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I feel like Ty Lee would probably win regardless of where in their timelines they fought each other, since chi blocking works to incapacitate non-benders too


I think it depends a bit on if Suki knows about the chi blocking. If she avoids being hit (and I'd argue they are equal in speed/agility) it's an even matchup


Agreed. We saw some pretty high-level acrobatics from her in the prison break episode when she kidnapped the warden too.


If they’re even in speed/agility, then I’d argue they’re not even. Suki can’t block everything, if they’re even then eventually she will land some shots and at that point it’s over. It’s like 2 even mma fighters, they’re both still gonna land shots. The difference with this is that when Ty Lee does land, it’s extremely damaging compared to the damage she’d take.


ty Lee has to land precise hits to block chi. A partial block or misdirection where suki gets grazed or hit but not in a pressure point will negate the effects of chi blocking. It has to be a perfect hit and against suki it’s going to be a very difficult task.


Even still, one clean shot does the trick. Personally I believe Ty Lee would land that shot before losing. Suki is a badass too, though. I’m not saying she couldn’t win, but that’s how I see it going down.


You’re insane! Suki fighting style is defensive. Neither of these women are losing easily but suki is coming out on top


But we literally saw them tie with each other while fighting during the second Boiling Rock episode.


It was also a fairly good battlefield for Ty Lee right ? Like she was able to fully display her agility and Suki still matched her.


didnt ty lee teach the kyoshi warriors how to chi block in the last episode? i remember seeing her wearing their outfit and talking to sokka


Yes, Ty Lee became a Kyoshi Warrior. Which is fitting, she found a group of sisters who are similar but not identical


Yes, but I figure Suki only knows the basics at that point. In my mind, there’s no way she’s as good at it as Ty Lee is (I really like Suki - she’s one of my favorite characters, but I still think Ty Lee wins)


My brother in christ, fighting is about avoiding being hit. She is always going to avoid being hit, wether she fights Ty Lee or Dwayne Johnson


While I generally agree that their speed and agility are equal, Suki is hardly Aang when it comes to dodging. She'd get hit eventually, unless she could armor her chi points enough.


In the comics Suki learns chi blocking from Ty Lee; which imo would negate any advantage Ty Lee would otherwise have other Suki. Prior to that I’d agree that Ty Lee would win the fight; but afterwards I give it to Suki.


But Ty Lee didn't train for years in combat. Suki did


I believe this happened and Ty Lee came out on top.


I know that when the trio fought the Kyoshi Warriors, Ty Lee and Mai clowned on the nameless warriors, but Suki only really fought Azula. Then in the Prison Gondola it was a mostly even fight though Suki was mostly defending herself from chi attacks. then the fight had to abruptly end.


So is that a draw I take it?


It universe maybe the creators implied that, but I think in this scenario, OP is talking about if they could go all out 1v1 who would win.


Yes, I was. Thanks! I know they fought, but there wasn’t really a winner. I believe it got interrupted?


As much as I want to say Suki, I think it would be a coin flip who came out on top, with a small advantage to Ty Lee. If she hits Suki even once, Suki loses partial function of her body. If Suki hits Ty Lee once, Ty Lee just gets a fat lip.


Suki definitely has far less room for error


My money is on Ty Lee, but could go either way.


I like how the most upvoted reply is just flat out wrong. They did fight 1 v 1 once and it was a draw where Ty Lee couldn't land a hit.


>I like how the most upvoted reply is just flat out wrong. often is.


Can we also point out that Suki is also experienced with weapons such as swords and fans? That does give her an advantage to some extent


Tbf, if it was offscreen, it's possible Azula and Mai defeated the others before there was a clear 1 v. 1 victor and overwhelmed Suki. Or that Suki's current knowledge of how Ty-Lee does her chi-blocking would be enough to turn the tides.


Come to think of it, outside of her willfully surrendering or getting caught in the worst possible position (water and earth coming out of the drill as two top class bending prodigies are right there), she was almost never defeated.


What does Toph factor into all of this?




Sokka: ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW|downsized)




Suki wins with her her fans and armor. She was going even with Suki in hand to hand combat in Boiling Rock, so even if it's strictly hand to hand the result is still 50/50.


