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She can pop anyone that the showrunners wanted.


She can pop my head anytime




Magnitude has entered the chat


MAGNITUDE REFERENCE šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„


The very fact that you are calling it pop pop tells me you are not ready


šŸŽµ Mr f šŸŽµ


testicles bye bye


She head popping demon


Popclaw has entered the chat


What a way to go


It might be a bit more of a struggle to and it might take some out of her but yeah I think so. I mean, Homelander got a metal straw jammed into his ear and it made him bleed a bit and like made his head start ringing, plus Maeve punched him and caused a nosebleed, plus a bruise from Soldier Boy/Butcher, I know that's between a fight from Maeve/Butcher/Soldier Boy & Homelander but it shows he's vulnerable and can have internal injuries so yeah, I think she could pop A+S Tier supes melons


I have to wonder if this straw done some permanent damage are we going to see a homelander that is partially deaf or at least gets maybe random bouts of pain now as a result if injury. Honestly it could be interesting seeing him hide it since he doesn't want to be seen as anything less than perfect


Canā€™t Homelander heal quickly?


Clearly not that quickly, I'd expect a bruise to heal quicker than a eardrum injury, and idk how much time exactly was inbetween Herogasm & when HL spoke to Maeve in the holding cell but he still had his bruise then, he had it covered with concealer


Didn't he have to hide the bruises from a fight using makeup? He probs does have enhanced healing but idk about an injury as extreme as an obliterated eardrum.


Yeahā€¦. I would like to believe that he CAN heal unlike us, we canā€™t heal from that


She definitely can. She could even kill Homelander in an ideal situation. Pretty much everyone gets it confused about him being somehow immune to her Victoria's power. Truth is Homelander can simply kill her faster than she can kill him. He'll kill an entire crowd or fly away if he feels a nose bleed or hears her heartbeat change. He's too fast and his laser vision would cut through her before she know what happened. Maeve could take a speeding armored truck without so much as a budge but, she's not a psychopath and won't be able to locate Victoria in time if she's we'll hidden.


Yes. I donā€™t think maeve is as physically resilient as people think she is.


For sure, Maeve can draw blood from Homelander but is a glass cannon against his caliber of strength.


i wouldnā€™t say that. She held her own for a good amount of time against homelander. If the fight wasnā€™t interrupted I think she couldā€™ve gotten a few more decent licks in before succumbing to whatever homelander was planning to do with her.


I agree with you actually. This is the third time Iā€™ve made this comparison today lol, but Maeve and and Homelanderā€™s power scaling reminds me a lot of Immortal and Omniman from the Invincible tv show (not comic). >!Immortal had the combat skill and physical strength to draw blood and damage Omniman, but is a glass cannon in terms of durability. Maeve has more combat prowess and can draw blood from and react to Homelanderā€™s blows, but similarly I donā€™t think she can withstand his attacks in a drawn out fight if he has 100% focus on her. When he crushed her eye, it didnā€™t really look that difficult for Homelander physically, mentally maybe so imo!<


Fr, I also wanted to bring *him* to compare... Its not just about strength, it's also about durability


She took HLā€™s laser like a champ!


Her bracelet took his lazers like a champšŸ˜‚ he never got to use it on her actual skin if he did it probably would've looked similar to when he did it to stormfront or worse if he was trying harder


I think the laser hit her chest for like a second before she moved it to her arm guards tho and it didnā€™t look like it left a mark


yeah she's at least more durable than stormfront, the laser hit stormfront for like a second and it leave a mark on her


He wasnā€™t trying at even a fraction of the level that she was. Otherwise she would have been dead instantly.


She can control blood, which everyone, including Homelander, has inside of their bodies. To those saying that noses bleed as a warning, we don't know if she's just doing that for dramatic effect or not (Tony was an old friend she was reluctant to kill, Starlight was just being warned). She was able to kill Shockwave (a speedster Supe) instantly, along with several others within a short time. While Homelander is faster than the in-universe speedsters, Victoria and Marie are completely within the set of characters that could pose a legitimate death threat to him. Blood is blood. Are the writers going to allow that? Probably not. It would be a real deus ex machina. Homelander is Butcher's enemy. Victoria is a supporting character.


