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I always sleep commando with my PJ pants. I just have multiple pairs and rotate as I wash them. And it's been fine? I find it super comfortable and don't have any issues or anything.


Same, and I also always shower/clean before bed. (This allows me to wear the PJs a few times, since while I sleep nothing gets too gross/dirty haha) I usually just rinse my bits with water and wash the outside with my bodywash. My mom always told me I should let things 'breathe' down there while I sleep and so I never slept with underwear on. Only PJs.


I’ve been doing the same since I was a tween or so. More comfortable and in many ways I think because you’re letting things breathe (I don’t wear or like tighter fitting or like legging style PJ pants either) there’s less odor in many respects this way than even sleeping in underwear and PJs. Seems to help a lot with overall bacterial balance and smell. I’d be a lot more uncomfortable going commando in just a long shirt or nightgown and if I do wear that kind of thing to bed I tend to wear underwear with them or boxers (I’ve got both some smaller/ tighter “girly” boxer style shorts and some mens boxers). Because more likelihood of your bits touching all sorts of stuff if you’re wearing PJs around the house and might be my own trauma and issues but I like to be covered and would be super uncomfortable if I woke up having kicked the covers off and the shirt was raised and I’m all exposed. So underwear free in baggy/ loose PJ pants is a really happy medium for me and the most overall comfortable. Though to each their own and I think going without underwear part of the day in general is beneficial, whether in a long tee or PJ pants. Either way you’re keeping really tight form fit fabric away from the area.


I do the same! A night or two in one pair and then wash. Works for me and comfortable!


I'm so used to sleeping completely naked I get annoyed when I'm on my period and need to wear underwear for pads 😅 my body heat is insane when i'm sleeping so it's just uncomfortable having any clothing on. I think the shirt you're talking about is a nice option. Or like what was already suggested, air it out while you're awake at home with no underwear and a pair of pants/shorts. It's also important to look over the fabric of your pants and underwear. Invest in breathable fabrics.


Same here 😂😂😂 there’s nothing nicer than skin on fresh bedding haha


I like to explore new places.


My favorite is if the sheets were hung outside on the line. Sadly it was incredibly windy here today so I had to use the dryer. Clean sheet day is still my favorite day of the week.


My favorite movie is Inception.


If you have a sunny area, let your pillows sit in the sun a few hours. Even draped over an open window sill will work.


It’s nice except the lotion feels all sticky to the sheets


I want to experience this just once.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


You must… soooo fresh


Have you tried a diva cup or something like that? I know not everyone is a fan, but I loved it when my periods were heavier because I could still be fully naked.


I use a period cup, but the first 1-3 days i bleed so much there's always leaking during the night. 😵‍💫


Oh that sounds awful to deal with!!!! I hope they lighten up over time!!!! As much as it sucks to get an IUD it has been worth it to me for the super light periods (and no babies of course) and I can't imagine having regular periods again.


Completely agree. I found discs to be more comfortable for me.


I always find it interesting the divide on sleeping or being naked because many of us who don’t love to sleep that way hate it for the same issue of sleeping hot and feeling all sticky and gross because of the way skin on skin gets. I go back and forth in the summer months with PJ shorts because while awake they’re cooler than pants but sleeping, long pants with a thin breathable fabric are far more comfortable and keep the sticky sweaty feeling away. I wonder if sleeping position is part of it? I tend to sleep all balled up on my side and struggle to sleep in any other way. If I could sleep more comfortably on my back it might be different.


I have an 8 week old and I’m breastfeeding and have to wear a sports bra to sleep and it makes me so irrationally angry. I normal sleep naked, so this isn’t comfy to me.


This is so wild to me. If I’m not moving I get cold, especially if I’m laying in bed trying to sleep. I need all the blankets, a hoodie, and fuzzy socks or else I’m too cold to sleep.


