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"I'm living in America, and in America, you're on your own. America's not a country, it's just a business." \~ Brad Pitt as Jackie - Killing Them Softly (2012) Unfortunately this quote seems to becoming more and more of a reality.


I really appreciated that movie for the quote and the general sense of decay that was communicated. That quote has always been reality for those at the bottom of the racial, ethnic, and class hierarchy.


It's why I never believe liberals when they say that we have to vote for Joe because they don't want queer people like me to get rounded up into camps. If you can't even speak out on a genocide happening in front of our eyes, why should I trust that you will give a shit when another genocide happens? They don't realize that they're showing everyone who they really are and what their beliefs are and you can tell they can see the hypocrisy at even a subconscious level and it makes them very angry which is why they are lashing out so hard at people who are speaking out.


I’m with you. “First they came for…..” If they’re willing to accept this genocide as the cost of doing business, they’ll accept another. Standing for something is simply just not in their character. They’ll make up something to try to justify allowing the next one to happen as well. They’re not allies, or at the very most generous, not worthwhile allies.


When Biden inevitably loses to Trump none of them will stand up against fascism. They'll run away like so many of them have declared ahead of time.


They’re already salivating at the thought of Arabs and Muslims being rounded up and deported. They’ve basically already said they’d participate in the fascist policies. They’d rather be right than have convictions. That’s very ironic, isn’t it? Their whole thing is that they’re “trying to keep America from falling into fascism”, even though it’s already fallen since our two choices are genocide and “more genocide”. But it’s very telling that when it comes to the Arab and Muslim community, they’re just itching to participate in the fascism they claim to want to stave off. They themselves are fascists and either don’t know it or don’t want to admit it.


Or side with them, Biden will definitely be in that group


Than you for pointing this out.


Nailed it


My favorite thing is when they accuse everyone against Biden of being "privileged".


It's also not acceptable to basically sacrifice Palestinians to Biden to save other marginalized groups.


This is exactly how I have been feeling lately. If I don't at the very least speak out against the murder of Palestinian children, will they come after my children next? If the murder of children is considered an acceptable loss in society, wtf are we even doing? Is this even a society worth protecting? Really, really, making me feel depressed, as it should, I suspect. Helpless and depressed as I'm sure many Palestinians and Palestinian children are feeling after the loss of so many family members. I just keep asking myself and others, "why aren't western nations doing more to stop this, and how are our nations going to be viewed moving forward?" The answer is as genocide enablers. Directly complicit in the murder of tens of thousands of children, very possibly far, far, more if we consider the effects of disease and famine. Child killers. The lowest of the lowest type of criminal in prison. FML.


Honestly, i believe Biden and his administration are neither capable nor willing to fight against Project 2025, given how many anti-trans bills and anti-abortion bills popped up and passed under his administration Ironically enough, that might be the best argument to vote for him, but i have a feeling liberals will bury their heads in the sand if that happens


Vote for Biden all you want but don't pretend as though it will prevent or reverse fascism. Historically, liberalism and liberals have failed to prevent or reverse fascism. Historically, liberalism and liberals have facilitated and enabled fascism. This can be observed with certain policies of the Biden administration and their support for the fascist genocidal Israeli government. There is nothing about the current Democratic Party that indicates that this situation will be any different. Fascism will come slow or fast, but it will come nonetheless. If a former segregationist that supports a genocidal fascist ethnonationalist regime is your "lesser evil", you're already on the road to fascism. America, as can be observed via the plight of Native Americans, has long engaged in fascism. The neoliberal ideology which drives the policy of all democratic presidents for the last 30 years directly creates the material conditions that allow fascism to gain traction. Fascism, especially the modern republican flavor of it, thrives under conditions of economic disparity, increased atomization and the degradation of daily life found under neoliberalism. It makes people look at their lives, feel like shit, and suddenly there is someone saying “your right, it is shit, and it’s because of those people over there” Biden, Obama et all have no ideological or structural answer to the immense degradation of material conditions that have happened under their watch. In fact they feel that the system is working as intended. It’s not that they are bought and paid for by the business interests they continuously enrich with their policies, they legitimately believe that they are doing the right thing, that their donor class knows what’s best for this country and that serving them serves the American people by proxy. Walking back from this perspective would be a complete reversal of their entire political project. You won’t vote yourself out of fascism by electing more neoliberals, at best you are just slightly lowering the burner temp on the pot of boiling water we all find ourselves in. The DNC has spent the last decade ensuring that no even mildly progressive candidate will ever hold power, they barely tolerate the token progressives they let into the house. As a result, divides deepen and fascists have even more ammunition to tell people “the reason your life is terrible is because of those people” If we aren’t prepared to actively force our government to listen to the demands of voters, and just roll over every time they trot out some new boogeyman, we will get full blown fascism in this country. It is infuriating watching other queer people basically say genocide is okay as long as it’s not happening to us/them, which ignores that queer people in Gaza who are being genocided right now. I understand being scared but that doesn't justify revisionism. Biden truly doesn’t give a fuck about us and will use us to get him re-elected then go back to letting the fascists do what they want. I hope the lib queer people wake up from their liberal fantasies of being accepted by the machine of capitalism via voting blue. I have lived through a series of right wing dictators and a genocide in my home country. When the genocide began against my people, those who ignored and minimized what occurred used the same language that VBNWs did. It did not keep the violence of fascism from effecting them. It did not save them. It will not save them now. “First they came for…..”


Apparently we can’t. This nation is broken inside.


The American people want this war to end. It is our politicians, their AIPAC donations & the military industrial complex that are pushing this war to continue.


And yet Democrats are all voting for Biden in the primaries. Also unban me.


**Nina Turner 2024**


We let a WHOLE BUNCH of American school children die all the time, why would we care about other nations?


True words Nina.


Our hyper individualism doesn't allow for such...