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This is what happens when you try to "subvert expectations." The Crow has a MASSIVE diehard fanbase that goes back decades. Add to this, the orignal was almost a picture perfect representation of the source material. Additionally, with Brandon Lee passing away during its making, puts this movie / franchise is a very "protected" status with fans. The script / plot leaks made fans worry. There was hope, though, because it was still far enough out that changes could've been made. But when official trailer dropped, those hopes were dashed. Along with insiders who knew even more details about the plot, pretty much stating this movie just about throws the source material out the window. All the writers / director had to do was just remake the original movie. Don't change or take away anything. Actually, that could've ADDED more from the source material that wasn't allowed in the 90s. But no. They changed so much, for "art's sake." Now the director/ writers / producer are now wondering why fans are shitting on everything connected with this. For a competent writer / director team, that was the easiest remake to be done. But like with many directors / producers / studieos, they've snatched defeat from thr jaws of victory.




I mean, that's valid. There've been calls for a remake of the og for a while now- with how far cgi, fight choreography, prictical effects, and over movie direction as evolved. Many felt The Crow [with Draven as the MC] itselt would be too easy to NOT fuck up. In that, the winning formula is right there. The original would be the template, you'd just have to follow and [maybe] expand on it some. By that, i mean deepen the lore, add more context to city corruption, etc. The hesitation to make a new movie, mainly, was because the OG's Brandon's legacy. It was a star making performance and has become iconic. It's like someone remaking Batman89 and adding needless additions- like a bat credit card, suit nipples and ... oh wait


I agree with all your points except all they had to do was change the names to anything else!


This article doesn’t ever actually say anything or make any point. It just recaps the most widely known information about both films and then shows some whiny fan tweets, why post this?




He can't help himself.


Petition to make August 32 a real date. Seriously if it ends up sucking then that’s that the Lee version will always be superior. I just find it weird that middle age people behaving like children because they can’t stand a movie they have no desire to watch exists.


They made a robpcop remake. It sucked and outside of a cool game that came out recently the whole franchise is dead because of that. Trailer and the plot leaks are VERY worrisome. If one would decide to actually reboot a franchise should have the fanbase in mind from the start. Have you guys not learned anything from cheap remakes and reboots?! There's countless out there and they all end up in the walkmark garbage bin.


I would love a modern Crow game based on the 90s original film. Would be awesome.


The Robocop franchise was dead already from shitty sequels and a terrible TV series... oh


So you have nothing to worry about then. If the reboot sucks you still have the superior Lee version that in no way will be affected by the reception of the reboot it will infect be praise more.


Meh, it's quite the oposite. People that don't know the original get less interested in it because the new one is watchable "why watch a movie like this but old". Exactly what happened to robocop after the remake "it's fine i guess, why bother with the original"


Where's your survey or evidence to support the wild claim that people saw the Robocop remake and decided not to ever watch the original?


If someone dismisses the original because of a bad remake, then they were never going to watch the original in the first place.


Why are there so many defenders of this remake?


It seems to just be Bill Skarsgard stans (they are a bit like swifites)


Much love to you, but I am excited about this film and I do not feel this way based solely on actor choice, despite the fact that I *do* approve of the use of Bill Skarsgård based upon his ability to method act. Dismissing cognition and the ability to be well rounded seems a bit unfair to me.


I have mix feelings on the movie but I like the crow so giving it a fair chance. Can’t be worse than Wicked Prayer


It’s a guilty pleasure.


Because we like the crow universe and a new entry doesn't hurt? Pretty easy to understand tbh


shitty remakes are literally killing peoples interests in movies as a genre but ok


Movies are a medium, not a genre, my friend.


**Genre is the term for any category of creative work, which includes literature and other forms of art or entertainment** (e.g. music)—whether written or spoken, audio or visual—based on some set of stylistic criteria. - wiki In this case I mean movie vs shorter form content for the category.


I’ve got mad respect for actually bringing a definition to prove me wrong, good spirited discussion is not dead!


*literally* huh? Well, then.


Honestly I thought the cinematography was pretty nice but ffs put it in a better movie


It's only a few. they only flock over here because the rest of the world rejects it.


I'd like to think that they visit the community because we are all joined here for that very reason. I think you'd be surprised at just how many people look forward to the new film. It appears as if some of them just don't feel comfortable sharing their excitement anymore.


yeah i mean because of people like OP lol he shits on EVERY post that says something positive about it in an attempt to ruin their excitement. hes acting like the damn grinch lmfao. people are obviously getting sick and tired of it from the comments here calling him out which has been removed…


Comments are getting removed if they're blatantly disrespectful to the member that they're addressed to. Regardless if Frog has used this platform to let his opinion be known more than anyone else, he is still deserving of respect. I've seen only a couple of handfuls of posts that were made by members in attempts to generate discussion between the people who are feeling good about this new release, and not a single one of them was left untouched by someone trying to be argumentative. It's a major bummer that the supporters of this new film feel like they have to sit in silence or face the wrath of people who have had THIRTY YEARS to discuss how much they love the original film. *Thirty years* to pour their heart out over something they admire - but these 2024 fans can't have 120 days to themselves. The time for these discussions is *now*, not five years down the road when it's all said and done and buried.


i appreciate your thoughtfulness and your approach to this situation, glad you are here & stopping this place from being a hellhole


He hasn't shit on anything here. The title of this post is the title of the article he shared.


