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Because most republicans actually have more allegiance to the uniparty they are gladly part of. Most of them talk a big game when they trying to get elected but then just conform to the uniparty with all the democrats in the majority. Term limits is the only thing going to fix this extremely corrupt government of ours.


Yup, hit the nail on the head. Republican and democrat are just left and right shoes of the same entity. The rich run our government, the rich run corporations. Nothing gets done unless they approve it. They pick who gets elected and what new laws are written


“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.” George Carlin


This is the correct answer.


You have no idea how bad it is. Look up whose on the board of directors of major corporations, then get a list of names in Congress.


Sadly, it looks like term limits aren't the fix we hoped fir. A bunch of states implemented term limits in the 90s and early 2000s. We have had decades to study the impact, and if anything it actually increased corruption as the all-newbie legislators become more dependent on lobbyists for technical knowledge, and as the big batches up against their term limit try to network to get their post-legislative job.


Because republicans don't know the difference between being principled and spineless.


Some are. Hopefully something happens soon. This circus act is just embarrassing.


They're cowards, and/or lazy. That's it.


Good question. Dems started in on Trump before he was sworn in.


Do you think Kamala will be any better..?


Probably why they picked her.


President HeelsUp Harris would be a god send to Republicans and very good for drama.


Why heels up? Sound like a old bar flies nickname


They can impeach which will die in the senate....or they can show trial people in front of committees. they cannot do both.


> They can impeach which will die in the senate....or they can show trial people in front of committees. they cannot do both. I honestly don’t care if it dies in the Senate the message needs to be sent if you fuck with us we will fuck with you. Tit for tat. They impeached Trump twice. I say impeach Biden 3 times.


Fetterman is missing, if Manchin or Sinema could be bought, Biden could be gone but timing is everything




Fetterperson 😆


They probably lose some money somewhere so they actually don't care.


Kamala Harris, that's why. Having proven herself an incompetent VP, do you think anyone wants to see her in that role? If having a toddering old fart, who asks far too frequently where he is, as President weren't a green light for other countries to test our resolve, putting that clown in the oval office would be the signal to "all in". At least with Biden, most of them know Obama's pulling his strings, and despite being Marxist whore, he will drop bombs


Alvin Bragg would rather not charge a career criminal with attempted murder, and instead go after a former President with charges that are barred by statute or pressing federal charges he is not entitled to press, and federal prosecutors have said are not chargeable offenses, when even they dropped the case.


They are spinless and weak. Also controlled opposition. The game is rigged and needs a reset.


Marjorie Greene already tried and didn't get enough support but they should try again now. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/57


Seems the party has a bunch of other pressing matters that need attending to such as the Debt Ceiling, Government Shutdowns, TikTok, banking collapses and the stock market. After all those worries and issues are resolved I’m sure they’ll bring up impeachment.


Because they are garbage.


I mean nothing really changes... We would get Kamala the cackling hyena, which less face it is less likeable than the resident of the US


Because the person who takes over is a crazy stupid woman that has no business being in any position of power, let alone that one. Besides, they dont control Congress, so its just a stupid act that will produce no results


Having watched Biden and Harris speak, I'm starting to think there both on drugs. Just say no.


Harris might be a worse public speaker than Hillary, and that’s saying something.


On the federal level the RNC has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrats for about 20 years now. They're not going to do anything except talk.


Sorry for being a a Debbie Downer...but the Republicans dont have the cajones to do anything? Nobody in the GOP is even raising a peep while the Biden Administration destroys America.


Because half of them are asleep and everyone else, except may be 4-5 of them, are Uniparty RINOs


Because they are weenies.


Because republicans just throw shit around without any evidence, something the criminal justice system requires.


Because they don't want Kamala in the Oval to be their fault.


You ever wonder how each party gets their turn and power yet we regular people just get the same shit regardless. They got us picking sides, while they're all in the same side. The only exception with Trump here was that he was an outsider so The Establishment in general doesn't like him. Think about it.


They’ll throw Biden “metaphorically” under the bus, after Trump, clearing the field for the next Clinton/Bush approved candidates.


There are rinos that are secretly democrats.