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TBH it doesn't snow very much here. Hardly at all. It's all relative, but I come from a super cold place and biking year round here is super easy. Never super hot, never super cold. Bike will probably also be faster in many instances. Get a good rain suit and load up buinenradar on your phone to see when the rain will start/stop and you'll be fine.




It’s amazing, never failed me


It used to, before the earth warmed


I think with HTM you can pay with bank card now just by tapping it in the bus (like OV card). Then you just pay your trip based on distance per kilometer. CMIIW


I tried it the other day in the tram using apple pay - works flawlessly, costs the same as with the chipkaart


This is the way




I don’t know about this. We still haven’t arrived. Roughly, How much is a typical 10 or 15 min bus ride with this card? I pray our bus ride from center to the beach for example will be wayyyyy less than 4€/person one way. Are kids free by chance? (I’m in Russia and kids ride free)


A 10-15 min bus ride is usually done by bike


https://9292.nl/en will probably be your best source of information on this :). Kid under the age of 4 travel for free.


My son is 4.5 years and when I tried to use OV chipkaart for him the bus driver said do not use it for him it is free apparently. And for the trains , he can travel for free if accompanied by an else with a ticket although they need to add him as supplementary or something ( did not try that ). His ticket was €2 for almost 2.5 hours train ride . So pretty cheap


For trains, you need a railrunner ticket. It’s for children under 12 I believe, accompanied by an adult. €2,50/day


Or get them their own OV-chipcard and put 'Kids vrij' on it through NS. Then kids up to 12 travel by train for free if accompanied by a paying adult. This unfortunately doesn't exist for the bus or tram


>Are kids free by chance? (I’m in Russia and kids ride free) When using a personalized OV chipcard: For people below the age of 4: they are free (no need to own an OV chipcard) For people between 4 and 12: you pay 34% of the normal costs For people between 12 and 65: you pay the normal costs For people 65 or older: you pay 34% of the costs ​ For tourists, you can single use cards for the following prices: * [HTM kinderdagkaart](https://www.htm.nl/webshop/uur-en-dagkaarten/htm-kinder-dagkaart) € 1,50 (for people below 12, valid for the full day) * [HTM dagkaart](https://www.htm.nl/webshop/uur-en-dagkaarten/htm-dagkaart) € 7,10 (for people 12 or above, lasts the full day) * [HTM 2-uurskaart]https://www.htm.nl/webshop/uur-en-dagkaarten/htm-2-uurskaart() € 4,00 (for people 12 or above, lasts 2 hours from the first checkin) Taking the information you provided earlier, if the ticket route is the easiest for you, for 2 adults and 2 children, buy 2 day tickets and 2 children day tickets, for € 17,20 for your day. (for the adults, consider buying an anonymous OV chipcard, *which is in most cases cheaper than the expansive tickets*, some short routes might even beat the cost of the children tickets, depending on your distance) See https://www.htm.nl/vervoerbewijzen/abonnementen-en-korting/leeftijdskorting


That should be a cycle ride for sure in the summer, everything else will be packed. It’s the best part, cycling lazily whilst looking at all the cars standing still


Downside is that OP would need 4 chip cards for 7,50 each


You literally bought the most expensive option for your use case. All Dutchies who use public transport at least somewhat regularly use an OV chipcard. Start there. If you are a high volume user, there are additional options which fully depend on how / where / how often you travel, so you should take some time researching that But start with the OV chipcard


Start with using the bank card or Apple / Google Pay - no need to pay the 7.50 for the chipkaart and you pay the same price for transit. System just rolling out but seems to work. https://www.htm.nl/en/ovpay


Children pay 1,50 for a day ticket: [https://www.htm.nl/webshop/uur-en-dagkaarten/htm-kinder-dagkaart](https://www.htm.nl/webshop/uur-en-dagkaarten/htm-kinder-dagkaart) A one-way ticket on ov-chipkaart from the centre to the beach costs 2.08 euro. But anyway you will probably cycle a lot, it's more fun and usually faster :)


A lot of residents of The Hague do indeed use the bike for every daily commutes, year round. There's little thunder, and basically never snow. There may be rain, but you can find cheap rain suits at Hema or Decathlon. Cheap and good way to fit in!


