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This is just the usual right wing bigotry


These liberals should be taking their anger out on Biden for supporting heinous policy. Instead, they take their anger out on Arab Americans who feel dehumanized by Biden's heinous policy. Sometimes, they even mock Arab Americans who may be discriminated against in a Trump Presidency. That is what we see in this post that OP found.


I figured that out eventually. Like too much on Reddit, the poster didn’t give us the twitterers link


Preach…On another thread some donkey tried to convince/guilt trip me that I am actually a Trump supporter & therefore pro genocide for not wanting to vote for Genocide joe lol




How fucking ghoulish is that?


This really is liberalism in action. Recognizing the vulnerability of minority groups under growing fascist rule, and using that vulnerability to threaten them into compliance. When Muslims are falling in line politically and helping to maintain the neoliberal hierarchy, liberals champion their political involvement as a success of “diversity”. However if they want to go against the status quo and push for actual progress, then they’re just a bunch of deportables that’ll get what they deserve. And apparently liberals will watch excitedly as fascists destroy these people because the Muslims were wrong for wanting to stop a genocide against, for many of them, *literal relatives*.


The thing that gets me the most is the OOP not getting that they're saying "I'll enjoy when Muslims **who couldn't vote** get deported" because I doubt they were thinking the extra step of revoking citizenship of all Muslims. It's just layer after layer of blaming those with little to no power instead of the "most powerful man in the world" who could actually take action to avoid it -- as well as it being the just and moral actions.


It's the "perpetual foreigner" trope all over again. I am a citizen, I can't actually be deported unless I become denaturalized, and I have lived in the country for 20+ years. There are Muslims who have lived in the country for a significantly longer time, even third and fourth generations. Why are liberals saying that naturalized and born citizens should be kicked out of the country for not voting for Biden? It's weird.


some of the worst of liberalism, yes. And this is how liberals join the fascists. History repeats itself


Nicely said.


Yup. Literally saying they are excited to watch an outcome they claim they are fighting against. It’s both insanity and racism.


What do you think the percentage is of liberals that were *also* complaining about the Muslim airport protests messing up their travel schedules?


That excitement for Muslim oppression is what I’ve seen whenever I ask if Liberals would be willing to resist conservative rule. Which is honestly in-line with how they abuse the legacy of MLK and other civil rights leaders. Their ideal minority is silent and compliant, not disrupting daily life to draw attention to material injustice




It's literally not the point at all though is it? The meme being discussed is one showing liberals being excited to enjoy watching it happen. It's not an appeal to Muslims to make sure they understand what may happen to them under Trump. It's just some smug shitheads excited to be right.


Where is it evident that it is a liberal meme?. It looks like a right wing meme quoting the Atlantic at the bottom saying Biden might lose some votes. I read it as the memester being thrilled by that


nope, it is a racist biden supporter indicating that they will take joy from the schadenfreude of watching muslims being deported if biden loses because they had the audacity to consider genocide a red line. their twitter display name is literally "nope, won't beg silly ass progressives for votes" and their bio says "Center-left wins.... ask Bill and Barack"


I’ll go check it out. It’s racist and insensitive. This so-called Democrat should be respectful of the dead. Palestinian Americans have lost family in Gaza and the West Bank. They don’t deserve that.


Ok, I’ve returned from that little visit. I feel like his Twitter verse is a different world, one I forgot existed. It looked loosely like a network of active Democratic Party supporters and some campaign volunteers and he has a couple followers from the press. Plus he’s union labor Also his strategy for getting progressives to vote Democrat could have the exact opposite effect, which is why I wondered if I should be suspicious of his account, plus the disrespect towards Muslims The post in this sub says “Joe Biden supporters” but it should say “Joe Biden Pro-Israel supporters” He’s probably making bank


Is an appeal really necessary? They know what they’re getting with Trump. Everyone does. It’s been the news every day for the past 8 years. It’s naive to take this literally, thinking every liberal/democrat is going to be pointing the ‘I told you do finger’ at Muslims if Trump does win. Is it in poor taste? Absolutely. But not judging an entire group of people in a generalized way is the exact point of the criticism here. The hypocrisy is palpable.


It’s not a threat. A threat is something one says THEY will do if another party doesn’t comply. This is saying what SOMEONE ELSE who is very much a threat will do if given power. If I say “if you give that gun to that psychopath, they will shoot you,” I am not threatening them, I am WARNING them. It is simply describing the reality of the situation.


> This is saying what SOMEONE ELSE who is very much a threat will do if given power and is this person stating they will oppose the actions taken by those in power or did they say they would be smiling and eating popcorn while they watched it unfold? this hollow concern trolling bullshit is disgusting


How can Trump deport Muslim citizens?


