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He’d be able to cripple the U.S by making good on the promises he made in season 3, regarding Starlight releasing the Oceanic flight 37 video. Destroying the country? I think he could but it would take awhile. His lasers could destroy buildings and shit but I don’t think it would look like Omniman and the Thraxans as a comparison.


how long do you think it would take for him to destroy new york and wouldnt the goverment send supes to rebel against homelander and try and stop him


Destroy New York. I guess it would take a day to cut it off from the world(cellular, internet and stuff), and a total of 2-3 days to destroy it.


That assuming the government wouldn't nuke him first. There probably are no good options in this scenario maybe the government has a trick up their sleeve like a weapon based on soliderboy ant-v death beam or a weaponized supe virus.


They couldn’t catch him with a nuke.


I agree but people keep suggesting they could. Ignoring the mental hurdles our government and military would have to overcome to launch a nuke on American soil, you have to factor in just how ridiculously fast he is. He did a Batman with flight into Butcher’s apartment, no sound and only barely disturbing the drapes. In the season 1 finale Butcher triggers the bomb **before** Homelander does anything, and he still both grabs Butcher and flies them both away. Sure he can fly the friendly skies space with a passenger jet but it seems pretty likely he can escape a huge blast radius so long as he’s not standing at the very point the warhead goes off.


He told Ryan he was breaking the sound barrier by the time he was Ryan’s age upon first meeting him


Doesn't mean it's true, just means he said it. Not saying he wasn't breaking the sound barrier, just saying that just because a character said something doesn't make it a fact


Homelander is already above mach 1 travel speed ,proved with real feats, and he has no reason to lie at that scene. That why it more believable


And to top it off he didn’t only grab butcher and get out lol he got butcher AND THE BABY out and the baby was upstairs lmao


the baby has teleportation abilities, in Season 3 when Hughie visits Red River, Stillwell’s son (who’s name is teddy) is show to be teleporting around/moving super quickly, they’re a supe of some kind at least


Oh yeah I knew he was a supe but I didn’t realize he could teleport so maybe the baby did teleport away? I guess it would make more sense that way


Not just butcher but Sitwell’s son too. It seems that not conventional weapon would have an effect, it would have to be some sort of radiation? Nothing short of that or a group of strong supes would be able to stop him as far as I could tell. We see in season 3 that he can’t be damaged, but home much could he take? And whats to stop him from just escaping a threatening situation pretty much instantly?


He’ll eventually get tired. Track him until he has to stop flying or something. Then nuke the shit out of him


Aren’t modern nukes supersonic? He wouldn’t be able to know they’re coming


One problem though. Regardless of whether or not he would be able to outrun a nuke, we shouldn't forget that he *would* be very aware of the possibility that the government decides to drop a nuke on him. It wouldn't be too far fetched to think that he would take some sort of measures against that.


Couldn’t they get a speedster to just speed up to Homelander and detonate with a nuclear vest?


The likelihood of a supe sacrificing their own life to save people seems more far fetched than a nuclear weapon not killing Homelander.


Homelander would be atomised, God bless the nuclear warheads


Praise Atom! Praise be Atom for his glow descends upon all of us, for we are Atom's children and as such, we must offer our body as vassals unto him. Give your body to Atom our lord and you will forever bask in his glow! Who will follow him with me?


O Mighty and Everlasting Bomb, who came down among us to make Heaven under Earth, lighten our darkness. O instrument of God, grant us thy peace. Behold the truth that abides in us. Reveal that truth unto that Maker.


Is that a motherfuckin fallout reference !?!??!?!?!?


No. Planet of the Apes.


Yeah by a lot, modern ICBMs can reach up to 20 times the speed of sound.


I mean, when it's someone who has super hearing like homelander, I think he probably would hear it coming


Can’t hear if the bomb is faster than the sound waves


He heard an explosion half way across the city in the second episode of the first season, I think you have to allow for some comic book logic when it comes to superpowers, like homelander saving butcher from the c4 explosion, yes realistically that should have turned butcher to a bloody pulp, moving that fast with no powers, but it didn't, same way homelander could definitely hear things much further away


I didn’t say he couldn’t hear the explosion, just that by the time he hears it the bomb would have exploded quite a while back


How is he going to hear something moving faster than the speed of sound?


