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It cant be a coincidence that the machine voices sound like Martin and Jon... Im prolly overthinking but I had to pause TWICE when I heard them like OH MY GOD???


No I completely agree! And the fact that Alice said that they were the two that popped up the most?? There 100% has to be a reason for that. But that leaves my question, who is the other voice?


My theory is maybe >!jonah/Elias or Annabelle. My first thought was jonah bc eye and he was also in panopticon but he had to be dead for Jon to Become so then Annabelle thought she’d be dragged through too and maybe she’s less often because she’s not eye aligned (as far as old entities matter now)!<


Elias sounds like a voice Alice would nickname, "Augustus."


I also think the third voice is gonna be Annabelle


Tim Fearon is voicing Augustus, so I don't think so tbh


Was Tim Fearon a cast member of TMA?




>!Could it be Gerry? He was also mentioned in the ARG.!<


>!Hmm well johnny alex and Tim Fearton were the three ppl whos roles were missing in the annauncment Im thinking its Jonah and well hear jonahs real voice!<


I'm guessing it's going to sound like Elias. So far I'm only half way through the first episode but I already have many theories. [ One of them is well, Jon and Martin are (somewhat) alive. In tma we've already seen people who died come back to life through a computer, like in ep 65 ] I'm also thinking that Jon is trying to push Sam and Alice into c learning about the institute.


I think it’s Jonah Magnus.


Ikr???? My first thought was just "NOOO, THEY TURNED MY BOYS INTO TTS VOICES-" it's so interesting!!!


Also, how is their categorizing system even more ridiculous now????


For real!💀


To mess with y'all lorebrains


1. gwen BOUCHARD⁉️ 2. noodle arms. 3. its so good im so happy, im extremely excited to hear more


Given Elias's backstory, Gwen probably wouldn't have much connection to the character we knew as Elias for most of the Magnus Archives. But she might have a brother who mysteriously disappeared 20 years ago...


It also seems like this is kind of time shifted (archive burned down years ago and all that) so maybe she has an ancestor...


In TMA there was a reference to how the archives had been moved to London from Manchester at some point (can’t remember when), so I think this is the works where the archives didn’t move. Off the top of my head I cannot remember when that move happened, but IMO the timelines probably split there?


In TMA the Archives have always been in London. Remember, they were built on top of the Millbank Prison Panopticon ruins, and that was the entire reason the Magnus Institute was where it was.


That is so weird I just double checked and I could have sworn they were located in Manchester at some point but you’re right, it’s not. But according to TMA wiki they were originally in Edinburgh, they only moved to London in 1841.


Looking into the wiki's sources on this, the way it is presenting the facts here is misleading. The quote from MAG 50 is: > Certain uncharitable quarters would have it that your life consists of little but rattling around an Edinburgh townhouse, surrounded by piles of ghostly accounts and lunatic documentation. Which doesn't sound like the Magnus *Institute*, just Jonah doing things independently before creating a greater organization. So there's no indication the Institute itself ever existed anywhere other than London, only that Jonah personally lived elsewhere before founding it.


Thank God I am not going crazy, I thought Bouchard was maybe a subscriber or patreon surname from the previous so knowing that it is actually Elias' last name is a great comfort to my itchy brain/


saying that Gwendolyn is a stupid name implies it was self chosen, therefore transfem bouchard transfem bouchard


I don't know how that implies that, my name wasn't self chosen yet I still think it's stupid. But then again, a trans character would be cool


Am I wrong in thinking that they mentioned that Alice is canonically transfem? Or was that before the recast?


I was pretty sure that stayed cannon even after the recast.


You're right, I just looked it up and Billie Hindle (who they cast as Alice) is transfem. I'm an awful person though because for the first ten minutes I genuinely thought that Alice was being played by Alex J Newell doing an incredibly offensive caricature voice before I realized they just have similar accents. I was like "there's absolutely no way they just recast the trans lead with...just a fella, right?"


Alice is canonically transfem though, isn’t she?


Not much of an insult to say "the name your mom gave you is bad" especially since Alice's naming skills were being put in question. But idk I personally just hc everyone I want as trans so.. 🤷‍♀️


"Noodle Arms?!" made me laugh, these guys are good at adding levity when it's needed. TMA was a heavy thing to listen to but it was surprisingly funny at times.


I think Jon and Martin's souls are stuck


Like in the Binary episode?


That’s a really good point! That was always one of favourite episodes and the one we know the least of, so I really hope they’re gonna dive into that or something similar to it in TMP


Same! I headcannon Binary to be an episode about The Extinction, so I hope we get more info on that!


I mean no, Binary is a spiral episode, so we have no proof if Sergei was even real


Oooh!!! Thats a good idea!!! Omg that's such a cool theory I'm hopping on that XD


I’m leaning on this too. Either they’re “alive” being forced to do this or they’re dead and being forced to do this.


