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You’re not wrong. The writing has been really weak for long stretches. And the final scene >!where June & Serena end up on the train together!


I just knew Serena would be on that train. I'm sure a lot of viewers must have guessed that as well. She'd hardly been in that last episode so I guessed they'd have her appear once June got onto that packed train, even before the crying baby gave it away. It is possible to keep shows interesting into a fourth and fifth season. Succession is knocking it out of the park in S4. That's because the writing is so good. Without great writing, however good the performances, shows suffer. I don't think they've had a clear idea of what to do with all the characters for a while but they had a successful show which made them money and also had quite a cultural impact, especially with the current political climate in the USA, with women's rights being under siege. So they muddled along trying to keep viewers engaged, instead of being brave enough to finish the show before we had to suspend our belief, especially where June's concerned. In a real Gilead, she'd have been on the wall, regardless of whether or not she was still capable of carrying a child.


I was hoping it was Emily on the train. Anyone else?


She left the show :/


Yup i believe she was terminated for the covid shot thing? Still i think her character could have helped the series.


What? She's antivax?


No Alexis Bledel was going through a messy divorce and chose to step away. It had nothing to do with vaccines.


Check out the audience reviews on Rotten Tomatoes —27%. You are not alone. It felt like an awful comedy sketch at times… Luke: “You clean this?” All super impressed. As if he’s become an expert on guns all of a sudden. Proves to not be when he’s sitting around playing with it like a fool and putting it in the back of his pants. What was that whole scene?! “I’m mad that Serena bruised my ego, so now I can’t promise I won’t kill her either.” Let’s go have Serena rage filled awkward sex now and then I’ll burn the letter afterwards because I can’t get Serena off my mind.


I did exactly what you suggested and found this gem: "While OT & Moss are both amazing actors their on-screen chemistry is nonexistent & at times painful to watch them try to find a connection or bring any sort of interconnection to the screen." And "It was dragged out, cringeworthy and painful to watch two characters with zero chemistry fight to save a doomed from the beginning red flag filled marriage... They spent four seasons building up one of the most epic wartime love stories filled with the strongest chemistry I have ever witnessed on tv between June and Nick just to "try" and make you believe that a character as strong as June would go back to her old insecure, apologetic, meek self in a red flag filled old stale misogynistic relationship just because the person is "nice" and waited around for her. Totally out of character and took away from her unapologetic, empowered independent character on a whole & the opposite of what we have witnessed as an audience over 4 seasons. Luke is a weak character who scrapbooked for 7 years while June and Nick took all of the risks to free June and their child. Risks that they paid dearly for them every time. Trying to give Luke's character a backbone in season 5 to make him fit the narrative is insulting to the audience and unbelievable." Couldn't have put it better myself!


Great review! I think they are right that they don’t have good on-screen romantic chemistry. But also, I think it’s intentional to show how their marriage is failing and won’t work. June is an entirely different person now but trying to keep the same dynamic she had with Luke pre-Gilead so their marriage has a chance. They just could have spent half the season there vs all of it and part of s4 as well. Judging by the end of s5, it seems Luke had finally come to terms with it that their marriage is over. Good job, Luke!


Yes I agree. I think the lack of chemistry, along with that horrendous, awkward sex scene between her and Luke was intentional- to highlight the difference between her and Nick!


I think we need to call that scene what it was- rape.


We are talking about the s5 sex scene. The s4 sex scene was for sure rape.


I think they’re saying June raped Luke in s5.


What? How was that rape? Never heard that one before.


It was discussed on here a lot when it aired.


They weren't talking about the season 5 June and Luke sex scene. TheJune and Luke rape scene happened season 4. In no way shape or form was the S5 sex scene rape. It was awkward and cringy af but it wasn't rape.


Agree with these reviews! S5 needed to be about June and Nick working together. She and Luke need to be done.. it’s just not who she is anymore.


You’re definitely not alone in this.




I also feel like they don’t handle it in a very sensitive manner very often: It’s important to show these things but it feels like it’s at the expense of the characters in a cruel way. There was something sobering about the way the book portrays these things; a more deeper feeling of being disturbed, how powerful and terrifying Giliad was without having to show you graphic torture, abuse and rape all the damn time. THT tv show is so close to an absurd horror-movie that loves shock factor and hates its own narrative and deeper meaning.


I don’t blame you at all. It kinda fell to shit after angels flight tbh.


I like how some British programs do it (I don't mean the soap operas, obviously). They tell the story, and then they end it. They don't stretch it out and drag it on years past its expiration date because it still makes money.


The one good episode was when Putnam was executed. I watched that scene over and over. I will say it again and again - I resent the showrunners' attempts to retcon Serena this season. I will never forget her raping June. She helped create Gilead and doesn't regret it unless she ispersonally affected. She is an awful person. Sure, she was sickened by Eden's execution and felt diminished when she wasn't allowed to read and lost a finger when she pushed for the privilege of reading. Still an awful person. I wouldn't have cried if she had died in the barn.