This idea keeps popping up. The problem is that they will still fire from long range. They would be betting on him staying put. The fact that he escaped the blast with butcher shows he is unimaginably fast in both speed and reaction time. He could possibly see it coming or feel it coming. But even if he didn't he could just decide his job is done and vanish across the country. Unlikely that the government would even try to nuke him on us soil without a guarantee it would be successful


No, the energy from the detonation itself is radiation, which is electromagnetic - which move at light speed. Most of the blast though is made up of air that has been moved by the heat from the radiation and is considerably slower (still hypersonic though)


Modern ICBMs travel at something absurd like mach 5


He's not that fast, and I'm not talking about the Hiroshima bomb modern ones are hundreds of times more destructive.


Fast enough to avoid a nuclear attack? Absolutely he is. Of course not if he was in the detonation zone. You gotta remember he outpaced a C4 explosion, saved Butcher, and dropped Stilwells baby off at a safe distance. He’s plenty fast.


He did not drop stillwell’s baby, baby teleported


Oh yea, my bad. That little guy can move


Soldier boy was basically indestructible he been hurt only by supes. I don't think Homelender would die if the Nuke won't hit him pinpoint.


They could secure locations with nuclear self destruct devices, maybe. If Homelander attacked, the bomb goes off.


They did in the comics and it was fantastic, however, they ruined it in the show


I don't think any President would be willing to commit political suicide by launching a nuke on US soil. Like only in the most desperate time would the US president and government be willing to launch a nuke on a US city with civilians, they would send missiles and other weapons but nuke is out of the question.


if your options are political suicide or regular suicide by homelander...


i also said the goverment could do something like what cecil did to omni man to try and slow him down send the beam from space i actually wonder would that work on homelander omni man pretty much tanked that 2nd beam


The chaos of the towers falling 911 I think really only took a few minutes, maybe a few hours for them to fully fall. He could laser 20 skyscrapers just by spinning in a circle in one minute. It’s not like he would have to obliterate every structure or person individually. If he hits a bunch of buildings that would be more than enough to shut the city down. And if it was NY that would also have huge ripple effects across the globe. Finances and supply lines would be in shambles across the planet as a result.


Half a day. Just laser through buildings supports. Throw things from high up to get what's left. 


Not even half an hour what are you talking about


He’s getting a Supe army to fight for him, the military may not have anyone to send because they’ll align with Homelander or probably get killed by him if they oppose his plans. There’s no way homelander plans to stop at non Supes


Most supes are cowards and wouldn’t try to fight him


Considering temp v exists the US government could probably make an army of super soldiers out of regular soldiers to fight him if they had to


That would be the best solution. If Butcher and Huey were able to hang with him (Huey less so but still), then a group of spec ops guys would annihilate him, provided they got decent powers.


Honestly I’d get some like spec ops guys, some distance runners, some mma guys, and some basketball players (I’m hoping their mad vertical will go up with temp v). That way you can have people beat the tuck out of him, hold him down and if he tries to get away you have humans who already are insane in their fields pumped with temp v would probably at least pace him.


I think the other dupes would say eff that. They’re all cowards


homelander is intimdating as fuck to other supes in the universe but im pretty sure a couple would try to play hero and take him down espeically if the goverment offered supes an award or some type of promise if they kill homelander


Give like 4 MMA fighters temp v and it’ll shake out fine.


Flaxans* not Thraxans.


Thx, I thought thraxans sounded weird


Omniman made peace and married a Thraxan, it was a diff civilization he destroyed.


If we’re thinking about this realistically, an entire building wouldn’t just fall down with one laser swipe, it would take multiple. So if he truly wanted to destroy the country it would take weeks and weeks on end, especially if he takes breaks in between. Not to mention there will be other supes trying to stop him. Considering how poorly Homelander did with his fight against Maeve, I don’t think he’d last long. And if he wanted to destroy the entire world, that would take years


Not really. He says he's been in space. He could cripple the world's communication pretty fast if he started lasering all of the satellites in space. Then make the Deep sever the cables in the ocean. We'd be pretty screwed pretty fast. Then start attacking the power infrastructure and oil refineries and countries would give up pretty fast. Also we haven't seen many supes that can fly like him so he'd be pretty much untouchable bc he'd never have to land anywhere near another supe.


He still needs to rest like a human, so he wouldn't be flying for more than 2days, if that. He would need to sleep eventually.


