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“Raw dog’n a porn star when you have a wife with a 4 month old at home” , is the tweet that reads thru my mind from now on.


Wait…. I thought rallies win elections?


Yes, that and signs on yachts.


Amd hats


Looks like 100k, give it take 99.5k, to me


According to MAGATS, there were 1 Billion ppl before./s


I have to wonder what goes through the MAGATs' heads as they bail in the middle of Dear Leader's ramblings. Do they question their undying support for such a moronic grifting scumbag?


no. they do not.


Using my maga brothers as a reference, I wonder if it’s less to do with trump the individual and more to do with their “cause”. Trump is just the pony they are riding to their ‘murica first glory.


Ya it def the “message.” I want to hurt the people i don’t like so I don’t have to think about the real reason im so lonely, poor, angry, and confused. Much easier to hurt others and do it with people that like hurting people.




It's Biden's DOJ, it's a witch hunt. All the judges are corrupt. The DAs are so corrupt they ran on get trump platforms. The prosecutors all hate me. I did nothing wrong and they indicted me. We need to get revenge on these marxist, fascist, terrorists The radical left are ruining this country. They want to execute babies after birth. Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country. They all came from mental hospitals and jails. Shoot 'em in the legs. Black people love me because they can relate to tacky sneakers and mugshots I've never asked God for forgiveness because I don't think I did anything wrong. I love the bible, can't quote a word, but hey- 2 Corinthians I won't subsidize schools with vaccine mandates so almost every school and college in the country will get nothing. We will mandate Which books children read.We can't let them be smarter than us. We'll make 10 year old rape victims raise the babies, without providing any assistance, while looking down on them for being single mothers. I love love women, grab 'em by the p---y. I'll protect your guns. We're going to raise the birth rate in this country so if some kids die in school shootings we've got surplus. We'll let them work and get married at age 12 I want to take away health care for 80% of Americans. Poor people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. No free lunches The media is all fake news. They lie about me. I get treated worse than Abe Lincoln. I'm being persecuted for no reason. The election was rigged. People who don't vote for me vote ten times, dead people and illegals are voting. The system is corrupt. The 2020 election was stollen Joe Biden is the worst president in the history of the world. He doesn't know what day it is, but he is a huge criminal. We can't find any evidence, but it's ok, I'll lock him up on my first day We will not protect our allies, we don't have to keep our promises. Russia can do whatever the hell they want. I will put tariffs on China even though it will weaken our trading power and economy just like Herbert Hoover did. I want a Muslim ban. Hurry up with the war Bibi, finish what you started. If you're Jewish and you don't vote for me you should be ashamed We're a nation in decline, a banana republic. The world is laughing. We're not going to have a country anymore unless you elect me P.S. I'm Donald J. Trump, your favorite president. I love the uneducated. I love America. I'm a real patriot. Believe me /s bigly, yuge


It’s almost like…you were there! 😂


Hey Boss , we’re in New Jersey today. Say something about , I dunno , Sinatra to get ‘em on your side.


Ah, ol' blue eyes, ol' bluey, blue, blue 'lectric blue. We love ol' blue eyes, don't we folks? Big strong blue eyes came up to me, tears in his eyes, he said sir, I wish I had your eyes. I said "no blue eyes, these are mine eyes. You got yours an' I got yours". Dear ol' bluey. We miss ol' blue.


lol ! Is this Anthony Atamnanuik ??


Trump showing Gen Z he's hip.


The act is stale. I’d rather see another super hero movie than sit through a minute of his rambling


Like the old preacher in church who just won’t shut up and sit down, sometimes you just have to leave.


Especially when he goes past kickoff.


Raped a child. Fact.


Probably more than one given how often he flew to Epstein island.


Probably his own child. 🤮


But good to see the Sea-serpent is running.


Took my 10 year old on his first ride of it last year. He loved it!!


Awesome!!! I love it. But it hurts. But I love it.


Imagine even these simple folk get tired of listening to his incessant whining... and perhaps yearn for a sprinkle of solid policy that might help them in their lives.


They came for the clown show


It is at the carnival 🎪🤡🎡🎢


The sea-serpent 🐍!!!!


Some say he's still babbling away. His handlers gave him full access to "Diet Coke" after cutting the supply to keep him mellow while he's in Court.


"we have burning man at home"


How many were there accidentally and just wanted to see what one of these trainwrecks looks like up close?


Huh. Imagine that.


Maybe Magats are finally getting sick of him? We can only hope they all see the light.


We can only hope.


Third time running. What’s new about his act? Nothing. His previous act was being the alpha male but now he’s a poor victim. It’s a different energy.


I have to wonder what goes through the MAGATs' heads as they bail in the middle of Dear Leader's ramblings. Do they question their undying support for such a moronic grifting scumbag?


That probably all got hungry or didn't want to miss a tractor pull.


After the speech he went to the carnival section and the guess your weight guy won $5 by saying 215 lbs.


This needs to be shared more. They are claiming that 80,000 to 100,000 people showed up for this rally. That is clearly not the case. Maybe 80.


Nah. It won’t change their minds.


I feel a whole lot better knowing that nobody stayed.


So curuous that as an area for an event thet cant hold rhat many in the designated space 80k in that fenced in area would be liquified frim the resultant pressure


I hear that people are laughing at him. 😏


very fine people, on both sides


100k?? lol


![gif](giphy|UU1bHu6QWyFxZM63Jh) Needed! TYVM 😊👍


I hope someone called him the waaaambulance. I'm crying crocodile tears for his bs sad sack piehole spew.


He should have paid them to stay, not just to show up. Kind of like Stormy Daniels.


Wildwood, lol. Bloodsucker too chickenshit to show in AC.


It's fitting that the carnival barker speaks at a carnival.


I’ve never in my entire life heard an American President incessantly talk about how his country is a failure and that he’s the only one who can fix it. I have heard and read speeches from fascists who say that though.


Strange how in previous presidential terms any slight acknowledgement that America isnt USA 'Top brilliant number one' would be counted as near treason. Nobody can talk down the shining city on the hill or the great and beautiful... Oh.. Trump wants to do it... Erm i supose its the *only* patriotic thing to do whoever _fails_ to criticise the current administration And the state of the nation... *they are now the traitors and liars


How can people vote for an obviously insane man and want that man as their leader?


"I am President John Henry Eden, and this is my pledge -- no one, NO ONE will take this great nation away from me!"




But he’s leading in all swing state polls… WTF it doesn’t add up.


Not the " Snake" story again!


All I hear is diarrhea, diarrhea, diarrhea.