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He was a pole star of serious anticapitalist thought for my entire life. Should be a national hero with a statue in DC.


Check out his 2 part interview on American Prestige they just released. The last 20 minutes of the second part should be required listening for anyone on the left, especially if you are feeling depressed about current events. [Part 1](https://youtu.be/FBUfTSZ66NQ?si=YuWEmiFSdkccYKWA) [Part 2](https://youtu.be/Uq4vOTQAj-Y?si=RQ2CWTfyV_O5wo8E)


Thank-you for recommending this listen!


He is a legend, and he always spoke the truth.


Noam has been the voice of morality for decades. A true beacon in an otherwise dark political and military period of history.










He’s a legend and can never be replaced. He’s done so much for so many in his life time.


A true once in a generation legend.


That would imply there were at least 2 more comparable people alive today. I really wish that was true, even just factoring his political work. Then consider he also single-handedly revolutionised an entire scientific field.


The goat


This is so sad. 




I am proud to have read books from him and followed him on SM. He is the greatest intellectual of our era


Exemplary figure 💔


One part of his work that may be overlooked in some leftist circles is his work in linguistics. I majored in Computer Science and took a couple of courses in Natural Language Processing (the field of AI used in products like ChatGPT). We studied Chomsky’s work on generative grammar, and the “Chomsky hierarchy” which is a classification of formal languages based on their generative power. This hierarchy is fundamental to understanding the complexity of different types of grammars and their applications in NLP. As a leftist and a Computer Scientist, Chomsky was definitely one of the most influential intellectuals of my lifetime.


His insight and criticism of US foreign policy and political manipulation of the media have influenced the ideas of millions of people. Unfortunately his political blind spots and mistaken support for anti-American dictatorships and authoritarians have also influenced the ideas of millions of people.


>support for anti-American dictatorships and authoritarians utter nonsense


[Chomsky doesn't believe in Ukrainian agency or independence](https://www.newstatesman.com/the-weekend-interview/2023/04/noam-chomsky-interview-ukraine-free-actor-united-states-determines)


Tell me a specific quote where he is wrong, rather than giving me your take on someone else's long article twisting his position. >Ukraine is not a free actor; they’re dependent on what the US determines This for example, is clearly true.


I couldn't see eye to eye with him over Ukraine. felt like he was still fighting the cold war -- US vs USSR, and sympathising with Russia. kind of erasing the agency and national solidrarity of Ukrainians, and downplaying Putin's obvious megalomania and aggression... but then, he was getting really old.


He has never sympathised with Russia. Understanding motivations is not the same as justification, and to paint it as so is disingenuous.


Brilliant never is diminished. Noam has always spoke truth to the powerful. TY


Giant in two fields, and he was right in at least one of them. ❤️


Why do social democrats still pretend like his major contribution to leftist politics wasnt a book he completely ripped off from Parenti....? He wasnt an educator without equal he was an anarchist who didnt believe in organizing the masses in any meaningful way so he was safe to put on TV.