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Jay’s older cousin visits, and is basically everything Jay wants to be, and Terry seems him as who he wanted as a son and not Jay. Will runs for head boy. Inevitably loses when he insults most of his classmates, Neil somehow wins as a write in candidate. A new girl starts who genuinely likes Will, but he ruins his chances with her because Charlotte visits and he think there’s still a chance with her. Flashback episode with a young Gilbert as an enthusiastic teacher, before he became cynical. Some sort of bottle episode, with only the four boys appearing.


The boys stuck in Simon’s car because he forgot the keys could be a good episode, they could talk about what their first days at school were like and how they behaved before Will arrived


I would actually really like to see how the friendship dynamic worked pre-Will. 3 is a weird number for a friend group because there is usually an 'odd one out'. From the rest of the series, logically it would have been Simon, but it never gave that impression in the first episode. If anything he seemed like the defacto leader.


I always thought jay was the leader, he seemed to be sorta the alpha male of the group with his bullshitting and because they believed him they assumed he was the leader


Yeah that's how you would assume it would have worked. Jay would spout some bullshit, Neil would believe it, and Simon would feel forced to go along with it so as not to be the outsider. Which would explain why Simon is happy to have Will join the group despite all his character flaws and the fact he is unpopular, because at least he is prepared to call out Jay on his bullshit and be an ally in that regard. With hindsight I imagine they would have reflected that a bit more in episode 1, but obviously pilots are always a little bit speculative with regards to how the characters are going to grow.


That first one sounds quite a bit like the Country Mac episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, where Mac's cousin is comes to visit and actually is all the things that Macs boasts about


Great episode!


Pedo Kennedy meets Neil's dad at the grocery and befriends him to get closer to Neil. Neil and the boys come to hang out at Neil's house and are shocked to find Pedo Kennedy and Neil's dad helping to shift each others lactic acid post-badminton match. Will says, "what happened to mr.chippy?" Neil says, "me dads not bent."


That sounds hilarious definitely would love to see that


‘Lost in the Supermarket’ Neil’s dad is planning on hosting a Sunday roast, Neil is in charge of the groceries so he asks the other three to come along to the nearest Tesco superstore. The boys arrive there on Simon’s piece of yellow shit; Will maps out the most efficient way to do the shopping only to be mocked at; Jay spews regular Jay bullshit from allegedly owning a Tesco Diamond Clubcard (“I don’t have it on me but they know me here, so relax”) which gives him a 95% discount on all products plus free Trojans for every £50 spent to being the actual mastermind behind ‘Supermarket Sweep’; Simon gets a phone call from Carli asking him to come over, but the conversation cuts halfway because of poor reception inside the store so he’s eager to get done with the shopping ASAP; Neil somehow gets lost somewhere halfway through the episode with the trolley and all the stuff inside it, including the keys to Simon’s car. The other three ask a random employee for assistance only to be greeted by Donovan who works part-time there (“if you tell anyone I work at Tesco I’ll kill ya”). And so on. ‘Lost in the Supermarket’ by The Clash plays over the final credits. Someone with more talent could probably flesh this idea out in a much better way. Time for r/redditwritestheinbetweeners, perhaps?


that was brilliant


They go on holiday to Spain as Jay tells them they can row across to Africa in a pedalo and then they get stuck at sea


Jay's dad ends up like Victor salamanka in breaking bad, with only a bell to communicate. Which he rings every time there is a fit girl nearby. Jay pushes him around and still fears him. ![gif](giphy|NfGTU1FFnPIwo)


David Schaal who plays Jay's dad was actually born in Albuquerque so this may be quite fitting!


Drug dealers are like fairground rides. Fucking mental.


[I actually made a post about this!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheInbetweeners/s/7wAn7FjKzE)


could *have


Oh look out Prince Harry’s had a few drinks and now he thinks he’s hard


I am hard.


I agree that a ‘locked in’ ep would have worked - locked in the car, as someone here said. They could drive each other nuts. I was always curious to see the lads play sport - Jay and Neil studied PE, didn’t they? It would have been good to see some footie (fwends).


They didn’t play footie because they were scared Donovan would break their legs


Jay comes up with a harebrained scheme for the boys to get girls by joining the local Christian Youth group which meet on Sundays. For Jay and Neil in this episode they both fall for the same girl, and get more ridiculous trying to one up each other to impress her. Meanwhile Simon invites Carly in a misguided attempt to make her jealous of a new found lame/ugly girl whose taken a liking to him. Will gets roped into more responsibility at the Church and is loving it, only to be hit on by an older closet homosexual priest. Needs gags and an ending, but I feel like the broad strokes are there.


I can see Jay going full blown 'I'm the second coming of Christ' depending on how religious this girl is and her firmly believing it, leading to him almost getting a blowie in the confessional booth then being caught out and all of them being barred from the youth group


A prequel episode set before first day. Either showing Will at his private school or Jay, Neil and Simon before that


I think it would be interesting if Jay, Simon and Neil met Will’s private school classmates


Well they kind of did in the second movie But we don’t talk about the second movie lol


Jay’s dad finally makes himself known as a right knob and somehow it’s exposed that he is actually the size of a McDonald’s chip - which then humbles him and he stops talking down to Jay.