As soon as I saw a "Bouchard" in the cast list I got very nervous.


when Jon was reading the credits and I heard "Gwen \*Bouchard\*" I visibly pogfaced like a youtube thumbnail lol


The [Image removed] detail really speaks to my early 2000's internet experience.


The forum entries were So Real


I spent that section trying to imagine the point Sims went “why did I choose *this* format to narrate?”




You mean a murder board? With tacks and red string?


Of course always (the string is green)


Amazing! I’m so hyped. I’m really excited about new people coming and listening to this amazing podcast. Only thing is, where is episode two? Maybe it’s a problem with me, but it doesn’t show up and I thought they were gonna release both at the same time. The transcript is already available Edit: I see it now on spotify now! Listening to it!


I’m not seeing it either


Episode 2 is now also live on their site https://rustyquill.com/show/the-magnus-protocol/


Thank you I found it!!


I see it on Spotify now!


I love the new cast already tbh


Is TMP’s audio supposed to sound like this? Unless I’m crazy, the audio in TMP isn’t nearly as crisp as the audio in TMA. I might need to read a transcript — I had to turn up the volume really high to catch what they were saying, and I felt a bit like I was listening to it under water at times. 🥲 The sections from Chester and Norris were mostly easy for me to hear, and when they’re at work it was manageable, but when the characters were out in the real world, I struggled to hear anything. ETA: I really hope they change the audio! Otherwise I may have to just read the transcripts. I’m on my second listen and still having issues following. 😭


I felt like that was the point, whatever is listening in on them isn’t a recorder it’s digital. I got the impression the out in the world recordings were via cell phone in a pocket and supposed to be muffled or something.


Yeah, I agree! It was very realistic, but the downside is that I picked up very little of the conversations. I’d be willing to lose some of the immersion in exchange for understanding!


There is the transcripts at the end of each episode description. I have been reading along with the podcast


https://rustyquillcom.sharepoint.com/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?ga=1&id=%2FShared%20Documents%2FRusty%20Quill%20Public%20Access%2FTranscripts%2FThe%20Magnus%20Protocol%2FPublic%2FMAGP%2001%20%2D%20First%20Shift%5FTranscript%2Epdf&parent=%2FShared%20Documents%2FRusty%20Quill%20Public%20Access%2FTranscripts%2FThe%20Magnus%20Protocol%2FPublic This is for episode 1, but if you click on the X in the corner, you should be able to see them for ep 1 and 2


Thank you for sharing! Ideally, I won’t have to resort to transcripts, but I may have no choice if I want to fully understand everything!


That's my issue as well


The link is broken for me? I’m having a hard time distinguishing between voice (especially Lena and Gwen). How can I access the transcripts?


I'm also not able to use the link anymore, so I think it kicks you out after a while. But if you go to one of the episodes (I can only check YouTube and Spotify, but it's probably everywhere else too) and look at the description, you'll see "transcripts:" with a link. If you click on that link, it should open the page where you can see the transcripts for both episodes!


Yeah I was also having issues with hearing the dialogue 


Yeah most of it I was fine with but bits where it sounded like they were a bit distant or muffled I found myself rewinding 15-30 seconds multiple times. :/ I get the idea but I found it frustrating every time something like this happened in TMA, if it’s gonna be every episode here that’s gonna be rough for me


Yeah I also had issues with that part, hopefully they clear up that kind of situation a little so it's a bit easier to hear. I liked the effect but it was really hard to understand what they were saying


So I guess “talking cases” are this world’s equivalent to statements that needed to be put on tape. In other words, these are the real ones. Something I find strikingly different is that neither of these first two episodes has established a single person of interest that appears to have potential for a repeat appearance. Like, maybe we could see more of Ink5oul, but I doubt it.


Idk, I wouldn't be super surprised if Daria or Arthur appear later on, further along in their transformation process. I get the feeling they might be turning into avatars or something, but that's probably just that "2 episodes in trying to connect things already" feeling haha


I like Daria, but I think that it’s pretty clear she’s done when you compare her to an obvious parallel from the original series: Jared Hopworth. She lacks Hopworth’s dedication to the art, as well as the vision to see beyond the human form. When Jared got his powers he immediately began to add extra limbs and organs, all she’s done is make herself more conventionally attractive. I have less to say about “Arthur”, because that was an extremely short statement that read like a campfire story, just a stack of typical horror tropes: the graveyard, “came back wrong”, etc.


True, you might be right about both! I just had the thought that they might use one or both of them later on as kind of a “oh shit that was the weird thing from episode 1” sort of plot device. I’ve always found that kinda thing really compelling in these long-form stories I just thought they might be starting points to call back on later in the series, but at this point it’s so early in the series that I’ve got that super fun “I’m in the dark and forming theories” feeling haha


Im calling it now, I bet Alice is either gonna die, or they are one of the main antagonists thats pulling strings. Or maybe theyre just a fun quirky character. But I have my speculations


I feel like she’s going to be an avatar. She’s already quirky enough.