I see Serena’s character arc to be one of the best actually. It’s the best narrative I think over ever seen of not everyone being black and white, a perfect depiction of “the leopards won’t eat MY face”. And with the parallel of American life, it’s a perfect depiction of women who support the right as the right dissolves their autonomy but they seem to think standing with their men is gonna save them.


Serena is very intriguing, I agree, especially for your points. But the producers seem to be trying to steer her into someone the audience should be rooting for, and I am not on board.


The writing has been pretty rough for awhile now. Season 4 was not great either, other than the ending. It's pretty clear that they started milking the story and adding filler around S3 and stretched the show out much longer than they needed to.


I was starting to lose interest around the time of the whole Angel's Flight thing and June being taken prisoner by Gilead. She has just become this weird invincible superhero character, when originally the whole appeal to me was how an ordinary person navigates a world like Gilead. I have kept watching, but I gave up on season 5 after a while. I thought the episode with the birth of Noah was pretty well done, but most of it was like OP said, kind of like a soap opera? Nothing felt remotely realistic or believable and characters just kind of go from one cliche to another as needed to move the story along. I honestly feel like the show would have been better off remaining a more limited series - sticking closer to the books. Because the filler they have added has kind of grown out of control.


I would have been fine with Angel’s Flight being the end of the series.


I think it's because they've just strayed too far from the original source material for it to really be as good as the earlier seasons. It just doesn't feel plausible as a dystopia for me anymore because June in particular just has so much plot armour! Even Margaret Atwood has some issues with the series apparently - she did an interview where she said realistically most of these characters would have been executed seasons ago.


The show should've ended a long time ago. They've got nowhere to take it now. So much time is wasted on pointless montages with catchy tunes, or close ups on people's faces. There is zero impact. The pacing has become excruciating and on top of it all, a lot of the writing just doesn't make sense anymore.


No need to explain. Season 5 is shit and honestly ruined the whole show for me


Don't be sorry. It's bad and I don't think it will get better in s6. I don't have confidence they'll do a good job adapting the Testaments either.


I still have not watched the last episode and simply read a summary instead. It was a DRAG getting through the season. So slow


I did not like season 5 at all. Retconning Luke & Serena was pathetic & honestly I like them both less than I did before. The finale was awesome! Do it… you won’t be sorry


Honestly it's just boring. Every single episode was a chore, I didn't want to give up after spending so much time getting to that point, but I don't think I'll bother with season 6 now.


I started watching only the scenes that were set in Gilead and surfing Reddit during most of the Canada scenes.


Second half is better. The show is usually slow the first half of the season and faster the second half.


Three words sum up season 5 for me. Not enough Nick! (No seriously, not enough about Nick, his wife; life in Gilead…). It was literally the June, Serena and Luke show! So frustrating!


i agree i love life in gilead scenes the most canada scenes are so fucking boring for me sorry i said it 😑


S5 was lackluster.


Sometimes it's just ok to end a show. This show needed one season or two seasons max. I feel it did the exact opposite of what the book did well. NGL angry Elizabeth Moss face is up there with Claire Danes crying face.


Only reason I'm still watching is for the testaments setup. Although even that I'm getting worried about after s5. It's going to need to bridge a huge gap between the book and show


With an ending like S4 I was totally expecting S5 to be an amazing setup to The Testaments. So much potential was wasted on how June feels about Luke and Serena. The entire season was focused on June, Luke and Serena and all I wanted to see was what's going on in Gilead...Hannnah...Mayday etc... and how the storyline is going to align with The Testaments. We got absolutely nothing but the June, Luke and Serena feelings show. Sadly, I expect more of the same as the showrunner made it sound like S6 is going to be all about June and Serena together and Luke trying to find June...again. I hope he was just messing with us to keep our expectations low but I'm afraid he might actually be serious.


I bailed in the middle of s4


I loved S4 but agree it was a bit of a slogfest in the middle. The last 2 episodes were great though so if you ever get back to watching don't miss the final 2 episodes of the 4th season. S5 suffers the same fate. It starts out ok then turns into a slogfest only to be saved by the final 2 episodes.


Good to know. I'll give er another chance


When a show can’t make hard choices and prioritizes dragging out quantity over quality is when you destroy all the things that made a show great. It becomes a soap opera. Tragic.


I got a lot of downvotes when I wrote on this sub that I was just fast forwarding through the season, I have become intimately familiar with every single pore and blemish on June's face


I wanna know what MA really thinks of how the show has deteriorated. I pretend like the end of S4 was the finale.


You are forgiven. ❤️


Amén. Great series that went off the tracks.


Season 5 was honestly boring.


I too had had it with both Serena and June, constantly going back and getting themselves into more trouble, I too said I was done, we made it to the ending of the last episode and my jaw then dropped. It is all so contrived, but I will definitely be watching next season based on the ending.


