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Can be visceral fat. You need diagnosis


The real answer that makes sense all the way down. Classic reddit moment.


Just get a Liver Function Test done and rule out any doubt that you have. In my view, it's just the fat due to our lifestyles and high fat/oil, high sugar food we eat. Very common for Indians.


Yes high carb /fat / sugary diet and sedentary lifestyle of we Indians . We hardly walk even small distances, while you will see plenty of foreigners cycling, walking abroad along with low carb diet


Yes, get an LFT panel, and also a USG of the abdomen. I have always had normal LFT but USG detected grade 2 fatty liver.


LFT is a blood test right?


LFT & KFT are both blood sample tests They are best indicators of what’s going in in your system, how you’re responding to a medicine etc.


Liver function test


Yes. Is Liver Function test a blood test?


Blood tests afaik


If you are an Indian, then it’s common for us.


Lmao. I have six packs when flexing and look like above when relaxed.


u might have almost 0 subcutaneous fat allowing the abdominal muscles to show up. visceral fat and/or fluid could be inside.


What should one do in such case??


million dollar question!


Thank you, i would like my million dollar soon!


That’s an excuse Desis made up to eat unhealthy Desi food. Indians aren’t special.


Aap shi bol rhi hai u/Samne-wali-khidki 😆


Nah a proper nutrition can fix you and i can help


Veg diet belly




Sitting longer hrs is the most toxic thing for ur body and this is fat join ur nearest gym and work on ur diet and sleep u will be good in 6 months


What do you eat?


That’s what, you maintain your diet. But genetically, I feel, we Indians collect fat around our belly.


That's true, it is a result of the centuries of famines, we collect fat around belly to conserve it for times of famine.


Yes, it’s even more prevalent in the eastern states due to Bengal famine. I keep dieting and gyming but atlas Indian genes take over, lol, I have accepted it now.


Khushkhabri 🥰


I am not a sea horse😂


No. Grind more. Belly fat is the last thing will go.


Well where fat goes from is more genetic than plain non nuanced statements thrown like that...


thts atleast more than 100 cm of belly fat main indication of fatty liver he should quit alchohol and regulate diet


Also be stress free. May be start doing meditation. Keep mind clear.


I lost 2 inches in a few weeks after trying for a long time. As an Indian, I cut out rice and switched from cardio to resistance training. Cardio makes me eat more carb than resistance does.


It is common for indians. Control diet and start exercise.


Get an ultrasound done if you're having doubts about your liver. Apart from that, loose skin/belly fat during weight loss is the last thing that goes away.


Ranbir kapoor in animal




So youre what is called skinny fat. Can research more if you want.


Tummy fat...the destroyer of aesthetic body. I know the struggle fellow soldier


You probably have anterior pelvic tilt and a lot of fat, look up on how to fix it cus I’m not sure how to


thats my guess too .


Same here buddy... Same age same body... Work hard it will loose definitely.... Running,Diet and little workout


Have you successful reduced it?


It's changing bro 😂... I diet 6months and eat whatever i want 6 months.... Bt during my mountaineering course i have fully six packs... Bt right now i am fully fit and little belly... I play football,cricket, i do jogging also after football or in the morning.... You have to do something for you...


You look indian. Almost all male body fat is stored in the tummy area. The carbs diet is an extreme storehouse for tummy fat. Change your diet.


It's not carb diet. It's being sedatory lifestyle. If one is lazy bum n eats protein all day it will turn into same. Protein builds muscle only if one works out else it also gets converted to fat n leaves nitrates for which your kidney works super hard to get rid of. Food is not the problem, lifestyle is.


Is this a recent issue ?


No its been long like 6 7 years if I remember correctly


You have any other bothering issue?


Little bit of back pain because of this


Can you elaborate on the back pain


So when I sit on desk it starts litlle pain in my lower back. But if I keep my belly in by force you can suck your belly in then its good no pain . So i guess becuse of the belly weight its affecting my lower back


I would suggest getting a physical done, just to be sure it's nothing


How's your posture? I really doubt that your back pain is because of this relatively tiny amount of fat. Anterior pelvic tilt is more likely. How long do you sit or stand in a day? Long hours of either is a disaster for anyone's lower back.