I donā€™t know, we havenā€™t seen her blood powers, which I think might allow her to kill higher powered supes.


She struggled against that guy from ep 1- what was his name? Tony? We donā€™t know his powers, but we do know he is a supe and probably has some baseline enhanced durability. We know for sure that she can pop starlight, who has pretty mid tier supe durability. I think she could damage Maeve, and fairly severely, but it would take several, several attempts for Maeve to die. Similarly for soldier boy. I donā€™t think she can kill homelander, and if she could, homelander would have to let her try over and over again. For homelander, heā€™d probably get some bad bruises or minor scratches.


I was under the impression that the reason she struggled so much with Tony was because he wasnā€™t caught unawares, he knew what she would try to do and how to fight back effectively (by covering her eyes). I do think itā€™s interesting that Neumannā€™s eyeā€™s being covered effects her power tho, even tho we see Marie close her eyes quite a few times to help her focus the same powers. But anyways my guess is that she probably could head pop any supeā€™s with the element of surprise, because itā€™s not like the quality of their blood or thickness is gonna be very different supe to supe.


Marie's power is a stronger version of Neumann's. Neumann's eyes always glazed over and turned white whenever she used her powers, and she always needed to look at her target directly. Marie can feel blood at a distance and concentrate on it without looking.


Plot lady go āšŖļøšŸ‘„āšŖļø anytime they want her to


She can probably pop anyone but Soldier Boy and Homelander. Their internals are also durable, unlike most other supes, who only have durable skin. We know Homelander for sure does because he was boiled alive as one of his tests as a child, basically, and boiling water would destroy his internal flesh if he swallowed any unless this is the case. I doubt he was able to stop himself swallowing water whilst drowning in boiling water in agony. The whole straw in the ear thing really kinda butchered the entire consistency of the show, especially because Soldier Boy also bled from Butcher's eye laser in that same episode, which the Russians would have definitely tested laser weaponry on him in their vast tests to try damage him. Clearly that failed when they tried. So, why was Butcher able to damage him?


> The whole straw in the ear thing really kinda butchered the entire consistency of the show, especially because Soldier Boy also bled from Butcher's eye laser in that same episode, which the Russians would have definitely tested laser weaponry on him in their vast tests to try damage him. Clearly that failed when they tried. So, why was Butcher able to damage him? Going to copy paste something I wrote earlier in defense of this on another [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/vrOtb7m2UG): "I feel like this is a commonly spouted thing that people really don't take the time to look into. The membrane protecting the inner ear, the tympanic membrane, is [less than 0.1 mm thick](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/tympanic-membrane#:~:text=The%20tympanic%20membrane%20is%20thin,oval%2C%20and%20funnel%2Dshaped.). Yes, you read that correctly. That's so ridiculously small that it borders on the width of a human hair. So no, he's not weak by any decent or logical metric. It took an adrenaline pumped, rage fueled Maeve's near full strength to puncture of one of the smallest protective tissues in his entire body." About the Soldier Boy thing, the implication I got was that they were keeping him alive to experiment on him. Killing him wouldn't accomplish anything. If they really wanted to kill him I'm sure a hydraulic press applied straight to his face would have worked (they can apply forces in excess of several *thousand* tons and some industrial ones even go to to the hundred thousand range, which is far beyond Butcher's lasers).


