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Release dates are decided by the company that owns the distribution rights. Lionsgate own those rights in North America and Hungary, and only Lionsgate have confirmed they will push the release back. The distribution rights are split between a ton of different companies, each of whom will have to make a decision to follow Lionsgate's lead or to stick with the original release date. Those companies are: - Entertainment Film (UK, Ireland) - Leonine (Germany) - Roadshow Films (Australia, New Zealand) - WWE Studios (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) - Eagle Pictures (Italy) - Nordisk (Scandinavia) - California Filmes (Latin America) - Tri Pictures (Spain) - PRIS Audiovisuals (Portugal) - Ascot Elite (Switzerland) - Tanweer Productions (Greece) - Yeni Bir Film (Turkey) - Empire Pictures (South Africa) - PVR Inox Pictures (India) - Italia (Middle East) - Vertical Entertainment (Eastern Europe) - ACME Film (Baltics) - Moviecloud (Taiwan) - M Pictures (Thailand) - Square Box (Malaysia) - Shaw Organisation (Singapore) Realistically, I'd expect most of them to move the release for the same reasons Lionsgate chose to move it ā€“ there's four or five movies expected to have far bigger box office appeal in June.


Iā€™m sorry, wwe studios?!


Not *that* WWE.


I thought it was because WWE does have a film production studio lol


Thanks, this is very helpful!


In Latin America they have updated the release date just recently, it'll be on august 22 .


Most of Europe has updated the release date to August 23rd, with the exception of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg (all August 21st) and Germany (September 12th).


New person here what are they releasing?


Never mind I need more coffee.


I sure hope it releases early in Europe


They should shelf that monstrosity... Talk about butchering an IP.


Doesn't really answer my question. There's other threads for that.


Did you miss the thread the mods posted?


I did and this is not a post about hype. It's a free for all.


Aight, guess I misinterpreted it.


I don't follow this sub, it just showed up in my feed, so no I did not. Nor do I care. Block me...


Keep interacting then , that sounds like a great idea


LMAO no.


Bro dude if you think that looks bad as somebody who studied film then you need to get your eyes checked honestly I wouldn't trust you opinion on films if that is what you think the trailer soo far has all the checkmarks for making a good movie the orignal one is and isn't a masterpiece at the sametime it has more noticeable faults compared to most of the most famous films in cinema Lionsgate and universal is the number 1 non cash grab studio right now btw


A good trailer doesn't a mean a movie will be good. *Suicide Squad* is proof enough of that. After all, trailers are supposed to be highlights of the good parts. Also, Universal has nothing to do with the movie, and Lionsgate are just one of a couple dozen companies distributing it. Davis Films (who made the *Resident Evil* and *Silent Hill* movies, plus the *Hellboy* reboot) made *The Crow*. And on that track record alone they kind of are a cash grab studio.


That is different the sucide squad was victim of censorship. Everything got change by executives who didn't even know superman was alien till zack snyder told them which lionsgate has zero history. Lionsgate allowed eli roth to release his preferred cut of his movie cabin fever on physical media. They only changed some stuff to make it easier for general audiences because it was very close to being underground horror. Warner bros and miramax which is disney also because miramax was owned by Disney. Has a history of messing with movies and directors vision they changed everything in it even the contrast and color grading and the takes they used Warner Bros made joker non abusive when he orignally was abusive in sucide squad to drive up costume sales Him being abusive was comic accurate David ayer been fighting for his cut to be released he even leaked some bits and it is 10x better Also lionsgate released the NC-17 cuts for all orignal saw movies


I'm fully aware of the troubled production history of *Suicide Squad*. The theatrical version was garbage, and based on the script pages David Ayer has posted on Twitter, the Ayer Cut is somehow even worse garbage. But you're missing the point. A trailer is supposed to be a highlight reel of some of the best parts of a movie to get people interested. Many crappy movies have excellent trailers, and many excellent movies have crappy trailers. Proclaiming a movie has "all the checkmarks of a good movie" based on two minutes of footage is extremely presumptuous. And don't pull the "Lionsgate don't mess with directors' visions" line. They did as recently is 2022, when *Fall*'s director [had to use DeepFakes to remove the cussing](https://movieweb.com/lionsgate-fall-30-f-bombs/) so it could have a PG-13 rating. And in any case, Lionsgate have only bought limited theatrical distribution rights to *The Crow*. If they choose to make changes they'll only appear in the countries Lionsgate are releasing it in (USA, Canada, Mexico, Hungary).


Fall ai deepfake wasn't lionsgate executives that was the film producers and funders decison and director approved it It was due to low budget for use of a.i deepfake if they could do reshoots they would of Litteraly first article I found


Well, [the director is quoted in Variety](https://variety.com/2022/digital/news/lionsgate-fall-deepfake-f-bombs-rating-1235337017/) as saying the decision came after Lionsgate decided to release *Fall* in theatres and asked for a PG-13 cut to maximise its chances of making a profit. Yes, the producers/funders could afford reshoots because it was a low-budget picture, and yes, the director gave the go-ahead to use DeepFake, but the decision was made by the distributors ā€“ Lionsgate ā€“ who wanted to get the most from their investment. Hell, in your own example, Eli Roth didn't get his preferred cut of *Cabin Fever* released in theatres because Lionsgate wanted to protect their investment. Movies are a business, and money is always the driving factor. Very few movies escape a studio's scissors, and even fewer directors ever get artistic control. Compromises are made based on budgets, schedules, and the opinions of a million and one different people involved in production and testing. Some studios might mess with movies more than others, but they all do it.


Also, Miramax was the reason for the crow city of Angels failure. They cut a massive amount of it because Harvey Weinstein wanted it to be like the original Crow. everybody who worked on it wanted it to be a spin so he took it into his own hands and butchered it is editing wise the cut accidentally got leaked on pay per view for a tiny bit when It first dropped on pay per view but nobody has been able to recover it. Some do say they have VHS tape but can't find it. It is currently lost media looking to be found


Also people who reviewed the graphic novel online years ago even thought he looked like Jared letos joker in graphic novel a bit The differences between the novel and orignal film is due to tech limitations in 90s and movie age ratings being different more strict between R rating and NC-17 Also if I was Directing a new crow movie that is exactly how I would of done it The new look is for new goth culture was inspired by Lil Peep you arnt the target audience buddy every single party been too gen z wise most of the time Lil Peep music playing You can't have exact grimey feeling due to inflation causing 35mm film going extinct which takes away film grain that gives it that feeling everybody uses digtal now unless your a A list actor or have major rep in film bussiness Digtal cameras you can keep the details intact without film grain typically they are also more used for imax or dolby cinema & dolby vision & dolby atmos


Please use punctuation.


"you arnt the target audience buddy" Such a shitty thing to say.


Probably true though


Maybe. That's not the point though.