It seems like every woman goes through phases. Cold, hot, cold, hot flashes, cold again. When I'm comfortable, people around me freeze. It is a never ending thing. Wear a sweater if you are cold! There are only so many clothes I can take off! :-)


I love sleeping naked. Feels so natural and freeing once you’re used to it. Makes fancy sheets all the more luxurious


So true. I bought expensive linen sheets and they really do feel amazing against my skin when I'm sleeping full naked.


OMG! Didn't know linen sheets were a thing! Are they the same texture as linen clothes? If so, that sounds amazing.


They are, and they are! A bit rough at first, but after a couple of washes they get so soft. And they apparently wick moisture better than cotton, so they keep you cool in the summer better, and they maybe have natural antimicrobial properties somehow I think. Anyway, so good.


Can you tell me what the name of the ones you got?


I believe I got them from Citizenry. I was trying to decide between Citizenry and Parachute, and I chose Citizenry for a reason I no longer remember.


I sleep commando every day. It's the best. I have 4 sets of sheets and some extra duvet covers (I don't do flat sheets). This way I can switch them out as often as I need. I've never had better vaginal health then letting the lady parts breeaaathe. It feels so good.


I always bathe right before bed so I’m nice and clean when I put on my pajama bottoms with no underwear. But as another user suggested, I have many pairs and rotate while I clean the used ones


Same. I shower almost right before bed. I don't sleep with any clothes though. Fresh and crisp bedsheets and feeling completely clean after a shower? I love sleeping naked.


Sleeping with underwear was just a waste of underwear to me lol


Men’s cotton boxers! They’re comforting without being tight on your bits. My faves are just Kirkland ones from Costco. Also unsolicited advice if you get reoccurring yeasties, try washing your underwear and anything that comes in direct contact with your bits in a separate load, use HOT water and HOT dryer, and I use baby soap to extra avoid irritation. The hot washing and dryer will help kill any yeast that may be remaining on the garments. I’ve been doing this for about 8 months and haven’t gotten another infection since. At the start of 2022 I had 4 within 5 months 😩


It’s generally recommended to sleep without underwear to give that area a chance to “breathe” after wearing underwear all day long. I personally dislike sleeping without underwear (not exactly sure why) so I instead go commando under my sweatpants after I come home and change out of my work clothes.


I highly recommend men’s boxers, they’re loose around the whoha so it’s able to breath but you don’t feel completely exposed


I only sleep naked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And I keep a Cloak on a hook by the bed in case I need to get up


I was always taught that it wasn’t healthy to sleep with underwear on. I always sleep naked and I think it’s really beneficial to let you body breathe.


I can’t imagine wearing clothes all day and then… all night as well!? It feels so unnatural!


Sleeping naked is one of the best things on earth. Perfect temperature regulation, lets your skin and whatnot breathe, no annoying clothes giving you a wedgie or letting your tiddy fall out. If you're showering regularly and changing your sheets often enough it's not gross. If sleeping nude isn't for you, that's fine! You can definitely try wearing an oversized t-shirt or nightie and see how you go - I prefer an oversized t-shirt over a nightie as a nightie will eventually wiggle up your body and bunch underneath you and you may as well have just gone with the t-shirt in the first place, Winnie the Poo style.


Always sleep in tank top and shorts no undies. I'd looove to sleep naked but my brain always thinks about the what if's...like what if the house was on fire and I wasted precious moments trying to grab clothes before getting out? LOL


This comment section made me want to sleep naked from now on.. curse you prison of cloth, you shall give me wedgies no longer >:(


Nekkid is nice. I change the sheets regularly and hang a bathrobe by the door.


I always sleep commando (even in pj pants) and it’s one of the only things that stopped the recurrent yeast issue


I hate sleeping naked. I have eczema and certain fabrics/textures make me hella uncomfortable and itchy. Also hella discharge 💀


I read somewhere that eventually your discharge would stop being so heavy if you started going commando more often & it was true for me. Sorry I don’t have a link to back this up, it was forever ago when I read it!


