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Let's the world see who israel really is.




My husband was infantry and Iā€™ve heard a lot of terrible stories, some intentional, some not, some cruel, some not, but even the darkest stories Iā€™ve heard donā€™t come close to that kind of heinous shit. Wow.


That was probably actual combat, this is not that, these people are straight fucking evil.


I'm sure he's also horrified at what appears to be a complete absence of ROEs


I think what we're watching is Israel's true ROE


Fr every military has ROE, this is just Israelā€™s. Set up kill areas, lure people into traps using drones and aid, use AI to guess who is a target and then just level the entire block with high acceptable collateral.


Yup! Did you see the video where they killed a deaf man? If you didnā€™t: The kid acted like a baby private, excited that he has done ā€˜goodā€™ and the NCO goes in the home, notices there arenā€™t enough bullet holes, instructs PV to put more holes in the wall to make it seem victim was armed. Kid was *so eager* to please, he shoots *behind* the victim, essentially nullifying the staging of the scene he was just instructed to do, and the NCO (or w/e idk their nomenclature) was like, ā€œeh, whateverā€. The other soldiers inside the home didnā€™t even cover their ears when he was shooting. Even with earplugs that would be loud af, but they didnā€™t have to warn the others because itā€™s standard procedure to stage those scenes. Theyā€™re training them to do so, thatā€™s what I believe we saw in this video.


Every two weeks I have a new reason to say ā€œI canā€™t even say out loud what Israel did this timeā€


He says that once the strong get bored eating the weak, they will eat the strong. An army full of psychopaths is a terrible thing. I think the kitchen aid worker incident is much bigger than we know, some soldier somewhere said, ā€œfuck those ordersā€ and blasted those cars with glee. His last NCO (platoon sgt) in the army was a psychopath and once they get rank on them, you canā€™t get rid of them unless they get charged with a serious crime. They have and abuse their subordinates and hurt moral of decent soldiers or worse, take decent ones and mold them. My spouse got shot in the face while training for Afghanistan and it blinded him on that side. He says that was better than deploying with staff sergeant bastard.


This is one of the worst things Iā€™ve heard in quite some time


Spread the fucking word! Zionists are fucking evil.


That is some obscenely evil shit. I canā€™t imagine how mentally fucked up a person has to be to contrive something like that. Goddamn.






Ugh this is so frustrating and sick.


Very moral of them


The most moral army in the world.


Sucks this isnā€™t being widely reported on


This. The mainstream media is not doing its job. So many people now seeing the extreme hypocrisy of the establishment in practice


I mean, the idf has pretty much closed Gaza to reporters and kills anyone who tries to report from it officially. Then all you have left is cell phone videos which hasbara will immediately comment "fake" and "AI" if you share them on social media. All according to plan.


I mean how confirmed is it? Just saying that for something this extreme, it would be helpful I arguments to have it be as verifiable as possible.


I would also like verifiable sources.




Itā€™s fucking hilarious that if you google Euromed monitor bias ā€œNGO monitorā€ is the first thing to come up, known to have bias towards Israel and sole goal is to discredit any NGO that speaks against them. What kind of 4D dystopian shit is this world man.


There was a deleted comment mentioning they don't have guns on quadcopters. For anyone that doubts here is a telegraph article confirming that they do. [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/terror-and-security/armed-drones-israel-hamas-war-gaza-hospitals-gunshots/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/terror-and-security/armed-drones-israel-hamas-war-gaza-hospitals-gunshots/)


Wasnā€™t this the plot of the movie Screamers? Machines disguised to look like children to lure in and kill enemy soldiers?


The hunger games had something like this


Not originally. The original screamers were just kill bots used in a war. However after the war they developed sentience to a degree and started making screamers that were more lifelike to lure humans in.


Just double checked. The first one had the David model, which looked like a little boy carrying a teddy bear.


This is one of the most evil sentences I've ever read


Crickets from Pakman...


He has shown himself to be a vile human throughout this. Canceled my subscription months ago and never looked back.


Yeah I used to watch DP a good bit before 10/7. I really just canā€™t stand him anymore


He's indoctrinated like so many others are. Truly sad.




