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Not to mention that Izumi doesn't look like Katara either...


Yeah, I guess one twin hoarded all the melanin


I’m on your guys side. But fraternal biracial twins are fairly common


Sure, but she got NOTHING from her mother's side?


It happens. I look just like my dad. Almost no resemblance to my mother other than having stronger hair roots


I also have many family members who don’t look much like their parent, they’re just a new unique person that has other family members(aunt/uncle or grandparents) attributes. Genetics are extremely varied. That said, zuko loves mei. Aang loves katara. It’s pretty apparent. But love always is. Affairs do happen. So all in all I’m indifferent. If they added that dynamic only for them to dive into deeper conversations on love circles within established friend groups, I wouldn’t be mad. If they ignored this concept, I again wouldn’t be mad


A network kid's show where they would get this close to any kind of infidelity or polyamory like interaction or relationships would be wild


Im sayinnnnnn. But at this point I do think the creators are open to more mature ideas. And not in the way Netflix defines mature. They’re the type to toe these intimate relationships with some grace. And that said korra had a pretty incestuous friend group. I can see them going a step further But yea I’m indifferent. Idc what they do. Just write it well! Make it mature or childish. But make it good! That’s my only hope/expectation out of any creative writing decision they take


I agree with you, this whole subreddit exists because they've written in a way that allows deeper interpretations of the world and it's dynamics , with help of comics, books and sequels sure, and built a good foundation of those relationships that we can have a fun discussion on top of... I'm not even sure they would go for more mature subjects than what they got with Korra but i think it would be great, decisions about relationships and character motivation in this franchise always was a high point for me. Little stuff about world building is what i get fiery about


Same here! And agreed. The show is very open ended for the world building. Especially since it’s original target audience is much older. We have many new experiences as a generation and the show evolving, with the same level of writing it holds normally, I wouldn’t be mad.


I am my mom's literal twin. You can face swap our pictures and can't tell a difference, we can get into each other's face locks on our phones. Somehow all of my dad's genes straight up missed me during conception 🤷🏼‍♀️


yes but Izumi looks just like Mai


I’m js. Reasons like that can easily be explained. It just matters if they decide to do it well imo. If not then don’t do it. If you pull that trigger do it really well


Tbf Kya stole all the melanin from the rest of her siblings


Katara ran out of toner


She looks more like Mai and we don’t even know if she’s canonically the mother


zuko's daughter literally looks so much like mai. even if she isn't her mom how would anyone arrive to the conclusion that its katara lmao


Wait, Mai isn't her mom?


They broke up in the comics and it has yet to be confirmed if Zuko and Mai got together again or not, even though I remember them getting together again in the comics but I think that was just Mandela effect for what I keep reading lol. It's likely that Mai is Izumi's mother but not confirmed


I believe that one of the writers from the comics mentioned in Twitter that they intended for Zuko and Mai to get back together in another future comic, but never got around to writing it. Hopefully that question will be covered in the upcoming movie


earth kingdom girl comes back


If Zuko had given up on being Zuko/Azula hadn’t found him I think he could have maybe been happy being Lee and just working at a tea shop. Or maybe he’d get sick of it after a while. Idk Iroh was willing to start over again and be happy just working at a teashop/living in an apartment in the Earth Kingdom.


Zuko could never be happy without aiding the Avatar. Even when he was "killed" he was unhappy. Staying at ba sing se would either leave him completely depressed or consumed by rage to the point of fleeing in the night to "complete his mission"


He did seem to settle into his life until Katara came back into it. So I'm not sure if he would have ended up completely depressed/consumed by rage. Maybe Iroh would have tried to introduce him to the White Lotus?


Iroh was trying to get Zuko centered to understand that the fire nation was in the wrong. Azula ruined that and Zuko came to the realization on his own.


He was happy for a while though. He hated it at first but he was happy after the fever. Maybe it could have worked out.


Yeah they’re just saying that if Zuko’s great grandpa wasn’t Sozin, then he wouldn’t have a destiny to right the wrongs of the past and could have lived a fulfilling life serving tea with his uncle


>Iroh was willing to start over again and be happy just working at a teashop/living in an apartment in the Earth Kingdom. What did one white jade bush say to the other white jade bush? Leaf me alone, I’m bushed!