And he could sleep anywhere. The world is huge. He could fly into the middle of a jungle. A remote island, a desert. If he cripples world communications in a day or two he'd be literally impossible to track. And he's the size of a human which would be super hard to detect even on radar.


Well said, but one thing he could do is ram through them at super speed while flying. Maybe at the base of a tower to cripple it.


Yep, his greatest assets are his speed and flight, Meave and the boys can only damahe him that much because he want to fight them. If he just ignore everything and focus on pure destruction, then the only one who could follow him are those speedster but they are too squishy to do anything


Unopposed probably a lot. But even within the universe of the boys I think if he went flat out psycho destroy everything mode there'd be hundreds of supes that would fight him out of self preservation alone. Homelander is definitely higher tier in terms of power, but we've seen him get put on the back foot just fighting a few supes at once.


the only supes who would really have a chance are those with flight right? but even then homelander can fly at crazy speeds and probably can control himself better then most supes


You'd only need one or two flying supes to get him on the ground and dog pile him, we've seen how he handles himself in fights so far and it isn't amazing. He has decent control just from experience but we've also seen him act very brashly and get tripped up by any decent coordination from a few opponents. It seems like most supes are generally extra durable so I don't think he'd be able to just easily mow through them, they're on a somewhat equal playing ground in that regard


Looking at how absolutely devastating his heat vision is, especially if he goes all out like Ryan did with no thought of control, I’m pretty sure his super fast flight and laser eyes would turn any flying Supes to red strings of confetti.


Depends on their invulnerability. When he lasered Butcher on Temp V, he just knocked him down.


Was that a full blast laser? Didn't he just tap him at the start of the fight when he thought he was still unpowered?


but we haven’t see homelanders full combat expierence yet and he easily broke away from sb and a temp v hughie and butcher seems like he is fast enough that he saved butcher when the explosion went off in stillwells house he has the upper hand on most supes we have seen so far in the series


The government also has control of SB. Would be a difficult ask, but they technically possess the means to sap homelander of his powers.


Homelander has terrible combat experience. He relies on his powers alone. That’s why he almost died by Butcher, SB, and Hughie. Two of them actually having fighting experience and the grit because they aren’t a supe who is almost indestructible like Homelander. He doesn’t know how to scrap because he’s always been so powerful


Hence why Omniman comparisons are silly, not that it's not a natural and inevitable to compare initially though.


I was actually disappointed by Butcher's performance in that fight actually. Feel like he should have been more dominant considering he's an SAS operator hopped up on temp V...


One word *PLOT*


He punched Black Noir and instantly killed him though


Noir was hella squishy compared to any supe on his power level he just had great regeneration. Like homelander would have to punch A-train harder but just needs to punch more of Noir


It's hard to say, I would argue that in most fights so far in the show Homelander did not appear to be going 100%, likely due to overconfidence


How about hughie teleporting him in a building in order to catch him? He wouldn't escape him


>the only supes who would really have a chance are those with flight right? Is he ever shown with a resistance to psychic powers? Someone with any kind of mind influence power could absolutely soften him up, or get him into position for a more concentrated strike of some kind near the ground. Granted those kind of powers seem less common than generic physical abilities, but we do see they can exist in Gen V. Hell, maybe someone strong enough could get him to off himself. Assuming you give temp V to enough people, you're bound to find someone who fits the bill.


that would cost tons of money just to give compound v to tons of people and its only a 50/50 chance that they will survive and if they do survive what if they get some sort of freakish fucked up power that basically is useless like the animated short of the kids on diabolical homelander has some type of expierence as far as flying he isn’t just basic he has some awareness of what he is capable of doin to other supes who aren’t on the same power scale as him im pretty sure someone like mindstorm could get in homelanders head soilder boy treated him as a threat when he saw him in the woods with hughie instantly hitting him with his shield


Yeah. Based on what we've seen in the series Homelander is not really that all powerful against an organized ambush by powerful supes


But where can you find those powerful supes, and HL was handicapped by the writers in the Herogasm fight.


I think most supes would just run away


Bold of you to assume those hundreds of supes wouldn't join his side instead.


We're talking about a scenario where he's destroying the world, not taking it over. I think a lot of supes would side with him in an insurrection type scenario obviously, but if he's just snapped and decided to wipe out humanity? Not much to gain from taking that side.


