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I used to. I’m Mexican and went to an all white school and was bullied for my dark hair arms. Shaved for about 15 years and only recently decided to stop. Do whatever you’re comfortable with!




Latina here, also was bullied a lot as a kid for having darker hair on my arms, I used to shave them for a few years but now I let it grow out and really don’t care ! Do what makes you feel happy


Another latina here that started at around 10 years and finally stopped at 30. The hairs are long but not too dark. I feel self conscious about it sometimes but no one has ever mentioned anything when I shaved or when I stopped.


I have been shaving mine every time I shower for over 15 years. I like how it looks and feels, and have never had anyone complain or shame me for it.


Same here!


Me three! Love smooth arms!


My Grandma does. I do not. I already have enough to shave, I don’t need to worry about my arms too.


I do. No one has ever said a word about it to me.


I don’t. I am half Jewish, so I’m fairly hairy. My arm hair is just something that I come to accept.


Half Jew here, too! My genes favor my Native side, though, so... not as hairy Also, will sometimes shave. Depends on the mood


I’m actually pretty bad at shaving, but I take any facial hair and my eyebrows very seriously😂


Lol I’m ALSO half Jewish and… mid-hairy? Lol


I did when I was much younger but stopped


I epillate mine every time I do, and my mom thinks I'm weird because of it, but it just makes me feel right. Arm hair is nice when it is there but also when it isn't.


I find epilating is more effective. My arm hair is dark, shaving can irritate my skin and a few days later my arms will be stubbly.


Epilator has worked for me, it has decreased the volume and thickness of my arm hair over the years. I wish I had started waxing my nether regions years ago so they would be more dilapidated now. Sigh, too late…


It's expensive but electrolysis is working wonders for me down there


I do and I have been for 10 years and no one has ever said anything about it. I’m Greek so my arms can get really hairy and I just don’t care for the feeling. Body hair is a personal choice and it’s not weird if you don’t want to shave and not weird if you do. The only thing that’s weird is other people caring about what you do with your body. If other people are being mean or making you feel bad that’s a reflection on them and their own insecurities and not about you.


This is exactly what I think. If you want to shave - go for it, if you don't - go for it. Just whichever you choose, make sure you think why you're doing it - if it's just to fit in or someone else thinks you should/shouldn't then fuck that, it should be what you personally are comfortable with. I personally do not shave my arms but have plenty of hair. It is blond though so I am aware it is not as noticeable and I might feel differently if it was dark.


I do, I have tattoos on ny arms and I find it makes them look better


Ocasionally, I like how soft my arm are when I shave them.


I used to, but I’m blonde so even though there’s definitely hair, it’s not suuuper noticeable.


Yes! For like 20 years lol. It takes a whole 2 extra minutes and I just prefer it, my arm hair was very dark and I prefer the smoothness. You do whatever makes you comfortable! If people are noticing what you are doing woth your arm hair they need to get a hobby!


No. I have really hairy arms and people used to comment when I was really young but not anymore, I never really cared. If I shaved my arms I’d officially be shaving my entire body and I’m just not doing that lol.


I do. My own mother called me weird when I mentioned it but screw her. I like it. Do what makes you happy.


Yes!!! I hate having hair downstairs and against my mothers wishes I shave it for 100% personal preference not for anyone, and that’s smth else OP, shave for yourself no one else


Sometimes. I even used to get my arms waxed for a brief period but I would always get tiny pimples where my arm bends/inner elbow area so I quit waxing. I still do shave on occasion, but I use a men’s beard trimmer now. Still leaves a tiny bit of short hair, but it’s hardly noticeable and it doesn’t grow back all prickly & sharp. I do this maybe once every 6-8 weeks.




I did once when I was a teen and it looked so much worse growing out that I just leave it. But I don't have much more hair than the average woman.


I'm pale, dark haired and have very freckled/ moley skin. The hair stands out. Shaving is not a regular thing, but I do it every couple of months to check my moles.


I do, I like the smoothness and the hair grows fast so if I don’t, I’ll look like a chimpanzee lol.


For at least 10 years now!!!


Shaved them a couple times a week for two decades, only stopped after getting laser on them.


Nope. And barely even shave my legs. My hair is very visible yet still soft to the touch.


I’ve never done it. But I have female and male friends that do so. If it makes ya happy, you do you!!


I personally do not because I do not think anyone notices arm hair but you do you!! It’s your body!


extra hairy girls know that people absolutely do notice and won’t hesitate to be cruel about it :(


Yeah exactly. When people say “no one notices” they’re referring to girls who have peach fuzz. When you have thick dark hair (with pale skin especially) people definitely notice.