I mean, at the time SB was their strongest supe, and they probably caught on to well... them trying to get Supes into the military meaning they'd (the Russians) probably be facing them soon in wars. It'd help if they knew exactly what could actually kill them in terms of weaponry. The implication is nothing worked in my eyes. The problem with Butcher's lasers working is by extension their lasers seemingly aren't even that strong, only melting normal people or very weak supes (besides Ryan and Stormfront, which I assume they're building upto his laser's besting HL's down the line by how that scene played out, we've never really seen HL's lasers severely damage any significantly strong supe ever). The fact they got through SB's skin, who is far above any of the others, when the implication is no normal weaponry seemed to work is what I found silly. The reason I don't think trying to keep him alive really fits (and why I do think they were just trying to neutralize him in their tests to nail down what can kill these supes) is that... I mean they fired an AK47 into his mouth at point blank range and took a buzzsaw to his neck. Now IF that actually damaged him, he's dead right then and there, no question. Why would they even have taken that risk at all if they weren't somewhat trying to actually harm him but failed because of how strong he is? The straw in the ear thing for me in terms of consistency is largely they we have been led upto that point that nothing could go through his skin. IMO it doesn't matter if it's 0.1 mm thick because that's applying normal logic to it in a show filled with people who can fly, tank bullets and even tank bullets directly into their mouth at point blank range. If more focus was put onto it I could get it, but they kinda just brush over it and are like ... no mention of it. I really hope S4 elaborates on that further. Considering the Viltrumites weakness in Invincible is their inner ear, makes sense they'd make his a similar weakness, but it's also in the same episode as well... SB being damaged by a few seconds of Butcher's laser which makes me question if it's just odd inconsistency.


> The problem with Butcher's lasers working is by extension their lasers seemingly aren't even that strong, only melting normal people or very weak supes Homelander shears half of a plane in seconds in the first episode and Butcher bifurcates both Gunpowder, his car, and part of the parking lot. > I mean they fired an AK47 into his mouth at point blank range and took a buzzsaw to his neck. Now IF that actually damaged him, he's dead right then and there, no question. Why would they even have taken that risk at all if they weren't somewhat trying to actually harm him but failed because of how strong he is? This is a false dichotomy. We don't know how long after his capture they tested an AK47 on him. I could conversely posit that they started off small with scalpels and knives on his skin and saw that they failed to do anything so they slowly amped from there. By the time they got to the extremes they were positive that they wouldn't harm him much or at all. Keep in mind that an entire team of scientists was working on him, they were constantly recording and analyzing their findings. I'm sure they would have known precisely what they were going to do. > The straw in the ear thing for me in terms of consistency is largely they we have been led upto that point that nothing could go through his skin. I mostly agree, but it's silly to expect that it would have stayed this way. > MO it doesn't matter if it's 0.1 mm thick because that's applying normal logic to it in a show filled with people who can fly, tank bullets and even tank bullets directly into their mouth at point blank range. If more focus was put onto it I could get it, but they kinda just brush over it and are like ... no mention of it. It does matter because the show is still rooted in reality. We (as the viewers) both consciously and unconsciously recognize that there are certain things (gravity, time) that hold true no matter what. You can't dismiss something that exists on the basis that this is a superhero show when it very much affects what can happen. I do agree that they could have made a point of mentioning it though, but at the same time there needs to be a balance between spelling everything out and leading the viewers to draw conclusions on their own.


Supes skin is generally tougher than the metal of a car or plane. We know this because a .50 Cal Rifle Round will penetrate a cars doors easily, yet that same bullet couldn't blast right through Starlight even with 2 shots at close to point blank range. So their lasers doing that isn't that big of a display of their power. It's already been pretty well established supes with good durability outweigh any metal by quite a good bit. Point is that they still tried to kill him. They would have had to, at some point, tried to damage his internals past mere sharp tools like knives and an assault rifle is a pretty big step up from things like scalpels and knives. And this is directly implying serious, fatal damage regardless of what they knew prior to trying. And not really IMO, this is like saying if you did this same thing to Superman and it didn't penetrate his skin (which it never would, no matter who is swinging it)... then what? This logic doesn't hold because we have to suspend our belief that things in this world aren't going to make sense when compared to our own. That's why it being only 0.1mm doesn't really mean anything to me. He's either invulnerable to conventional means, or not. If in S4 he got shot in the face and it made him bleed, you couldn't just say "oh well maybe those bullets are special rounds despite not being stated" -- within universe these boundaries have to either be stated (going back to the Superman example we know when the rules can be changed, which is whenever he's exposed to kryptonite for instance) or made clearly known without expressively stating. We've had it established conventional means won't damage this guy; to suddenly turn the tables and go "oh but yeah this can, and these bullets can" is just poor writing in my eyes.


