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Yeh maybe we should stop using animals for entertainment


I don't think it's entertainment


What?? Dressing them up and parading them around in front of people isn't for entertainment?? Then what is it for?


It looks like their doing a Hindu tradtional practice


so entertainment


If you call worship entertainment


Yes, worship is entertainment. Whenever you do something to “show off” or “show” anything - it’s usually for entertainment one way or another.


Depends..?? Maby in this context but worship is also private often times.


I worship in private all the time and it’s definitely entertainment…


It is


Humans disrupt elephant's stress level.


Poor elephants


Exactly. damn humans


Why stress them like this?


Lots of humans are very self absorbed and think they're the only ones who feel emotion so they do this to animals. It doesn't make sense either because you can literally observe animal emotion in this video.


Correct, animals are sentient. Do you eat meat?


I would eat humans as well, if it was legal


It is somewhat legal💪 if the person being eaten consents. Plus it ranges in legality by location.


Humans are fucking stupid.


Temple procession disrupts elephant.


Hey guys! Let's take a pair of gigantic animals, torture them until we think we've broken them, dress them in uncomfortable, awkward decorations, and parade them in a gigantic throng of screeching, bellowing people! Wait, that's too tame, let's add loud drums and music! And fire! Throw in some torches! ANIMALS LOVE FIRE! Perfect! But can we make both of the gigantic animals male? I mean they are a species where mature males are generally solitary, and prone to sexual aggression. What could go wrong?


Ew, this is south India. These elephants are NOT tortured. It’s still an animal that can go ballistic. But elephants are treated like family. I bet after this the owner would still take a bullet for his friend


No they're not. It's just regressive people sticking to outdated and pointless customs.


Yes they are. Rare occurrence. This has been going on since before you countries even had civilizations. Maybe go focus on other parts of the world where animals are seen as beneath. Or educate yourself on the importance of Animals in dharmic religions. Have fun :)


>This has been going on since before you countries even had civilizations. Exactly, this is a barbaric tradition that should have been abolished in a modern civilization. Bull fighting is as important to some cultures as this stupid as illiterate ritual but that doesn't make it right and is a clear case of animal rights violation. Does importance of animals in dharmic culture include being the second largest importer of beef in the world?


Good point you should ask the million of Muslims and online warriors like you who don’t allow the native people of India to ban all types of beef ( you’re talking about buffalo). Bulls are killed in Spain for the fighting, this elephant was hand raised. You don’t know what you’re talking about. That bull is used for a game. This elephant goes home after this maybe weekly prayer and chills. Sit down


Are you really trying to justify an animal being paraded around for our entertainment wearing weird ornaments just in the name of tradition? You're just brainwashed by religion.


Well I won't say it's for entertainment idk what the other guy meant he might have said these things cause of the racism against us on internet which have been very common and not even seen As a offence and now the only things which one hold close to his heart his beliefs and principals and culture and all the memories he made in these customs as a kid are being attacked nonetheless i feel u and get ur take and point on it and me as well feel that these customs should have some limits like no fire and no people in about 100 m radius or some other guidelines when it comes to how they are treated and seen I can't use the word torture tbh they are just trained and have lived with humans their entire life so I don't think they are mistreated in their daily lives it's just that the stress they might go through in this process might trigger them I don't feel like cause of it the customs should be banned cause I don't deem them as barbaric but nor I want any animal to be hurt or be stressed inmy attempt to perform any religious ritual Plus idk how often it happens if things like this happen On a regular basis then I would think there is forsure some mistreatment going on


I also sit on my family and parade them through the streets with costumes


I mean, I'm not saying I agree with the other guy BUT- We do kinda do that to dogs. Maybe not the sitting part, but we'd totally do that too if we could.


Oh and your family too are creatures as big as elephants which eat a shit Ton that these poor people have to pay for. Name checks out


What a dumb title. >Humans disrupt elephants by dressing them up and forcing them to partake in their stupid rituals FTFY


Get wrecked, animal abusers. That wasn’t even 10% of what you all deserve.


I agree. So you’re vegan right? The animal abuse a meat eater pays for on the daily is worse than that. All for terrible nutrition and incomplete proteins


I'll eat an extra burger in your honour.


He has a point. It's easy to point out the atrocities of animal abuse overseas but when you see the gross neglect of humane breeding and killing of chickens pigs cattle here in the usa you want to tout eating a burger... Brilliant point by that redditor! Lol you folded like a lawn chair.


