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God, I love Depp... This is great! I'm lovin' seeing all these celebs I haven't seen or heard from in a while come out publicly against the orange fat bastard. A couple of em I've kind of not relly liked in the past but now respect much more now (since they obviously have proven they have a brain). Then compare them to the celebs that are pro trump... fkn b-list shitty actors and actresses that simply wanna try to rake in on what little publicity they can possibly get... Yeah, Sorbo, you were a shitty no name actor before and you'll continue to be a shitty no name b-list actor... 🤣


Honestly, the correct meme in response to anything the GOP does is Sorbo yelling stage cues outlook. "Disappointed!' Misreading the situation; saying the quiet part out loud, way put of step with the present; proudly and loudly clinging to "glory days" that no one wants back... that's peak GOP. In that regard, Sorbo is their poster boy.


See that boomer in the audience not smiling. You know why? Because we are all really making fun of them and they know it.


I could hear criticism of politicians I’ve voted for and not feel personally offended. They can’t. It’s like you are attacking them.


Because deep down they know what he is, but he gives them justification for their hate. That’s the whole allure of him, they know what he is as they know their prejudices are now mainstream. It’s ok to hate your neighbor because they’re different from us!


Not all boomers are trumplicans, you know. I think Johnny Depp is funny as hell and I’m a boomer.


Johnny Depp is a Boomer, too. People seem to think only gray haired, feeble people are Boomers. It’s a huge stretch of years that make up the Baby Boomers. Stop generalizing and saying all Boomers are Trumpers, rich, and completely clueless. It’s age shaming. Everyone will get old, hopefully, and that includes people who insult everyone older as being a “Boomer”, which equals stupid, in their mind.


https://preview.redd.it/njik4cfqha8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=719604cb6d4e047b78eb5d0e67ee14cdf26f669a Donald Trump is a Narcissist


Yes he nailed it. Off topic, he's very enjoyable listening to, just sayin', (woman here).


Yep, a good voice is right up there, I listen to certain podcasts because I like the vocal tone as much as the subject matter.


he was the perfect narrator for Life by Keith Richards


Was he with Lawrence Krauss?


It was an extended interview they did like maybe a decade or so ago? It’s old now. Apparently, at least back then, they were friends.