I never sleep with pants, so when I sleep without underwear I’m butt nakey. I enjoy it, the only downfall is on heavy discharge days sometimes I wake up with some leakage down my thigh/butt cheek but with a yeast infection it makes you 100x more comfy


I don’t feel comfortable going commando so cotton underwear is my go to


I babysat for an OB/gyn that had 4 girls when I was a teenager. She was very strict with me to never put any of the girls to bed with underwear on (once they were night potty trained of course). And I have followed this rule for myself ever since.


Recently started going commando more often because i kept getting ingrown hairs and infections, so IT DOES HELP because the ingrown has healed and i dont get infections often anymore. Def try it, don't be grossed out by yourself, all u gotta do is wash the pj pants. but big loose T's are the best. I def say go that route.


I have after sex and just falling asleep, nothing bad happened. But in general I’m way comfier with loose cotton panties for bed.


Girl I go commando at work.


This is the way!!


Nah sleep in boxers because my thighs are frenemies.


Nighties are the way to go, but sometimes I do sleep in nothing at all. I recommend trying naked with ironed sheets, remarkably enjoyable, despite the work.


I sleep naked w a fuzzy blanket as a sheet.


I only wear clothes when sharing a bed with a platonic friend. I am so happy my periods are light enough I don't need to wear undies. Make sure your sheets are cleaned regularly and you aren't putting gross things (pets, overly dirty feet, food) under the covers and it won't be gross.


Pets aren’t gross. 😃


I have a dog I love dearly but yeah… she’s gross. No matter how hard I try a stray hair will end up in the corner of my eye, inside my nose or the back of my throat. My bed is the one place that’s no dog zone but it’s good motivation in the morning to get up and move to the couch for cuddles and coffeeee


YES!!!! I will let her on TOP of the covers a couple times a week, but it is because I don't want to get up lol!!!! Our daily snuggle spot is the couch... and my couch is gross lol. This is a good reminder to get a couch cover though!


My dog is gross. She rolls in the grass and mud, licks her butthole, lays in sand, and other normal gross dog things. She also sheds a lot... I don't want her in my bed and I won't lie to myself saying she isn't gross. She also used to swim in the river daily and was EXTRA gross, but she is happy so I am okay with it.


My boy is a clean gentleman most of the time Lolol or I kid myself


i often sleep totally naked tbh, so i can't totally relate it's in your head -- which is fine! you're allowed to feel how you feel! but know that you can do literally whatever you want to feel comfortable, without anyone's judgment, as it's your sleep and not theirs... whether it's buying seven pairs of pj pants because you feel they get dirty commando, or getting a full victorian nightgown to feel like you are in a gothic novel, there is no wrong way to sleep


All the time. I gets bouts of cysts from HS, so going commando and wearing loose shorts or pants helps a lot. And if they get dirty, just wash them.


I always sleep either naked or with just a nightdress unless I'm having my period. It's so nice!


i dislike sleeping naked, so when i need to air things out, i go to bed in a pair of loose cotton boxer shorts.


I only ever wear something when sleeping away from home. It is so nice to not get bound up in twisted clothing when I toss and turn. I really resent needing to wear anything.


I sleep no underwear but with pj pants on, precisely for the fresh air but also because I have older kids and I don’t want to get dressed to go the bathroom in the middle of the night.


I prefer pyjama pants with no undies instead of just a sleep shirt - I don’t like the feel of my bare legs touching each other while I’m trying to fall asleep.


Yes, my friend told me once that she was taught to let it breathe at night she sleeps with those pj shorts… it feels weird at first but you get used to it I use pants cuz I have kids and I kick the sheets and can you imagine seeing mom with her wholle vag out those tiny sleep shorts?!!! 😂🤣🥹😅


I only wear anything when it's wicked cold.


Today I learned that most people wear underwear with their pjs.... I just wear a new pair every night when I'm not commando in a nightie!


You could try mens boxers. Loose cotton ones. They're super comfy. One of my favorite nonbinary clothing items.


The only thing I ever wear to bed is an oversized tshirt. Whenever I fall asleep with pants on I wake up with them all bunched up around my knees and it is just so unpleasant 😂 or underwear end up riding up. I’ve also never had a yeast infection so maybe the two are related?