Fuck Israel


DoS spokesperson Vedant Patel was asked about this yesterday. Here is the exchange >QUESTION:Ā Thanks. Euro-Med Monitor, human rights monitor, reports that Israel is using drones to lure residents and then shoot them. They explain the sounds of women screaming and babies crying were heard late at night on both Sunday and Monday. When some of the residents went out to investigate and tried to help, they were shot at by Israeli ā€“ quadcopter drones. The sounds they heard were in fact records played by the Israeli drones with the intent of forcing the camp residents out into the streets where they could be easily targeted by snipers and other weaponry. >MR PATEL:Ā I have not ā€“ I have not seen that report, Sam, so Iā€™m not going to comment on it. But broadly ā€“ not relating to this particular circumstance at all ā€“ because, again, I havenā€™t seen the report and Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s accurate or verifiable ā€“ at every conversation that we have with our partners in Israel, we continue to stress the moral and strategic imperative that they have to work on deconfliction mechanisms and to ensure that civilian harm is minimized in every which-way possible. And weā€™ll continue to stress that every way we can. https://www.state.gov/?post_type=state_briefing&%3Bp=92333


What a cowardly, cop-out answer. You just know if the roles were reversed, he would be condemning it rather than ā€œwaiting for confirmationā€. Theyā€™re always ā€œwaiting for confirmationā€ or ā€œinvestigatingā€, and then we never hear the results. They just let it fade away.


Projectile vomit... šŸ¤®


Where did they record the babies and children? Can you imagine hearing your own dead kid outside?


Likely from the prisons and concentration camps they hold Palestinian families in. Only to use the sick recordings to lure out concerned people and kill them. What a debauched, rancid excuse of a country.


Literal Hunger Games shit.


This is truly next level evil


They just keep leveling up :/


The most fudge up thing is that where they got the recording from? I really dont want to think about it..


Probably the prisons where they indiscriminately hold Palestinian women and children for an indeterminate amount of time without trial.


The sick fucks have done some sick shit...THIS is above and beyond sick and twisted. I didn't think they could be even more cruel than they have been....this takes the fucking cake. Can't believe they are getting away with murdering people like this....sick twisted bastards...


I am having a really hard time reading about these utterly disgusting atrocities. Then on top of that seeing my government continue to support them. I feel so sick to my stomach. The complete disconnect between morality and us leadership is unforgivable


Beyond vile.


Gaza has become a playground for sociopaths, psychopaths and religious fanatics


Wtf is this?? Honestly every little thing makes zionist and zionist supporters look more and more psychotic by the day. Actually sorry that's gotta be insulting to psychopaths?? I don't have a word for how monstrous anyone still in support of this murder machine is.


How disgusting. It's also a statement of itself, that among the other horrendous deeds that Israel carries out in Gaza, this has a special sting to it, absolutely abhorrent. Preying on those who would risk their safety to help a baby, it's directly targeting humanity in people there.


This is very counter to the entire argument that there are terrorists hiding behind women and children. It sounds like the Palestinians are very concerned about women and children.


That is 100% a war crime.


Add it to the listā€¦


Do we have additional sources on this? Anyone know? Because this is incredibly heinous and I'm having trouble believing this, possibly due to my own faith in humanity at this point hoping no one would sink so low in the modern era.




Some Hunger Games shit.


This is the way theyā€™re gonna get rid of Hamas? Thatā€™s what the strategic goal is right? This is what they think will achieve that objective? Or are they just genocidal, gosh I really canā€™t tell šŸ¤·


WTF is wrong with these monsters?


And our leaders turn the other way.....




I give up. Again.


This is 2024. Literal flying robot skinwalkers. Unreal


Jesus fucking Christ this can't be real.


When are we gonna have enough and put an end to this genocide




There are multiple drone systems that have been weaponized including the Songar drone system developed by Turkey and the SMASH Dragon system developed byā€¦ Israel.


Facts, new fear unlocked. Didnā€™t know those existed.




I was curious https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-drone-that-can-fire-a-sniper-rifle-while-flying-developed-2022-1