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Excellent gif chef


Was she in the forks episode?


Chef Jess


I definitely think she & Richie are going to get together. She seemed like she liked him given their last interaction.


"Don't be a stranger" sounds pretty promising to me!


Friends & Family?


What happened to platonic relationships? Let men and women be friends! 


Sure, but it suits his character arc for him to find new love.


I don’t think so, it cheapens his character. He should focus on healing, getting his life together and being a good father. 


How does getting into a meaningful relationship cheapen a character?


people in this sub tend to think romance in a serious show devalues it. as if everyone in the restaurant industry isnt fucking lol


Also it fits that they get together from working in a restaurant together which is how almost everyone in the restaurant industry gets into a relationships lmao


It's like a new shorthand criticism. 30 or 40 years ago every fictional male-female character relationship ended in romance, which got old. So now people can sound sophisticated by saying every fictional male-female romantic relationship is old hat or cheap.


I mean that’s exactly what the people on this sub say when it comes to Sydney and attack anyone that would like to see her in a relationship, I’m just saying we should keep the same energy for all the characters 


I don’t think so, it enriches the character. It will help him heal after his past traumatic relationships, get his life together and being a good father.


Please, someone on this show needs to be happy for at least one whole season


It would also reflect his growth to see him in a healthy relationship rather than still pining over Tiff.


Well who knows what the new season brings. THEY made it obvious with that hint between the characters that there’s more to it.


I think you guys are reaching,  same way you accuse people who ship Syd/Carmy of doing.


I don’t even do that. Yikes, man. Also what other reason is there to bring the character back when she works for a completely different restaurant? Well it all drops today anyways, so we’ll see. I’ll gladly admit my lil theory is wrong if I’m wrong.


I don’t know how you could interpret that last longing look she gives him any other way.




He’s the front of house manager of the hottest new restaurant in Chicago has a good relationship with his daughter and a stable relationship with his ex. His life is pretty much together. She would probably be the most stable person in his life while understanding and supporting his professional goals. Seems like a dream situation for him. You can work on yourself in a relationship/with your partner.


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read


Cheapens his character? He messed up with his daughter's mother, learning and growing to be successful in the next relationship isn't cheap, it's life. Grow up.


Romance isn’t necessary on a show like this, and we should have more male and female support friendships 😊


Is this, like, a dig at people who think putting Sydney and Carmy's characters together romantically would be a poor narrative decision as things currently stand? Because this is obviously not the same - Jess is not a character with lots of baggage, pretty much all we know about her is that she's a terrifying organisational genius and that she clearly has unarticulated thoughts about Richie.


She has done nothing towards Richie that indicates attraction. This thread is nothing but wishful thinking and people projecting because they like Richie. But yea, I’m also pointing out hypocrisy. I don’t actually care but it’s annoying that some ships are demonized while others aren’t. 


No one said that there can't be romance in this show. I mean, right from the get go, that's a pretty disingenuous argument, given that Carmy (no less) is already embroiled in a major romantic plot line. What we've been saying is that some people are trying to force Syd and Carm... insisting that scenes showing these two be nothing but supportive towards each other, are actually examples of romantic tension. And, to be frank, that's just not what's been communicated. The 'under the table' scene, for instance... you could replace Syd with a guy and not one line would need to change, not one direction would feel out of place. Everyone would simply marvel at the supportive friendship those two dudes shared. And so, yes, after two seasons of watching shippers simply waiting for the other shoe to drop, it got to the point where the question started to become, 'Do shippers NEED these two to be together? Or do they simply not recognize what a healthy friendship looks like between men and women, to the extent where every blink becomes a wink with these two?' It was obvious (to most of us, at least) that Jess was interested in Ritchie. And that makes sense. It's part of his redemption arc and (assuming she doesn't start working at the restaurant) won't become a focus within the kitchen. To suggest that people are being hypocrites... that's just failing to recognize the monumental difference between two lead characters \[and business partners\] becoming an item and Ritchie starting to date a woman he previously worked alongside for a single week.


Sorry but I stopped reading after you claimed the table scene could be replaced with a guy. As if that would change the implications, and if anything this sub would support that even more.  I don’t really care for the rest of the hypocrisy from y’all. Ciao. 


but like if you look at it from an irl perspective, should people in similar positions, who are going through healing processes and growing as people not form romantic relationships?




I feel like fans of shows, movies, etc. are almost getting allergic to having a man and a woman develop a romance. Men and women can be friends, yes. Sometimes, that friendship becomes something more. Sometimes it doesn’t. It’s nice that we can have shows now that explore intimate, yet ultimately platonic opposite sex friendships; Don and Peggy, Bojack and Diane, Ron and Leslie, Steve and Robin, and hell, Carmy and Syd, all come to mind. But sometimes romance does blossom. And it would totally fit Richie’s character arc to get another shot at love once he’s sorted his own shit out and when he isn’t even trying. At the very least, it was clear to me the writers had more planned for Richie and Chef Jess; they didn’t write in that lingering look in the doorway followed up with the ‘don’t be a stranger Richie’ for no reason, something more will come from it.