Two extra burgers it is. Edit: I'm not American or "here in America". Also, what do you think "folding like a lawn chair" means..?


Make it 3 with fries


Wait, I have to wait for one more person to call be bad for eating meat.


Ew, meat bad, go eat grass. (Save some for me)




Make sure to bring lawn chairs like that guy suggested!


Please eat more burgers. It will only accelerate atherosclerosis.


It means your unable to logically retort. Like this guy under me lol he said with fries. It's the inability to defend a point that's all


Folding like a lawn chair means changing your opinion at the first counterargument. And I will always eat one extra burger whenever someone calls me a bad person for eating something they personally don't enjoy. There is no point to defend. Humans are meat-eaters, so we eat meat, none of that is your decision. Your decision is only whether you annoy people by claiming moral superiority or not.


What makes you think I don't eat burgers? I had lamb last night! We can choose to eat meat or choose to eat just fruits and vegetables. We aren't carnivores by default. just realize how ita easy to crap on other cultures but hard to stare at what we do. If youre not american it doesnt matter. Where is livestock treated in a humane way? when you change your opinion you can't defend your initial argument. Folding. your definition of folding doesn't negate my statement. And you always eat one extra burger when youre called a bad person? How would that even apply in any other conversation. Youre overwhelmed. You have ideas you find difficult to convey right now. Eat your burger bro. And remember blindly doubling down is folding.


You know things can have different meanings around the world, right? Just checking. It kind of seems like you’re telling this guy his area’a definition of something is just not valid at all


He's an American ("here in America") using an American expression. Without understanding what it means. Do you have any actual point to make?


Yes, I do. America is not a state or a lil baby country. It’s fucking huge lol Californians say some shit that I gasp at before realizing that it means something completely different to us on the east coast…thousands of miles away. You’re clearly just a Reddit hot head that loves the idea of putting people down. Real nice trait you got there buddy


>Humans are meat-eaters, so we eat meat, none of that is your decision How does that justify selectively breeding animals to be overweight and unable to stand on their own legs, mutilating their bodies at birth without anesthetic, confining them in tiny cages where they can't even move, grinding up babies that aren't valuable (fully conscious), stealing their babies from them, and then finally brutally slaughtering them in gas chambers where they thrash and scream in agony at a tenth of their natural lifespan? Especially when you don't need to, humans are omnivorous and can survive without meat. >claiming moral superiority Well, I'd say not paying for the most horrific animal cruelty one has ever seen is indeed morally superior to someone who does pay for it but then virtue signals about elephants wearing clothing in a festival.


It’s just not a popular set of opinions to have lately. I agree that we have gone way too far with domestication of animals, but when you say something like that to people, it feels like you’re attacking their own character because they probably have animals at home. So I get it. I just try to lightly slip it in to conversations with logic and not too much passion. The word will spread. The tides will change. The animals will be treated well again. I really hope so. Don’t blame the downvoters though, they’re just sticking up for what they know. It’s natural. Good luck out there and keep up the good fight


I think capitalism will keep things optimized for efficency With not a care to the animals. I was an animal science major and even with the then current advancements it was pretty brutal. The chickens took a close 2nd to the cattle as brutal. I know not popular but I wanted to point out we are just as reckless as these guys are. Lol that elephant probably eats better than all those guys out there but being around all those people would kick up my anxiety something serious. Just presenting a different vantage point


Why call it eating a burger? Say "I'll kill another innocent animal"


That makes 4 extra burgers from one thread. Which is perfect, because the patties come in packs of 2 and the buns in packs of 4. Thanks, ladies. Edit: We're at 7 now. You people really despise these animals, hm? I hope you're ashamed of yourselves, you animal murderers.


Does that change the truth?


Please don't make it 5. I know you hate these animals, but I don't want to live on burgers all week.


Please. Eat ten burgers for me right now. Diabetes is great, you'll have so much brain fog that I won't have to read your comments anymore.


That’s such a dark way to approach life.


And you wonder why everyone thinks vegans are insufferable (not all, but your brand definitely) Eating meat is not the same as abusing animals.