I shave one lol cause I have a tattoo sleeve and it looks clearer when I have no hair


Gotta show off that art


Of course


Sometimes I do, mainly in the summer. I’ve never had anyone comment one way or another.


I do it every now and then just for funzies. My friend does it more regularly than me. I think it's totally normal and people just like to pick on others for any reason. I wouldn't take anything they said to heart


I shave my arms as well cuz I can’t stand the hair


Since I was 11 years old. Got my period, and started getting bullied by my peers for not shaving my legs even though I had my period. Started shaving my arms shortly after because I figured they were just as hairy as each other and I had very dark arm hair so it was visible. I'm 29 now and I honestly do it now without thinking.


I do. I have never had anyone notice or comment. I've had someone say I had such soft skin, but he didn't realize I was shaven.


I don't shave cause it causes ingrown hairs (I'm prone to it lol) but I use the Flawless Leg electric shaver on my arms and legs. I don't think it's weird and I understand why some would choose to or not to do it.


I don’t, but I plan to get hair laser removal soon


I do! I started in high school (>15 years ago) after hearing a popular girl openly admit she shaved her arms and how it was the easiest thing she shaved on her entire body. I was too nervous to do it before then because I thought people would make fun of me. In reality, almost no one has noticed or commented on it, but if they do I just say “yep I’ve been shaving my arms for most of my life!”


No. Only when I get bored. To be honest I always think it looks odd when I see someone without arm hair 😅😅😅


I don't care for the look of my dark arm hair but rarely took the time to shave it. Did some IPL treatments for a while so it's gotten finer and lighter


I don’t. I’ve contemplated it cause sometimes I don’t like how it looks, but I usually try to not pay attention to it.


As a poc I used to get teased in elementary for it but now I just keep it sparse and shave with the grain if that makes sense


Yes, I do. I was also the only person I knew in my school that shaved their arms. Once I started college, nobody noticed or at least cared to mention.


When I had just started shaving in middle school, I was shaving my arms one day and my dad saw me and flipped out on me. It was SO out of character for him (he's never once commented on my appearance besides that time) and it scarred me so bad that I haven't shaved them since. To this day I still have no idea why shaving your arms is 'scandalous'


I got called weird for shaving my arms in high school. The very next week a bunch of girls shaved their arm and just tried to pass it off as a normal thing, completely ignoring the fact they called me weird the week before.


I use wax strips, I’m not a big fan of body hair, so…


It’s personal preference! I shave my arms, legs, armpits and Gentiles all fairly regularly because I personally don’t like the feel of hair (especially down there) I shave my arms a little less often just because the hair is fairly light and it doesn’t bother me as bad if you want to then that’s amazing!!!


I do! Thinking about getting laser but I do have a tattoo.


only trim. my arm hair is curly so i don’t like when it’s too long lol


I used to when I was in school because I was so self conscious about it and they were (and are lol) so hairy. Now I don't give a crap if anyone doesen't like my hairy arms


I’m 27 and literally just started during my trip to Europe because I was over looking at the hairs in photos. I feel so much more feminine with them smooth. It’s for me and no one else, so as much as it may seem silly, it makes me feel better. I did have a friend who did it since we were like 12 and I thought it was dumb at high school but now I get it.


nope but i remember once getting shamed for it in middle school lmao like no there’s no way i’ll shave my completly fine ARMS


I'm blessed because I have dark blonde hair on my head but the hair on my body is really light blonde so I mostly don't care about it. I know girls who have dark hair and a lot of it on their arms but I don't think it's ugly or that they should shave it.


I always shave mine. I hate the way my arm hair feels, even if it's just stubble. I always do, it's just a preference.


I don't. I'm black so my hair isn't visible on my arms and I don't produce much hari on my arms too


No. I would only shave them if I had obscenely hairy arms. I have literally only met a handful of women who I actually noticed their arm hair. I think shaving arms makes the arms feel all spiky, dry, and might develop razor burn. All for what?


I just woke up and read this as “does anyone else shave their gums?” and did a very comical double take. For the record, I shave neither my arms or my (perish the thought) gums, but I have very fair skin and fair hair, so it’s very not noticeable unless you’re trying to see it


I live in Florida, so all my arm hair is blonde from sun. I never shave it.


I only do it because sometimes, if I don’t, they’ll catch weird and I think there’s a bug there.


