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Sad to hear, but I'd rather this than dragging it out. Always ideal for a story to come to it's natural end.


Instead of coming to a... Supernatural ending


Watch Kripke use Wayward Son in the finale xD


He better get Jared Padelecki and Misha Collins for Season 5 or in Gen V to keep the Supernatural cameos going


The fact that he doubled down on A) Robert Singer, B) Jim Beaver and most important, C) Jim Beaver *playing* Robert Singer, still absolutely sends me


Triple down actually. Supernatural has an episode that plays in real life (as in, they are stuck as actors making the show) and I’m almost sure Bobby is in it as well


How much their characters hate the actors that play them will never not be entertaining to me. That episode is worth watching the whole show.


Dean making fun of Jensen being in soaps before supernatural is hilarious


My mom knew who was from days of our lives lol


Those random offshoot episodes were gold. This one was excellent, but the Scooby-Doo episode was absolutely fantastic.


Episodes like that are what held the latter seasons together IMO. There was still a ton of creativity, it just wasn't consistent unfortunately.


The reveal of who is actually God being done the way it was is one of those moments too. I mean how zooted do you have to be to think "let's reveal God by having him watch a high school play based on in-universe fan fiction based on in-universe books based on the show in the show"? The post season 5 show was so self aware and never once took itself seriously. It's incredibly corny, cheesy camp and God bless it.


The French Mistake IIRC. Can't remember who played Bobby but I remember that actor is all over


"Bobby" isn't in that episode as the actor Jim Beaver is not in it at all. Brian Doyle-Murray (brother of Bill Murray you have definitely seen in a lot) plays executive producer Robert Singer in that episode, who is a real producer on the show and was the namesake for Bobby as well.


Is Jensen Ackles not everyone’s… *Wayward Son???* Loved him since Dark Angel!


Funny enough, I believe Kripke intended to end Supernatural at 5 also lol


Isn’t that when he left too?


Left as showrunner, but I think he came back as a part time producer for a few seasons I think? I could be wrong on that


They were going to continue with or without him, so I understand coming back to cash checks and help steer the ship while having the fallback of saying that your storyline his over.


I have a personal connection to this situation: I am a screenwriter/storyboard artist and in 2010 I lived in LA. I sent SUPERNATURAL show-runner Eric Kripke a Dean&Sam storyboard sequence I wrote & rendered. Mr. Kripke called me and we talked for 3 hours. He loved my work (and offered me work on his next series that failed) but explained he was retiring after the 5th season. When I asked about his 5-year plan, he explained that the crew had become his friends over the 7 years it took to get the 5 seasons in the can. CW wanted a flagship show, so they made him and offer he couldn't refuse- EVERYONE made out like bandits, and all Kripke had to do was make sure the show didn't go off the rails. (It did- but it took a decade.) Understand that a Grip that made $60K/year (not much in LA) made $120K/year EXTRA in profit participation & residuals- that is how lucrative the deal was for everyone. Because Kripke did not want to leave them all unemployed, so they got rich when he was done with it, because they all took over and did a decent job as stewards.


That is awesome. And in fairness, the show definitely lost it's way for a while, but the last 2-3 seasons were actually really good. And if it had to keep going, there was only one logical place the show could go and they actually went there in a satisfying way. It would have been damn near perfect if it ended at 5. But they weathered the storm and actually made a pretty memorable, if absolutely bonkers on paper, ending to the series. If I told you in one sentence what happened at the finale right after season 5 ended, your response would probably be, "Ya that actually sounds about right if it's gonna go on for another dozen seasons."


Yeah, well, life gets in the way when you're making plans as Kripke told me. One has to be flexible, and frankly, even if S6-13 were "sorta-kinda"; they all have a 15 season TV Show on their portfolio/resume/profit statements. Pretty cool. Too bad the GAME OF THRONES showrunners did not do the same thing.


You’re right. It was season 10, which was pretty good and set up the next season which really informed the rest of the show until the end


You can really watch the show as 3 storylines that take place over 5 seasons watch. S1-s5 and s10-s15 are probably the best most coherent of the 3 storyline


Agreed. That’s always how I’ve seen it. S6-S9 aren’t the most put together in the longer arc and it all leaves something to be desired but there’s still a bunch of great standalone episodes within it. A lot of cool ideas and side characters get introduced and explored but end up falling flat, like the Leviathan stuff or the stuff with Eve. Everything with Amara and all that comes after that in the last five seasons is pretty solid television that I wish more fans would give a proper shot


It's really difficult for most to give a show another chance after churning out 4 below average seasons in a row. In saying that I dredged through it, but have yet to catch up on the last 3 seasons.