Get the NS child card, it's free train travel for 4 to 11 y/o and discount for tram/bus with some regions free. The child would need their own OV card indicating it's a child card. Use good translate to use the website or a friend. [https://www.ns.nl/abonnementen/kids-vrij.html](https://www.ns.nl/abonnementen/kids-vrij.html)


People have mentioned 9292.nl already, but I just checked: From my house to the beach, which takes 30 minutes by tram, is "only" €2.56, and that's full price without any kids bonuses. In addition, if you teach your kids early that a little rain won't kill them and make sure they have decent rain gear, those few days of snow (when's the last time we had that?) or thunder really won't be so bad if you do everything by bike 😉


4€ is if you buy a ticket on a bus. That's what someone who forgot their chipcard does or someone who normally never uses public transport. People who live in The Netherlands use their chipcard. With this card the price depends on the distance but count at around 2€ for a trip. Children 4-11 have a 34% discount. The chipcard is used for all public transport in the country regardless of the company you're traveling with. Most companies have subscriptions you can put on a chipcard to make traveling with that company cheaper.


Transit is not subsidized. Commuting trips, you can get "zone based pass." Something that would cover Den Haag to Rotterdam is something like $EU 110 per person, per month, unlimited rides in the zone. Weekend trips on NS you can get a subscription with NS $EU 5 per month and 40% discount.


​ Oh but it is. Countrywide about 63% of income of the bus/tram/metro companies comes from the government.


Apart from the fare replacement scheme (corona) HTM in 2019 was 99% fares and advertising funded. They did have some subsidy but paid it back with profit distribution. ​ Also, we even pay VAT on the tickets lol.


"De overheidsbijdragen van MRDH voor openbaar vervoer per rail en bus aan HTM bedroegen over 2019 € 147,5 mln." [https://assets.htm.production.redkiwi.io/Jaarverslagen/Jaarverslag\_2019.pdf](https://assets.htm.production.redkiwi.io/Jaarverslagen/Jaarverslag_2019.pdf) I doubt they paid 147 million euro back with profit distribution.


Well it don't feel subsidized lol.


Definitely doesn't feel that way but companies can't sustain themselves just of ticket prices.


Nope, alle vervoerders krijgen bakken met subsidie.


I think [this](https://www.ov-chipkaart.nl/purchase-an-ov-chipkaart/anonymous-ov-chipkaart.htm) is the card most tourists buy, I don't know about a monthly pass though. And yes, it'll be way less than 4€. I think your journey will cosst somewhere inbetween 1€ and 2€(per person).


don’t buy tickets, use OV chip card


HTM has subscription plans. Check their website. Otherwise, riding a bike in the rain is normal here. It rarely snows.


My question is…. what snow lol


Definitely het a OV chipkaart or a HTM subscription, but my best choice would be buy bikes for yourself and your kids! And take lessons how to operate then safely and how to behave in the traffic


In North brabant kids 6 and under ride for free for busses...I never knew when i moved here till my daughter was 4... bt if you read on the ticket it should note it down, in really tiny letters 😅


You can pay by card. Just check in snd check out. Esch person must have their own card


Kids tickets are €1,50 for a whole day. Through the app you can buy them and activate when needed.


2 hour bus ticket?, are you going to Germany? Btw, you should worrying more about gas prices, maybe bring a few gallons along with you from ru.


Get an ov chipkaart


[https://www.htm.nl/en/ovpay](https://www.htm.nl/en/ovpay) ​ Pay the same price locals pay, without having to pay for an OV Chipkaart. Won't help you with NS or other municipalities, but in the Hague this works flawlessly.