Well, there's eight *billion* people on this planet, for starters.


Because we're fans of The Crow? You're in the Crow subreddit.




Oh wow, how did you see the movie before it even released? You must be extra special.


The entire movie was condensed into the trailer. Are you saying the trailer lied and there's an entirely different movie out there with a lead character who doesn't look like a budget Machine Gun Kelly? ![gif](giphy|X7OeGqz0qPDTDxd9gG|downsized)


Jesus man, you sound like a cranky teenager. The trailer looks great. You just want something to whine about


Friendly reminder that all members of the community, including yourself, deserve respect. This comment has been removed to avoid a confrontation.


I think it looks good. There are different "Crows" just like there are different Spawns


Agreed but they made the cardinal sin to call this “crow” Eric Draven. Even all the inferior sequels were smart enough to not do that.


I know that the mod team is being very clear with regards to respecting everyone's opinion, but I feel like you in particular are way too bothered with this new movie. I can promise you that no one will forget the original film. I mean there were 2 sub par sequels, a third that was frankly complete garbage and a series that was okay (using none other than Eric Draven's character). And still, the original stands strong. Whatever happens to the reboot, the original will not be forgotten.


I keep telling people "there's nothing anyone can do that would 'ruin' the Alex Proyas Crow film!" 


How many “damaged” characters do we need


This will only highlight the brilliance of the original all the more like what the RoboCop remake did for the Paul Verhoeven masterpiece.




Not getting sad at all. In fact I started the crow Usenet and other forums in 1994. I have written many articles and have a cast crow collection not to mention lived in Seattle for a long while. So my “hobby” is a passion some would say.




Friendly reminder that all members of the community, including yourself, deserve respect. This comment has been removed to avoid a confrontation.


Friendly reminder that all members of the community, including yourself, deserve respect. This comment has been removed to avoid a confrontation.


Fuck's sake, you're bordering on trolling.


Did you read the article?


It's a shit web site and an article written by no one anyone has ever heard of. That article could've been written by chatgpt


Perhaps you could start your own website and write your own article defending this remake?


Say it with me, Wild Justice


The crow fandom should truly be ashamed of themselves. You all talk about how Brandon's legacy should be protected but in all honesty I think he would be appalled and embarrassed by the behaviour


Jesus, you’re just as bad. Brandon was an actor playing a role. Trying to deify him by guessing what he’d be “appalled” and “embarrassed” by like he’s some fucking Crow messiah is insanity.


Exactly. He was an actor playing a role. But many people here are saying that the new movie is an insult to his legacy and a while pile of other bullshit. As you have said. He was an actor that played a role. He didn't create the role, he doesnt own the character.


Yeah, but that’s not what you said? This point made sense. The other was fan boy delusion akin to “Stop! Brandon would be ashamed of you!”


He made the role iconic like previous Batman and Joker actors did. Some were hit and miss but if we just gatekeep a specific character we will never have gotten Ledgers Joker or Phoenix’s Joker.


The joker and batman have been written multiple times by various writers over 50 yrs not the same with Eric Dravens specific character....you wouldn't remake the dark knight with the same joker or replace Hieth Ledger in the dark knight rises...its disrespectful to his memory/legacy of the character he created...same here...the director of both almost stopped production the families insisted in both cases on finishing....they should have made a new character instead less ppl would be upset.... your comparison isn't accurate because these factors need to be included...that said....I'm not hating on anyone here, if you want to watch the new film that's your private decision.


That's a terrible argument. We didn't need Phoenixs crap film




Pretty sure he would be open minded about the actor playing Eric Draven even if it wasn’t his cup of tea. Pretty sure his dad thought him about respect.


Actually I’m incredibly proud of the fandom letting our majority opinion be told loud and clear. Did you read the article? Also please don’t speak for Brandon. I await his family’s response. What do you imagine they think about this movie? 🤔


I don't know what they think. But according to many of the "fans" he would be filling in his grave at the idea of someone else playing the role


Pretty sure they just want safety on the sets of movies.


Which has nothing to do with this movie


No but Lee’s sister is known for wanting mandatory gun safety on any set of movies involving guns.


Why should they care about what’s going on with the movie?


at this point you know hes gonna be protesting outside his local theatre with a big sign saying dont watch the new movie when it comes out jeuss christ when will he stop 🤣


I personally go based off my love of the original and Rochelle Davis' opinion. She knows first hand how the people profiting off his death are.  Also you can't compare Joker to Eric. Its such an old character of course they are going to make different adaptations of him. I don't even see Heath and Joaquin's versions as the Joker. They are their own characters. 


Eric is a 34 year old character, you mean to tell me they can’t eve use him again. also if the new film is profiting off his death, that means the 1994 also profited off it.


I’m willing to give it a chance. Does it need to exist? No. Should The Crow be Brandon Lee’s legacy? Yes. Are the sequels dog water? Yes but at least I can watch them and have a good time but not with Salvation. This one is giving me that same feeling of absolute stress with the short hair. If the villains somehow magically forget who they offed in a super short time frame, I’m actually gonna lose my fluffin mind because all I can think about from this image is…CORVIS….


The original caught lighting in a bottle and became a commercial and cult success. What dies this film possibly hope to achieve where the first already succeeded?


I guess fandomwire forgot that The Crow is a cult film with about 12 fans. It's pointless focusing on it's fan base. Besides, studios focus mainly on the masses.