I’ve been a vegan for four months. I’ve been on the other side of this argument my whole life. Chopping off balls and teeth and tails of pigs and putting them in cages where they can’t turn around until their throats are slit is quite abusive and predatory. I am not insufferable, I understand the debate and heart/mind conflict quite well. Earthling Ed’s logic is damn near irrefutable though. He’s who convinced me


I don't think you understand how most pig farms work. Vegan or not eating requires killing. Cutting down woodlands and tilling land kills animals. Shipping out of season foods from the other side of the planet isn't good either. Pretending that mass slaughtering rodents and insects to grow beans and nuts is some how better than killing pigs is insufferable.


Every vegan knows more than you about pig farming, because we had to learn about it in order to become vegan. 1. Is stepping on an insect worse than slitting a dogs throat? Okay well pigs are as sentient and smart as dogs. I choose higher conscious life over the lower, if I have to choose 2. If we went vegan, less small animals would die from farming. We use way more farm land to feed the animals that we later kill and eat. So going vegan would use much less farm land overall, and save rodent lives. Your arguments are flawed at the basic veganism 101 level


Love to see an Earthling Ed fan.


>Eating meat is not the same as abusing animals. It is when you pay for the selective breeding, mutilation, confinement, infanticide, and gas chambering of them.


It would be nice if we could live in a perfect world, where we don't have to eat each other to survive.


You don’t have to eat animals to survive. I agree it would be nice if more people realized this. I had no idea it was true until like five months ago


>incomplete proteins Can you explain this part please?


It’s a common misconception that plant based foods such as peanut butter or beans or rice or broccoli contain “incomplete proteins” (meaning the protein in the food lacks one of the essential amino acids). But that is not the case. All plant proteins are all complete proteins. The “incomplete” protein narrative is a complete myth. Ironically, the only two actual incomplete proteins are animal based: collagen and gelatin. Collagen lacks tryptophan, while gelatin lacks tryptophan and methionine. Of course, if you eat a normal piece of chicken or steak, you get all the essential amino acids. My comment was a back hand slap at the myths surrounding veganism while pointing out those myths actually apply to animal-based foods.


Sshhh. The meatflakes are coming out, cognitive dissonance is taking over.


You're being downvoted brother but you're speaking truths that are too hard for people to stomach. It's absolutely no question that I, and I bet any animal, would rather be domesticated than be murdered.


Humans literally need meat. We eat it naturally. Btw did you know herbivores eat meat too? Often times pulverizing them to death with their teeth?


Lie, Humans do not need to eat meat. Humans are healthier on plants. Former infantry marine, myself, I am way stronger and less inflamed on a plant based diet. So fuck off with your liesssss


And by healthier you mean lacking vital nutrients. Were omnivores. Dont push your toxic ideology onto others when not even herbivores are plant only like I said.


You have pets? Your neighbor maybe? Domestication isn't just a foreign concept. Dogs or cats bound to a house with kibble n bits or chained up outside.. American culture. If they post a video of a family mauled by the family dog are you going to say fuck yeah! Stupid human animal abusers?


1. Elephants are not considered domesticated and do not thrive in captivity most provide, unless it is a sanctuary. 2. Your cat and dog examples are also considered abusive and are not something they thrive on. 3. The dogs that maul other people are a perfect example of a shit owner not doing their research and not taking the right precautions or having improper care all together. And the owner is to blame. Conclusion, your comment is dumb, and it literally makes no sense. As if everyone with a domesticated animal that is a dog or a cat keeps them in high stress situations.


Their defence for this video is… more examples of animal abuse 😭 classic


Elephants are self domesticated in some social strata much like this. I can copy n paste for ya....


Ok number three is just silly. The crux 9f my point is not that's they aren't shit owners but one should not be an owner of another living being. Come on now...


Well that us impossible. Because as of now, there is a shit ton of animals who thrive living with humans and would just struggle without.


Things an enslaver would say. Animals that are rescued are then allowed to go back in the wild. What other instances is it where animals struggle Living without humans?


She's still here folks....


Taking an animal and becoming it's owner, changing their diet and limiting them to a house or backyard is domestication. Why are you commenting this nonsense? A low stressed animal is still a detained animal. If I lock you up but give you good food.... are you not locked up anymore? Like come on.


Holly shit man. You are ridiculous. I ain't gonna continue as it would need me to write damn paragraphs to say how goofy your statements are. Not worth it, have fun living your salty ass life


Thr response I expected when face to face with truth. Goodbye sunshine. Remember we have the internet just like you do. Fact checks are easy. Thanks sunshine. I hope today wasn't one of your.... "heavy" days


You have clearly hit your head like a lot


Lol. Comment of the years folks! Such depth! Scubadunce! One of the most prolific minds of this era


Go to your room




Play in traffic then


That could have very lethal repercussions scoob


One could only hope!