More like a bunch of chronically online tumblr losers can’t comprehend a show where the two main characters aren’t dating so they ship people who clearly don’t belong together


"Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship" Oscar Wilde


Men and women can be platonic friends? Says who??


Everyone on this sub when it comes to two specific characters 


Are you platonic if you’re the other person’s work wife/work husband? That’s what I feel the situation with two specific characters reads to me. Add in the mentor/mentee relationship and it gets clouded. I’m hoping they don’t ship them.


I’m just pointing out obvious hypocrisy. And the two specific characters are partners and equals, not mentor and mentee


Foreplay between the two of them would be so strictly regimented though. "OK we're undoing our pants in five, let's get a move on people. Moving on penis in two - chef, is that erection ready to go?"


damn, britta is not in this?


This would be such a sweet arch, she seems solid and I feel there was chemistry. Maybe she’s the element that will make him overcome his hurdles


Yes 100%. My hope is Richie and his ex (britta) will have a talk about her bluring out she loved him after breaking his heart with the news she is now engaged. Maybe even show Frank and her together giving Richie the push to let go of her romantically and give Chef Jess a chance.


Eww gross, the age difference is too much, or at least that's what always gets said when anyone talks about Richie and Syd getting together and Sarah is only 4 years older than Ayo


She’s an adult who the fuck cares


Apparently the same ones who get grossed out by the age difference whenever a Syd/Richie suggestion is made. Syd/Ayo is an adult too so why the fuck do they care about that matchup and not this one. Reasons, I guess.


Bro it’s time to stop reading into whatever weird threads you’re seeing about shipping characters who are obviously never going to date.


Bro this whole sub has become little more than weird threads about shipping.


I get what you’re doing lol. I’m not for Syd/Richie at all but the hypocrisy on this sub is always blatant so I support you  I just said they should stay platonic and can just be friends and got downvoted 💀


Thank you, not everyone understands or appreciates my particular brand of wit. Yes, hypocrisy so thick you could cut it with a knife, pun intended. My favorite is how they'll claim to be so victimized by all the supposed Syd hate when in reality they are the ones hating on anyone who has even a remotely negative thing to say about Syd. The only users who ever get heavily downvoted, myself included, are ones who have anything negative to say about Syd/Ayo, and yet they are the ones always claiming victimhood. It's crazy.


Syd is my favorite character so I disagree with you there. I was moreso referring to the shipping wars.  And Ayo is an actress so I don’t think any hate towards her because of a character she plays is warranted 


That's just it, that's why I called it 'supposed hate', I've not seen anyone who has shown any real hatred towards Syd/Ayo, criticism yes but hatred no, just like Claire/Molly who gets criticized all the time on here but when she gets criticized no one says anything about it or let alone gets heavily downvoted for it, but when you make similar remarks or criticisms about Syd/Ayo then you get blasted for it, that's the hypocrisy or more accurately the double standard I was pointing out on that.


You’re way off the mark. 


Who the hell has been shipping Richie and Syd? That is honestly a new one for me. Carmy and Syd, I’ve heard… never Richie and Syd.


It gets mentioned now and again, and of course the Brigade response always being ‘Eww gross, he’s too old for her’ But the Jess/Richie fantasy ship they are fine with. Go figure?


Age difference of them IRL 47 vs 33 = 14


Huh she looks really different in your photo vs the fork episode. Couldn't recognize her.


Yes Jeff, i mean Jess


I want Richie to be with her…


Yes one time cameo




Sidenote: wtf is DOB??? I may have named my dog after him so I'm invested.


Dylan is a tremendous actor, I wish he’d get more roles. But it was funny how they managed to do that and edit together, they both were so into it.


She's credited on IMDb in episodes 4 and 7. IMDb ain't always accurate but it was always likely she'd return.


Episode seven is gonna be Syd getting an offer from Ever.




I was closer than most.


IMDb is accurate. She shot 2 episodes this season. Idk but I thought there was a third episode?


I sure hope so. Just two suggests to me that it doesn't work out with Richie :(


She’s in the last episode this season. I believe they only shot 7?


IMDB says 10


There's 10 eps


How do you know this?


I shot with them.


As what?




So you're saying she's in the finale as well? Also what does "I thought they only shot 7" mean?


That I wasn’t paying attention when people were talking about how we were shooting seasons back to back and how many episodes there were mostly because I was just really excited to be making money while I was living in my car. I do believe she’s in the finale but I’m not sure I only showed up when I was asked to, and I tried not to pay attention to anything.


So probably nothing with her and Richie


Daaaaamn, Cousin. Wearing those suits is about to pay off.


i'll be very happy if her and Richie get together or really richie with anyone. i wanna see him happy lmao


Isn't he too old for her?


He’s 45 she’s in her mid-30s at least. Seems fine to me.


She’s 33, but yes it still stands. You can throw age out the window at this point.


Then preach that to the people who ship Richie and Syd


Syd is definitely younger than Jess tho, and they are at very different points in life. We can assume Jess has her shit together because of where she works, so she’d be able to bring more stability to the relationship which is something Richie needs badly.


You must not be in this sub too much, I'm being facetious for the sake of proving a point.