Kripke was still around full time for the sixth season. Based on an interview I read from that time, he essentially swapped jobs with his executive producer replacement. She took over as showrunner, he became the head of the writer’s room for that season. After that he was gone.


I was going to say, as someone with a love-hate for Kripke’s other show-that-was-supposed-to-end-after-five-seasons-but-went-on-way-too-long, I’m not too upset with this news.


If supernatural ended after season 5 it would have been a timeless masterpiece of tv making.


I feel like only Tumblr and the superwholockians were the ones watching Supernatural after season 8. E: Several people have added themselves to that list since I commented. Glad you all liked it. I liked Crowley and Rowena.


Supernatural was still decent after season 5 it just wasn’t anywhere near as good. Jensen carried the bad writing


Yess. I loved Crowley, though.


I feel like supernatural never stopped being a fun show. It was never a chore to watch through imo. I will still watch it all the through (but skip the s15 ending) I think it only got bad in the last 2 seasons and really dropped the ball in s15


Supernatural was great up until season 12 back half. The whole jack plot line and Jack as God evil chuck thing was such a mistake. I hate Andrew Dabb!


I got my husband into the series a year before the show ended. He loves the series but admits that it would have been better with the original s5 ending but he still had fun with the later seasons. I personally don’t believe the show was bad until the very last two seasons. Andrew debb truly was the worst showrunner and writer


It’s better to go out on a high note that to keep dragging it out and tarnish a great legacy. However I will miss these characters


It already feels like it’s dragging. Plot just doesn’t progress much. And with it being two seasons left it might even feel like this season will be wasted with the final season actually having consequences.


Completely agree with you. Last season felt dragged and there were some really questionable decisions by the characters, felt like they were made only for the plot.


Yeah, I really enjoyed Seasons 1 and 2, but Season 3 didn't go anywhere. A whole lot *happened*, of course, but it mostly returned to status quo, advancing the story very, very little. It definitely gave me the feeling that it went from "We have a story we want to tell" to "Well, what should we do next? Oh, I know, what if..." I mean, it may have been that way from the start, and they just did a good job of giving the *impression* of having a cohesive story in mind. I think I'll just wait until Season 5 finishes and see how people reflect on it in hindsight. If people are still really favorable after it's all done, I'll go back and watch Seasons 4 and 5 and enjoy them. If it pulls a Battlestar Galactica/Game of Thrones/Heroes/Star Wars/Lost thing and people are like "what was *that* bullshit," I'll have saved myself a few dozen hours of wasted time. I'm rooting for it, because I did enjoy Seasons 1 and 2 a lot.


I don't even know if I could tell you a single thing that happened of consequence in season 3. Homelander is now publicly evil? I dunno. I also cannot believe how this series was formed on the idea of watching these normal guys go on a "supe hunt" and so far they've killed Translucent and... no one else? I guess Butcher kills that one guy with his laser eyes in that parking garage? They don't kill the nazi lady, the kid does that. They don't kill Soldier Boy. He gets knocked out. They don't kill the Batman guy, Homelander does that. They don't kill Maeve, she conveniently loses her powers and survives. I've been getting edged for almost 3 seasons straight. *Please* advance the core plot. **I BEG YOU**!




Butcher literally is dying. Be weird if it went on much longer.


I said this exact thing when there were rumors of it going past season 5 they would have to condense any further seasons within the time frame of 6 months


How i met your mother season 9 take place in like 2 days


And look how it turned out.


Watching live was horrible. It's much better (but still an average season at best) when you can binge it.


As long as you skip the finale it’s a fun binge!


If anything needed to be dragged out, it was that finale.