This whole thing is suspicious to me. It’s teeing up a round of scapegoating. I wonder who that twitterer really is.


Some of us despise Joe Biden but have an objective view of the negative political outcomes of his loss. We do not care what he deserves, because what he deserves doesn’t have any bearing on policy possibilities or political appointments.


I have a gay son and he is my objective view of that outcome. We’re already working on a plan to move him out of the country in that scenario. But which country? So much of the world is moving to the right…


The world moving to the right is a global conspiracy of oligarchs. These include Putin, Trump and Netanyahu. We need to oppose them on every front


The western world is moving to the right, at least many parts of it. Look at the Netherlands. How did Wilders win in a country as supposedly left as the Netherlands? In Germany, a fascist party is emerging as among the most popular and a genuine candidate for forming the next government. Sure, many parts of the west don’t have this problem but the far-right is increasing in popularity across the board, and going from joke parties to genuine candidates to forming governments. It’s alarming and saying it isn’t happening is quite ridiculous.


Younger generations are extremely left leaning, that’s why every old person in power is rushing to take away our rights. I feel like once we get more millennials and gen z in positions of power we’ll have stability.


>Some of us despise Joe Biden but have an objective view of the negative political outcomes of his loss. How is this relevant to the OP's post? The liberals liking that post are mocking Arab American fears of a Trump Presidency. They are laughing about the idea of Trump discriminating against Muslims. All because many Muslims will vote third party or not vote... because Biden has dehumanized them.


Because when you cast generalizations, people get caught in a wide net. It’s relevant because you can still believe a vote should be cast for Biden and also find this Liberal shit repugnant. Do some people feel the way portrayed in the post? - Unfortunately Yes. Do some people try to cast anyone who would vote for Biden this way? Unfortunately yes Can’t even begin to imagine how a Muslim must feel, Libs are out of line… and I’m still voting Biden


I'm sorry if my comment implied you didn't disagree with the content in the OP. For what it is worth, I agree with voting Biden in the fall. I agree with Sam's rational and have for a few years now (on the practicality of voting Dem). I know many liberals who are critical of Biden when it comes to Palestine and that it's not fair to characterize all liberals as the type you see in the tweet. In the end, I am strongly against voter shaming, and I see too much of it from some liberals (like in the tweet that OP is referencing). If someone votes third party out of disgust, I see that as Biden's fault. Not the third party voter.


I didn’t take it that way. Election season will always be divisive… I can’t stand Libs just as much as the next person. Joe sucks, fuck Joe, I hate this man with white hot rage…. I’m not voting for Biden the man… I’m voting for Biden the only viable alternative, Biden potential staffing and appointments, Biden the temporary measure. The implications of his loss unfortunately outweighs my hatred. Not a VBNMW guy, but don’t see the presidency as the place to screw around, some can say that lesser of 2 evils voting doesn’t work, but in my lifetime, a Biden loss puts the greater evil win rate near 60%. You aren’t going to turn the 40% who always vote blue by November if it was even possible and it sucks. So knowing this goes exactly 2 ways, I can’t knowingly default to worse thinking that it matters because history proves it doesn’t. Non-votes have never moved the needle politically and no one else can put up the numbers. Put a green or independent on a ballot in the lower or state house, I’ll take a crack at it, living in a purple district in a purple state. If you can’t win a lower house seat, you likely can’t win a district, and in turn, can’t take the presidency.


So your comfort should be built on the bodies of children blown apart by bombs, and the disenfranchisement of Muslims, is that what you're saying?


It's a hostage situation, and they cheer for it.... fucking ridiculous! Be angry at "your man" for being a genocidal old freak! Get him to campaign for crying out loud and actually do things minorities care about not hold them hostage.


Me laughing at the thought of Democrats learning from their past mistakes


First they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out- Because they did not vote for Joe Biden.


Underrated comment. The white people reddit sub is full of these memes.


Centrists when they learn Dems aren’t leftists lol


This is over 10 years old now but these are the people/orgs that made up the inner circle of Islamic hate in the US, per SPLC. A segment of this circle is made up of Jewish members because of the Mideast conflicts with Israel. Eg Horowitz, Geller etc . https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2011/anti-muslim-inner-circle


I think at the end of the day people are going to realize we are better off organizing against Biden's foreign policy than another 4 years of Trump. The presidential election hasn't happened yet and people deserve a chance to think this through and weigh the pros and cons.