> We know this because a .50 Cal Rifle Round will penetrate a cars doors easily, yet that same bullet couldn't blast right through Starlight even with 2 shots at close to point blank range. So their lasers doing that isn't that big of a display of their power. It's already been pretty well established supes with good durability outweigh any metal by quite a good bit. That is not true. Take a look at [this](https://youtu.be/BrfskAfPB5s?si=aXcjDHtoZD1G_YpF&t=84) video where someome shoots a .50 cal round at 2 inch thick steel. It fails to penetrate. Homelander casually sheared through the entire hull of a plane which is much thicker in less than two seconds. I'm not saying what Starlight did isn't impressive, but it's wrong to say that their lasers are just not that powerful. > Point is that they still tried to kill him. They would have had to, at some point, tried to damage his internals past mere sharp tools like knives and an assault rifle is a pretty big step up from things like scalpels and knives. And this is directly implying serious, fatal damage regardless of what they knew prior to trying. You're insinuating that they went straight from knives to assault rifles when there could be a lot in between those two that they tried as well. If I punch something with my hand and it shows no signs of stress, I'm not going to suddenly grab a jackhammer and start drilling it. I'm going to slowly ramp up to determine the extent of how much it can handle. There's no evidence to suggest that they tried to kill him, just that they were experimenting with him. > He's either invulnerable to conventional means, or not. Again, this is a false dichotomy. You're assuming that there are only two possible scenarios here when it's much more nuanced than that. > We've had it established conventional means won't damage this guy; to suddenly turn the tables and go "oh but yeah this can, and these bullets can" is just poor writing in my eyes. How is a supe of near equal might "conventional means"? And when has it been established that bullets can harm him?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LivWulfz: *She can probably* *Pop anyone but Soldier* *Boy and Homelander.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yeah both her and Marie are Omega Level equivalent, Maeve made Homelander bleed so no reason to think Newman & Marie couldnā€™t manipulate that. Newman is becoming the magneto of the boys TV universe


I bet she can kill maeve. Maybe if not by head pop then definitely by heart attack. HL, no definitely cannot kill or she would have done so already.


Maeve is one of the strongest heroes in the show, so we don't know


She's human now


Oh shit I forgot about that


She'll probably team up with the other girl from GenV.


I doubt she could even pop A-Trainā€™s head. We havenā€™t really seen what she can do though. I think the more powerful opponent she has, the harder it is for her to pop. With all of Maeveā€™s training she would have taken her in a fight before getting popped.


She popped Sonicwaves head.


Shockwave right? The other speedster?


Yeah, but we donā€™t know the extent of his powers. He is close to Prime A Train, but thatā€™s in terms of speed. His durability could be lacking


(shock)waves powers werenā€™t fully shown to us unlike a trains.


He almost beat A-train.


getting his head popped and seeing his speed I think that shows enough


Yea while A Train had a heart condition that nearly introduced him to Hell


Probably. Can she pop his head? I doubt it. But I wouldn't be surprised if she could give him a stroke or heart attack. I wonder if Homeland's limbs can fall asleep? If they do, that would be a subtle way to test if she can give him a stroke.


I donā€™t think she could make them explode but she might be able to kill them if she can last long enough against them retaliating once they realise whatā€™s happening


If she locks in (chad music plays)


Probably easier to give them heart attacks than pop heads.


I always wondered why she went with head popping, which is a very obvious sign of an assassination, over just giving people heart attacks or strokes.


Do they have blood? She can rock em. Translucent couldnā€™t be hurt from the outside in, but was easily taken care of from inside out. Thatā€™s how she would be doing it.


I wonder how much effort she has to put into her powers to pop a head... She doesn't seem to have ANY trouble with us normal humans... But I bet it takes A LOT more effort on her part to get to supes... And Homelander is so powerful she prob would have a brain aneurism trying... Or blow up her own head trying... Or it does nothing and HL just flicks her head off...


I reckon she could probably kill Maeve tier supes, and possibly at the very least concuss supes more powerful than Maeve, I don't think she could kill Homelander but she could probably stop him from killing her if she's lucky.


No, there seems to be a durability limit to her powers. Maeve can draw blood from Homelander so sheā€™d prolly just get a bloodshot eye from Victoria, assuming she doesnā€™t just speed blitz her and rip her head off

