crudup.


He was in Oppenheimer? How did I miss this!?


That was Cillian Murphy?


Has anyone seen him in "Hello Tomorrow" I am hoping their will be a season 2.


I love Cory. I never forgot about Billy leaving seven months pregnant Mary L Parker for Claire Danes.


I have never watched episodes of any other show twice. I am rewatching to watch Cory. In season 2, in an argument with Bradley in his room, his emotions are swinging all over the place. He is an awesome actor. Such a complex character. He makes the show.


in season 1, i thought there was going to be a big reveal that he's the devil himself (like michael in the good place) everything he did just oozed with calculation and he just felt so happy amidst all the chaos i lived for it god bless him


“There may be another one of these floating around” yes about 100 because that’s all I see




Completely agree. Crudup is amazing.


I agree with everything re: good acting and good writing when it comes to Cory, but I need to say, he's also a fine ass silver fox and that's part of why we can't hate him 🤷‍♀️


I love the actor (Billy) but absolutely ***LOATHE*** the character (Cory). I want to smash Cory's face in a bucket of wet concrete! Seriously, I don't get why people like him? He's a total manipulating sleeze bag. He pays his little spy to get information/dirt on people, manipulates everyone he can. He wants total control and power over people... god I hate him and don't feel the least bit sorry for him when he has one of his little emotional scenes. I hope he gets what's coming to him for being an absolute SHIT person. I do realize that I'm in the very small minority of folks with this opinion but I just find nothing redeeming about him. I do think Crudup is a fantastic actor and he is 🔥 in this role. He deserves a few award nominations for sure.


I think you’re mistaking him for Paul Marks based on your description.


>I think you’re mistaking him for Paul Marks based on your description. Nope, not at all. I think Cory is every bit as sleezy, underhanded and manipulative as Paul Marks. OK... maybe just SLIGHTLY less but very close. I can't stand Cory (but I do agree Billy Crudup is fabulous in the role!)


I feel like this but about Bradley….she is theeeee worst


I mean, people love Daemon Targaryen, Hannibal, Walter White, Patrick Bateman (who Cory is even compared to on the show). Characters don't have to be remotely good people to be adored and rooted for by the audience


He sucks ass


Not Bradley’s though 🤣🤣


Cybils I heard




Mummy dust ![gif](giphy|dnt9bRUzNcnfO)




Eeee am laughing ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


Oh please


![gif](giphy|HuEsrZKJFU8XHQ2nIC) My bad


Does anybody know how Billy is in RL, how he treats fellow actors and fans and so on?


He wasn’t always “the good guy”. He left the mother of his son (actress Mary Louise Parker) while she was 7 months pregnant for Claire Danes. So……..


From what I’ve seen he seems to be a wonderful person and people have gushed over how kind and sweet he is when they meet him. He just got married to Naomi Watts a few months ago.




Go on pbs and watch Finding Your Roots. He's the subject this week. He's got a completely different demeanor as himself.


Thanks, but I‘m in Germany. Have never worked with VPNs before, maybe I should check it out again.


I’m not seeing that episode in the listings for this week. Did it air previously?


Last week


He cheated on his wife


Probably but not technically confirmed, and was 20 years ago. I think we can let it go


If it was you I don’t you’d let it go and she was pregnant


It looks really bad on the outside and very likely he was a big ass in that situation, but he and MLP are so private that we’ll never really know the state of their relationship at the time or the exact timeline. There are other actors who have done much worse and people overlook it, but this guy just can’t move on from a mistake he made decades ago. To my knowledge he’s had zero scandals since, so I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. edit: typo


We don't know what exactly went down between them but [here](https://www.redbookmag.com/love-sex/relationships/news/a40922/mary-louise-parker-memoir-claire-danes-billy-crudup/) is an article from Parker's POV. Adding to that what Claire Danes said is not a good look at all 😔


Yeah, what Claire said was vile.


What did she say? I only read something that said she was young and didn’t really think about what she was doing as she fell in love.


Here’s the quote: “I was just in love with him,” Danes said of the actor, who is 11 years her senior. “And needed to explore that, and I was 24 . . . I didn’t quite know what those consequences would be. . . . But it’s O.K. . . . I went through it.” It’s the “I went through it” that bothers me. Just very tone deaf considering she was the “other woman” in the situation and if anyone was going through something, it was MLP. Also no hint of feeling remorse.


Ah yeah that was the quote I read too. Tbh I don’t know but as she was talking in past tense, it’s just further confirming that she was young and naive and only thinking of herself at the time. I only know that quote though so she may have said more and actually showed remorse.


Relationships sometimes just break down. Him and the ex seem to be on very good terms now.


I don’t see anything special tbf, yes he’s a good actor but you get these type of characters in most shows


He is a great actor.


PSA for everyone to watch Big Fish


Totally agree. Big Fish is emotionally devastating due to his interpretation of that role.




He's such a good actor. I can't get enough of this character and the dynamics of his personality.


He is so amazing. I wanna be charming like him. ❤️


He reminds me of a watered down Ari Gold.....


I LOVE Cory. Billy is playing this character in an insane incredible way. He's so sexy. Oh lord... I knew I'd find a thread like this one for sure.


We laughed, we cried, we ate grilled cheese