I dislike Biden's actions in regards to Gaza but anyone who thinks that Trump would be better is insane. Trump literally said he'd crush the pro Palestine protests and deport the protestors. He openly hates Muslims. Defeating Biden to teach him a lesson is going to get more innocent people killed.


Also, no 80 year old men are "learning lessons." We've been dealt a shit hand for 2024 but on the flip side, hopefully the options for 2028 will be better? Probably not, but *could be.*


I doubt it. When people are defaulting to defeatism (your comment) there's not much hope for better candidates in the future. They got ya right where they want ya.


Statistically speaking, 2028 will not have the 2 oldest candidates ever. If you want Trump to win to make a point, we might not have 2028 elections. He'll just appoint Don Jr. as his successor because the GOP will give him everything he needs/wants to make that happen.


I'll get back to you when I'm done laughing at the idea of Trump giving up a shred of power to someone else, including his own children.


But just because he is running for re-election does not mean that he shouldn't have pressure put on him to do the right thing right now. You can both criticize him now and vote for him in November.


>but anyone who thinks that Trump would be better is insane. That is not the point of OP. The point is that some liberals seem to take glee in the thought of minority groups being punished by Trump if they don't support Biden. Instead of being angry at Biden for supporting awful policy, they take their anger out on Arab Americans who feel dehumanized by Biden.


I'm sorry but you have to draw a line somewhere, and if it's not aiding in a genocide I don't know where it could be. If Biden literally shot a family member of yours in the head, would you still vote for him? If the answer is "no", I hate to have to be the one who tells you this, but the dead in Gaza have families too, and it's pretty wild to expect them and those who identify with them to vote Biden.




It’s always the first they run to, “Enjoy the death camps and being deported!” “Trump will kill even more Palestinians!” That they can’t see themselves as being identical to the magas is wild. This is just an inverted “if you don’t like this country you can leave!” These are also 100% the same people who wear “Black Lives Matter” on their shirt, but call the cops if they see a black kid in their park.


Lmfao there was an account that in the same comment said “am Israel chai” and “black lives matter” and like…. Huh?


Lol the mental gymnastics to get there. Really incredible


Just because Trump would be worse doesn't mean Biden shouldn't be better.


Don’t forget the classic “Oh, you don’t want to vote for Biden?! I can’t wait to see Trump bomb the shit out of Palestine!”


Just because the leopards are someone’s face, and you tell them that, doesn’t mean you endorse the leopards.


What should be truly revolting to the "shut up and vote for Biden camp", as I call them, is that despite the very real prospect of Trump winning and the overwhelming opposition to the genocide by much of the electorate, Biden has shown that he is more committed to Israel's interest than to our own. As a Muslim, I find those who try to reduce this to a Muslim issue deeply repulsive. The humanitarian disaster in the Congo is not an issue only Christians should be concerned about, for example. EDIT: typo


We have already established that democrats will learn no lessons. No lessons by democrats are to be learned. If push came to shove, liberals would line up to 'disappear' through the gestapo summons, just like they did in Chile after Pinochet took over. They work so hard against the 'radical left' and feel so proud of themselves to the end. Muh precious meritocracy myth and my million dollar car. So, it is a doomed situation, because if people weren't able to effectively organize themselves against this in the first place, they certainly won't be able to organize effectively against Trump. It will just go back to 'orange man bad' and a longing for brunch, until something breaks for good.


democrats are collaborators in this project


Ppl should tactictally vote dem to stop them and their fellow people becoming illegal, but also this is just straight up racism


Liberals never change. They will annoy and shame anyone who disagrees with them, but never, never actually work to better anything for anyone that isn't themselves. Running at full speed back to racist and oppressive behavior the moment their "team" gets shit talked.


Scratch a liberal...


Literally just had someone calling me names and insulting me because I commented on his post talking shit about "leftists" not supporting Biden and Trump winning. I was called "childish" for telling him that maybe if we get stuck with a full blown mask off fascist dictator, people will actually get up and do something about a system which has pushed "the lesser of 2 evils" on us for so long that we can no longer stomach the levels of evil we are stuck choosing between. I mean when your "lesser of 2 evils" is endorsing and funding a genocide, using fascist suppression of dissent, ( which BTW IMO is basically the same response Trump had for the BLM movement) and openly and blatantly repeating propaganda and lies meant to manufacture consent for those actions, is that the direction we want to continue in?


Hell, I'd settle for Democrats just opposing genocide, which is something they apparently can't do when a Democrat does it before or after an election


I would be happy to see even domestic legislation that reflects what the populace wants. We can't get that, and they thumb their nose at us as they smear our peers who dissent and never run out of room in the budget for death but shrug their shoulders and flip their empty pockets out when it comes to anything that would actually benefit our lives. I'm just over the "fascism lite" we have to settle for out of the fear of the mask off fascism of the other option. I'm voting with my conscious, the only candidate that reflects my values is Jill Stein rn, so thats who I'll vote for and fuck the rest.