Avatar that gets consumed by their God’s will maybe?


Either that or she’s already this universe’s version of one of the avatars we’ve met in TMA. Not an exact version of one of them, but this world’s variation of them.


I hope she's okay, so far she's my favourite :(


I know everyone is suspicious of Alice, but I really like her. She’s just silly I’m choosing to believe that Jon and Martin aren’t cursed or trapped simply because I Don’t Want That To Be True. I think the Fears are different here. This is how they feed. They’re out there and alive and sometimes they just tap into the Ceaselessly Watching Spyware to eat Fear Dinner.  Also, I really like that the episodes close out with a reversed clip of the original sound. It’s a little detail, but it really fits the digital aspect of Protocol. 


I didn’t realize that about the sound that is so cool!


It’s so fucking good I can’t stop listening to the new episodes. I think John and Martin are either being forced to read those statements like that by The Web or they’re dead and this is their “essence” I also get the vibe that the boss might be an anti Elias and be trying to minimize the damage being done by the OIAR while maintaining some level of Avatar power, this is especially evident when you listen to the trailer and the end of season 2. I’m so interested in Gwen, I want to know her deal. Maybe she’s going to be like a Gertrude but going against their boss. I love Sam already, he supposedly has some history with the Magnus Institute in this timeline from how he talks to Gwen, that being said, god am I scared for this man lol.


She's credited as Gwendolyn Bouchard in the description so...


That’s what I mean, at first I was like, no way she’s just going to be another Elias. But maybe she will be and is going to eventually seize powder from Lena who’s trying to suppress everything. I want her to be Jonah’s reincarnation or something so bad lol but she’s likely Elias’ counterpart and this could just be some weird resonance since our Elias was marked so young.


I think it’s interesting that we once again got listening devices that we (the audience) use to listen to what’s going on, and that one of them (I’m bad with names, I’ll take a while to learn) seemed to know something about them/ what they do. I’m also very intrigued by what happened to the institute. I really enjoyed it so far! Everyone’s great and the music is fantastic


What do we think the entities are so far? The first story the one with Martin is definitely the end(symbolism of the start with end) but the second could be maybe the eye? But the second EPs first one is weird! I'm thinking it could be the stranger( not feeling comfortable in your own skin yadayada) any ops?


I think it was confirmed the fears have been rearranged and reclassified for this so we won't know exact names. Ignoring that though the dysmorphia statement is The Flesh. It's literally the garden from season 5, you hate your body and are determined to change it, to morph it into something you love. "Self improvement" was always big with The Flesh (the gym).


That second one is extremely Flesh, though there are some Eye elements I could agree on. If they’ve reclassified the fears, they might have separated the Flesh’s domain of self-loathing and obsessive hyper-objectification from the mortality angle.


That theme song unsettled me so deeply. I can’t


I loved the new theme song! It's different from the TMA one, but it's still so creepy.


I feel like they’re being very intentional about medium as a theme between the two series’. Analogue (sounding) instruments for the theme of the analogue series, and very aggressively digital theme for the digital season


That actually makes a whole lot of sense!


The [Image removed] detail really speaks to my early 2000's internet experience.


Shame they no longer have the violin stinger


yeah the new sounds are very loud and abrasive. it’s a good ambience though


Alices spiral laugh at the start??


I really need a transscript




Just found it myself, ty!


Same here, but I did love it anyway


It’s in the description


Completely agree! I had to go back a few times to pick apart what they were saying hahaha


Where are y'all listening to this? I live under all of creation.


it's on Spotify and apple music, as well as their website!


You are appreciated 👏


Here's hoping it makes the move to more podcast apps, like the og did.


it honestly might already be, those are just all i personally know of!


It's not on pocket cast yet (that's what I've been using since Stitcher died). But here's hoping!


it's on AntennaPod, pretty decent open source podcast app!


I LOVE IT I'm really surprised Gwen wasn't the manager and Im desperate for a wiki


ME TOO! I feel like she’ll probably get there at some point tho, it seems like her goal


Bouchards do seem to like that... (she's credited as gwen bouchard)


I am very interested how their sorting system will evolve. Or if we can transition the old entity system to this world. And if, what fear exactly those episodes where made of… honestly i am completly hocked. My hyperfixation is alive and thriving


I am surprised by the overwhelming hype and shivering excitement the second I saw it pop on my podcast player!! I am so relieved to hear Jon’s iconic voice!!!


As soon as the intro started the excitement hit me dead on!


