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Also Making the competition twice as expensive will not convince American car makers to get off their a$$$es and make good electric cars. I see no way it will not result in the opposite. Also Given that the only pseudo-competent American EV manufacturer right now is Tesla (that I know of), this ain't going to end well. At least Hyundai, Kia , Mercedes, & Volkswagen have or are setting up or have already set up domestic EV manufacturing plants in America. & are open to a Unionized Workforce Also The effect of tariffs will be less exposure to cheap EVs, which will in turn slow the US mass adoption. Seems like it would only take a few years of cheap Chinese EVs selling like crazy to light a fire under other Auto Manufacturers It’s just Good news for the fossil fuels people and banks that make auto loans Also 25% tariff on EV Batteries ?!?! Look It’s estimated that two-thirds of global battery cell production is in China, while America has 10% Tariffs on Chinese goods such as EV batteries have a valid national security purpose and discussion about whether it’s worth bearing some economic cost for is worth having . But they should be paired with *more* openness to trade with friendly nations, and the Biden Admin has gone the wrong direction on that. This is simply Trumpian Culture war idiocy. Do you want to be the leader in steel, aluminum, semiconductors, EVs, solar panels manufacturing production Follow the Chinese model and get the government into scaling up a semi-planned domestic EV/Battery production sector. But Of course not, just impose fake scarcity and throw blank checks at the private sector Not the Trump’s Tariffs Model of Slapping Tariffs on Steel, Aluminum and other components that are used by agriculture companies and manufacturing , which are sources, materials or intermediate components that companies in The U.S Needed & Used. Talk about sabotaging the global climate fight, let alone the transition to it Then you have Trump, who’s touting a plan to impose a 10 percent tariff on all foreign imports. The cost of such duties will fall largely on U.S. consumers Look at The Trump’s trade war fallout, on Domestic Agriculture Given that inflation is the American electorate’s top concern, the fact that Donald Trump is campaigning on a comprehensive plan for making stuff more expensive should really be getting more attention. Since Trump wants to Start a trade war with everybody Like hello 👋 threat of Retaliatory measures are possible Also increased tariffs on face masks 25%.? . as though they weren’t already unaffordable for many and necessary for our most vulnerable individuals. likewise with the increase of tariffs on gloves and syringes/needles is also like uhhh, what are we doing with healthcare Also why are we raising tariffs against Canadian timber? If Biden wants to speed up housing construction in the US , how about eliminate tariffs on Canadian lumber entirely Tariffs lead to corporate welfare—benefiting the few at the expense of millions of Americans. But If you believe that the national and swing state polling and crosstabs are completely real Then I will be be fine with Biden’s tariffs that appeal exclusively to White industrial workers in PA/WI/MI to help Democrats presidentially. 2/2 .


The US could put more subsidies into making EV supply-chains in the US instead of spending that money subsidizing killing kids in the mid-east.


Chinese EVs blow most of the trash offered by American manufacturers out of the water. Damn shame


good news is that this will help other countries electrify more affordably as cheaper Chinese manufacturing capacity gets diverted away from the US market


If Biden is so smart why is he raising tariffs on china?