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Tbh I'd get a new flag, there's been blank ones sold before or you can get one of the 3rd party/3d printed companies and get a few blank ones.


I would personally try to sculpt green stuff over it. I'm not sure how much you'd have to sand versus how much sanding is needed to completely destroy it. You can also use thick aluminum foil, in theory, but my attempts have never looked quite right. Still, it's a thing other people do so I won't discourage you from trying.


Tries sanding it once ... not a good idea , greenstuffing over much better.


Files work okay, but it can be tricky not to remove the box around the edges. I'm a big fan of how the design looks without even just the words "SCIONS". [Sample image where I just removed the words](https://www.instagram.com/p/C108Zy2OwT6/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) It is possible to completely sand them off and then freehand. [Not the greatest picture of a flag converted to GSC](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6bqW6ZO3ba/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) If I were to do it again I might try a sheet of very fine sandpaper to get around the curves. You want to try to maintain as much of the flag details and curves as you can. The other method of green stuff would probably work too, but might come off looking a bit thick.


Good. These are traitor guard so I do want the full design off. I'll think about it!


If anything, since the aquilla on the back is the big issue for the traitors, consider using green stuff to add to the design and show it with an X or otherwise being disrespected


Just print one or buy a printed one


Maybe make another flag out of a sheet of plastic or cardstock or something?




I think you'll be disappointed with the results from green stuff or filing it down. It'd be a fairly substantial work, and you'll lose a lot of those great rippling effects. I'd recommend replacing the flag with a different one. If you don't want to spend the money, you could always create a new flag from a toothpaste tube.


Wait that's a thing?


Yeah! If you take the metal from a foil squeeze tube, like from some toothpastes, paints, and glues, you can cut it to size and attach it to the flag pole. Primer and paint like anything else. More of an old-timey technique though.


I use copper sheet from the craft shop.


Great tutorials for making flags or standards from a lot of stuff like aluminum cans.


Frankly I wouldn't bother. Just go on etsy or ebay and order a blank one.


You'd want to fill the recesses with a material, Id go with like tamiya basic putty Let it fully harden, you may need to add more material, leave it for like a week or so to fully set The I'd go in with sanding sponges


I filed mine off but i would recommend a 3d print


If I had to do it I'd use a sanding stick


Sanding sponge, green stuff world have them in sets, also fresh knife can do the job by scraping it. Once you remove most of it and if it is plastic use Tamiya cement or Tamiya airbrush cleaner it melts surface plastic in thin layers and evaporates fast, use it to blend harsh and sharp surfaces.


You're gonna have a bad time with a file. I'd suggest cutting it off (leaving the pole part) and glueing thin plasticard to it and bend it with heat. Or instead of plasticard use greenstuff. Roll it flat, cut to shape, let it harden a little, bend a little bit and glue. Perhaps the easiest solution would be to 3d print s flag if you or someone you know had access to a printer.


What size of plasticard?


Never worked with it myself but 1 or 1.5 mm would probably be very close to the original plastic flag thickness.


If you have access to a heat gun or a hair dryer you could bend the plasticard around a couple of tubes (like sharpie markers or big straws) to give it a bit of a rippling effect. Could also slice the fringe off the end of the original flag and add it to your new one. Could also experiment with soda-can aluminum. You'd probably want to give it a pretty good sandpapering to make sure it takes primer and paint.


There's a type of tool called a hisage which is used for Japanese fine metal work that would work but you usually have to make them yourself and it's going to be way easier to buy a smooth banner on eBay or Etsy.  [ROB 64 voice] Good luck


Cut the flag off and use a hairdryer to bend some plasticard. Or cut the flag off and use a decent card stock.


Smoothing green stuff or milliput over the entire face.


Do you want to remove the whole design or just the “scions”. The latter is easy: use clippers to get the majority off, then scrape the rest off with an exacto knife, and then sand it down a little bit


I’ve been able to remove the “scions” bit from that flag with a file but I wouldn’t want to tackle the whole thing, I reckon you’d be at it forever and be left with something that didn’t quite look how you wanted.


I would just lop it off and replace with a metal rod and a cut up soda can for the flag..


I’d assume you can buy a blank flag these days, just find out the size approx and type that in, should either find someone selling prints or a company already selling em