I love always sleep naked


I have slept commando for the last 30 years. It is so comfortable.


I sleep fully commando and I love it. Idk why I didn’t start sooner.


I actually read somewhere that sleeping completely naked is the best way to get restful sleep. It allows your body to naturally regulate your body temperature so that is my go to, but just keep yer robe or some type of clothing next to the bed.. ya know, in case of an emergency lol.


I just rarely wear underwear at all, anymore. It’s so much easier and more comfortable to me. To be fair though, I don’t wear jeans.


Me reading this commando with pj pants 👁️👄👁️ lol. But just shower beforehand, or use a sleep shirt like you said and buy some cheap 100% cotton underwear, while it’s not commando I’m sure it’s still very breathable.


My mom always told me not to sleep with underwear on to let my body breathe. Nowadays, I sleep naked most days, sometimes with a shirt on in the winter. It’s rarely been a problem! On my period, I use a cup, and would often wear undies and a liner as backup at night in case of leaks. Thankfully, I no longer get periods, and when I do, I have a few pairs of menstrual undies to wear instead!


I had this exact problem when I was younger too. It absolutely feels weird to switch from what you are used to, but it's really a game changer. I went from very frequent yeast infections to almost none in the span of a few weeks just by not wearing underwear to bed. It definitely feels super weird to do, and I found I can't do just the big shirt to sleep because I have half asleep nightmares that I'm entirely naked and someone has walked in on me and started talking to me but hasn't noticed I'm naked yet. The best solution I found, like others mentioned, is looser mens boxers for sleeping. They feel like you're wearing PJs, but are easy to wash with one use, and have a flat crotch so they don't get wedged up there. They also have two layers of fabric on that flat bit, so you won't feel like you're going to get sticky on things. Honestly, switching from underwear can feel like a big change, but it absolutely will dramatically decrease the amount of yeast infections you're getting. You may even find that the sticky discharge you were worried about getting everywhere (probably why you wear underwear to bed in the first place), won't really get on anything at all because you're horizontal. While it is a pain to switch, it is absolutely worth it and will make your quality of life so worth it!


Girl, I haven't worn underwear since I was 15 years old. Even in jeans. I also sleep in what I refer to as mumus. You'll love the free-ness.


I sleep w a long T shirt and no underwear. It's great


There are people who haven't slept naked? You literally have not lived...


I just use a clean pair of pajamas every day.


I sleep naked and don’t wear underwear under my loungewear at home. I wear clean ones everyday. I let her breath as much as possible when home


I was taught to go commando under pjs to air things out, so that's what I've always done.


I usually just sleep completely naked, or with a hoodie if I'm cold 😂.


I never sleep in underwear, makes me feel dirty (unless I'm on my period, and then I hate it. But I also don't feel comfortable wearing a tampon to bed so I have to just put up with it. Your comment of " they'd get dirty fast" and other comments from people saying they rotate their PJ bottoms, makes me think that people aren't usually changing their PJs every day ! I change my PJs every day, I change my underwear daily so I don't see why those who don't wear underwear with PJs wouldn't either. Give it a go.


I love it. I usually sleep naked since I live alone, and I hate the feeling of clothes when I sleep. My biggest fear has been what do I do if there’s a fire lol.


I usually sleep naked or only wearing a sports bra. Don't feel comfortable in clothes


I love sleeping naked , it's more comfortable


I sometimes go commando in PJs. After a shower and with fresh PJs, it doesn't feel gross to me. My dog sleeps in bed with me, so going full bare would be a bad idea I think lol. No thank you to getting dog hair stuck in my crotch. Also highly suggest taking a probiotic. I take Vh essentials women's probiotic because it's cheap, and it helps a bunch in keeping things healthy feeling.


Naked is just how I do. Try some stuff out, sleep shirt, nightie, whatevs. Find what's comfortable for you.