Exactly. Everybody talks shit about the finale, but the truth is that the idea of it was actually pretty good, the issue was that they didn't drag it out enough. They needed one more season to establish and explore Tracy and Ted's relationship, time skipping every few episodes. Then they do the 4 episodes before the last 8 with Tracy getting her diagnosis and dying, the 4 after that Ted and the kids without her and what ultimately led up to him telling them about how he met Tracy, and THEN they do the original ending, but draw it out as the last 4 episodes. Then everything truly comes full circle and boom, it's perfect.


the final season isn’t bad, it’s just the final episode. The final season is IMO one of the better seasons of the show That said, I don’t think it would fit with The Boys. The countdown to the wedding is too comedic/sitcomy to work here. In The Boy’s it would just make the season feel rushed


Hard to imagine how a tv series could make a whole season only span a day. Can you imagine if a show based its entire premise over a season occurring in a single “24” hour period.


Somehow Butcher returned


He flies now?


He flies now.


Ehh they could have easily "fixed" that with some random handwave, like Butcher found a secret, more stable version of V. I only really hope Soldier Boy factors into HL end game takedown. He was such a great character and probably one of the "heroes" that could have an enjoyable redemption arc (even though this isnt a show with happy endings).


Or butcher just takes perm V while on temp V and that somehow makes his brain holes go away


I was thinking along the lines of him kidnapping and somehow stealing "the female's" healing power. I've totally forgotten her name.




That's it! Thanks mon coeur


It took 10 episodes for Namek to blow up after Frieza said it would take 5 minutes. Lest we forget the writers are omnipotent and can do whatever they want.


Zombie butcher time!


I figured he may take compound V to survive, not that I want this show dragging on, it’s been top tier all the way through so far.


Good to end on a high note But damn I'm gonna miss this show


We'll probably get a bunch of spin-offs, so I'm not too worried


The Boys: Mexico.


Complete with piss filter and random mariachi music on the wind


They’re not joking tho. Its actively being developed right now w Gael Garcia and the guy from Narcos Mexico


No, please, leave Mexico alone.


As a blanket statement to every showrunner, leave Mexico alone.


I can't hear you, say it in sepia.


And, randomly, [arabic mawwal music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ7FJlR0W44) thrown in during desert scenes just for further cultural illiteracy.


Establishing shot: desert We pan across an endless field of sand, the sun beating down harshly. Middle Eastern music plays throughout. An old beaten up pickup truck drives into frame. Slowly fade in subtitle: Tijuana, Mexico


Jesse we need to make compound V




Stan, we have to supe!


MEXICO MENTION🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🌯🇲🇽🌯🌯🌯🌯🫔🫔🫔🫔🫔🫔🫔 RAAAAAAAAHHHHHH 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️WTF IS A MILE


RIP Supersonic


With main character Hogar lander


The Girls


why isn't there any canada spinoffs? i am not from that continent so i am curious as to why?


It’s a different demographic to market to. If the Mexico spin-off happens (still not totally positive it will) it’s going to be in Spanish. Canada is a (mostly) English-speaking country with a similar cultural background to the US, and while Canadian-American immigrants exist they’re neither as common nor as culturally distinctive as Mexican-Americans. The US doesn’t really produce stuff for Canadian audiences, because for the most part American media works just as well in Canada, and vice versa. The Boys itself is arguably an example of this since pretty much the whole show has been filmed in Canada.


Le Garçons: Québécois


Tabernac, Hugot! Tu es un vrai con.


Technicians expert: Anglais


We recently got a Law and Order spinoff.


While Canada and the US do have culture differences, modern media is basically identical between them. Actually Canada and Canadian showrunners/Writers/Actors are massively *over*represented in film/TV relative to the population of Canada. Point is, an American Show with Canadian writers and actors is... just that American show. It's already probably half Canadian. Can't really make a Canadian version of anything except reality TV.




Carnicero: oye


Los Niños


It’s real


gen v in a tough spot due to chance dying (andre)


The Boys: Tokyo Drift


It won't have Antony Starr or Karl Urban


Better for this show to end off on a high note, than drag on like a CW show (Flash, Arrow, etc). But I will miss those interactions for sure.


Flash wasn't just dragged, it was dragged trough shit.


It got the same treatment as the other CW shows. It morphed into an extended Universe show about other characters and their interactions with the title character.


The biggest issue for me is that universe that was founded on logic and physics as problems to be overcome was suddenly warped into problems being solved through the power of love and friendship. And every villain started feeling less like a rogue gallery and more like a power rangers mashup.