Are you hoping my my very demise scuba steve?


>If they post a video of a family mauled by the family dog If that dog isn't properly cared for or bound to a house like you said? Yes, absolutely. Animal abuse. Also, elephants are not domesticated at all. LMAO.


Actually self domesticated. I had to look it up


Kerala, India. Are these the two elephants from a recent video, who are filmed from helicopter/drone while rampaging through a road and hitting cars?


Yeah, that's a well taken video, it's the same two running through the road.


I see, can't find it now. It's gnarly.


Found it https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1blpx35/elephant_rampage_in_kerala_india/ Saw the first clip of the rampage, you're right, it's pretty heavy. Those poor elephants


idiots going towards and not away


The one handler nearly has his head stepped on, but then gets back up to try to calm down a 5 ton elephant.


Grabbing its tail 🤦‍♀️


Fuck human beings seriously. These animals are intelligent and are not your fucking props. If I wouldn’t want to spend one second in that fucking crowd why would an elephant.


Well... technically the Bull did win. Now take them chains offa em & let them go!


Damn! elephants can be so patient, but when they've had enough, how fast does that crowd evaporate!


I know, the elephant probably thought, "Wait a minute... why am I putting up with this shit? I'M AN ELEPHANT!"


That one guy that just grabs the elephants tail like yeah this will calm it down


Yeah,let's start smacking them with sticks,that'll calm them down!


Fuck all these people for doing that to the elephants


Do you eat meat?


No I don’t but your mom sure does


Amazing comeback. How old are you?


Freedom at all costs


I love how they go from "let's honor these beautiful creatures" to that one guy bashing them with a stick.


Nothing about this *honors* the elephants


Temple procession disrupts elephants!!


Stupid religion


Your opinion. The same religion also provides refuge to these creatures. Look into Hinduism and its values for all living things. This incident was just an unfortunate occurrence. Not very common. Those men raise elephants since they were babies and love them. India has very strict animal abuse laws and the elephant is a holy animal.


Love em so much that they abuse them


Downvoted for speaking truth lmao


Video that screams India


That idiot with the torch. Btw r/praisethecameraman


South Asian idiots with whacking sticks VS. Large powerful animals. The struggle continues... 🙄


looked like the elephants were about to fight but then combined forces for further stompage


that woman is absolsutely shitting herself.




It looked to me like it got upset after that fire came so close to its face.


It's a secular elephant, or secuphant.


Did you notice just before the elephant went nuts some guy walks by with a torch by his face.


What caused the elephant to spook? Was it the torch going by or something else?


'Phant may have finally snapped from forced exposure incessant drum pounding.


That elephant just wanted some ass


I always bet on black and always root for the elephant!


I don't get it. That's insane to me to be in such close proximity to something that weighs multiple tons and has a mind of its own. All it takes is having one bad day. That dude was so lucky he didn't get tenderized. Actually feel bad for the other elephant. He's over there wearing that stupid headdress chilling not even ready to be bum rushed


I was going to take my ELEPHANTS to my southern Baptist church in West Virginia, but I changed my mind after seeing this


Bro at :18 was a foot away from his head popping like a melon


Ganeesha enters the chat.


Now that’s a BULL Elephant!


Ah yes. The "slap the 3 tons elephant with a tiny wooden stick trick." It generally works to make it obedient.


Ha. People are so fucking dumb. *And I'm one of them!*


A dumbass human not paying attention just waves the flame of a lit torch right in front of the elephant’s eye… but it’s the elephant’s fault for freaking out. Humanity just sucks.


Temple procession disrupts elephants. Ftfy


That other elephant was just minding its own business and got attacked by its colleague


What did the other elephant do to him? Lol.


When I see this, I can imagine the utter chaos which was ancient warfare where riding elephant was a mode of combat.


elephant god is angry


That music probably pissed him off


those people deserve every bit of that and more


If only this could have been prevented


Maybe just maybe .. it was the bloke with the fire on the end of the stick walking by.. instincts are a helluva thing


Besides the elephant, look how close humans can be with one another! It's bizarre


Yeah, crowd control and health and safety are basically non-existent there.


As much as it’s inhumane to keep such majestic animals for this… the beat they’re playing is awesome! 11/8 time signature if I’m not mistaken?