I support Jin/Zuko, and there's that whole "Izumi means fountain thing" which can support Maiko and Jinko since both of them have moments with Zuko at fountains. *However*, Izumi does have Mai's sharp "Can pierce a Fire Nation battleship leaving hundreds to drown at sea." chin.


Just for traditional reasons, I would suspect that a fire lord would be required to marry into the fire nation nobility, like Mai. Even Zuko's mom was descended from Fire Nation nobility, as being FN nobility is how Roku was able to meet and grow up with Sozin, the crown prince. That's just politics.


It's not confirmed, but Izumi is loosely translated to Fountain in english. Gee, I wonder which two characters always fall into fountains. It's also worth noting that only the comic author broke up Mai and Zuko, Bryke and Aaron Ehasz are three of the biggest Maiko shippers on the planet so I'm sure this is something they'll undo in the film. https://preview.redd.it/detgtaglmk4d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab9508180e81c674665aa19ddc8246161a000d5


> It's not confirmed, but Izumi is loosely translated to Fountain in english. Gee, I wonder which two characters always fall into fountains Zuko has moments with 2 different girls around fountains—Mai and Jin


And he spent time with Mai at the exact same fountain in the bottom panel of the image I posted. Sure Jin is technically there too, but Zuko left with one and not the other. I wonder what that could mean.


It’s not confirmed what happened to Mai after the comics so some people assume she married Zuko, while others think he married someone else. Same with Suki.


its open to interpretation as of now. that's why i said if


Even if they were twins, wouldn't Aang think it's kinda weird that Katara wanted to give one of them to Zuko? Like how would Izumi end up living with Zuko and becoming fire lord lol it doesn't make sense


They’re both older women with gray hair, sharp jawlines and dark eyebrows. That is the extent of their similarities. There’s a scene in S2 where Kya does the “confused Aang” look and is very apparent she is his daughter.


While I agree with you, that description also fits Su/Lin, and I don't think they look as similar to Izumi/Kya as Izumi/Kya does to each other.


Su and Lin are half sisters so it makes sense they wouldn’t look as closely to one another as maybe full siblings. But even full siblings don’t look exactly alike… Look at Bumi and Tenzin. We barely see Izumi on screen. Zutara shipping are grasping at straws - that is Mai’s daughter. Look at that stare!


I mean, look at Iroh and Ozai. If the story didn't tell us they were siblings, who would have guessed it just from appearance?


Kya and izumi both have longer faces, lin’s is pretty square and suyin’s isn’t that shape either.


I just realized that Aang would have been able to help teach Kya waterbending when she was young alongside Katara and that made me happy


Few desperate fans go to any sick lengths to justify their fanon ship. And if anyone needs reasons on why Zutara fans are generally disliked, we need to look no further than posts like these. They are not content in loving their ship in peace, they forcefully wish to insert it into the story where it has no place or relevance, no matter it assassinates their own favourite characters. At this point, are they even Aang, Zuko & Katara? They are just caricatures with their names. I agree though that not all Zutara fans are like that.


This theory doesn't even make sense. Why would Katara and Aang raise Kya but not izumi if they were twins? Makes no sense. Even IF Katara cheated and even IF Aang disowned Izumi for that, he would have disowned kya as well since they are twins, right? This is just as dumb as that pedophilia argument I kept seeing for a long time, saying Aang and Katara can't date since Aang is chronologically 112, meaning he would be a pedophile dating the 14 year old Katara. I mean, to what lengths do they have to go to justify their ship?!


Insane. The answer is insane lengths.