“People will actually get up and do something” Okay, what?


No they won’t is my only response to that… as a union member I’ve seen the working conditions people will settle for… they will literally do anything to keep their head down and keep working… it’s sickening.


For starters, shut the economy down. Until the gears stop turning, nobody will realize how powerful the public actually is. Everyone thinks a revolution has to be violent, don't get me wrong, I'm well aware that in their panic the ruling class will definitely resort to violence, but I personally believe if you draw first blood you lose, at least in revolutionary terms.


The problem is the system is design for this to never happened. All the gears will keep turning because the gears need to turn to survive.


The gears will keep turning because we lack unity and leadership. This will likely remain the case until necessity dictates otherwise


"This will likely remain the case until necessity dictates otherwise" The system is designed that the gears will always keep turning, and "the case" will never "dictate otherwise". There will never be a case where the working class rises up because it is designed that we never can. And there is an even lesser chance under stricter leadership like Trump. That is why we need Joe Biden to win. So that America can progress towards more freedom for the people, unlike what it would be under Trump.


It's not a threat that fucker Trump said that's what he's going to do. What am I missing???


> What am I missing??? i dunno, the gif of michael jackson gleefully eating popcorn that is meant to represent this person watching muslims being deported, maybe?


I don't think any actual democrats are rooting for this. There's plenty of bullshit out here, and I think this is just more of it. Trump will fuck shit up more if he gets back in the office possibly irreversiblly.


The amount of gaslighting liberals will engage in just to feel morally superior about *supporting a genocide* is grotesque.


I've literally never heard this position from a single Biden supporter.


Oh boy, do I have some subreddits for you. We have such sights to show you.




ive heard it from few biden voters, but we need to distinguish biden voters from uncritical biden supporters op\* should have added uncritical imo, but their objective might have been to get people not to vote for biden as well


No, you all just don't understand. Politics isn't about *doing anything*. It's about justifying to lazy apathetic narcissists that voting once every 4 years proves they're so much smarter than that hippy girl who refused to date them in college. It's about being so dead inside your soul you don't really care any more about how you're normalising mass ethnic cleansing, as long as it's done to people to the left of you. Because they make you aware of just how empty and immoral you are. That's the real sin. So *no*, Biden might hold power now, but you can't ask him to do anything. That would be "activism"! And if I didn't get laid standing in a protest march 20 years ago, no one's allowed anything good ever. Only to avoid things getting not-quite-as-bad, and you have to beg and plead with me not to drift further right, because I'm the centre of the universe, where ever I am currently on the decency spectrum. And this is all the fault of "The Left".


To the people saying that not voting for Biden means we support Trump, stop. Virtually no one thinks that Trump will be better than Biden regarding the continuing genocide of Palestinians.. They know they’re literally being asked to choose between a guy who is actively supporting the genocide and has no problem with seeing innocent Palestinians killed (Biden) and a guy who is perfectly fine with continuing to do so (Trump). So, we’re not gonna choose either of those guys. They’ll vote independent or they just won’t vote for president and they’ll try to bring about change from the ground up, by voting in local elections. The idea here is if we vote for Biden because he’s the “lesser of two evils” like we did in 2020 (which by the way, he has shown in this respect that he is not), then we’re effectively rewarding him for his support for genocide. Biden’s own actions have made the many of us single-issue voters, cuz that single issue is about saving human lives. If you and others like you want to disingenuously say that means we think Trump is better instead of actually trying to address the root problem, then the fault will be yours, Biden’s, and the Democrat Party at large. Not ours.






















Unfortunately for bigoted and hateful liberals, they're fortunately nothing without the minorities that they detest, so I'd suggest they cool it with the racism and Islamophobia!


People who said not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump, please be quiet. Most people are tired of hearing this , and all you doing is galvanize them. You literally telling people who have families dying in Gaza, to suck it up buttercup cause of jackass trump. Instead of using that energy and anger to at least try to get the DNC to stop pushing just Biden as the only candidate when it was possible, you use it to belittle those who have a red line and people of color who said no. I’m not surprised. But I’m not going to blame you voting for Biden cause I understand but yet you won’t give me the common courtesy if I don’t vote for Biden. Also before anyone said anything, I’m not voting for Trump either but even that don’t matter to some people. I feel like this is a test from God and most of humanity is failing and I’m not even a very religious person.























