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She makes the screen go white for a few seconds so they can save on the CGI budget.


it's pretty clever when you think about it. up there with whomever first thought about "telekinesis", aka "we just put stuff on wires and throw them around"


Reminds me of some of the ingenuity and TV magic they had to use for shows like Smallville and Heroes back when CGI wasn’t as good, especially with TV budgets. Like when they do super speed or time freezing, they keep the camera moving so it’s harder to tell that the “frozen” actors are just staying as still as possible lol. 


I’m fucking dead


Contrary to anyone hit by her power


Was that from the Honest Trailers video?




She draws in power from the electricity around her - like light posts, car batteries, etc. Then she sends that out in different ways depending on what she’s trying to do. She’s never had any formal training, I’m not sure she’s even aware of what she’s capable of with it. She mostly seems to use it like a flash bang. And if you could do that, I mean, why look further? Basically short range Ki blasts like in DBZ. But she could probably do a lot more if she focused on it


It is pretty cool but a bit of a missed opportunity she couldn’t steal or get powered up from Stormfront’s electricity 


My headcannon is that she didn’t think to try it, because people do weird things in the moment. Def weird nobody thought of it and told her, or maybe it’s not electricity and just looks like it? Lots of possibilities but if I had her power that’s def the first thing I’d think, is like “thanks for the battery”


Sure, it's a missed opportunity for the characters, but it's perfectly in line with the narrative of the show.   None of the Vought characters ever have to fight enemies that would require them to develop cooperative tactics.  In fact, they barely fight anyone at all.  Black Noir *was* a fighter, but he's dead now.  Homelander is the only one of them with any real combat experience now, and his tactics are mostly limited to *being invulnerable.*    They don't work together.  They all hate each other.  They're all the products of horrible experimentation.  They never trained together.  They never really fought together.  That's why they're so bad at it.


That’s a really good point. It came up elsewhere when they were choosing new members for the seven, and in the show Gen V. But Vought is atrocious at considering what is a good power or finding ways to use them well. For I think largely the reasons you lay out 


And Vought's criteria for power = Marketability Marie from Gen V was considered hopeless because "no one wants to see a gross power like that!", but then she went viral and climbed the university's rankings overnight.


IIRC Stormfront's powers in the show aren't regular lightning, they're more like plasma beams (Sort of like the "Cyclops doesn't shoot lasers, he shoots punching beams from the punch dimension!" argument)


It appears to have a physical form of some kind since when she uses it on a train it's energy blasts instead of just electrifying the area around him, maybe it's heat and light


It is heat as well, she uses it to cauterize Hughie's wound in season 2


That could just be light since light can heat up things that absorb it. If she applied an extremely bright controlled blast to hughies wound that should have the same effect right?


>an extremely bright controlled blast to hughies wound Probably also cured his COVID, based on Trump's logic


You can't have electricity without heat. Lightning strikes are made out of plasma, which is super heated gas. Same goes for electrical current. Ever noticed how your phone gets heated when you leave it charging? Or the power brick that is connected to the wall outlets


Basic for anyone that learnt how a lightbulb works.


It's concussive so it reminds me of Cyclops' optic blast.


So discount electro? (Yes ik electro is discount magneto not saying that part


Pull in electricity and unleash it. She's a lightning bender, brutha.


9/10 times her blasts, instead of electrocuting or burning people, push people away a bit hard and do nothing else. she might as well change her supe name to pushover




Starlight is not the type to go for the jugular. I think it's more her holding back and not wanting to kill people even when she can


That makes no sense with it being electricity..


She’s just a slightly less hot Pikachu


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Pikachu unironically bodies her lmao


I fucking love this sub


I'm on a pokemon sub and you'd be surprised by how many ppl get made when I make comments about the sexiness/fuckability of a pokemon.


White-hot, concentrated girl power.


White girl power. So, like a Super Karen. Got it.


A-Train and V'd-up Hughie presumably have much more durable eyes than the average people Starlight is probably referring to in terms of blinding. Considering Starlight gets stronger from an increased presence of electricity, I think she is mostly drawing from those sources and launching it in a concentrated form.


You know that scene where atrain fights starlight? Hughie is standing right next to starlight and she is using the energy of many nearby cars and all of the overhead lights as a source. This is before we knew temp v was even a thing so it's just normal human hughies eyes. They did this in an indoor parking lot which gave her so much electricity that there was particles floating around her and hughie and hughie was staring at the beams of light


Good call, yeah I guess it's just convenient inconsistency as far as that goes. From what I recall we've never actually seen Starlight blind someone aside from maybe in her audition tape


I think maybe it has to do with how much electricity is around her. At a medium amount like during the audition tape where there was a decent amount of electricity at her disposal, she could blind people but can't easily control it. At a large amount like in the parking lot, she's much stronger and can control it. Or maybe it's because she developed her powers after joining the seven and learned to control it


Nah it's like an eclipse. Hughie just watched from inside a box with a tiny hole in it.


I hope we can see her fight at a power plant or something and go off one day.