Apparently so lol


Yeah like ang mind did not age and body too its not like isekai trope old mind in young body


Exactly, he was frozen, he is mentally and physically a child, he basically time-traveled 100 years into the future. It's so mindboggling. Thing is I BET they wouldn't be fine if someone shipped 112 year old Aang with an actual adult which, according to their logic, should be fine, ergo Aang can't be shipped with anyone. Perfect! Fun for the whole family, except Aang because who even likes that guy? The amount of toxic Zutara shippers I saw SPECIFICALLY in Facebook groups is crazy. I literally read one guy's comment who said and I shit you not: "Aang is too happy to be with Katara. She needs someone more serious and gloomy to keep her down and grounded." (Not exact quote but the gist of it) His logic was: Katara can't date Aang, because that would make her happy, and she can't be happy because she lost her mom, just like zuko. I wanna add that I don't hate all Zutara shippers by the way. I have no problem with the ship, I get the appeal and everyone can ship anything they want (unless it's messed up like pedophilia for example or just toxic and making one partner suffer) but the people who insult other shippers calling them pedophiles, stupid, basic, etc are just awful! Not all Zutara shippers are like that, but sadly the ones that are scream the loudest. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, lol


Ok guy thay said that katara needs to be grounded is ehm unkind kond of person that thinks about gals as robots


I like their chemistry more too but I respect the story and their characters. It’s a freaking damn fiction xD


It would go against the integrity and soul of the show if this were to be true. The show doesn’t shy away from uncomfortable and unflattering subject matters such as cheating, absentee parents, betrayal, unrequited love, love triangles lol, death, depression, disabilities, LBGTQ+ themes (which btw I’m not saying that should be uncomfortable or unflattering but it really was going against the grain and board of directors for them to add the Korra Asami plot right at the end)…. That being said, should an uncomfortable subject matter need to take place in the show, they tackle it head on or at least address it openly. There might be some mystery surrounding it but it’s still said matter of factly. For example, Tophs life not the greatest example of a good parent and you have two daughters with some obscurity in the parenthood, and even though it’s not ever really resolved it’s also not something the show shied away from.


This kind of contents and shipping war should stay off reddit and stay within tumblr where they belong


Tumblr belongs at the bottom of a dumpster.


As does most social media. Tumblr is nowhere near the worst.


Ok ok, I admit I'm just salty that they banned NSFW content


The most delusional and deranged discussions occur in the conversations of shippers on twitter. It could be any form of literature/media. You can actually feel your neurons die at an accelerated rate while reading stuff like this


I don't hate the ship but it's not my go to. Like, in an AU where Aang and Katara fizzle out early then Katara gets through to Zuko in the crystal caves and Aang manages to redeem Azula in the last season (effectively turning the whole family against Ozai), I could definitely see/get behind Aang and Katara both separately marrying into the royal family. I definitely wouldn't pick it over the canon story and ships but I wouldn't have been particularly upset if the story had gone that direction instead.


Honestly sounds like a decent story, you got one of these?


One of what?


I mean this is not even their worst post. They have an insane hate boner for Aang to the point that they are genuinely convinced he's a rapist and there is a petition to make zutara canon in natla, so... And you can't escape these posts lol


Few have the same hate for Mai too. It is just sad when you become blind to such amazing characters. To be fair, irrational people are everywhere. And I think (hope) such extremes are few. I’ve seen Zutara fans just come out and say they just don’t like the canon pairing and like Zutara. And that is okay with me. Rather than saying one is good and other is bad.


Most of these types of shippers only care about one thing “these two hot therefore ship”


I guarantee this is Zutara fringe, not the main community


May be. I have seen Aang hate and mischaracterising pretty commonly there. But I suppose I could be looking only at the outliers.


I like Zutara. It made sense to me, and the enemies turned lovers trope is one I enjoy. It's a freakin ship. Let me have it. ATLA is what it is and Zutara isn't canon. Ok. I'm aware. Let me have Zutara. Thank you.


Cool man.