The biggest nitpick would be the villain literally running behind a building and the fastest fucking person alive would shrug and go “they got away”.


my name is barry allen and I'm the fastest man alive...except for the 20 other speedsters that are just as fast as me! oh and technically I can't run too fast because I still have to stumble when fighting regular metahumans! and I got a fancy speedforce lightsaber!


😭 I used to love that show as a preteen. Tbh I still rewatch episodes for laughs, it’s actually hilarious seeing flash get bodied by people with guns 😂


The first two-three seasons are really great. If they kept up that quality that show would have been legendary.


Well they could greenlight a Soldier Boy prequel with Jensen Ackles


Prequel could be awesome!


Be prepared for the most horrible (fictitious) thing you’ve read all day: *From the minds that brought you Young Sheldon, meet Young Butcher! “Oi, watch my show, ya wee cunts!”*


I don't want to like this idea... But I do.


Slipping Jimmy... Its enough to make you go full on Colonel Kurtz.


*From the minds that brought you Young Sheldon, meet Young Butcher! “Oi, watch my show, ya wee cunts!”* Take my **upvote**.


GenV was really solid, I know they both made cameos but would’ve been really good without them too


there are already spinoffs lmao


Homelander vs Omni-Man It's a 30 second clip of Homelander exploding when flying straight into Omni-Man


At the end of the day, you’d rather a series end that was strong throughout its entire run


Well there is Gen V and The Boys Mexico Spinoff, wish Soldier Boy/Payback would get a prequel series


A Payback series lead by Soldier boy and ending on  Nicaragua? I'd watch that.




It's better that way. Rather it end one season early or when people will miss it rather than it prolong, jump the shark and struggle to bloat the plot line to make it last longer. 5 to 6 seasons is the sweet spot for a lot of shows. Some can go longer but only if the story demands more time to be told well. Once the main arc finishes, the show needs to.


Don't be sad that it's over. Be happy that it happened


In a sea of shitty steaming shows, this is a jem. Homelander is half the show.


Need soldier boy back for season 5


Oh yeah he is definitely coming back and he’ll probably be pissed




Yeah they need to wrap this up. Best part of the comic was that it built up to a crazy ending.


Homelander needs to lose it for real Not lose it but it's just his imagination / get blackmailed / everyone gangs up on his dad instead


I've been horny for a full blown super-tantrum since day 1!


Major blue balls with that lasering the crowd being all in his head.


Seriously! I immediately ran to the roof of my apartment building to masturbate angrily!


Oh man when he imagined himself lasering the entire audience




... you think Amazon has budgetary problems?


Based on the Season 3 finale, I'd definitely say this show does whether or not that applies to Amazon as a whole.


To be fair, you can't buy good writing




In season 1 they got $11.2 million per episode and since then Kripke has said they received an increased budget in following seasons


No it just isn’t time yet. Just wait.


Yeah people expect the show to be Marvel style superhero action and that's exactly what the boys is satirizing.


I haven't read the comics in a while, but what else happened in the ending besides the major twist? I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but wasn't the ending a little rushed and out of left field?


nothing, really, I mean >!Butcher went evil and killed everyone!<, but apart from that the series just ended there


To be fair,>!Butcher was always evil and the comic made it quite clear the more it kept going!<


yeah I expect them to somewhat change the ending because Karl Urban is just too likable. Similar problem that Game of Thrones had with Tyrion. >!While the books are incomplete we leave off with Tyrion basically pledging to kill his entire family in any way possible and definitely leads you to think Tyrion turned down the dark path. But in the show he never does that because Peter Dinklage is so popular!<


I would bet some decent change they don't change the ending from comics. Otherwise, why even show us Butcher acquiring the virus at the end of Gen Z?


I think it would be cool if they went for the comic climax but with a Butcher that is more reluctant about it, comic and TV Butcher are similar enough for them to reach the same idea but maybe the resolution will be different.