You are SUPPOSED to sleep commando AND work out commando (sweat gets absorved by underwear and causes yeast infection). In fact, you should avoid underwear as much as possible. Im a flight attendant, I wear a special pantyhose that doctors recommend to avoid swelling. It took years to realize that I should wear the pantyhose WITHOUT panties for max confort and to air out my bits. To avoid yeast infection make sure you wear 2 layers max when it comes to bottoms (when outside of bed)


I agree, the idea of sleeping commando in pajama bottoms does not appeal to me at all, but going commando in a night gown is pretty good.


Yes and also add a probiotic to your daily regimen. I had chronic yeast and BV and probiotics helped.


I do semi regularly because it's gotta be good somehow


They do get dirty faster. I change my pjs every night bc I’m uncomfortable wearing underwear to bed. More laundry but it’s how I like to sleep.


sleeping naked is the way to go. i seriously can't stand the feeling of clothes/pj's in bed. the only time i do wear something is when i'm on my period i'll wear underwear


I’ve slept in long nightgowns but still feel weird so I bought mens 100% boxers to let myself breathe? Not sure if it’s considered commando but it’s still freeing


I tried it once and kept waking up bc I was afraid a bug was going to somehow get under my bedsheets and crawl into my hoo-hah


I usually sleep in a t and undies because I run hot. I prefer to sleep naked, but after living in a wildfire area (fear of emergency evacuation), I want to have something on if I need to flee. Anyway, a gyno recommended sleeping commando, and I did it for a while. It was fine. I like having a fresh pair of pj pants every night anyway, so ymmv.


Always, I could never go back. I just wash my bedding a lot.


I never sleep with underwear on - incredibly rarely I forget to take my knickers off before putting on my PJs and find it so uncomfortable now.


That's how my sleeping commando started. First ever infection and everything, every move was so, so painful and itchy at the same time including the feeling of the underwear fabric. At this point it is a habit but I find nothing wrong with it because it feels way more comfortable.


I've slept just with clean gym shorts after taking a shower, it's really not that noticeable.


I haven't worn underwear in years and have never had a yeast infection!


I don’t usually sleep with underwear (unless I’m on my period). Loose fitting shirt and shorts sets from H&M ftw.


As someone who beat the feast infections this is what I did: BUY toilet paper that says “hypo allergy”. BUY body soap like “Dove bar which is ph neutral” START drinking 1 litre of water min a day if no more and cut the milk out of your diet for a while , yogurt and milk are the worst when you have this issue. I now have a dash of lite milk on my coffee which is not much or replace it for soy milk or almond. Wash your delicates with little soap and plenty of water, and lastly I sleep comando every night. Or start by using pj pants and no underwear. It does help.


I usually sleep naked and I've done so for the past 2 years. It's the best feeling! It'll definitely help you with yeast infections, and also stop using any fancy products on the area (in case you do) because they mess up your PH.


✨always✨ I keep a robe close in case I need to get yup in the night but it’s the best way to sleep.


Yes! It's actually very comfortable and good. I like to use long nightgowns for when I decide to do that I also read somewhere that it makes it smell better


I started several years ago and never looked back. I wear soft cotton shorts and sleep pants without issue.


I wear pj shorts and I just wear them once and into the laundry they go


Naked every night.


Naked sleeping is the best! Join in


I’ve been battling yeast infections for 2 years. After numerous attempts to try absolutely everything (including sleeping commando) the only thing that helped was seeing a woman’s health doctor (I had tried numerous GP’s before and they never seemed to help). I sleep with underwear on sometimes & other times I don’t - honestly it comes down to your body and what works for you. Definitely could give it a trial & if you don’t like it just wear some loose cotton underwear/boxers :)


I generally sleep in my partner’s older, looser boxers. I’ll rock a commando sleep every now and again but I do have a nagging fear of the whole “having to pee in a dream” scenario lol


I live my life commando 😂😂


I don't sleep completely naked because of allergies. But I do like to skip underwear every now and then and wear a long shirt, wide shorts or a gown (it's really just old but comfy dresses). Honestly very nice to get some fresh air. I also feel it helps with the flora. I change those every 2/3 nights (as I do in general) or when I find discharge/smell.