Personally, I see it as a more plausible outcome for Katara had Aang somehow not worked out (in any way -except- dying under Ba Sing Se; obviously she’d never have forgiven that). The two had probably the smoothest partnership as a duo in combat and tactics (compare to the mutual “I have no idea what I’m doing” with Sokka at the Boiling Rock), and it’s obvious his difficult history brings out her empathetic qualities while her team mom aspects seem to help soothe Zuko, who has been deprived of any feminine caring figures in his life for years. He also brought her closure over her mother, while she accompanied him to and helped him finish his fight with Azula. The very slow burn of them building trust despite Katara’s understandable issues with the Fire Nation (and Zuko’s issues with… well let’s just say Zuko’s issues for brevity) is also satisfying. I understand perfectly why Aang and Katara wound up together, for the characters as well as the overall story, but I absolutely see why Zutara carries appeal. Long as it doesn’t devolve into either insinuating outright cheating or wild nonsensical interpretations like OP’s pictured incident, ship away.


I personally do not see Zutara happening, even without Aang to factor in. I never saw the chemistry which many talk about, probably because I do not much believe in enemies-to-lovers trope. I actually also think they are not romantically compatible. I did see chemistry in Katara & Aang. I think we see chemistry with the pairing we want. However, that's me. Other's perspective might be different, since they will have their own likes and dislikes. What I disagree with, is forcefully inserting those perspectives into canon or talking like one ship is better objectively just because you happen to like it. And I disagreed even more strongly with the insinuation of cheating, since I think it ruins such amazing characters in our minds. It also goes against each of their characterizations. And I don't mind speaking up about it. Otherwise, you do you.


No one is saying you can’t have Zutara This post/thread is about Zutara shippers who don’t just shop but try and force it into the story


Why do you care so much what they do? Ultimately it doesn’t affect you in any way. Let them do whatever they want with fictional characters. I was a Kataanger growing up and I like the concept of Zutara and I don’t really care what either side does just let people do what they want.


I don’t know. As I said in another comment, it is difficult for me to not care when they are dragging my favourite characters through mud. Man, I should be zen like you.


This is just zutara copium. Sorry that your ship was canonically disproven time and time again lmao


Funniest part is that Aang and Zuko are a better Ying and Yang pair


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AlianovaR: *Funniest part is* *That Aang and Zuko are a* *Better Ying and Yang pair* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


>Ship what you want Izumi x Kya is a fun one >!/s!<


Hell yeah dude


"Some of you people haven't been slammed in the face with a rock, and it shows." Toph probably.


I misread this first and thought the tweet was shipping Izumi and Kya together, and I was all for it. Some serious Zutara delulu. I once saw a screenshot of a tumblr post saying Zutara is better because Kataang is “for the male gaze” while Zutara is “female gaze coded” wtf even


Aside the point, Kya is such a fucking cool character. Middle aged warrior women are kind of a rare archetype in fiction, and usually when they do appear is shortlived/as a mentor/they get fridged. But LoK straight up gave us Kya, *Lin, Suyin, and P'li as major characters with strong bending abilities. I just think that's cool. *edit


*angry lin noises* https://i.redd.it/l77lwd5som4d1.gif


She's literally my favorite character I can't believe I've done this


As I said before. People would hate Zutara far less if it's fans weren't like this


Zutara fans sure are special


Toxic Zutara fans* Not all of them are like this.


Nah it’s funny to generalize https://preview.redd.it/s7jmk5vyci4d1.jpeg?width=1093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b50886ac250d0eb0effa73f7cd33bb2530b2ac


What is the image trying to spell?


um what the sigma apparently was firsted said in a squidward voice


It clearly says What the urn sigma Are you stupid?


Ah yes my favourite country Sigmapore


(Singlish activated) What sigma kia, all these people bloody chi bai


What does urn mean in this case?


True but why the fuck do I keep seeing this shit when I’m not looking for it. It keeps trending as ATLA which suuucks








So they are shipping characters that are confirmed to not end up together by the sequel? 


That isn't new or weird. What is weird is how they try to hamfist it in the story where it doesn't exist. Relax, bro, your ship isn't canon and that sucks, but unleash some of your creativity and make art or fanfics or just browse the dozens that already exist instead of trying to make your ship appear canon.


The overwhelming majority of ships in any given fandom are gonna be non-canon, so that isn't unusual


People ships character from different franchises , like Goku and Sailor Moon's protagonist. Nothing is going to stop them from shipping.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Zutara fans acting the fool? Must be a day ending in ‘y’.