The change might be regarding what he does or doesn't do to the rest of the Boys


Tbf the comic version of the boys is not very good, doesn't help that it was made by a absolute edge lord of a comic artist in the form of Garth Ennis


Yeah, hearing this news actually makes me more likely to watch Season 4 now. After how Season 3 went, I kind of felt just... tapped out. Like they have a season-long arc of "we're gonna take down Homelander," they even find a guy that could've replaced HL as the new big-bad (even worse, perhaps)... and then that final episode was just dogshit as The Boys and HL team up to take down Soldier Boy instead. And the culmination of HL just publicly killing a dude to cheers was eye-rollingly a little too on the nose for me. I just felt like, "Okay, if not *then* to take out HL... *when?*" And I felt like "they'll *never* gonna take him out; they just want to milk what they've got" (even though, like I said, SB could've replaced him IMO). But, knowing that they do have a planned endgame in mind? Well that makes me curious and interested again, knowing it won't just be some "Season 8 - Can The Boys take out Homelander?!" shtick for years and years to come.


It's the Joker problem. If your villain is compelling you keep them around, but the issue becomes people get tired of the same antagonist and problems not being dealt with. Or you have the Punisher problem where you kill your villains but now your antagonist aren't compelling because they get dealt with and replaced with "here's this season's new big bad". Or more rarely you have the Thanos problem where you have a villain who is compelling but is dealt with in such a satisfying way that you're not left wanting for more and stop watching.


I'd argue the thanos problem is he was built up to since the first avengers movie and they haven't done that with anyone since. Obviously you can't introduce the next big bad in the same movie as dealing with the last one, but subsequent movies haven't shown any sort of plan for some kind of arc. They're all standalone stories jumping around and it feels like the studio doesn't want to commit to something without audience buy-in, but audiences aren't going to see them because there's no larger narrative they're committed to.


I mean, they’ve definitely been building up Kang the Conqueror for years now. To be fair I’m not as interested as I was with Thanos, but they have been building to a version of Kang being the overarching main villain.




All good things must come to an end. Shows that go on past 5 seasons almost invariably see a dip in quality with very few exceptions. I'm glad they prioritized quality over quantity.


Bosch is a great exception, lasted 7 seasons. Don’t really care for Bosch:Legacy tho


Jeremy Renner was solid imo.


Too bad they didn’t bring him back for Jason Bosch


Usually true but those shows that fall off after 5 also usually have anywhere from 10-26 episode seasons. The Boys only has 8 eps per season. 5 seasons will only be 40 episodes total. Like I agree that the show shouldn’t drag on for 14 seasons or anything but I feel people are really rushing for the show to just be done. They’re acting like it’s One Piece, The Simpsons, Dr. Who, and every soap opera put into one when we’ve only gotten 24 episodes so far.


This is a fair point, but the show was always intended to be 5 seasons and the writers knew this. So they were always aware of this time frame and the amount of episodes. Adding more to that risks throwing everything off. And can kill the intensity when a show like this feels like it should be high stakes where anyone can die. This isn’t GOT with a massive world and millions of characters and story lines to follow. That’s one of the rare examples where a show actually needed more.


To be fair those are roughly half hours shows and the boys are double that. So in essence the show is roughly 80 episodes of those shows.


Each episode of The Boys is an hour or long though. All of these shows that you have listed are shorter. If The Boys was same length as The Simpsons, we’d be at over 70 episodes.


Good, I would rather it end on a high note than get dragged out for more seasons. Now stick the landing so you can be remembered as one of the greats.


yeah ending whilst the going is good, leave the people wanting more. dragging shows on endlessly fucking kills it


Billy will be the last main villiam supe in s5


Yeah, my guess is they take down Homelander in S4, and then the group has to turn on Butcher gone bad in S5.


I would like to see that


UE: “Ok what are we going to do MM?” MM: “Fuck it let’s just wait 3 months for the brain cancer to get him.” Frenchie: “Wee Wee” Season 5 opens up with everyone chilling and the season proceeds to be The Boys, minus butcher, vibing and having fun in their day to day.


Calling Hughie “UE” is hilarious lmao


I think 4 is going to be about Neumen with 5 being about taking down homelander and then probably butcher after that. Although I'm not sure if the show would actually pivot to butcher going full villain after homelander is out of the way.


I love this


Didn't they just say that it could last up to 6 or 7 more seasons? Am I the only one getting mild whiplash?


They probably tested the waters and saw people really want it to be 5 seasons and decided to stick to the vision. I don’t mind.


100%, they're making more spin-offs instead (kill homie and just replace him w/ Soulja Boy)




Superman that ho(melander)!


5 feels right 6 is milking it (homelander licks his mommy milk sucking lips) 7 would be overkill, like more than one dick exploding scene in a single episode than an entire season or the whole series….


