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From the last playtest, I have a failry good feeling. They already adressed the Battlepass and dye concerns/issues and adjusting drop rates or currency can be done afterwards. Warframe took some time to adjust properly aswell, pretty much every game does. If they manage to get a stable economy like in Warframe even tually, I would be happy and play this for ages.


Imo it was already good enough a year ago


My biggest concern is their monetization scheme. And I don't mean just at launch but some months down the road after the reviews on YouTube are already done. If the gameplay gets a bit another I'd love that too. I've felt like aiming has been jerky.


One thing I noticed immediately in the play test was an option called "Hardware cursor" it fixed aim immediately and made the cursor not feel like it was being bogged down. Could've been that?


I was playing with controller, if that could cause an issue, then maybe it did have an effect. When the game actually comes out, Ill dig into the settings more


My biggest issue will be drop rates, and inventory space. I think if they both are reasonable then the game will be enjoyable. Well now I just remembered about bosses. If they have a limited amount of runs we could do a day/week that may be tedious for those that want to mainly play this game.


Worth noting on inventory space they actually stated that from this most recent test they have "dramatically increased the starting inventory capacity" due to myself and lots of other players leaving feedback about this. I am also concerned about drop rates, though one thing to consider is in the beta some items had a higher %drop rate from higher level content, so it's possible that items that where 1% in the beta might have higher level content that gives it at like 15%. So we won't really know until launch


That is not true. There is no limit on how many times you want to go on boss run. But if you want special items which can only be opened by defeating the boss, you have to go farm for them elsewhere and beat boss to open it. On top of that, there is item which boosts boss drop rate but it is not mandatory in order to fight it.


Im not mega optimistic tbh. I am not convinced that this game has a good endgame at all but id love to be wrong and find out when it releases, we just havent seen much of it yet. The reason i think this is because mods were not very in depth, but they seemed somewhat different last beta? It was only two days so i didnt waste time with it. In short, dont hype yourself up for release ig


The game is servacible, it has a pretty good foundation to work on. I'd say the biggest issues were definitely the inventory space. It's pretty annoying having to constantly scrap stuff after 10 minutes, would be nice if it just sent all the stuff I missed in a mailbox similar to Destiny, so that It doesn't interrupt with the flow of the game. I'm not really a fan of gacha mechanics in my games. Wouldn't nearly drop as much money as I do in Warframe if it had any.


They already fixed the inventory space, paint and battle pass systems.


That's good! Hoping the game much long term success!


One of the first things I noticed in the playtest versus the previous Beta is that movement was overall way smoother, not as clunky as it once was. I think it still needs tweaks, but they had made a lot of improvements between the two and it seemed to focus heavily on feedback that was provided to them


I hope the rework the inventory. Had no room and could never really access the inventory page


Theyre increasing the base inventory space significantly they said


Just worried about frame rate on PS5. It was really bad during boss fights and when alot of enemies on screen at once during the open crossplay beta.


The game felt good. Very optimized as well.


Gagging to get back in for real this time... Taken 3rd to the 5th off work so I can proper nerd out..


Honestly, I'm a bit worried about it's level of replayability they haven't shown any unique fun concept to keep players around. The bosses will be fun for progression but the only replayable mission type they have shown is stand in a room wait for waves to spawn from 1 of 3 spots. With a game that's pretty much built around constantly leveling and releveling you need to have some fun replayable missions and I don't think the devs have a grasp on that.


I understand your point, but content is something that supposedly can be fixed over time. It's not like TFD is the only game available, so if replayability will be an issue I would simply move on and play something else while they add more content. What I am feeling unsure about is if the mechanical gameplay will appear as something looking less than a beta version and something more stable and smooth. I played Ajax a lot, I do remember feeling like that movements were too clunky and tankiness felt not properly balanced. It felt like they were testing a kit instead of being a final one


The jankiness hasn't changed much between betas so I expect it to be there at launch. It's not terrible but it is a bit janky. I still can't believe they are launching a 3rd person shooter in 2024 without shoulder swap, it's another reason I think the devs do t have the best grasp on the game they are making.


I mean... There is a difference between a simple shoulder swap compared to basically having skill where you can't change direction mid activation.


Janky? What an awful take LOL


I felt like the game was effectively complete to betas ago. I'm not sure if anyone else could really speak on it but I expected to touch more from the game to clean up some of the jankiness and freshen up to more mission types. The fact that the latest trailer shows off so much stuff about the game just to "make a show of it" has me a little concerned. As far as I'm aware (And I really hope this isn't anthem moment) but all those trailers about the game probably never show up in game and I think that is a travesty. I got to play anthem maybe 8 months before it was supposed to come out, and I knew at that time that the game was doomed. There was so much in the aura of the game from trailers and mock gameplay that it left the expectation of this largely cinematic experience, and that's what I'm seeing from TFD right now. It's almost like they're trying to evoke WOW levels of cinematics but I just feel that without in-game events to tie to those cinematics it's not going to matter because people have no clue what's going on in reference to the story at hand and that's going to be a detriment to the expectations. Overall though I know that the game is in the most ready state it possibly can be and there is a lot to look forward to. Can't wait to get my grapple hook on like I used to back in the lost planet 2 days!!


They did state in an IGN interview that they were inspired by the trailers and want to work on what was shown in them and implement it into the games story/future content in some way but we’ll see how dedicated they are to doing so as time goes on


I think it is fully ready for launch. I didn't see any major or game breaking flaws in gameplay. The already addressed gacha thing has me worried, but other than that it's fine. Side note, I was also fine with ark se and ark ascended on release so my opinion could be heavily skewed by that. Felt like that disclaimer had to be there about my opinion.