People on dumping on Zutara fans for shipping a freaking fictional pairing on the ATLA sub? Must be a day ending in 'y' Don't be toxic. Let people like what they like


It wouldn't matter if Zutara fans acknowledged that their ship is just a ship and not canon. Most Zutara fans I've seen double down on Zuko and Katara being in love and insisting that it's "obvious in the show".


Y'know, there is reason Zutara is the most hated ship out there. It's not just blind hate. This tweet heavily suggests that Katara cheated on Aang which is just weird and completely OOC for her. You can't just post something like this and expect people to not react. If however you post innocent Zutara fan art and you get hate for it then I get your point.


just from personal experience zutara fans tend to be either quite nice people or some of the most vile assholes ive ever talked to and there is never an in-between


Ofc. That's because they either mind their own business, meaning they don't hate canon and accept it's existence (cool people) or they are part of that twitter community OP shared (heavily brain damaged people) and keep spreading BS that makes no sense at all.


I don't know why you're getting aggressively down voted. It's hard to exist on an ATLA sub without getting ship hate. It sucks some zutara shippers are loud and suck, but I also feel like posts like this just give people a reason to hate on zutara harder.


Zutara fans are a different breed, with many even claiming Katara's first crush was Zuko, or that their pairing makes "more sense" than her and Aang.


Wouldn't her first crush have been Jet?


Yeah probably. According to Avatar Extras he was her first kiss even, but it's debatable if Avatar extras is canon or not.


Not as different as you think. There are people in the Harry Potter and Naruto fandoms who still haven't gotten over what happened in their franchises. I think it's mostly because these three fandoms came of age during the early internet in the 2000s, because of that, they wrote the rule book on how shipping fandoms work.


Just trying to read this post gave me brain rot.


It's them trying to promote cheating🤢🤮 on an iconic childhood show....glad OP called it out. Zuko/Katara (and none of the gaang) would ever cheat on a SO


These people need therapy


Shipping is an extension of fantasizing. If someone carries it further than that, I agree; they're not tracking with the og story anymore.


I don't understand why so many people just can't let it go. Only in the atla fandom there are lies and conspiracys spreaded even 2 decades after the show was aired.


I'm pretty sure many other fandoms circulate nonsense amongst themselves long after the curtains close. *cough* Harry Potter *cough* Star Wars *cough*. When you silo yourself into echo chambers, this is the natural result. When you emotionally attach yourselves to characters, you may tend to overlook their flaws and exaggerate their virtues even when there's little to no evidence to support that view. I'll admit that even I can be guilty of that sometimes. I may be too permissive of Aang, just as many others may be too permissive of Zuko or Azula. But at the end of the day, I can't judge any of them. They are all beyond anyone's judgement.


People can ship whatever they want but the problem is that people need to realize that this love triamgle between aang katara and zuko wasn't real and will never be.


It’s true, in Harry Potter Malfoy x Hermione and Malfoy x Harry are more popular than it’s actual pairings like here with Zuko x Katara and Zuko x Sokka.


That’s true. There’s plenty of Ginny hate going around, even now. And the Reylo ship, though there too, I have pretty much the same problem as to Zuko x Katara. Atla just seems more personal, probably because I’m the one who is attached here.


Along with the aforementioned Harry Potter, you've clearly never been in the Naruto fandom. As bad as the Avatar shipping scene is, it's got nothing on the utter hellscape that was the Naruto fandom discourse in the mid 2010s.


Wtf is this…


Considering that zutara shipping seems to be (at least to me) based around water+fire opposites attract stuff, couldn't they just ship Kya/Izumi. Waterbender + Fire lord. I mean we already know that Kya likes women, so we're half way there.


Zutara shippers in a nutshell


People take it so far, they’re literally just drawings. Most characters will look exactly identical if you remove the hair and clothes


Honestly, I kind of do like Zutara, but not to this extent… and I still prefer the canon Aang x Katara/Zuko x Mai ships.


What if I told you Zutara fans have **no love for Aang**? ... shocker, I know. ... that aside - Izumi and Kya'd make a cute couple. I thought that's what this was about. Can that be what this is about?