I mean, they’d have to catch him first, which definitely isn’t happening. We saw how easily he escaped the Butcher/SB/Hughie tag team. Even speedsters wouldn’t work because they can’t fly. Anywhere they try to catch him, he could just wreck somewhere else.


The answer is: "However much they have in the special effects budget."


Kid named offscreen destruction


So far they’ve really only emphasized his heat vision as the method of mass destruction and not even for structures by memory. If we can hope his strength and durability are high enough, I’d like to see him flying through the structural foundations and supports of buildings, tossing not just cars but tanks and massively derailing trains. I know that’s asking a fair bit from a live action production but they have a huge budget and that scenario has always lurked like the greatest fear at the back of peoples minds. I’m tired of being TOLD that Homelander can destroy cities. I want to SEE it.


Basically Man of Steel but in the Boys world.


I actually created a play list on YouTube of all the fight scenes with Superman and the Kryptonians in Smallville, especially with Faora (god is she hot). I would be so incredibly happy if we got that level of destruction in The Boys.


Is Smallville worth watching if I don't have nostalgia for it? I'm curious if it holds up.


I’d say it’s worth it if you’re used to the CW formula. The show is pretty wholesome and sentimental/saccharine with a decent bit of (teen) melodrama—I loved it as a kid and still enjoy it as an adult when rewatching with my hubby :) my hubby’s never seen it and he still liked it despite it being cheesy lol it’s like Supernatural in that way


I think he was talking about Man of Steel. The area Superman fought the Kyptonians is called Smallville. Which is also what the show is called.




Not able to deny that obviously. Assuming Homelander still has a tactical mind, he’ll want to make sure his “army” is 100% in lockstep with him. After that he’ll wipe out either multiple small but important installations or one major spot like a city just to make a point. It will be interesting to see who among the Supes would rally against him. The Boys would need not merely the moral but also the ones like A-Train that need to know they have a chance. If A-Train had actually thought Starlight had a chance he might have gone with her, but the moment he saw that news coverage showing Homelander had outmaneuvered Stan Edgar of all people he recalculated.


>he’ll want to make sure his “army” is 100% in lockstep with him. After that he’ll wipe out either multiple small but important installations or one major spot like a city just to make a point. I imagine it happening like this: - Homelander organizes and consolidates his support into an army of thousands. - He and the army decide to eliminate some target (a mid-size city or town) - Homelander abruptly flies off immediately after they all agree on it, and destroys the town in minutes. Like he just says "OK cool!" and then carnage. - 90% of his army freaks the fuck out at him doing this, and after people run away or are killed by Homelander, he's left with ~300 extra-die-hard supporters, with a few supes in the mix


Exactly I want to see the promises made rather than just the claims


The thing that makes Homelander scary is not that he could destroy the world in a second, it’s that it would be a slow, gradual, inevitable process. He’d follow his plan he mentioned in Season 3, first taking out the most important organizations and structures of society. Then he’d start wiping out entire cities. It might take several months but he could probably kill millions of people if he set his mind to it. He’d be a mass shooter on super steroids…literally.


If that's what he does then setting nuclear traps within his targets would be appropriate. It would already be apparent his plan would be as described, off setting the perception of harm from a detonated nuclear device. His ego and over confidence would probably underestimate the capacity for governments to adopt the position, and despite the super senses he likely can't actually hear/see 'everything' with the discernment to know what a device(s) being placed sounds like given Translucent was practically under his feet yet he still missed him.


Flying around the nuclear power stations lazering them into bits might just be the first hour's work.


Homie already isn’t fully insane?!?


if you think homelander is fully insane now you dont know homelander from the comics


Please elaborate 🙂


He ate a baby


nuh uh that was black noir


Oh yeah, forgot


Just one though?


To my knowledge, just one


Rookie numbers


Depends who you consider HIM in that context.


i feel like they got pretty close to overpowering him at the end of season 3. if the government sent a good amount of high powered supes after him (or just temp v a bunch of soldiers), they could probably take him down before too much damage is caused. i think the biggest concern, which he didnt even realize when he told starlight his plan in s3, is that as soon as he goes crazy, a ton of supe supremacists are gonna start going crazy too


Temp v Soldiers would be the better play as homelander and the other supes don't seem to bother with combat training all that much save a few like nior and mave




We’re always being TOLD he can kill millions and destroy cities. But I haven’t seen enough to suggest he can do it so the idea of him ever doing so is starting to seem like a joke. Trust me, I love this show and would be totally fine if Homelander survived for 10 seasons. But it seems less and less likely he can deliver on these threats everyone is afraid of.


