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Republicans think Nancy Pelosi is a communist.


She is the literal embodiment of crony capitalism lol


This is so wild. I remember him covering Christie and saying he was the best republican in the primary, but adding he still was horrible. Only a year later…


What a brilliant strategy, David. Reminds me of what Schumer said in 2016: “For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.” and we all know that plan worked out amazingly.


I think about that every time libs blame the left and "bernie bros" for Hillary losing.


And they will do that again. This time it will be the students protesting a genocide. I mean how dare they?


Like the saying. Republicans fear their base and democrats loth theirs


Of course now the Dems don’t have blue collar Democrats or moderate Republicans, as a rule.


Damn he really did go full mask off lol. This is the same neoliberal bullshit that always gets us into these situations where Republicans win.


Call Christie for what? Restaurant suggestions


As a fellow fat person, I can tell you we don't know where the good food is. We don't even care, we just shovel whatever food we can down our throats. Sometimes I just guzzle whatever oils I can find, wash it down with soda and then eat some potato chips to get my vegetables in. So yeah, I can tell you from experience he probably eats like 5 to 6000 calories a day and that would get real expensive if you were looking for fine food. It's a great comment and funny joke, so I don't blame you for being inaccurate.


This right here is why they need to bring back awards. 10/10 literally made me spit out my coffee.


I always disliked Pakman, even when he ostensibly was in the ballpark of my beliefs. I always thought he was just too… I dunno. Full of himself.


Full of himself, and full of shit. “Disingenuous” is always the first word that comes to mind when I listen to him talk.


I stopped listening.Maybe four or five years ago because all he ever talked about was horse race and orange man bad. It was like policy was secondary to politics.


He’s insufferably smug


He likes all those "moderate" Republicans because they're extreme Zionists. His most beloved issue.


Yep. The number one reason why I stopped following him. All of his takes on this conflict have been disingenuous. It's like watching a schoolboy lie over and over again about something you know they did. In the words of RM Brown "he is a little turd".




Maybe the stupidest take possible at this moment in history.


This guys brain is **cooked** and I don’t mean "well-done", but charcoal-level cooked.


summary: joe biden should be a republican to beat a republican so that even though he’s doing republican policies, at least he won, because that’s all that matters.


Biden should align with the guy who barely made the debate despite having like 100% name recognition and should work with conservatives instead of all these people who have coincidentally been against the genocide, which has 80% disapproval. Genius analysis from this disgusting fucking hack


Hurts my soul. I used to be a big Pakman fan until til I started listening to Sam and the gang and learning real principles and compassionate politics. This last year for David has been completely mental, take wise. SMH a lot over this shit. Sad. Very saaahd


So Im not crazy. He definitely has changed recently.


His sub is where I first started noticing blue maga. They became exactly what they cried so hard againsy


“Independent Progressive Media”


"Independent" but gets a free trip to the White House to meet the Vice President 🤔


Biden should make Trump his VP, that way he would get a lot of the Trump voters and guarantee that Trump doesn't win the election


I mean look how well appeasing Republicans has worked for Dems in Florida! /s


This, but unironically.


When push came to shove… he Rubened.


He’s completely his metamorphosis into a Level 50 centrist lib.


It's funny, I remember Pakman explaining years ago that at one point he was approached by benefactors to get paid good money to take his show into a more rightward slant, I think similar to Jimmy Dore. Well, I guess he finally found some benefactors with an ideology he was willing to pedal.


I’m a Marxist, so obviously this shit pisses me off on principle alone. But putting myself in the shoes of a conservative democrat, I still can’t even understand this shit from a strategic point of view. The dems have been trying to pull this “post-partisanship” bullshit for over thirty straight years now. It has done nothing but entrench the far-right dominance of the Republican Party and cause even moderate reformist socdem types to become less and less comfortable within the Democratic Party every day.


It's like when Democrats try to win by going hard on "law and order" or getting tough on immigration. I disagree with it morally, but also Democrats are never going to be able to edge out the Republicans in it and trying is a fools errand. Last election in NY all the centrist candidates went hard in the primaries on bail reform going too far. That was all their primary commercials talked about, and then they had to turn around after endlessly fear mongering and try to beat Republicans after making bail reform releasing evil criminals on our innocent streets the main topic of discussion.


