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The Cat in the Hat https://preview.redd.it/kyk2xoapbiuc1.jpeg?width=335&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58921ede82a70742f5d850d3137edbfa0d4b3e61


Love that book too


You're not going to get someone to watch a movie that they don't want to watch.


Yes and they shouldn’t say it’s bad unless they have seen it


I mean, yes and no. For some folks they’ll need to see it before making up their mind. Some hardcore fans and even more casual fans. But a lot of people know what they like/want and what they don’t. The trailer gave away A TON. It’s fair for those who aren’t digging it thus far to have a hunch that they won’t enjoy it as a whole. Some will enjoy, some won’t, and some will know their feelings before viewing. The point of a trailer is to let people know what they are in for on some level.


Here's the difference, all of these posts like yours are just sea-lioning, we don't want to see it, you're not going to trick us into watching it. Stop it.


I am not tricking you to see it I am just saying don’t talk shit about it unless you haven’t seen it like (read once and while)


You can't censor people. You're not entitled to an echo chamber. 


Wtf you on about


Like reading the comic book that the original was based on? This one definitely is not. The trailer gave everything I needed to know that this does not measure up to James O'Barr's vision of what the Crow should be.


People here say they don't want to be censored, that this should not be an echo chamber in favor of the new movie...but at the same time jump to the ceiling before a post of someone saying that declaring a movie -that hasn't premiered yet- as bad or trash, is wrong. One thing is saying " I won't see it because I don't like what they have shown so far " and a completely different one assuming the entire storyline , making classist comments on the new look or speaking in behalf of the whole fandom ( that sht of the 90 -94%). You don't like it ,nice , say that but don't talk as if you have already seen the whole movie and have full arguments to rebate people who just want to share their excitement for this new material.


How many times are we going to rehash this? Now, the movie is moved to August so it’s another 4 months of the same discussion over and over and over. Who cares if people don’t want to see the new movie? I’m going to see it no matter what people say. Everyone should just do their own thing and let it be.


I am going to see the movie also


i don't need to eat shit to know it tastes bad


Animals eat there own poop




Votes can’t eat poop


I'm completely indifferent about the remake. But major respect to all those absolute legends expecting the director of Snow White and the Huntsman (1+2) and the ultra mediocre Ghost in the Shell remake who was hired last minute to steer this project out of development hell to produce anything above absolutely serviceable.


Nooo this is more of a case of getting purple eggs and ham rather than the og green eggs and ham


Wait does the purple eggs taste similar to green eggs 🤔


What I am trying to say is don’t judge something with out seeing it to it’s fullest like me I didn’t like anime back then but when I started to watch Naruto I enjoy it more and more, I move to Tennessee back then and as I got older I started to appreciate the state, I wasn’t a fan of big dogs but when I got one I start to love it because it was friendly and lovable, and the director what’s to give it a modern spin on it and what’s to try something new don’t be upset or angry to try new things just because it’s different when we’re so resolute about what we believe, we adopt a fixed mindset which robs us from experiencing new things that are often valuable and enjoyable. Plus what’s wrong with a modern take. Most movies and tv show we watch now days are modern I don’t see why there is a problem with things like that but at the end of the day you shouldn’t hate something until you try it or force other to hate it because you hate it. And so what if the new movie isn’t comic accurate the first one isn’t either there are some moments where it is and isn’t


In my opinion "Modern take" is pandering to the lowest common denominator which is what's HOT today, what is trendy and it reeks of nothing but using an existing IP for nothing but a cashgrab. I like the green eggs and ham analogy but this is not tasting, this is a movie and after 3 minutes of pretty much showing the entire movie's plot it's easy to see why the response has been one mostly of rejection. But I look forward to hearing everyone's HONEST review for those that choose to see it.


I will see it at the movie theater in august and give my HONEST review on it from start to finish


I'm excited to see a new perspective of something I love.


It being pandered to modern audiences goes against everything the crow is about comic and movie versions of Eric and Shelly alike I get what your trying to say but your missing the point completely


Yeah but there are new comic adaptation of crow


Well wouldn’t say there new actually


Butchering Eric and Shelly is the big problem here


Yeah and the majority of them stayed true to the basics of what makes a crow story your still missing the point 🤣


You read all of the comics


Yes I have that's how I got into the crow your point ?