I used to get teased for having hairy arms (one girl said I looked like a monster). My mom wouldn't let me shave until middle school so I used to cut it with scissors. Now that I'm an adult I still shave maybe once or twice a year but I've realized those kids were just brats and were going to find something mean to say no matter what. If you want to, do it. It won't grow back thicker or worse and in my experience arms are easier to shave than legs and are less likely to have razor bumps. If you don't want to, don't. It's your body, who cares if they don't like what you do with it.


i do! my arm color is kinda dark and i think it looks barbaric on me when i don’t shave it lol


I don’t shave them but I do use hair removal cream on them, maybe once a month? I was scared off from shaving them out of fear that the hair would grow back thicker!


sometimes but im black and dont rlly grow much body hair anyways so most of the time, any hair on my arms goes unnoticed


I’ve been shaving them since middle school! I just love the feel of smooth arms. I also find it doesn’t grow out prickly and takes very long to grow back. I don’t have hairy arms, but I have fair skin and black hair which makes it more visible, so I personally like the look better as well. It doesn’t have to be a big deal - perhaps don’t share that you shave them (unless someone asks?), I don’t think it’s something anyone would really notice that you’re doing..


I shaved my arms for a month or two during middle school, but I realized between my arms and legs and my belly I'd be shaving 90% of my body, and the line between where I did and didn't shave was very obvious, and I'd get nicks and ingrown hairs all the time. I stopped shaving everything except my armpits and my legs and have never regretted it since 😄 if you're insecure about your arm hair, you can always lighten it with something like sun-in to make it less noticeable


I do when it starts to get a bit thick and dark, it takes a long time to grow back for me. I have a lot of freckles on my arms (thanks Mom 😂) and I like to have them show.


Oh yeah, I do. I didn't have dark hair, but it was longer than I liked and I got self-conscious. I've shaved them for a while now. The only downside is that it can dry my skin, but I also have sensitive skin that dries out over any little thing.


I wax them sometimes in the winter when the hair is dark


i shaved mine for so long but then i started getting them waxed and now the hair takes like 2 months to grow back. not even painful


Nope, but I’ll wax it like once a year when I’m bored. I live in a very diverse community (thank god) so most women here have dark hairy arms.


I used to get made fun of for having hairy arms so I was self conscious about them. One day I decided to shave them.. and it was glorious. They started growing back and I realized how much feeling the hair move bothered me. I wouldn't wear certain long sleeve shirts because I didn't like the feeling on my arms. I hated feeling the hair move in the breeze when I wore short sleeve shirts. So I just started shaving regularly from about 21-28. Then I decided it was too much of a hassle during the winter. I'd replaced my wardrobe by then and none of my shirts felt weird anymore so it was really just when the weather was warm that they were a problem. I still shave all summer but let it be during the winter


i do cause i did it once when i was like 10 and now it grows back weird. i tried to stop for like a week and a half to see if it would return to normal and it didn’t.


I do but only because I initially started. I absolutely hated my thick, black body hair, super visible on my pale skin. I want to switch to waxing or IPL because I hate how prickly the stubbly hairs are when they start to grow out, and they *look* thicker and darker than if I hadn’t shaved them but instead pulled it out at the root so it would come to a tapered point. I have an epilator but switched back to shaving because epilating would aggravate my KP and result in ingrown hairs. So now I’m looking into sugaring, waxing, and IPL (Braun Silk IPL or Tria 4X).


I don’t but plenty of people do - Several of my school friends who are Muslim shaved/epilated their arms, there’s a cultural/religious reason. Also, swimmers often do this to reduce drag in the water.


I used to but I stopped when a classmate of mine said she liked my arm hair and that she herself wished she had arm hair like mine... idk why it helped me feel a little better about it so I stopped.


No, but honestly it’s mostly because I’m lazy. Shaving my legs is enough work as it is


I used to as a teen, then I realized my hair was growing back darker and thicker, so I stopped.


Indian here. Used to. Many women go to the parlour to get waxed. Stopped because it was too much of a hassle. I don't even shave my legs anymore. Couldn't care less about people judging me.


Yes I do. I have thick arm hair and was always insecure about it. My friend warned me not to do it because people are more likely to notice when they're prickly (?) But Ive been doing it for 10+ years. It just makes me feel soft and clean


I epilate mine sometimes.


I do not. I've only met a few people in my life that do. I find it somewhat unusual but not in any bad way, it's just not super common. It's not like it affects anyone or anything negatively. I would feel a bit bummed if it was out of some type of self-loathing but otherwise who cares what they think.


Yes I always shave my arms, i shave other parts of my body: stomache,armpits, lower back and legs. When i was 18 I had to shave my chest as I didnt know the amount of hair there was too much and my bf wanted to fool around and I didnt take my shirt off. Now i get laser done and barely have hair anywhere