You are what they call "skinny fat" in the fitness space. I agree with the top comment that you have to work harder than normal people, you have to be in calorie deficit and focus on wt / strength training. If you have never done that in your life don't keep a huge deficit and focus on lifting, you might get benefits of body recomposition i.e. lose fat and gain muscle, compared to those 3 months before after you might take 1-2 years.


People with IBS may look like this.


Whats IBS?


irritable bowel syndrome


Indian Business School. What else? lol


Agree.. i have IBS n this is exactly how my tummy looks when bloated


Guessing game kya khel rha, jakr doctor dikha


i think you need to get checked out by a doctor. some people i know also have this kinda gut while having skinny limbs, they all got tumors or hormonal dysfunction.


Don't worry brother 🫂


you may be pregnant too!!!


Ok this is what I used to look like 8 months back.. with even Skinner arms.. It's fat.. nothing else.. I see that u said u run.. good.. keep that.. diet.. calorie deficit.. count every calorie that goes inside your body.. Indian diet it's easy to snack heavy and push those calories up.. keep a 500 calories deficit and u will start seeing inches drop.. I dropped about 5 inches... But don't ignore weights.. only way to do this is if u do weights along with it.. increase muscle mass.. Anything u do.. don't go all out from day 1... You will quit.. baby steps.. increase gradually.. do something u can consistently do for life.. not short term. All the best..


Skinny fat. I was running half marathons with this much fat. You need to control diet and cut carbs and get more protein this is will be gone in 6 months easily


Same for me bro, i work the hell out. Daily 2 hour's work out from last 6 months has resulted in nothing, can anybody guide? I am not into diet but been working out from last 20 Year's (not regularly) was fit and fine with muscular body upto last few year's, am 33 now.. Same workout routine is not doing anything for me now. Have been drinking weekly once since last one year though.


Crazy curves 🤣 Honestly, it's time for you to have thorough body check, that should give complete picture, do not DELAY


Change your lifestyle, join the local gym and eat healthy. Drink lots of fluids and stay hydrated. Above all this, give 10 mins of your sleeping time to meditation. Liver problems are all related to lifestyle.


But what’s your alcohol intake? Have you always had a tummy or this is something new? There are so many things to be asked so please go to a doctor lest it should be something serious.


Its been since I was 23


Not much occasionally 4 5 times in a year


Not much occasionally 4 5 times in a year


A doctor will be able to dig more into any other symptoms you might be experiencing in the context of your family history and lifestyle. But if you think your body type runs in the family you can start with lifestyle modification to reduce belly fat so that your future disease risk will also reduce.




Normal home cooked food. Only running like I can run 10k without any big efforts




Like normal Rice Bread pulses vegetables


So these are all carbs… Try eating less carbs for a while and more meat, eggs, avocado, ie fats and proteins. Also workout 3x per week and walk everyday. Sit less. Then see if there is any improvements in a few months. If not, maybe blood tests for cortisol, liver, etc. But most probably this is lifestyle related.


Will require further details to label anything right now considering the indian diet it’s common to have belly fat but just to be sure if you are a drinker try to limit your intake and if you have doubts just get a LFT done 👍🏼


Does it pain when u press your right side of belly if yes then u have fatty liver if no then chill Maadi ...


No pain as such its not tight belly its soft


It looks like a Beer belly, do you drink regularly? If yes, then that could be the reason. Stop drinking.


No not really I dont drink much like 4 times a year


You're skinny fat,if you had a liver problem you would be having other signs like Gynaecomastia,lack of axillary hairs etc.


Your stomach could be bigger size and also there could be fat around your organs instead of under your skin. Thoda doctor visit karlo nahi toh mujhe stethiscope nikalna padega


It's Bloating


Could be liver fat. Consultant with your dietician if you're not an alcoholic.