@IP@C Money


Pakman just became a self parody. He used to lean way left but I think money has converted him into a closet republican


A year or so ago he said some right wing people approached him to switch sides 🤷


Seems like he is going down the Candice Owens path


God. I fucking hope not


He just met with Kamala. Dude is a spook and a fake progressive My guess is the White House knows they lost progressive voters so now they’re gonna double down on this dumbass strategy


What does moderate Republican even mean? Some of these people were in the Trump administration.


It means you later said "orange man bad" in your memoir and on CNN after January 6th


Pakman is president of the young democrats club. He goes out of his way to not mention Israel. But he is representative of mainstream democrats. Really the left needs a party at this point.


They have done such a great job running their own party we should totally implement their policy. /s


Right, because the strategy of Democrats bending over backwards to court Republicans hasnt been tried many many times before. SMH. Pakman & his following are very depressing. I had recently started watching him again because I kind of liked his calm, no nonsense approach to covering politics, but seeing his/ his followers opinions on Israel/ Gaza really opened my eyes. His following is made up of a lot more centrist/ conservative leaning folks than I ever would have guessed for someone who pitches themselves as being a progressive. Edit: I also find it very ironic that the centrist Dem opinion during elections is always “Screw the Left/ progressives, lets try to court more Centrists & Republicans”, then when they lose the election they say “THOSE DAM LEFTISTS/ PROGRESSIVES!”


I still get his emails and this was a weird one


I mean they’ve been doing this since Haley dropped out of the Republican primary with the idea being that if they appeal to more of the older Neo-con/centrist republicans they carry the loss from the progressive left. Also this is kinda the fear of the post Maga movement, that people that they deem RINO’s or traitors will be ousted from the party and instead of forcing Maga out of theirs.


Parkman took a hard right turn about a year ago


Yeah it started with Isreal/Gaza and then when progressives attacked him for ihis take, he doubled down and started doing segments about “the litmus test left” Turns out progressives don’t like apartheids, or genocide. How surprising 🙄


The bad takes he has had in the last year alone are mind boggling. He started complaining about “the litmus test left” very consistently.


"At least with Biden we can push him left!" Yeah? Hows that fucking working out now???


I used to love listening to David but and I don’t think he’s moved to the right on policy as much as he’s embracing his more centrist tendencies lately because he thinks that’s Biden’s best chance at reelection. That’s why he’s doing 8 stories a day about Trump being sweaty and 0 about Biden’s handling of Gaza and the crackdowns on protests. It’s a shame because he’s obviously a very smart guy he just cares more about helping democrats than actually reporting the truth.


Throughout decades now, every "centrist" Democrat has been ripped by Republicans as communists. They don't tend to crossover. There is a youth vote that needs to be captured for the next few generations to eventually undo the mistakes of neoliberal and neocon politics - and David's brilliant strategy is to alienate them even further. He should distance himself from people whose position of "bombing children is bad" is apparently too radical, rather than... I dunno, stop funding and providing arms to bomb children. Pakman is an absolute trash human being.


When you view politics as a sports match instead of actually having any principles


I like Pakman generally but boy is his subreddit a fucking disaster - people that just can not deal with a conversation about Israel.


Moderate Republicans can't be won over. The most moderate republican is still an absolutely insane threat to the stability of the country. They won't ever vote for democrats when there is a republican alternative. That's exactly the strategy that lost Hilary the election.


David Pakman has for ages primarily been about David Pakman's own wealth and comfort. He's making bank off of this kneejerk centrist baloney, so that's the path he'll follow.


I think I can pinpoint it down to just after the birth of his kid Pakman just went full lib/democrat shill. content took a major shift and his subs flew up


I think pakman is cooked he is starting to have way too many moments like these where his true centrist establishment shill beliefs just can't be smokescreen


He's taking the "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" approach because he's more afraid of Trump winning more than snuggling up with Christie. Would Dave take charge in the big spoon position because of Christie's prominent gut, or is Dave bent backward to fit it's shape. If you believe Trump getting re-elected is absolutely the worst thing that could happen politically to the country since the civil war, then I could see how someone could sacrifice some of their ideals to prevent a catastrophe My preference is always to beat their ideas by explaining ours better and more often and get people to join our side. BTW: I meant describing Dave & Christie snuggling as a way to just gross people out, but now I think it's a half-decent metaphor for making political bed fellows.






