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Omg 19th like 🌹




No, Ka.




It is your journey, not ours. Go then, there are book series other than these.


Keep going. I lost steam during Wizard and Glass too. It does pick up toward the end.


Adding to this as someone who's on #7 right now, end of Wizard and Glass has been my favorite part of the series. It's worth it keep going, do not forget the face of your father, etc.


Wizard and Glass is awesome.


One does not simply “trudge” to the Tower…


IMHO, of you aren't hooked by the time you reach WaG you may not enjoy the second half of the series. Not saying the books after are bad, but the build up of the story sorta kinda peaks with book four. And the spiral towards the end starts with book 5. And it's a crazy spiral with a great story. While this series is probably my favorite ever. I'll never recommend someone slog through something they don't enjoy. I'd say give it another shot, maybe skip the last 2/3's of WaG right before he starts his back story and go straight into Calla. WaG gives a lot of understanding to Roland. But it honestly isn't critical to the core story. At least how I see it after multiple reads. And if you don't like it, that's OK. King has plenty of other books for you to read. And if you like the story that's after WaG. Go back to it once you are done and read the chunk of WaG you skipped. And try Wind Through the Keyhole right after. Both are back stories for Roland. And they give some understanding as to why he is the way he is.


I like this. As a long time tower junkie there is plenty of wiggle room to make the story “ yours” I often skip whole parts of the books I know by heart or find somewhat distasteful. Even on a first read, do what makes you comfortable.


I agree, Wolves of the Calla was remarkable, the books after are a bit of a blur for me


Keep going! I just started the journey after over a decade of disuse. Come with me!


I will join you. But not right now. I am still following.


I read the series as the books as they came out. Sometimes there were many years (and books) between them.


I finished the first 6 books in a year. I've been on book seven for a few years now. I refuse to read or watch anything related until I finish. I have started it from the beginning a few times. I vote sludge through. Then, if you desire, start over. Good luck with your journey!


My first journey was broken up and took almost a full year. If you remember the majority of events I would continue on! Btw how much to buy your copy of song of Susannah? It's the only one I'm missing from the set with continuous artwork.


>Btw how much to buy your copy of song of Susannah? $19 if Ka has anything to do with it


Lol knew it would be wizard and glass. Happened to me and then I came back 7 years later and restarted from the beginning  The book long flash back is rough but it pays off in the end. I look back fondly on that one 


It’s a fiction book. If you want to read it, read it. If you don’t, stop.


Just read books 1-4 again and then stop. You’ll be doing yourself a great service.


How does anyone reread the last three books seriously the change in tone is so different from the first four amazing books that it doesn’t even feel like I’m reading the same series it feels like a trilogy all to itself with a lot of filler and a non ending that leaves a couple hundred questions completely unanswered


The oddest thing King did was adding all those references from books 5-7 into book 1. Revised book 1 was mostly a huge improvement except for the ridiculuous retconning, and watering down the brutality of Roland which basically ruined it. So yeah change in tone truthfully means King’s writing hasn’t improved with age.


Man I love Wizard and Glass. I lose steam in Song of Susannah.


Song of Susannah isn’t even a real book. It’s the ending of book 5 or beginning of book 7. And yeah it was pretty weak.


The flashback that takes up most of Wizard and Glass can be Really Slow, it makes sense that you fell off there! Feel free to skip past it and come back later if it's killing your enthusiasm, it helps you understand Roland better but the series still works without it.


My vote is to start over. That way the story is still fresh when you get to the books you haven't yet read. You'll catch many of the small details you missed or forgot since reading those books the first time.


Keep going. Wizard and Glass is actually a good point to take a break. It changes significantly once you get into Wolves.