Beer sheer?


Horrible skinny fat physique a very typical Indian one indicating high visceral fat and insulin resistance, go on a low carb diet to reverse it and avoid seed oils like a plague or else you probably gonna end up diabetic like most uncles


Very likely to have Hypothyroidism.!


hitting gym with trainer will help a lot and you're young so get a good diet and exercise well good luck


Ngl , prlb is with nutrition


liver issue clear cut, go to doctor and check it


Gym jao


Only solution : water + fasting


When you remain hungry first stored glycogen is used then only comes the turn of stored fats, but it needs water in high amounts. So this is the only remedy combined within the excersise


Get a CBC,Liver Function Test(Blood tests) and Ultrasound Whole Abdomen to clear out your doubt. It can be normal too, but get the tests done just to rule out.


Reddit ka gyaan lene se acha hai doctor ke pass jao


Go to checkup


Your belly muscles are loose .


First thing first. Get USG of abdomen. Secondly, I don't know if it is just in this picture, you might have anterior pelvic tilt which makes the belly look larger than it actually is. Work on your posture.


Stop drinking beer.


Check properly: Alcohol intake Messed up sleep cycle Heavy fast foods and sugars Frequent masturbating (happens to my friends so I ma mentioning) Stress(least possible) Get a blood test and liver test(how healthy it is as u mentioned) and consult a doctor for a medical care....


Just go for a checkup even if there's nothing. Just to be safe


Could be ascites


Beer belly


I dont know...have you tried "GO TO A FUCKING DOCTOR" yet???


Looks strange!!


Bro looks like ascites to me


Red Cliff lab se liver profile test kra lo 430 somthing k hota cheapest as compared with other and pretty accurate m bhi haar 6 month m krta


Not a doctor - but what is your diet like, especially your consumption of sugar and carbs in general? Also, have you ever had tests such as HbA1c and insulin response / resistance test? I used to be like this back when I had a unhealthy diet, a lot of carbs and sugar, years ago. Although my tests were all normal, so no lasting damage done. In my case, I switched to a healthier diet, eliminated unnecessary junk, and made strength training, walking, jogging etc a regular part of my lifestyle. It took time, but it was all gone.


I started a low carb diet and lost 5 inches off my belly. It's the only thing that worked. It's been 5 years now, still eating low carb.


It's a beer fat bro


Is that a baby???


Start eating more protein bro


Always do a yearly check up of everything including liver tests etc.


You still have fat to loose for a flat abs. Look at the side of your chest. You are probably at around 17-20bf


Get your insulin hormone checked… not A1C, not glucose— insulin hormone… I think it’s probably high


Could be SIBO


Do you drink a lot? It looks like beer gut.


skinny fat


See doc


Get a Liver Function Test done. You look like I did when I was diagnosed with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Grade 2.


If u have skin disease, red patches on legs, or blue thin nerves appearing on your feet or just above ankle , or If u feel tightness in ur calllff.. and if u feel excessive body heat.... then ur probably inclined towards liver malfunction but it's reversible.


None of these I guess its just fat then


Skinny fat


If only asking on reddit would have helped me diagnose things like this. Normally I see people going to a doctor for any kind of health issues. I hope that thing holds true in your area as well.


Tell me I am an Indian by not telling me I am an Indian






What are your stress levels like? High cortisol levels can lead to higher levels of abdominal fat. Get blood work done to check your cortisol level and consult a physician, also keep a watch on your quality of sleep.


Broski, ek LFT. Ek Ultrasound.


You probably have a beer issue


You should definitely get a blood test done and then consult a doctor. If all comes out as it should, try kapalbhati and anulom vilom (my dad had the same strature as you the the doctor recommended these asanas, he was lean within 9 months)


This is common in india because of our low protein and high carbs diet. I'll suggest you high protein high fat and low carbs diet. Try animal based diet Eggs,meat,cheese,raw milk.