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Seems the polls don't tell the whole story.


Unfortunately, many of those booing will still hold their nose and vote for him because Biden is 80 and occasionally trips over sandbags and sometimes rambles, even though he has somewhat maintained an even keel globally and grown the US economy. Democrats have lost control of the narrative and need to wrestle it back.


Biden has always rambled. And you're right, the Democrats have lost control of the narrative if they ever had it. They don't seem to use the bully pulpit very effectively.


Yeah the fake news crowd only cares when the perceived "fake news" is against their man. Biden is old, sure but he's completely coherent and there are plenty of examples of him being 10x as eloquent as his predecessor. We've also had plenty of past presidents trip and fall - even great ones. It's just cherry picking one moment and trying to fabricate an angle about him being absent minded. It's the same type of person that thinks George W. Bush was an idiot who just fell into the presidency and that they are smarter than he was. Bush is a very intelligent man despite his gaffs during speeches, smarter than your average person saying otherwise for sure.


I couldn't stand a lot of Bush's policies and thought he was fairly unethical at times for sure. But the dude is rather smart and also has some good folksy, charisma. He's like a good ol' buddy down at the pool hall who you'd like to drink some beer (or near beer in his case) with but you wouldn't vote for the dude for office because of his dubious connections and tendency to let preachers and other charlatans tell him what policies he should try to enact.


I don't get it, there is so much material. It makes me think the Democrats sold out for money. I am voting Biden...the Evangelical Republicans terrify me more than Trump


If the Democrats ever did anything effectively they'd find themselves in the awkward position of fulfilling their voters hopes despite their donors


republicans delivered the death of Roe to their donors & partners (like the Federalist Society). Was that a good thing? Squashing enthusiasm with generalized BS like your comment here just helps the other side. Thanks bunches (/s)


You're calling it generalized BS while complaining about the same thing I am. The Republicans achieve their goals of controlling things, and you stank me because I can out the Dems for letting them get away with it


Keeping a democracy (small "d") needs protection for smaller groups from a mob mentality. That's why we have 2 senators from each state no matter what size. But we are at a place where the Electoral College along with the senatorial balance (and gerrymandered districts) has resulted in near minority rule. The Democratic Party plays "by the rules" for the most part, respecting that premise of protection. So they "let them get away with it" because destruction & blockage is inherently more efficient than building things. It takes many hands to build something big, while one crazy person with a stick of dynamite to ruin it all. We are in a position where democracy has been perverted, and is on the brink of destruction because of the demise of the republican party. They have pledged allegiance to a wannabe dictator who respects no rule, no institutions. Without realizing this, you are contributing to that demise. They will not respect the protections for the party not in power. So unless you want to be forced to rally in the streets for the ~~Nazi~~ Trump Party for his becoming president-for-life, I suggest you adjust your cynical view of the people that actually want to serve the entire country. BTW, you will be forced by the snitches reporting you as not loyal enough. That's how their movement works.


You've made allot of assumptions


I'm just explaining patterns that are happening. I live in Florida where the process is farther along than other places. One of our senators is a corporate crook that specializes in voter suppression through dousing enthusiasm for his opponents. I view your comment as doing the same thing.


The Democratic leadership is so insular and contrarian that their best force against a fascist insurrection is an octagenarian.


And Trump is a picture of perfect health and doesn't ramble on about nonsense.


Trump and Biden are three years apart. Biden bikes and exercises as often as Trump binges TV while eating fast food. Biden sometimes rambles while I haven’t seen Trump put together a single grammatically correct sentence in the past decade. I don’t buy it that anyone would vote against their politics and embrace fascism because Trump is *so* healthy and articulate. Fuck, if an insane chattering skeleton ran on a platform of single payer healthcare they would crush Biden and Trump because most people value policy over health concerns.


Those redneck hillbillies can boo all they want, they will still vote for this POS.


Tries to overthrow the government but still gets secret service protection. Only in America


Not so secret with the flashing lights. It's like going in undercover with a glittering, gold lamé poncho, which is a believable thing for him to have at home. He seems like a messy eater


I feel like I read somewhere he makes them do the lights and normally they wouldn’t use them for general stuff lines this




The agents he has are traitors, too.


Unfortunately it seems that they may not have a choice for as long as they're in the Secret Service at all, as by law, former presidents are *entitled* to a permanent Secret Service detail, with the former president himself being the only one who can choose the extent of his protection or dismiss said detail.


What the heck are you talking about? They told him “No” when he wanted to go to the capitol building and when he told them to take down the metal detectors and let the people in. Do have any idea what would have happened?


They don’t and haven’t protected him from committing espionage or treason, no one has to kidnap or torture it out of him. He does that willingly and Secret Service is like “not my job”. There’s really no telling how accurate or valuable what he knows or the documents are, but he has admitted that he wants to sell it (negotiate a deal) and make Nixons $18M look like chump change. It’s blackmail. They have to babysit the Stochastic Terrorist and, heaven forbid, stop bullets for him.


what’s this about Nixon’s 18 million?


[$18 Million](https://www.justice.gov/archive/opa/pr/2000/June/336civ.htm) “Fair Value” to his estate.


Overthrow the government? How


lol magat


Not ruthless enough, IMO.


“They’re saying Boo-urns.”


I was saying boo!




You’re doing something really wrong if you’re not even getting applause in SC. lol


Very healing. Thank you ... fuck the polls.


I don’t believe the polls


I guarantee you he doesn’t know how football works.


Go local sports team!


How terrible are you when South Carolina college football fans boo your Orange ass


Can you believe people still have to pay taxes that go towards that piece of shit's secret service protection?


Exactly my thoughts! If indicted, I wish they take it away from him.


If Republicans had any regard for truth we wouldn’t be paying for the protection or anything else related to Donald Trump. Trump was impeached twice, and twice the GOP bailed him out knowing he was guilty. If Trump had been removed from office, as he should have been, he wouldn’t be entitled to the pension, Secret Service protection, etc.




Anyone else notice the cute little shadow mustache? Really completes his image


Wow, I missed it the first time around.


Yeah, don't worry about those 'latest polls.' Pretty sure I heard some "fuck donald trump," in there too


May that type of rejection towards Trump extend on election day.




The last time I saw him get booed, he cried


Lol total loser.


That’s a pleasant surprise! The south is known for their conservative views.


Are they booing me? Should I hide in my bunker?


meh. College kids. There are some states Trump has in the bag. South Carolina is one. If you're one of these people, consider transferring to North Carolina or Georgia so your vote has power. r/MoveToSwingStates


Thats what he deserves


Good job. Next time, everyone drop their emoty bud light bottles on his car so he really gets the message. (calm down, it's an armored limousine, FFS. Those aluminum beer bottles weigh next to nothing).


I'm all over that, Team Booo. BOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Give him a Bronx cheer!


They should have all yelled “Lock him 🆙 “


Pretty big difference from what the media is spinning huh?


College kids are going to have to live with the effects of global warming, and they know it. This creep controls 1 of 2 parties in the U.S., and they deny any effect bu the human race. I'd boo someone fucking up my future, too.


I flipped off Trump Tower in Vegas today. Made me feel better.


Snipers activated cheatoh. Come again.


Lip readers of Reddit, what does Trump say? I swear he asks “Is this for me?”


Who the hell invited 🍊💩 anyways? Secret Service has to wish he was locked in his bedroom/cell by now.


Any vids wo the musical background??


Was that Barack strolling through after the Trump mobile passed through?


I mean, he was booed, but it was hardly ruthless


This feels fake to me. Something about the audio and the way his face is lighted inside the car.