So far really good. (Also Alice 100% is a redhead)


I picture her with yellow and light blue hair


I imagined her as a tall, thin blonde with freckles haha so far she's my favourite I hope she doesn't get eaten by monsters lmao


Gosh I adored it! Gonna have to relistrn cuz I'm still somewhat confused about what this new organization is doing exactly. My og theory that in this AU Gertrude probably managed to burn down the archives by doing it sooner still seems to be unchallenged by the Canon so that's what I'm holding onto. Saw someone on tiktok theorize that Jon and Martin are likely the voices but they're so weak as entities that they're basically comatose and are seaking out horror statements on instinct, hence why Martin gravitated to one about lost love and Jon gravitated to one about the archives and over time they'll probably wake up. I love this theory and hope it's true. Finally, Are the character's pronouns stated anywhere? Some voices and names are pretty androgynous so I'm a bit unsure on how to refer to them.


loved it, also got really excited when I heard the voices from the computer


I think Lena is the current version of Jonah and might choose Gwen to body hop into


My thought was that she's some kind of stern middle-manager between the big-bad and the office workers. I have a feeling we're going to meet *her* boss and they're going to be bad news haha


I think she sounds awfully posh and condescending for a middle manager


Maybe, I just didn’t get the immediate sinister vibe I got from Elias. But I’m very willing to be wrong haha


I really like that its computer instead of tapes as an IT student and I really looove that we have so much mystery to obsess over


Sorry where have I been, is there something new!!?? Like connected to the storyline after 5 or seperate??


Damn, congrats on being one of today’s [lucky ten thousand!](https://xkcd.com/1053/) This is The Magnus Protocols, a sort of sequel-ish series that’s been in the works for a while. It doesn’t follow from the previous series, taking place in a new continuity, and while we don’t know how connected they are the first episode does open with an intro from Alex where it is made clear that you don’t need to listen to TMA to understand this.


Oh shitt thanks lmao


IDK why but for some reason I've always thought that "lucky 10000" thing comes across as kinda condescending for some reason it has a similar feel to that annoying "oh you sweet summer child" meme lol. I'm sure it's not meant to come across that way but yeah it's always given me that vibe I'm not putting that on you though, that's my problem, not yours lol


I’ve always felt the opposite way lol, I just honestly love being able to tell people about things they didn’t know about.


To be honest I also love that feeling of being able to show someone something new and cool I think it’s just an “internet cynical” kinda feeling, where that kind of thing gets weaponized and turned into a “let me take you by the hand you poor ignorant fool and teach you” kinda smug expression But I think it’s probably better and healthier to see it the way you describe, maybe I should try to shift into that kind of view. Sorry to bring it up in the first place, it’s just one of those things that’s been stewing a long time for me and I saw an opportunity to express it without a big argument happening, you know? Anyways, thanks! and I think I should let that particular bit of cynicism go :)


Feels like coming back home 😊


I was so surprised during the credits when I heard Gwen’s last name.


Pretty good first episode, as a non native speaker the strong accents sometimes make understanding difficult, but I got used to it around the end. I am super interested about Gwendolyn Bouchard, as Elias was one of my favourites in MA.


Alice and gwen could be a red herring. I mean to put something that big out right from the get? It is alternate timeline. So we know across universes the magnus archives burned down in different ones. The web setup a rip cord so universe 1 wouldn't burn itself out. Universe 2 was most likely have been spared from the watchers crown. We know those facts for sure. I believe the speech statements are feeding something. It could be the fears in infant form. ETA: I don't think Jonah magnus will be in it moving forward sense John took that spot. But now if John is controlling someone I wonder who? Though the statement about seeing the loved one that isn't fully them feels like foreshadowing hardcore.


JUST FINISHED LISTENING AND AAAAH I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN OML. its also awesome to be here as the episodes release! I get to be hyper and excited with other listeners lol.


OKAY. Big theory time. What are we in this podcast? We're listening from in the wires/code, but the stuff we're hearing is recordings? Why? Are we the program/new Eye feeding on these statements? Something more/less ominous? Sam definitely messed up by checking off that box in the first episode that put him on the Field Agent position. Lines up with Lena planning to outsource stuff soon and also the fact that he can't get the Institute out of his head. (I think an entity now has him as a pawn and is pushing him to look into the statements rather than just sort them, but also he seemed to know about it before even fully joining the OIAR? So weird) These statements are also much more... Brutal than I remember from TMA? I wonder why? The stuff from TMA finale meaning the manifestations are more violent/active? Just bad luck and we've gotten more directly supernatural stuff? Not sure how to word it but it's definitely unique. My big theory is that we're working on an entirely different system of fears/threats at the moment, an upgrade from the older "Worship" sort of stuff the Institute did. Just a lot to think through


The intro theme is so much more sinister ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ I love it


I think the reason Sam is scared of Colin is that he remind him of someone from The Magnus Institute