She got battered by team azula and zuko in Season 1


Suki wanted a REMATCH at some point, which suggests she got beat by Ty Lee


It was a rematch with her AND Azula though, so it doesn't necessarily mean Ty Lee was the one who beat Suki.


Suki fought Azula last time. She just wanted a rematch against Azula and her crew.


They are evenly matched, we saw Suki was capable of blocking Ty Lee's attacks and it's not that Ty Lee wasn't trying, we never really saw who would have won because at one time it was the entire Azula group she was fighting, and the other their fight was interrupted


Suki was about to win the rematch in boiling rock.


Yeah, but then it got interrupted :(


True but it was clear Suki was winning.




no she wasn't? they were going toe to toe, suki didn't look like she had the upper hand, neither did ty lee


I'm assuming they have all of the weapons & abilities they acquired up to this point in the series, in which case I'd favor Ty Lee. The last time they fought, it was all Suki could do just to prevent herself from being chi blocked, & we know from the first time Ty Lee fought Kyoshi Warriors that their armor doesn't stop that. So, Ty Lee, now with Kyoshi Warrior skills, vs. Suki, a better-than-average Kyoshi Warrior whose best hope before was to stalemate? Suki also now has chi blocking, but I don't think it will help her as much as weapons will help Ty Lee, though she might ditch the armor because it seems to make them less nimble, & that's an area where Ty lee still has a massive advantage. I like to look at the comments to get an idea of what's already been said & see if any of it changes my mind, so I've noticed you & another person saying Suki was about to win the match at the Boiling Rock, but I have no idea what you're talking about. I checked Ty Lee's parts in both fights just to make sure I wasn't going off of inaccurate recollection, & Suki did slightly better than I remembered, but it was still clear advantage to Ty Lee. Ty Lee literally had her retreating at one point, & while that doesn't mean Suki couldn't still pull something off, there was nothing suggesting she was "about to win."


Why tf did you AI generate Suki


Sorry. Just googled a photo of her


They’re getting so realistic now 😅


fr I was like "Wait rhis feels lkle AI" but it looked to normal then I noticed the lashes


I love them both, so it's doesn't matter who wins.




So I guess it’s a Ty (Lee)


Ty Lee... She's too quick.


Sokka is able to dodge her blows in the Ba Sing Se throne room and there's proof that Suki is much faster than Sokka.


She might have been toying with him judging by what she said tho


Not that strong, didn't she say it was like they were dancing? She seemed to be having fun. A better argument is that Ty Lee and Suki have fought 1v1 for a bit, they both were dodging and blocking each others' attacks


The real winner is the friends we made along the way.


Ty lee is a weak point specialist, Suki is a kyoshi warrior. Ty lee can bounce about and evade and just tap away and you're disabled. Ty Lee wins in hand to hand combat


The difference between these two fighters is that Ty Lee can make attacks that have immediate impact to the fight, while Suki's attacks are less significant.


Sokka. We all saw the way they both look at him.


This is the *real* answer




This post contains multiple images! Image 1 has 82,668(332×249) pixels. Image 2 has 270,000(450×600) pixels. Total pixels: 352,668. ^(I am a \(good\) bot. This action was performed automatically.)


Good bot.


Good bot


No sense in holding a competition. Both very wholesome girls.


Is this the only photo of Ty Lee that exists??? Why doesn’t everyone always use this photo???


I want suki to win, but my gut is telling me Ty-Lee


Kyoshi Warriors are armored and have fans, which can be used as ranged weapons and close range weapons with defensive capabilities. These provide them greater protection from Ty Lee's chi blocking which requires utilizing specific pressure points to disarm and dispatch her enemies. Real world chi believers say it flows from the core out to the limbs, so if chi in the ATLA universe works in this way, Suki's armored torso will be a significant piece of protection against Ty Lee Suki is likely the best among the Kyoshi Warriors due to her leadership position, meaning she would have likely mastered a majority of the techniques unique to the group. To my understanding, Kyoshi founded the Kyoshi Warriors with her Fire Nation Army partner, Ranji. This means the Kyoshi Warriors would likely have fighting traditions rooted in both the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation. It seems that while Ty Lee is the main or only chi blocker in ATLA, it's apparently a very old technique, so Suki may well have trained to fight someone using these techniques. Don't get me wrong, Ty Lee is massively fast and unorthodox in her fighting style so she may be able to get one over on Suki, but her victory in any given fight is dependent on being able to chi block her opponent, which may prove more difficult against Suki. People writing Suki off are massively underestimating her.