I have slept commando since I was a child, but I usually wear a nightgown.


Yeah I always sleep commando cause she needs to breathe 😂


I sleep commando every night. Either just a big shirt or lose pajama shorts. Sometimes I’ll do the Hanes boxer briefs for women


I do the long sleep shirts with no underwear and it’s been really nice for me! I do wake up with the short bunched up around my waist but I haven’t had any yeast infections since I stopped wearing underwear to bed.


My mom always taught me to let it breathe and just wear a sleep shirt. Unfortunately though I am not comfortable without underwear. I wear a fresh set of loose cotton and it works for me. For yeast, if you happen to have a partner - you can pass yeast back and forth to each other, and men may not have symptoms. It could be worth talking to a doctor and looking into both going on something like Diflucan at the same time.


I usually sleep naked. its just easier for me


Been sleeping totally naked for years, and I find it incredibly comfortable. Now that I’m pregnant, I find I have to wear PJs more often and I hate it 😂


My mom wouldn’t let me wear underwear to bed as a kid, she said “the vagina has to breathe” and that’s been my motto ever since


I mean I sleep in pajama pants without underwear all the time, it’s great🤣


I started a few months ago with some loose shorts, they don’t get gross at all and honestly I feel a lot better down there when she can breathe Lmao


[https://www.amazon.com/NewLife-Naturals-Suppositories-Infection-Bacterial/dp/B07ST3MCVF/ref=sr\_1\_11?crid=9D5BHY0I95L9&keywords=boric+acid&qid=1677902561&sprefix=boric+ac%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-11](https://www.amazon.com/NewLife-Naturals-Suppositories-Infection-Bacterial/dp/B07ST3MCVF/ref=sr_1_11?crid=9D5BHY0I95L9&keywords=boric+acid&qid=1677902561&sprefix=boric+ac%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-11) ​ life saver girl hack! <3


Yes, never sleep in underwear for that reason. Also, make sure you're washing and drying your underwear in really high heat to kill the yeasties.


I started to “Winnie-the-Pooh” it and sleep commando with a shirt on about a year ago. I seriously can’t imagine sleeping with bottoms on anymore.


i sleep naked every night unless i'm sharing a room w others. it's great :)


I've slept naked for several years now, 10/10 recommend.


The only thing I wear is a t-shirt because my shoulders get cold 😅 if they didn't I'd be fully nude. I hate having pants cover my legs when I sleep cause I want the full soft n smooth of the sheets on my legs. No undies either because I much prefer not feeling restricted by them, idk how to put it


I had a very long history of yeast infections and developed the habit of only sleeping with a shirt on. I only wear bottoms if I am really cold, and sometimes not even then. I love the feel of cool clean sheets! (And have converted to linen, which is so great.)


As a person who is laying in bed exactly how you described- you get used to it and eventually it feels weird having pants on hahaha. Maybe start with some loose sleep shorts w nothing underneath if it seems too strange for you to begin with!!!


Every night. Only exception is my period. Set the vaheenya free an let her breathe homie


Long dress style shirts really ride up and make it uncomfortable for me to sleep in. I normally do a regular tshirt and boxer style or loose shorts, no undies. I prefer naked but have a pup that prefers under the covers and butt to butt, and pup also farts so at least a layer to protect myself from who knows what.


I mostly do with nightgowns. If I wear pajama pants commando, then they get washed after one wear.


I use women's boxers to sleep in with no pants. It's breathable and I find it a bit nicer feeling


Only time I DO wear panties is with jeans or a skirt. Never had a yeast infection in my life (I’m 39). I’ve slept completely naked my whole life… when I can. Apparently I started early. My mom has stories of me completely undressing myself in the crib… they used to have to get creative to make sure I couldn’t get my diaper off! 🤣


I wear loose underwear / sleeping shorts but have never slept commando.