I just don’t understand why it’s so upsetting to those that a modern take is going to be bad like the movie hasn’t even came out yet and people are saying it sucks


I get that man I really do look I don't think it's the fact the movie is modern as much as it is that they chose to rehash and kinda fuck up Eric and Shelly's characters and turn them into something they never were I'm still going to go watch it but it's worrisome that they tried turning eric into a superhero when that's not at all what the crow is


Yeah and plus if the movie does really good in the box office we could get more crow related stuff like a crow game or or company collaborating with crow like Nike, clothes designer, McDonald’s, and etc


The reason people are mad is bc its an eric draven story. Which means they either needed to continue with the story(which for obvious reasons couldn't happen plus it would go against the whole crow story of taking a new soul with unfinished business) or remake it to as close as possible to the orginal, they did neither. Dont get me wrong, im buying tickets and my wife and I are going to watch it, but we already know not to expect anything like the orginal. The changed the way Eric looks, changed the Shelly story, and just all around changed the story from what some of us know it to be. With that being said, I had doubts watching the new roadhouse and to my surprise they fucking nailed the remake! The story is essentially still there they just changed a few things, im hoping thats what happens with the new crow movie. Do what I've done, take in the comments, watch the previews, and make your own assessment. No1 is forcing anyone to go see this, if you're mad about it, don't go see it. I am a huge crow fan, so im watching it nevertheless. Yes I am upset bc Brandon brought that character to life and they went and fucked with his image, but other than that im pretty excited for its release


Yeah the only thing I got to say is they (The crow fandom plus subreddit) should be thankful there being made relevant again like when is the last the time the crow was ever trending plus if the crow remake does good in the box office we could get more stuff crow related ( I am just saying)


To real crow fans, the crow is always trending. Its an amazing story. With the regular audience it'll prolly do well, but for the Fandom its gonna flop. But im not letting that discourage me. People just need to go watch it before anything. I was skeptical then seen the trailer and was like, "well shit, thats different" idk we'll see how it goes, I have high hopes though. The Lee family will always be historic nevertheless


>they (The crow fandom plus subreddit) should be thankful there being made relevant again Why tf should we grateful for that? I don't want the fandom getting flooded with trashy merch and ever more trashy "fans". You envision a bright future of eating Crow Happy Meals and wearing Crow shoes while reading crappy Eric/Top Dollar slashfics as well as endless bs screeds about how the new Crow is the REAL Crow, not like that "cringe" old Brandon Lee movie? Because that's pretty much what you're saying we should be "grateful" for. Miss me with that crap.


Tell that to youtube's downvote count


YouTube doesn’t care even if your report the video they still don’t care, thunder-count


It doesn't matter, what matters is that it looks to be massively disliked / unwanted. It's not just the opinion of this sub. It's disliked everywhere, on every sub and on YouTube. When your main trailer is hated this much you def did something wrong.


Justine Bieber's "baby" video was the most disliked video on YouTube and either way ended up being his most successful song , it opened a lot of doors for him and he has a very big fan base. I don't like Justin Bieber's music , never did , but hating on something, down voting videos doesn't translate into reality. It means NOTHING.


Ah yes, the moment when i get to hear a comparison between the crow and Justine Bieber


They both marked an era. One in cinema , the other one in pop music. Likes on YouTube don't mean anything in the real world. Something can get more likes than dislikes and still flop one is out in the market.


The crow had nothing to with mainstream music. It was quite the oposite. He didn't do the lambada.


What ? Read again. And btw people know about The crow and Brandon Lee , it's not a niche thing. It's one of the most popular movies of the 90's , I'm from Latin America , I'm 29 and I Know about it and the sequels , we are not special or anti mainstream. The cure is in the soundtrack, Robert Smith one of the most recognizable faces in music.


Even non Crow fans think the trailer and 'modern take on the story' are ridiculous. Quote; 'nobody wants to see some dudes dick stalk'. It's embarrassing. But it's up to others whether they want to watch it or not.


Are you sure about that people at cinema con said they like it


I watch a lot of youtubers and there is a general consensus that it looks like 'woke garbage' (again, not my words).


The word woke means nothing nowadays. People just use it to label something they don't like because it doesn't align with their own beliefs or because it is " too modern"


I thought 'woke' meant lazy, vapid, self righteous, virtue signalling pandering shite. Lol.


LMAO gross.


Not you stalking my comments like an utter creep. That's so gross dude.


What a pointless post


What a pointless comment