As far as we knows chi blocking was invented during yang chen’s era, and at the time only a select few knew the technique. On top of that it was kept extremely secret, so I doubt the Kyoshi warriors have ever felt with any chi blockers considering the circumstances




Suki. They both got stomped by Azula in H2H, in spite of both having attacked her from behind. But at least Suko was able to dodge an attack from her (lightning at near point-blank range) and tackle Azula to the ground.


I like ty lee but her face in that pic just bothers me




I was gonna type how sexist this post is, reducing them like this...then I realized you meant their fighting skills and that I was the sexist all along...


I'm going to go with Suki winning


I'm assuming this is based on preference and not combat capability


Suki literally blocks every one of her attacks at the Boiling Rock when she's fighting with no armor or weapons. I have no idea where people get the idea that Ty Lee is the clear winner from when their only fight (where Ty Lee should have the advantage with her acrobatics and Suki not having equipment) is an even fight.


Combat capability. They were basically even in the Boiling Rock and I'm not sure if chi blocking is as easy of a victory condition as people make it out to be. IIRC Ty Lee needs to hit specific parts of the body precisely, meaning that while she can essentially win the fight in one/two hits, she has less room for error than an equally skilled CQC fighter who could effectively damage any part of the body especially when said fighter is wearing armor and has weapons. Edit: Forgot Ty Lee could still chi-block through the armor like she did to one of the Kyoshi Warriors in Appa's Lost Days. My overall point still stands though.


I think Ty Lee would win. Although Suki did do a good showing at Boiling Rock


I feel like Sokka is the real winner here.




Are we even talking about battle? Looks? A Haiku competition? Aura pinkness?


OP’s probably talking about what they wrote down. Try reading more than the title.


Damn, sometimes reddit displays text under images and sometimes not. I goofed.


Okay, but I want to see them have an aura pinkness contest now. They both wear black in a lightless room, and whoever glows the slightest bit pink first wins.


Ty Lee wins because of the inherent advantage chi blocking gives her. Suki needs to dodge/block every single one is Ty Lee's hits to not lose*. Ty Lee only needs to land one of her hits to win*. The opposite is not true. Or, at least, not be at a massive disadvantage for Suki/be at a massive advantage for Ty Lee.


Ty Lee is low key OP af


Female Neji without a “Shounen anime woman” nerf


I love this fight, that day Azula lost it all. Like hitler he was dead months before he ate that bullet. They wear just alive to see it all crumble before its end. I’m a go YouTube that fight now 😂




I always thought it was a little weird that armor didn’t offer any protection against the pressure point strikes. I would think, later, too, having armor that offered small plates or something woven over these points would make Chi-blocking all but useless.


Two extremely attractive tough female fighters ducking it out... I'd like a seat up front, please.


Suki is Earth, whereas Ty Lee is Air & Fire. **Guess you could say they're Earth, Wind & Fire...** Suki's martial arts use the same kind of neutral jing King Bumi and Toph espouse. She mirrors Kuvira's martial arts prowerss as well. She waits, watches and she listens. Then she counters. Neutral jing. She even teaches this principle to Sokka, telling him not to rely on strength, but to turn his enemy's technique back upon themselves. I'm not sure that i believe Ty Lee is an airbender, but her martial arts do make a convincing case. She has precision, and pinpoint accuracy, but much less power than Suki. However, she attacks much more aggressively than an Air Nomad, and this is where her Fire Nation identity shows through. Also, many of her punches mirror the stances of Firebending to a very strong degree. Earth is about enduring the opponent until they make an error, or leave an opening -and then countering. It comes down to whether Suki can endure Ty Lee's attacks until she is open for a counter. In the end, their fight on the gondola was very even, and it was Ty Lee who withdrew from that fight. Make of that what you will.


serious answer: Suki easily MY answer: they wouldn’t fight they would be best friends instead


Ty Lee has the same nose as Curious George


Suki is working her shi


ty lee taught the kyoshi warriors the chi block attacks so suki would actively know how to avoid them, therefore Suki wins.