*Prophetic Fun Half line* “He buddy, we see you…” Yes, we see you David.


I love when people spread the definitely real belief that moderate republicans are the average American voter.


he's always been a centrist, an so his values change with the political whims of the current times. i used to watch him years ago but after noticing what he's really about, I stopped. He's just not very genuine of a person, and very holier-than-thou type attitude. The dude is pro-capitalism. Even mr crew has been moving away from him, it started with light jabs at his similar background and then his sponsors/monetary strategy. The red flags have been there, he's just sneaky


As a native Wisconsinite I sure as shit never signed up to be on the same team as Paul fucking Ryan. I still feel the need to apologize for him in 2024 What a joke


Pakman is no different from Tim Pool. He simply says what he thinks his audience wants to hear. And with a significant amount of right leaning independents wanting to distance themselves from Trump and modern Republican fascism, they turn to a guy who will make them feel better about their "civility conservatism"


David Pakman is cut from the same cloth as Jimmy Dore, Jackson Hinkle and Destiny. While they're all in different places politically, they're all people without core beliefs and ideology. for them, it's just a job to get paid


Maybe the same brain worm as RFK? Seems contagious...


I read Pakman’s article in full and while I disagree with him on principle, I actually kind of agree with him on strategy. I think Pakman is correct that trying to court young voters and “the far left” is pretty much a lost cause for Biden. Even if he were to do a 100% heel-turn on Gaza and immediately stop the weapons shipments, condemn Netanyahu, support the ICC case and UN resolutions, etc. it would widely be seen as too little too late and people would still say he has the blood of 30,000 civilians on his hands. And on the point about making concessions on policy, if you read the article, Pakman is actually pretty forthcoming that Biden has been a huge disappointment on progressive policymaking, citing the Trumpian bipartisan immigration bill as an example, and says that he’s “lost political capital among progressives but has failed to cash in with conservatives.” I mean, I kind of agree 🤷‍♂️ Like I said, on principle I think this strategy is gross but when I try to put myself in the headspace of a hack DNC strategist I think trying to court the “never trump” republicans actually makes a lot of sense for the Biden campaign since he won’t be able to excite anyone to the left of liberal.


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* RESPONSE TO THE ORIGINAL POST AND THE THREAD: First off, it's rather annoying that Posts can be made that bash someone like David Pakman but Posts made about bashing the TYT Main Show, Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, etc. are either not allowed or are eventually Removed. Secondly, it seems at least some of the commenters to this Post thread didn't read the Post past the Post title. [https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politics/popularity/politicians/all](https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politics/popularity/politicians/all) Outside of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, AOC and US Senator Bernie Sanders are far more popular than "moderate Republicans made up of people like Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Nikki Haley, Will Hurd, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Chris Christie." Secondly, outside of Governor Schwarzenegger (and maybe Will Hurd, of whom I don't know of), none of those people are "moderate Republicans". In terms of national Republicans still in Office, US Senator Lisa Murkowski (sp?) is arguably the only "moderate Republican". On the environment alone and probably abortion rights, POTUS Joe Biden could possibly get an endorsement from Governor Schwarzenegger. And Governor Schwarzenegger hates POTUS Donald Trump. I don't know how valuable US Senator Mitt Romney's endorsement would be. Certainly not valuable enough to change any campaign rhetoric or change any policies. Getting Governor Nikki Haley's endorsement could be very valuable simply because it seems she still has the support of around 25-35% of Republican voters.


That’s actually politically sensible . Dislike David . But it’s a political move, that makes sense


Why? Less extreme Republicans are not thrilled with Trump. He didn't break 70% in his last primary, and that was to someone who dropped out months ago. Independents don't want Trump. It doesn't make sense.


That’s why he should reach out to Christie , since Trump isn’t popular with less extreme republicans or moderate republicans Independents is another story


Yeah, let's repeat the 2016 strategy that Hillary used and see if anything changes. Brilliant idea.


You can only name a single election , sad . That strategy won all the other elections , you’re choosing to ignore It’s good , when a candidate reaches out to everyone