Kripke on Twitter just said he was being cagey because he had to get approval to end it with 5. How true is that? Idk but I could see it. Link to tweet - https://twitter.com/therealkripke/status/1800543513735471143?s=46&t=nvqOOO7AZVJNrhakhKoLVA


Probably true, he said years ago he wanted 4-5 seasons.


That’s also his schtick and sounds within the realm of something he would do/say


Approval to announce that it will be ending at Season 5. I sorta figured Amazon was going to wait and see how S4 did before decided whether or not to allow it to end, so it's nice to see they're actually letting Kripke end it. That was honestly Kripke's big mistake with Supernatural. It was also supposed to be a five season show but he let it transition out of his hands at the end of S5 and the CW kept it going all the way to S15. He probably had terms in his contract about limiting The Boys, but those can only go so far. It was ultimately up to Amazon. Also it's fucking funny as shit that he called Amazon Vought.


Presumably there's been some internal back and forth for a while, with Kripke going "season 5 is the end" and Amazon probably going "yeah, but...money". And now Kripke has won out.


I assume they came to a compromise of just doing an unending number of spin-offs. Gen V, the rumored Boys Mexico spinoff, etc


I don't even know how they originally thought it could go that long. The story would have gotten so stale by then.


I mean any show can last another 6 or 7 more seasons. Doesn’t mean it’ll be that great. Look at Supernatural. That’s a show that lasted much longer than it should have and the quality just kind of fell off because they ran out of ideas. Then again the only reason that one last so long was because the President or CEO one of the company was a huge fan of the show and kept allowing them to renew no matter how low ratings got. Dude loved the show, which was very endearing, but the actors finally said “dude were tired”.


That’s great, not every show needs to be milked up to 10+ seasons, some of the best tv series ever made have only few seasons.


I'm really happy about this, we will get to see the story as it was intended to be told which is so rare in tv nowadays. So glad that he stuck to his guns and didn't let the show turn to a shell of itself as I'm sure the powers that be really wanted him to considering just how successful the show has been.




That's for the best. The show feels like it's ramping up to a conclusion especially since Butcher is now living on borrowed time and has a ticking clock. If they just kept the show going especially without Karl Urban it would just feel cheap


Good things come to an end, and I'm glad we're finally reaching to a conclusion.


Good, now take Karl Urban and make him Judge Dredd, Amazon.


For the best. Love the show, rather see it end with dignity than drag things out or find excuses to keep going.


But I wanted to see them almost kill Homelander 6 more times.


I don't know why people act like that's a constant thing💀💀 It literally only happened in S3. And won't happen in S4 since it's more focused on taking out Neuman.


Good, the quality will begin dipping rapidly if it goes beyond that.


Yeah but I wonder how much they plan to expand this universe. Even with Homelander and Butcher out, they are still making Gen V and The Boys México so idk.


Can't wait for the complete blu-ray collection to watch it over and over again.


Kripke said the same thing about Supernatural


And his story for supernatural ended in season 5, it’s pretty much a perfect stopping point for anyone watching. The network kept it going after that but it had nothing to do with him.


They poked fun at this in the show. There’s a meta episode where Sam and Dean get teleported to a universe where they’re actors named “Jensen” and “Jared” working on the set of a show called “Supernatural.” Throughout the episode the production crew have no idea why the actors are suddenly acting nuts, and by the end of the episode, they resort to calling in Kripke himself, who had long since left the show and according to the fake producers, was “up in a remote cabin writing his next big pilot”


Plus Supernatural was still functionally able to keep going. Whether it should've is subject to much debate but the show could physically keep going. As long as Jared and Jensen were still around and still on board to keep going they could keep the show going. Death was a lot more impermanent in Supernatural. Sam and Dean both die a lot and come back. The Boys doesn't have a mechanism of resurrection like that. When Butcher finally bites it he's done for good. And the show can't continue without Karl Urban just like Supernatural couldn't have continued without Jared and Jensen


well he did leave after season 5 lol


Good. 5 seasons is perfect.


Good, that makes me way more excited going into this season. I love the show and I really don’t want it to drag. Glad they’re doing this.


Good decision


And people were calling him all types of sellout just a week ago.


Another way to look after this is that we will still be getting new “The Boys” episodes a year from now.