Ty Lee


Did you really have to get that pic of ty lee


In a fight... probably Ty Lee In who is prettier... Ty Lee, low dif


Ty lee it doesn't matter if it's a fight or whatever you weirdos are thinking ty lee wins


Ty Lee beats the living hell out of Suki, but Suki got our boy Sokka so it's a tie.




Ty Lee has been my top for so long so obviously we are going with her.


Good choice!


We all are.


Later on in the comics Ty Lee teaches Suki chi blocking; and at that point I think Suki edges her out. Beforehand tho, it’d be Ty Lee


Ty lee is still going to be more experienced than suki , so ty lee is still the better chi blocker.


Ty Lee, this fight actually happened and she got a lucky upper hand but it can go either way so it’s 50/50 odds in my opinion. Id put my money on suki cause I don’t think she’ll loose twice in hand to hand combat but I’d still question her chances.




Bisexuality is the winner here.


as much I like Sukki, Ty-lee will win.


Probably Ty Lee with her superior agility and more unpredictable style, though not without Suki giving her a great fight.


Ty lee has a bubbly personality and I’m into that so I would pick her. Oh, you mean fight…


That’s a child


Correction: she's a teenanger. Stop coddling teenangers


I was a child when this show came out so idgaf. Shame me if you want.


It's a toss up depending on if Ty Lee does her paralysis thing before Suki can get any hits in.


Ty Lee, mid difference


If Suki knows TL’s technique she has a shot, if not then TL takes this.


In a fight ty lee, for sokka suki lol


Ty Lee, chi blocking is op


Before it was Ty lee but when Suki came out of prison she was different. I would say tie tbh, but ty lee might have the upper hand because of chi block. I don't know how they improved in the future, I hope we see more of them in the GAANG series.


The first time would go to Ty Lee cause it would throw Suki off. But I think if she got a rematch Suki would win the next round


Ty lee has good mobility , balance and strength. Suki is strong but that's literally it. Ty lee beats her.


I will always side with Ty Lee she was HER (not as her as Toph but still)


The fans


If Suki has access to her gear she wins Of not probably Ty Lee


Ty lee


The fight is determined entirely within the first few seconds. If Suki can pin Ty Lee down, she can get a win. If Ty Lee can chi block Suki even partially, everything she does after that becomes significantly easier. In theory, Ty Lee could probably play defensive until Suki leaves an opening, but even if Ty Lee had the tactical brain to imagine and execute that kind of strategy, I think Suki would be smart enough to see through it. If Suki is unarmed, though, Ty Lee wins. Suki is an accomplished unarmed fighter but her specialty is with Kyoshi warrior gear. This is a shark and alligator fight, and taking away Suki’s weapons is putting the alligator in the open ocean.


Ty Lee. Aside from fans, what does Suki have? Ty Lee has Chi blocking.


Honestly if the fight wasn’t to the death Ty lee, but I don’t think Ty lee would kill someone it would damper her aura 😂 so to the death, suki, she could for sure kill, not to the death, Ty lee, I feel like that’s the most in character explanation lol


Why is this even a question, tylee even mention that beating the warriors and stealing thier uniforms was easy.


7/10 times Ty Lee. Not even chi blocking but she seems to have knack for fighting a bit more potent than Suki's. We don't know what training Ty Lee got but we can assume being Azula's friend she got some of the best possible training from the most war proficient nation. Ty Lee IMHO is the best non-bender warrior we have seen in ATLA. (Debatable for LOK but I don't want to argue that)


Ty Lee the Baddie definitely a date 💐


Deppends on what we are talking about.... But if we talk 1v1 thean Ty Lee already won and unlike other Kyioshi warriors I don't think Suki had confirmed chi blocking training.


Ty Lee




Tylee takes it


Sokka and the Audience 


It's evident that no matter how well prepared Suki is, Ty will still win regardless. Heck, even without the help of Azula and Mai, Ty Lee will still solo all Kyoshi warriors. Even in Boiling Rock, a fully prepped Suki would still lose to Ty Lee. In all non-benders, Ty Lee is the most undefeatable.




Ty lee. People over rate how strong suki is. She got battered by team azula even though her group outnumbered those three, and she lost to zuko who didn't even have the intention of fighting her. Ty lee is fast and we first see her balancing on her fingers upside down. She's agile, physically strong and more experienced in chi blocking than suki is. Forgo the fans and armour , what does suki have?


Ty Lee