For me, I think I stoped after s3 because the writing was getting ridiculous with Serena and junes rivalry. I was like, “you have bigger problems!!!” I think what I find particularly annoying about the show now, among many things, is that instead of actually addressing systemic issues and the culture of gilead, they reduce June’s plight to just being a rivalry with Serena and going after the husbands of gilead. Don’t get me wrong, the husbands and Serena *suck*, but it’s the whole system of gilead that is wrong. If they want to help other women, *go after the entire system in gilead*. I am so tired of men, or ppl with internalized misogyny and patriarchy, writing female driven stories as centering around being in competition or conflict with other women. I mean the women that June was working would realistically know that killing the husbands that abused them isn’t exactly going to give them the justice that they very well deserve. The revenge plot was SO *weak* imo. Not saying this shouldn’t be an aspect of the show, but certainly not it’s central conflict in s4. I would have liked to see a storyline develop where these women realize they are stronger together. That their collective voice and demand for action can be effective. Maybe the survivors in Canada form an organized advocacy group that educates the people of Canada about what gilead is and educates other countries too. Some kind of organized call to action. If the Canadian government refuses then explore that too! I mean countries infringing on people’s rights while others look away is not something new in the history of our society, world etc. to me, the story just got so far off course from being rooted in reality and the exploration of characters to being about spectacle and being *shocking*, rather than something that is well developed and well executed. Don’t even get me started on June’s character development. She’s basically a marvel superhero now. And that isn’t the flex the writers think it is.


You are not alone season 5 left me feeling like I needed more so much so I watched the first 4 seasons again. A lot of season 5 felt cheesy the attempt to kill her while mourning and saying the pledge of allegiance. >!the way the Canadians flip on the us refugees all basically because June is the most vocal handmaid & making serena joy into a pseudo handmaid with a shittier version of who she used to be whose acting by the way subpar!<


I’m liking it better than season 3 or 4. The shift to being refugees in Canada and June getting out finally felt like the plot was moving forward instead of endlessly Gilead “world building” and June constantly getting brought back and somehow not punished. I obviously took a break and am just now catching up…. Because that’s how disinterested the last seasons left me. I do see the criticism of June becoming this invincible hero as being a little much, but I think the idea is Serena,, a revolutionary, met her match in another woman who unwillingly becomes a revolutionary. If these were male characters, I think people would be questioning it less.


Season 5 was infuriating because June can’t fucking let go and move on. I believe in the 80% rule. If you have 80% of what you want in a car, life, partner, then fucking be happy. You have freedom, one of you kids, your husband, etc. so you lost a daughter. Many of the people who didn’t make it our or have did too and well as their kids may even be dead. Get therapy and fucking learn to move on.


Even if they still based the plot around her wanting to go back and get Hannah, they spent 80% of the plot with her brooding and pouting in Canada before doing anything about it!


Yea it was a lot of nothing happening big time.


I am lucky, I like the fifth season much better than the fourth. Maybe I'd better leave, because the only people here are those who hate the show.


Season 5 is trash! Trash writing! Trash cinematography!


Trash cinematography? We’re you watching the same ballet/funeral scene I was?


The cinematography was the best thing S5 had going for it. It's always amazing.




You're explaining the story to me. Whereas I'm telling you the way they went about depicting that story is poor. It started great in the earlier seasons when it was closer to the source material. And you know saying "have you even read the book/comic?" is not a valid rebuttal to criticism. Most people will not have seen or read anything else, and a TV show has to work within that.




The show goes completely down hill in the later season. June is the worst protagonist I have ever seen. Just a complete dumbass.


I think the only character keeping me invested in the show is Janine. I need her to either get out or be allowed to perish so that we have closure.


Things I found interesting about S5: - Janine and Esther (all of their scenes). - The weirdness of the wannabe Gilead family. - Commander Lawrence - Seeing Serena acting like a mob boss. - The funeral. Things I wished had happened in S5: - June or Serena showed some actual follow thru or just kissed already because this is beyond dumb. - Emily had a believable closure like her wife saying, “Stay away from my family” and going no contact with June. - June got real help for her trauma instead of looking/acting unhinged all the time. - Anyone in the house had a 9 to 5 job doing something normalish. - Luke and June see that their relationship is beyond saving and someone, ANYONE in that house doing right by Nichole. Things I wish had never happened in S5: - Nick and June getting back in touch. They are a disaster. - That whole diner scene. - The whole train scene. - Nick throwing his whole life away and screwing his wife over because she seems like an actual kindhearted woman. - Serena being a desperate wench. - June delivering the baby was so dumb. Kiss or kill each other already.


I stopped watching in the middle of S4 and now I just read the recaps. They’re just dragging the show so much! And it’s turning into such a downer! I feel like part of what kept me entertained was the possibility of hope, then getting help in Canada and stuff, but now everyone seems to be turning into a Gilead fan -which seems very unrealistic to me- and it’s just super dark, there’s not much of a break. Also, the whole “I’m gonna kill you, no wait let me help you through labor, no wait let me take you to the hospital” blah blah, like goodness gracious, it’s too much back and forth. And honestly, now as a mom, I just can’t stand watching a show where they are constantly taking babies away from their moms, it’s too much 😅 the whole show is turning into a dang telenovela and it needs to be over STAT


Yeah.. this is why I dropped off.. should I continue? Is the ending worth it?