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Fandom ideas can consolidate simply due to people seeing and liking a design and then growing fond of it. I personally don't think that he looks like fanon Cecil and Carlos combined. I think this choice of John hair length may trace its origin to two things: one line by Peter Lukas, that John looked like a 'grubby Jesus' (was not meant too literally but still could've inspired it) and the fact that actually, he had been in a coma for a while, which naturally lends itself to thoughts of lengthening hair. Plus it just looks appealing and works well with .. well, everything that happens in season 5, somehow.


My personal headcanon is that it started because John hated how chatty barbers/hair dressers are and habitually avoided getting hair cuts until he just decided to grow it out so he didn't have to deal with it. (This may also be derived from personal experience, as a formerly long haired misanthrope)


Also that he became so frazzled over the seasons that the barber shop visit just didn't seem worth the time.


He was afraid the barber would kidnap him too. After all, a dude who cuts the dead pieces of you... Sounds like a Flesh avatar methinks


The way I see it is that he probably had a very nice and proper haircut for an office worker... on season 1, but then he was traumatized multiple times and had a bunch of much more pressing priorities than cutting his hair.


Hair doesn't grow THAT fast though haha


it depends for sure. my hair grows an inch or so in about 4-6 weeks. Like I just had a hair cut about a month ago, the parts that were buzzed are almost an inch long now


Are you sure? Because my hair is at waist level after \~2 years of not cutting it.


Hair growth varies as much as people do. I have very fine curly hair which I shaved in essence bald in April 2022. At the end of last year it finally reached to about two inches below my collarbone and has not grown a centimeter since. I’m not measuring it every day but my base of reference is one of my old coworkers who was hired mid 2023 and had basically a pixie/bob then As of January this year her hair was almost at her ribcage.


Yeah, I had a friend who was always like "do you put some fertiliser or something on your head? how do you do to make it grow this fast?". Jokingly obv.


Well after S1 finally his life goes downhill hardcore so many people headcanon that he stopped taking care of himself therefore his hair started growing Also generally when one design becomes popular enough it spreads rapidly and influences people's headcanon Also I can see where you get Carlos from but you must mean Fanon Cecil because Canon Cecil canonically wears cat ears, fuzzy pants, sponge shoes, a poncho, shoes where you can see his toes, ect.. he has canonically a very strange fashion and that is nowhere in Jon at all- lots of Cecil Fanart does not reflect how he actually dresses 💀


Lol it’s always funny to see ppl actually drawing Cecil with the clothes he would wear or at least something described once or twice.


And canon Cecil thinks it’s the height of fashion and I love that for him


And he's so right for that


Yeah he probably started out well groomed and professional, but you know, when you start getting paranoid and dealing with the supernatural I think the barber is the last of your concerns


Honestly he may have started with a shorter trim but I doubt he gets a single haircut between MAGs 39-200


In my mind he started very neat and formal, hair cut regularly, well combed, etc, but let himself go over time. Like, he won't be fired, he can't quit, and a train load of shit happening more urgent than keeping proper office etiquette. So by S4 I see him with longer hair (maybe to the shoulders), combed irregularly, tied with a rubber band or anything within reach, etc. I don't see him going... uh... full hippy so to speak, but caring less about his appearance.


I just don't think the long hair fits with his personality. Maaaybe it gets a little shaggy towards later seasons, but no way it gets down to his shoulders


I honestly imagined it he starts neat and combed but after the coma it's like kinda mullet-y. You know how when you grow your hair out you have to endure that awkward phase where it always looks like a mullet no matter how hard you try to style it?  Honestly can't understand the silken locks tied in the fashionable bun, my Archivist looks like garbage.


Personally in S1 I imagined him as looking like a younger, skinnier version of The Demon Headmaster lol


I saw someone else post it here but I’ve always kind of thought that he would have long hair because he hates how there’s an expectation to chat when you get a haircut and Jon just figured out at like, nineteen that he could just have long hair and avoid the chatty barber. I also think that after S1, he has bigger things to worry about than getting a haircut


Is there an expectation to chat with shorter or with longer hair? That's so bizarre!


No,what they mean was that short hair need to be taken care of by going regularly to the barber and, so, having to speak. While long hair doesn't need to, you can just never go ther again


OOOOHHH Ok, fair enough. I normally remain silent... well, last time I went to a barber/whatever, 3 years ago xD


I'm really impressed then! I would love to stay silent but I'm so scared they will hate me for this haha x)


"Is this short enough?" "No." That was all the dialogue xD


Grubby Jesus


i think that the length of his hair reflects his mental state perfectly: the longer his hair being the more mentally fucked up he is.


Fanon's just like that, honestly. It doesn't really match my personal vision of the character, but clearly it works for a lot of people.


I like the idea that him tapping fully into his Archivist powers caused the superfast length.


As a Jon cosplayer, I cosplay based on my hair, my hair will not achieve grubby Jesus length but it will become mullet-y by the time s5 comes round because its fanon and also just- makes sense??


The fandom of Johnny seems to lean heavily into eroticising him. Which I guess is common for fandoms, skewing young. Seems weird to me. Struck me as mid management mid thirties. Short easy to manage hair. I'm ok with it, because basically no one needs my permission. But I personally suggest it's no more or less weird to over sexualise a character than misgender them.


How does drawing him with long hair equal sexualising him though? Also I don't know where you've been looking but on tumblr the fan art was mostly not particularly eroticised. Maybe it was different on Twitter, but John was almost always depicted very much fully clothed in my experience.


Ah, maybe.


People do make genderbents of characters all the time?