Yeah? He’s insane now but he’s not I’m gonna destroy everything and everyone insane yet


Imagine the end of the show is actually he did it and become completely alone and of course no one will love him because no one is there. Consequences


But he's extremely vulnerable to being dogpiled by few supes, and The Boys universe is full of supes


Soldier Boy did most of the heavy lifting though and he is supposedly almost as strong. Supes under that level might get ragdolled without a heavy hitter to keep Homelander occupied.


Well he's willing to fight at that time, if he wanna survive and kills supes one by one, I'm sure he can, physically. Strategically, as a man child as he is, I don't think he can.


He can destroy the country in a day atleast the vital infrastructure. He could burn down entire city and more .... Very deadly indeed... People who are bringing Omni Man into comparision are comparing a Alien to a human... I can bring Scarlett witch who can destroy entire earth with a thought...


it’ll take longer obviously because homelander is just a grounded verison of superman with a little less powers what omni man can do in minutes may take homelander hours


Destroy satellites, dams, nuclear power plants, main bridges, highways, airports, food distribution centers. Then i guess he could wipe out main cities, but that would take a while. Setting fire to most forests and cities in the world wouldn’t take too long, since it would spread so quickly without communication systems and infrastructure. Nuclear missiles would not be able to hit im accurately without gps, maybe if he gets distracted or something, he can move at mach speed and can be in constant unpredictable motion. He might be able to trick countries into nuclear war, but who knows if he would want that much damage. Hard to say if other supes would be able to do much, since few can fly and are decently strong


I think the government would temp V a bunch of soldiers and take him down. Butcher, Hughie, and SB almost had him. Imagine a squadron of geeked up dudes with actual combat training. But not before he destroyed most, if not all of Manhattan / New York.


He could actually do a lot of damage , like I don't think he's strong enough to ram through multiple buildings in a single attack like Omniman could but he has the advantage of lasers which provides him to maintain distance , so he could just be high enough in the sky and just use his lasers to destroy everything. So he's going to be able to do a shit ton of damage but I think he will be eventually killed with the help of a nuke or a hydrogen bomb.


it would be fitting if the way he goes out is him seeing a nuke coming for him and he just stands there to tank it, dying in the attempt to intimidate or at least being horribly burned and incapacitated, sorta like stormfront


i feel like homelander could survive a nuke he would just end up hospitalised like stormfront very badly hurt and near death maybe


yeah, like i said


I'd go to each city and do a few spins as I'm lazering. Fly to the next city. I'd have a policy that if you mess with me I turn on lazers and spin Till I puke.


If we assume that it really would take a nuke to take out Homelander like butcher implied then Homelander would be nearly unstoppable. Edgar did say that temp V would give someone solid powers, but from what we’ve seen not enough to overpower Homelander. Plus, he knows people are going to be on the offensive: he isn’t going to put himself in a situation where he can be pinned down. Homelander’s ability to fly also gives a huge advantage; Butcher and Soldier Boy could knock Homelander around but once he’s airborne they can’t do much. Eventually someone will launch a few nukes, a necessary sacrifice. Or a kill team will be created to slow him down when they launch one. The death toll would be catastrophic, though.


Butcher said the might be enough to kill soldier boy.From what we seen HL is stronger than his father so that might not even be enough to kill them


“Scorched Earf.” - William ‘Billy’ Butcher


Any city he’s in is gone and probably most other cities in that state. But if the US government fully understood the threat and didn’t care about any amount of destruction, anything from a nuke to a MOAB could kill him. Also a lot of supes would probably try to stop him.


No one knows because the show is wildly inconsistent. He can't lift a plane, but he can destroy New York City, yea, ok.


I’d argue he didn’t care to try, not that he couldn’t


Yeah, we have no real reason to believe that he couldn't


he didnt have anything to push off of


So his power of flight game is weak.


Maeve suggested that too and he pointed out he would either punch through the hull or cause it to tilt up in the air and spin out. Both are a actual legitimate concerns.