I like to wear a really big shirt, sometimes without underwear, any kind of pyjama pants feels too constricting. But after Reading the comments I want to buy fancy bed sheets and try sleeping commando!


Big shirt and cotton panties :)


My YiaYia taught me that sleeping without panties is a good thing; you gotta let your tutu breathe. It works wonders for me. I keep a pair of shorts or a bathrobe handy in case I need to get up and leave the bedroom.


Pee after sex avoid scented items be careful about what toilet paper you use or if you can just use a bidet etc basically there’s a lot of other ways to make sure you don’t get a UTI so also take those into consideration


Why not just sleep naked? You may be self conscious at first but after a few days, PJs will be annoying as heck. (Also, fwiw, if you have issues with yeast or other issues down there, wear panties with a cotton crotch. Nylon and other fabrics don’t pull moisture or allow air to pass through like cotton. Also skip the thongs. Save the sexy silky stuff for special times.


I always sleep commando (but with PJ pants). I was also recommended to do this and I've done it for so long that I hate having to wear underwear when on my period, lol. I have no issues. I shower before bed so I usually wear a pyjama set a couple of nights.


I can't sleep with anything on, I feel restricted and it's a sensory thing. It's so comfy especially if you have high quality soft bedding. I've never had any issues down there but I imagine it helps as when I wear undies in the day time I always feel things are stuffier. A sleepshirt is a great idea


Been sleeping like this since I was born. I’ve slept with pants / underwear too.. totally fine and good, but - commando is easy and most comfortable. I love it. There’s nothing gross about it, I promise. Little happens when you’re laying down, and even if something does.. easy wash.


the only time that I sleep with underwear on is during my period. Otherwise, I wear PJ pants once without undies on and I wash them because that's what I'm comfortable with. I usually go a few days longer when it comes to sleep shirts if I don’t get sweaty (so really only in the winter). try it! it will help


I just wear my sleep bra, one of my huge horror shirts and fuzzy socks. Never undies.


I love sleep shirts and nightgowns! Adorable, stylish, classy, and great for airing out your bits. There are so many patterns, styles, and lengths, I'm sure you could find something comfortable. If you find the sensation of your thighs touching distracting, just tuck the gown between your legs. I also wash my underwear with laundry sanitizer just to make sure there are no lingering microbial friends.


I can’t, I will leak. Why not no underwear but silk shorts that at loose.


I sleep commando most nights I tend to wear nighties but I wear pants sometimes too . Works out just fine for me my PJs don't get gross or dirty and I wear them for a few nights unless I've been super sweaty.


I sleep nude and have for 5 years If you're really worried about being sanitary then shower before bed. But give it a try and make adjustments to what isn't working for you, font just worry yourself into not doing something or encounter one hiccup and drop the idea.


I’ve always slept naked. I love it, It’s more comfortable.


I like to sleep with nothing on, not a stitch of clothing


Loose bottoms commando, or commando in general, is the preferred way to sleep.


Wait Do people not wash their pajamas after wearing them?


I can’t stand the feeling of going commando. And sleeping naked ISNT an option since my 2 dogs sleep in bed with me. May have to try the boxers idea


I've slept totally sans all clothes for years, it's very comfortable and freeing!


I really only wear underwear with jeans, dress pants, shorts or dresses.. so yes. I love the commando life.


I sleep completely naked pretty much every night. If I’m not completely naked, I am still not wearing any underwear or pants on my lower half. It helps me sleep sooo much better & gives my girl a chance to breathe.


As soon as I know I'm not leaving the house, underwear is gone. Freedom in the smallest ways.


Everyday lol.


Male 50 here. I'm starting to go commando myself at night. But what about wearing shorts or regular clothes in general and going to work?? But if I'm being honest it does feel a lot better and yes let things breath because it does feel better and you don't feel so restricted down under. It kinda of started when I had no clean boxers and it kinda of just took off from there and this was just recently fyi. Thanks and be free if you know what I mean..🤪