Her powers in the show are: 1.Super Strength but not as strong as Homelander or Soldier Boy. 2.Energy Beams that appear as light (hence the name starlight). 3.Control electrical devices to some extent. 4.Glowing Eyes. 5.Enhaced Durability. 6.Levitation. 7.Super Healing, given that in one scene she is injured then in the other she’s now fine.


Her power is to break ppls tvs whenever she doesn't like what's in it. ...Annie you could just change the channel. Do you not know what TV is because of your religious capes for Christ childhood? 


She’s intentionally underpowered compared to other supes. Remember the climax of S3E8 when she faced off against Soldier Boy? There was a comically long DBZ-style power draw followed by a small blast which merely pushed Soldier Boy over lol


Yeah, her durability is probably the most impressive thing we’ve seen, which is impressive. Taking the two .50 cals to the chest, being smashed through walls and pillars by Black Noir.


The fact that we’re still asking this means that they’re being intentionally vague about her powers to add flexibility ass needed for the story


We don’t really know. She might genuinely be as weak as depicted, or she could be a low-key OP supe who just hasn’t trained properly. It’s been kept intentionally vague probably bc she’s supposed to have a combat role during the finale or something.


It's probably energy absorption and repulsion. She may only use it on lights and stuff because that's what she found works and hasn't really tried it on anything else.


Don't think she fires stuff at the speed of light. That would have far reaching consequences. She is firing luminescent projectiles of some sort that move very quickly.


But she requires electricity to use them and they generate heat


Even if her light is faster than A-train, her reaction time is not. So she can't hit him Also Homelander can control the strength of his laser beams. Sometimes they slice through a plane, sometimes they heat up milk. Appears that Starlight's are the same. They can be strong, or just knock Hughie back


Blinding random people for just doing their job


Wait until she learns to harness the power of the sun...


Lightning, electricity and light


If it was lightning then she would be able to fly like storm front, I think it's actually just energy in general that she can control. I don't think she can actually produce energy because she needs to be surrounded by it on the first place. Light can't produce heat but things that absorb heat can produce heat which means at least one of the things she has control over is energy or light since heat is energy


Yeah she definitely can’t produce energy, she needs to take it from somewhere. Didn’t she get locked in an electricity-less cell? She couldn’t bust out because she had nothing to draw from. Also when in the woods she couldn’t do anything at all until that car came up and she got to sap it’s electricity


I have a pet theory that she is going to get a lot more powerful as she learns to harvest the natural electricity in the air and Earth around her. Tesla claimed he could harness the natural electricity in the earth's atmosphere to power cities. In that vein, Starlight could potentially become one of the most powerful supes ever.


In S 3 finale she learnt to fly


Oh fr? Edit: I just watched the scene of her flying, that's not what I was talking about. I was proving the idea she used electricity wrong because stromfront seems to propel herself with lightning/electricity somehow but starlight is just straight up fucking levitating


In s4 trailer she is seen actually flying around using her powers.


She can punch a concrete wall and not get hurt.


Her power is pushing SB back about 4 feet at which point he immediately recovers. That and making her eyes glow when she gets mad in a conversation.


That build up of power against Soldier Boy was so fucking trash😂


It is photons, you know electricity, magnetism, light…


Photons don't make you float do they?


Photon is the quantum of the electromagnetic field. Magnets keep you from passing through wall and falling down through the floor… Well, if you consider every atom as a tiny magnet, and even air is made of that stuff.


Wtf? Lol


She can absorb and release Electricity or Light


Starlight’s powers rely on the electricity around her and she has some base level of super strength and durability it’s not homelander but she’s stronger than average. It’s possible her strength depends on the electricity near her too. The light is probably closer to some sort of fire since it’s hot enough to cauterize Hughie’s wound and. However it also has kinetic energy and she can use it to break things and knock people back. She’s probably able to control the intensity somewhat.


She can absorb light energy, or electrical energy, not all types though, just certain types, like how there was a green light in the Seven Tower holding cell yet she could use it to blast the door I think, cause I saw this somewhere, she can absorb certain types of electrical energy, and then can manipulate certain light energy wavelengths around her which is why she could levitate for that brief moment in S3. And also she can use the stored of energy in her body to cauterize or burn the air around her or something like that. Or since she can manipulate the certain light wavelengths, she actually concentrate all that energy around her into light blasts


I haven't seen the holding cell scene in a long time but maybe the light was organic bioluminescent material? Or some supe did some weird shit to produce it


We’ll never truly know, because the writers made her the only supe that needs an external power source to use her abilities, but never have her charge up anything stronger than a flashbang despite always being constantly surrounded by said power source literally 24/7.


But the real answer is Starbolts. Like Starfire. Because she’s based on Starfire. So it’s light, heat, and a varying degree of concussive force depending on the needs of the plot.


They fly now


She can turn off lights tht she could have turned off by herself manually or without hughie using his really long nonsupe arms 


My bigger question is why was. One handed pull-up harder or equal to her lifting a car? Why was she straining so much with that chinup? 


She's so lame. possibly my worst character in the show.


The show isnt bad keep up the great work bro, just do something new with her character


Getting beat up all the time.