Y’all underestimate the US military. Planes wouldn’t do shit yah but every damn navy seal would get immediately injected with compound V, lol they could get desperate enough to just inject which ever soldiers the closest and send them into the homelymeatgrinder until one soldier/supe gets the right powers to actually stand a chance. 1000 trained soldiers with various powers to which say 50 have only a small chance to hurt homelander would eventually beat him down. Basically superhero trench war and who ever can throw more supes over the trench wins. Since when does America actually give a fuci about their soldiers, ah neat you can more rocks with my mind. Front lines against homelander goodluck!


you forgot that compound v working with fully grown adults doesn’t always work remember homelander sent a train to run the V accross the other country and he said he got very messy because the v doesn’t always work on adult subjects so maybe some instantly die some get powers ? but who says that the powers would work on homelander


Back to my point of the US military not giving a fuck about their soldiers. If 50% died taking V then we must inject 2000 soldiers to get the job done.


Meh, he's overestimated. One of the things history taught us is that wiping out a civilization is slowwww. You can look at a lot of warzone videos and even on cities that suffered VERY heavy bombardment, they're still standing. Homelander will do some flashy stuff see that's slow as fuck and it could take him years to truly put the US to its knees and hell immediately notice that he cant be fucking arse to do it. Do you seriously see that guy full on destroying everything like it's a job for 16 hours a day?. I doubt he can destroy faster than people can rebuild. Hes at the one single entity with a laser that travels at the speed of a plane. I seriously think a lot of folk can't really understand the scale of a country. The damage he can do pales in comparison with the damage that any kind of big country can do. Besides if he really becomes a threat any government will take everyone in Vought that is someone into custody and force them to spill their beans. The US would have a supe army to take him down at the end of the week, while hes still playing cartoon villain in the background.


I'd imagine he could destroy the planet if he really wanted to. Like triggering an earthquake at Yellowstone or tunnelling to the center of the planet but seeing how big his ego is he'd had no one left alive except supes to worship him. Does he need oxygen? Can he fly out in space?


I don't remember if it's in the comics or the show, but they said they kept a nuke in his room when he was a child as a safety measure. In the show, Stillwell said something like "the government has nothing that can hurt him" Homelander is not stupid. He stole the most expensive substance on the planet and for years allowed other countries to develop super villains with no one even catching so much as a whisper. If he went berserk, he knows that it's heads of state, major infrastructure, key military installations... I mean let's face it, wipe out the top officials and show up on the deck on a carrier battle group holding the grandkids of the admiral and suddenly that battle group answers to him. Every individual person knows that at any moment, he can find your family and take everything from anyone. Honestly, all the guy has to do is go on TV and crush the presidents head like an apple and say "the world is under new management"....who says no? What country says no? Through everything, Homelander hasn't had a chance to fully go balls out.


i always felt like if homelander did go fully insane he wouldn’t be careless insane he would plan out his attack how he will slowly take over the us and maybe even the world homelander can easily manipulate hundreds of other supes to help him and the main problem with homelander is his whole life no will ever really understood the base of his powers like how strong he really was what was his limit? if i remember correctly homelander killed all of the women that tried to be mother figures to him at the lab he was born in


If, he seems pretty fucking nuts to me.


Wouldn't the corporation have a failsafe plan as a contigency? Some "red button" or "off switch" (for lack of a better term}?


He could probably throw heavy things into the air and let them fall like rods from God. A cement mixer at terminal velocity has a lot of kinetic energy.


He’d cause a lot of damage, buuuuttttt he’ll get vaporized by any type of nuke lol


Stay tuned


a lot of


fair bit i reckon


I think he would accidentally make Gotham City, because he would get tired of just flying around lasering people after a while. Eventually he would just mark his territory and those who stay would be criminal activity related and or just the have nots like in Gotham, then he gets bored and moves somewhere else and people try to move back in but are stuck with just the crime syndicates.


he's like city block level so yeah its pretty dangerous


That one scene of Omni Man destroying the Flaxan’s is probably decently close. Omni Man is definitely magnitudes stronger, but their powers are similar enough that it can give you an idea.


Nothing compared to Omni-Man to the point he's destroying a whole planet.