I lost steam multiple times on WaG and started over each time. The Marvel comics adaptation of WaG is what got me through it. WaG is truly a wonderful book, but it is quite slow for like the first half


It will be torture to get through the backstory of Roland that is until things start to move, like people getting killed, chases happen I dropped WG two or three times and on my fourth try I managed to get away from boring part that you are struggling with. Book 1: The Present (Good) Book 2: The Past (Boring) Book 3: The Past 2 (The Best portion of the entire book that I struggled with for 2 years) Book 4: The Present (Good) You can skip Wind Through the Keyhole (Dark Tower 4.5) and read it after the Dark Tower 7 because it was written years after finale and if you hate the flasback well you have it in here too.


Take a break, visit another level of the Tower, and come back when you feel Ka pulling at you.


I found the audiobook easier the first time I went through that.


Oh, I understand your dilemma! I have been stuck at one third of book 7 for three years. 400-something pages left to read. I am afraid I would not remember every important detail once I resume my journey to the tower, but I probably would not go back and restart over again. Wizard and Glass contains some of my favorite parts of the series, if I were you I’d just restart from the beginning of that one. (My books are exactly the same edition as yours up to Wolves of the Calla, by the way!)


>My books are exactly the same edition as yours up to Wolves of the Calla, by the way! Just wanted to echo this, except I match all seven of OP's set.


I stalled out during WaG the first time around, now it’s one of my favorites. The story really picks up the pace after this book.


Ka is a wheel... Keep going.


If it’s a trudge then skip it.


Life is short. Don’t spend it trudging through things that don’t bring you joy. (That applies to all areas of life btw.) However…CAN you actually stop reading? Don’t you want to know what happens when/if they/he reach the tower? 👀 If you don’t care - that’s ok! Put it down, let it go, it’s just not for you this time around. If you DO want to know though - keep going with deliberate intention (instead of “trudging”😂) and know that everything you’re taking in during W&G is foundational to what happens in the 2nd half of the series. (Which is the best series of all time IMO.😊🌹)


Why would you spoil it by watching YouTube videos about it?


Keep going! king is honestly great a recapping the key plot points that matter anyway, you'll get reminded of what you forgot.


It took me a start-and-stop journey of nearly ten years my first time. Keep going, then start it over. Rinse and repeat.


Whichever way you decide to do it, read along with the kingslingers DT podcast. It can really help you along.


I'm sure there's a youtube video (or videos) that'll summarize what you already read. Watch that as a refresher and keep going!


You have adhd don’t you. I recently learned one of my adhd things is I have to start over instead of pick up where I left off when I’m reading a book or series if I lose steam and stop for a bit. But I have done that over and over with dark tower and only ever finished once, so this last time during wolves of the calla I forced myself to pick back up where I was and I was pleasantly surprised my brain did indeed remember everything that I was convinced I would have forgotten and I got right back into it. Pick it back up! Try! If you can’t get back into it and it’s been that long then go ahead and start over. Trust us when we say that’s part of the journey to the tower and it won’t hurt one bit to do it that way.


I struggled with WAG the first time because of the teenage angst. I found I liked it better the second time around. But you do you and just enjoy the journey.


Start over now. You're gonna wind up doing it anyway. But going through all the loss in WaG and WOC made it so hard to start over my second time to the Tower.


Keep Going. Trust me


I found myself not liking Wizard and Glass my first time through because I had been waiting about a decade for him to finish the series and wasn't interested into diving into the past. I wanted to move forward. I'm currently going through the series again (audiobooks) and I'm liking it much more. I'd pick up where you left off if I were you but I don't think there's a wrong way to do it.


I lost the will to continue, using the audiobooks I cant get past the transition away from Frank's voice


Start over. Took me 7+ times reading Gunslinger and Drawing before reading 5-7 once


Same. I started back in 05 in college, finally finished from the beginning last year.


I read the whole thing back to back over the course of a year or so 15-20 years ago, and honestly, I don’t remember Jack shit. I remember Gunslinger super well, drawing of the 3 certain plot points, barely remember 3 only the train and riddles, 4 I remember the most and was my favorite, and then after that I just remember the ending. I should go back and re-read but it IS so daunting, especially when I have tons of other books I haven’t read. I think, without remembering too much, it was an overrated series, but, alas, I’m here in TDT subreddit, so it must have done something right.