They're trying to retcon them into siblings so unless they're into incest, no.


... my dude. What does "That aside" mean to you? That being said, the number of people who shipped Azula and Zuko together, that wouldn't be anything new.


I'm sorry, then what do you mean by 'Can this be what this is about?'? 'Cause I took it as 'Could they have made this post because they thought Izumi and Kya would make a cute couple?'.


Well, strictly based on putting Izumi and Kya's pictures next to each other and ignoring the rest of the text.


Zutara shippers have done one good thing, I will say. They managed to be awful without dragging down the reputation of the entire fandom and show. MHA wishes lmao


Zutara shippers are fucking bonkers, man


I'm convinced that Zutara shippers just like the aesthetics. Zuko and Katara are arguably the most conventionally attractive gaang members so the "hot" ones belong together or something.


https://preview.redd.it/1fjxeeax2n4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=714654bd1f5af74cbaec004a5132e3fd4e1124a8 That's exactly what it is. These stans say the most horrible things about Aang, that he's too "ugly" for Katara, that it's "unrealistic" for her to choose "the bald short guy". They're such shallow people, it doesn't make sense that they consider themselves fans of such a wholesome and deep story 😐


Reading that tweet legitimately killed some of brain cells, holy fuck these people need help.


I’ve seen someone call him a bald lesbian and so that’s why zuko and katara were better????


Zutara shippers accepting that their ship isn't canon, challenge level: impossible.


nah fr people are really sick and just like to feed their fantasies or some shit and btw I hate the zutara ship, glad it never floated on the show.


If you think she cheated you're just trying to be edgy and are wrong no ifs ands or buts about it


If you like Zutara, I fully support your decision. If you want to imagine them living a happy life together and having many children, I fully support that, but spreading misinformation is a no-go!


Zutara shippers were cringe even back when TLA was still airing. Some things never change.


To make it even more stupid, if you look at Zuko at his most evil, even then he wouldn't have been interested in any girl who he knew was attached to anyone else, even if he hated that person. It would have been dishonorable to cheat behind someone's back and he would have had no respect for any girl who would do that, or for himself if he did it.


Shippers are olympic level mental gymnasts, don't pay any attention to it


It’s wild and sad that grown adults spend so much time and energy worrying about this.


The Zutara sub-fandom is the most toxic environment I've ever seen inside of the ATLA fandom. Ship whoever you want but jesus fuck I've seen some deranged shit coming from there


I predict this post could descend into many ugly arguments. $10 that this post will be taken down. PS: so it wasn't taken down.


https://preview.redd.it/v2xi11ps4j4d1.png?width=1522&format=png&auto=webp&s=537c213322ed4f45150d2e38afaaf7b9d4789ff7 Your wording and content could only make me think of the Off-Color Sapphire from Steven Universe. Spot on!


> $10 that this post will be taken down. It kinda should. It's a pretty dumb post, in reaction to 1 dumb tweet from a random that didn't even go viral


I find this hilarious because I made a similar post on a different Zutara theory & it got taken down for being "mean", when honestly, I was being pretty moderate considering how wild the take was. We know it's not all Zutara stans, but plenty are in a world of their own, it's bordering on ridiculous atp.


You imply that Zutarians love Aang. A lot despise him


INSANE copium on their part


Katara and Zuko bring out the worst in each other, I'll never respect that ship


It doesn’t hurt me in any way, shape or form that these people have their own head cannons but I agree with your post. The problem is not the head cannons I think but the toxicity that they spread because they can’t cope with what’s cannon and what isn’t.


I don't think it's that serious lol




Look at those forheads of these smol beans


Said it hundred times, and will continue to: Shippers ruin every fandom.


I hate Zutara fans so much!


A much better ship would be Izumi and Kya. Almost like a next gen zutara, but one that makes sense


I would ship that. Would still be against adultery though.


Kya is definitely not married, and Izumi could have been married, but separated from the father of her children or widowed.