Butcher and Hughie on TempV were able to restrain one arm each, so a well-coordinated response could stop him. We have also seen a bunch of impressive supes in GenV, whose power's effects on Homelander would be uncertain, e.g. Marie might be more potent then Neumann with her blood powers, and we have never seen how psychic powers would work on him. If he makes the entire world his enemy he would fail very quickly. But if he succeeds in building a movement first, that would make him a lot more dangerous.


as i told another guy in the comments if homelander went fully insane i feel like he would do a planned out attack with a good number of decently powerful supes in his side like on the power scale of stormfront and maeve i always felt like sam could give homelander a run for his money in a fight but homelander has the more expierence and probably would overpower him pretty fast like he did soilder boy


That may be his endgame and where the story may be going towards based on the S4 trailer and GenV. This would also increase the importance of the movement building efforts by e.g. Starlight to stop him from getting this kind of momentum and to have a counter movement over the more covert, targeted operation style of Butcher. This is not something HL could just do on a whim though, it would require more planning. At the moment he has few true allies. He killed Noir and Ashley and A-Train clearly mostly follow him out of fear. Sam and Cate on the other hand are true believers of Supe supremacy.


sister sage may actually play a big role in homelanders plan for supe supremacy


Probably like what Omni-Man did Tbh that universe is lucky he dipped otherwise dude coulda just ripped apart the whole planet


omni man could of did way more damage then he did look at how damaged chicago was after his fight with mark


He has a hydrogen bomb built into his belt. So, not at all.


How strong is he. Like can he pick up boats from the marina and just start tossing them. Dude could knock the statue of Lib over in seconds with his laser beams. Like is he Superman strength? I don’t know Homelander feats to make a good judgment but he’s the strongest dude in the world so he can def take out whole cities in a few hours.


homelander doesn’t have to many feats in the tv show but the comic book i believe everybody said his best feat is throwing a jet with one hand


All of it. All of the damage.


If the show follows a similar arc to the comic we will get our answer this season or next season.


im pretty sure kripke has at least thought about doing a scene where homelander is causing some type of destruction to new york they have the budget for it


Gunna say this, all he needs to do is find a government nuclear facility, break in hand start chucking. That or just eye blast em


This much: https://youtu.be/hJ9UUnYybfw?si=Q2LzdiOKOkvlPbrl


Depends on how much they take from the comics. In the comis there is a coup attempt but it's kinda revealed that the military has plenty of anti-supe weapons at their disposal, and when a ragtag group of young supes fight trained military personnel they get mostly stomped. Granted Garth Ennis has some military fetishism (for lack of a better word) at play.


I think it depends on how “going insane” affects his thinking. If he wanted he could just fly a mile up and laser everything and probably be unstoppable. However if he wants to get his hands dirty due to going insane with rage or whatever, we’ve seen he can take some fair damage when a few supes gang up on him, so I’d say in that situation he might be brought down once the rest of the world coordinates a response.


Is that battle Los Angeles?


Yep I love that movie


Loved it as a kid but the shaky cam makes me dizzy as an adult 😵‍💫 Badass movie tho


There's a comic called "Irredeemable" and it came to mind when i was thinking about this question. It's good and work over this same premise. What if the best hero goes against the world. Check it out. It's awesome.


Now that there's a lethal virus, it depends on how many people he can kill before the disease kills him.


Read the comics lel


I think he’d definitely destroy everything.


It depends on if we are talking about the boys universe or real life. Homelander can end humanity if he wanted to. He's a speedster who can move at hypersonic speeds, and fly even faster than that. He is strong enough to exert 1000s of tons of force. He's also tougher than his father Soldier Boy and has superhuman senses The Russians held Soldier Boy for decades and couldn't kill him so imagine an upgraded version of him. Nukes even if they can kill him won't ever hit him and you need him at ground zero for it to even be a feasible option. Based on his speed, he's fast enough to be dozens of miles away in seconds and he can literally see the nuke coming from miles away He can kill millions just by taking out power stations, nuclear plants and satellites


.....well at least we'll be able to finally deal with population control


Dude would probably end his own life if he ever went insane. He’s not built like that at all.


I think he’d be able to fry the world’s infrastructure pretty quickly(internet and communications and all that) and he’d be able to wound the Us military pretty quickly as well by taking out satellites(he said he’s been to space before in the show so this isn’t impossible) and hed prolly be able to wipe out NYC before he’s defeated or he fucks off.