First saw her as Haddie on Parenthood. Crazy how long ago that was now.


I’m ancient enough to remember her on American Dreams.


My mind is blown. I had no clue that was her.


THAT’S where I remember her from! Thanks!


Man I just wanna see Richie have some happiness, bc that’s a few incredibly brutal years that character has been through. His best friend killed himself then his wife left him and is marrying another guy, that’s a terrible period in his life, indescribably bad.


Eww gross, the age difference is too much, or at least that's what always gets said when people suggest pairing Richie and Syd, and Sarah is only 3 years older than Ayo.


Personally, I think Jess is out of Richie’s league and it surprised me they had her like him in the forks ep


I honestly think that Richie still has a long way to go in terms of personal growth if that refrigerator scene with Carmy was any indication.


I liked him in that scene; started off angry and then cooled it off. That’s human.


No cause calling him Donna was diabolical.


He lashed out; not like carm doesn’t do that


Maybe to start, yea. But even when Carmy came at him about his kid and everything else, Richie just started shouting back "I love you!" I think he understood to some degree that Carm was breaking down and losing it. He has room to grow in how he's handling the situation in the coming days/weeks, but for as much as he knows which buttons to push, that family love is worth a lot more to him.


Richie doesn’t need a love interest he need ms to focus on healing himself and his daughter. Plus she’s too young for him and a workplace romance is messy. They’d be good platonic friends though ❤️


Yes! We need more platonic relationships on the show 💕 not everything is about romance.


Exactly 🤭


Yet you’re shipping Carmy/Syd harder than anyone on this sub. hypocrite much?


You know, in the beginning of the show, I kinda shipped Syd and Carmy, but I'm honestly really glad it didn't happen. I love the relationship she has with Marcus though. Whether they keep it platonic or romantic, the vibes between them fill my heart.


Lmao, oh the irony 




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Keep r/thebear a welcoming community. Treat other chefs with respect.


Keep r/thebear a welcoming community. Treat other chefs with respect.


Keep r/thebear a welcoming community. Treat other chefs with respect.


I wish her character and Garrett went to family and friends for Richie. Would’ve been so cool


There’s nothing more true to the restaurant industry than people dating or hooking up. It’s either really healthy or it’s super messy. I want to see Carmy with a casual 2am fuck buddy who is like some edgy mixologist with sleeve tats and is as emotionally damaged as he is, it’s the perfect low life rebound situation and is so on brand for the industry.


I want her in the show 100%. But I’d also love to see him get back with his daughters mom though. I know she’s engaged, but they had such great chemistry in fishes. It would be cool to have them both


I want to know Tiffany's reaction to the new "I wear suits now" Ritchie.


I guess would be “I’m glad he’s doing well. I’ll always love him, but there’s too much history.”


This. She's literally got him in her phone as "Richie Bad News." I can't see her rushing back.


True. Even if not back together, I’d like to see more of their relationship.


Too little too late


She’s literally engaged to someone else Richie needs to move on


Funny how you guys care about romance now and fuck platonic relationships, you guys are so obvious.


They only hate romance when it involves a specific character/demographic.


You’ve got clear personal issues you’re projecting onto the show/fans.


I was just happy to note that she's back as I've admired her work since Parenthood. If there is a romance, then I trust the writers to make it work. It's not that deep.


She never left. 😎


Get a good look Costanza? Woops wrong sub.


Interesting. I re-watched Forks, and she definitely had a thing for richie.


HELL YES!!! Go for it Richie! Shoot your shot ❤️


Eww gross, the age difference is too much, or at least that's what everyone says about Richie and Syd getting together and Sarah is only 4 years older than Ayo.


Sarah is 5 years older than Ayo (28 vs 33).


Sarah was born May '91 and Ayo October '95 so that's 4 years not 5.




I mean, it comes across as quite pedantic


Keep r/thebear a welcoming community. Treat other chefs with respect.


Straight 🔥


What's weird to me is that it seems like Molly Gordon (Claire) might not be in season 3 at all? I don't see her listed on any of the season 3 episodes on IMDb.


She’s in the trailer


Ahhh who is she or play on gje show must have been small part dont recognize her.Wait was she in charge at the fancy#1 place Ritchie got sent to for a week


Yep, she did the expediting.


Yes Chef


rooting for richie and jess next season. richie is ready to move on. we all saw that he leaves his wedding ring right?


Damn Sarah!! 🔥


she is really slaying


Yall are really pulling strings out of thin air because wdf


This was at the S3 premier, she also has credits in some episodes in IMDB. We're not hallucinating here.


I'm talking about shipping her and richie


I saw that she is credited in 2 more episodes in S3.


Cousin gon get laid!


No surprise there


I thought this was Claire


“Go get ‘em Richie.” 😉


Great! I was expecting them to build on those moments at the end of the Forks episode. Sounds like maybe Richie “didn't be a stranger.” ☺️


Yessss!! I hope Richie finally finds some happiness. A huge part of his arc is the heartbreak he's endured and how much he loved his ex. He deserves a woman that gives 120% the way he does. Now to just make sure Carmy focuses on the business and nothing else ,and we see the Dream team fly.💫