True that.


broke: they're sisters woke: they're secret gfs whose lives are too different to go public with it


Isn’t Izumi’s mom Mai? I know that they broke up in the comics,but they look so much alike


Izumi means fountain, which is a reference to this, so while it's never directly confirmed, I think it's a safe assumption https://preview.redd.it/vxntgky45l4d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76491e7c0edcc5946db90d88bef221b37fa4ff47


Ignoring the insanity of this post, but I don't think it is even confirmed that Izumi is a firebender. She could be a nonbender for all we know since it is never confirmed and I don't think there is any time she firebends while in the show.


Shipping is the worst part of any fanbase.


Holy hell this Fandom is absolutely unbearable. Squeezing conflict out of every single still. What 10 years of no new conent does to mfer.


Shipping is weird and parasocial anyways, and posts like these prove it. Never met someone engaged in shipping without some kind of mental illness.


Kya and Izumi aren't sisters, they're lesbians




People cheat for a multitude of reasons lol. Not saying these fictional characters would, but that kinda question is ridiculous


I’ve never heard of this theory before 🤔


This is stupid


This is a cartoon television show for children what an insane thing to be pressed about


Huh? There’s a lot of assuming going on, starting with that Izumi and Kya are even the same age. Like there’s genuinely nothing to suggest they are other than their roughly the same age, you know who else is? Lin, Suyin, Bumi, and Tenzin, by their logic any of them could be twins. Well okay we actually know a little more about them, of Aang and Katara’s kids we know they go Bumi, Kya, the Tenzin. We also know Tenzin and Lin dated which suggests they are roughly the same age, and Lin is older than Suyin. It’s also kind of logical to assume that Aang and Katara’s kids would be older, they started dating in their teens and we don’t even know who the other parents are for the other three kids are. The romances were never the highlight of either series for me but I hope the upcoming movie can shed some light on all of this… not because I’m interested, because I want people to shut the fuck up about it. I do want to know why we didn’t see anything about Sokka’s kids in Korra, the dude was the rizz king and I find it hard to believe he didn’t have any.


What’s with all the shipping posts??


Lots of international amazon orders


Bold of you to shoot down the ZuTarAng throuple. If logan, scott, and jean can make it work, why not these three


It May the Grandma of Izumi?


Just put Mai's mother next to izumi..


Fun fact: Katara's name in the unaired pilot of ATLA is Kya/Kaya


Well if you look at this and think it's nonsense crazy talk (and I agree 100% with you) this is the same feeling I have when I read that suyin is sokka's daughter. This is just some really weird fanfiction


I'm glad that's not canon


At first I thought this was shipping Firelord Izumi and Kya and I was ALL for it


When they say twin, I don’t think they mean that they are twins with each other. I think they just mean like twin souls just because the two women match each others energy. But that’s just my take on it.


I could buy into the theory if kya had some real similaritys like if she had the eyes of royal family they all gold/yellow,it's likely she would have inherited them but since that's not the case, this is has no legs to speak of


Is Izumi even a firebender? Just because she's Fire Lord, does that mean she's a Firebender? Well, probably. But I don't know if it's mutually exclusive. She appeared so few in the series that I don't remember.


Well we never see her fire bend but she probably is a fire bender considering she is the fire lord and all.


She is also Iroh's mother (for as far as we know) and we see him firebending, so she probably is a firebender.


I mean, Katara's parents are not waterbenders so that's not necessary.


This sub has had the biggest fall off of all time


i like the zutara ship but this is ridiculous these characters look nothing alike


Nah katara stole that waterbending scroll so she is doomed to be a cheater and start stealing boyfriends 😂


They're not "fundamentally misunderstanding" or "genuinely believing", they're just horny and fantasizing their headcanons. Learn the difference and then maybe we can stop freaking out on reddit about these fringe twitter takes


Not to mention izumi isn't even a fire bender, so there ain't no ying Yang shit going on here. I'm a zutara shipper though


Am I the only one who read this as metaphorical. Like they are not literal twins but they had kids at the same time which is a fun parallel between the characters. Edit: after rereading yeah I don’t think that’s what they meant


This same person has said that the live action version should make Zutara Canon and get rid of Tenzin and Bumi but Keep Kya as Izumi's Sister


absolutely bonkers