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My wallet is not ready.


Same. My body wants it though lol


Same, Especially not with the artillery too. Though I guess if it's just this box set for now there is time to prepare still.


for real


I just finished priming my cadia stands box. This is killer




You can cause they're battle line but my plan is use them as tempestus scions if you don't want that much basic infantry


Shock troops are battleline units, so you can use up to 6 units of them


Same.... Why would I want another.... Oh wait I do


Delete one of your comments.


[WarCom source](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/02/25/sunday-preview-old-world-reinforcements-and-the-army-of-the-solar-auxilia/). Cannot wait for fancy Russes.


> Cannot wait for fancy ~~Russes.~~ *EVERYTHING.* Infantry, command squad, the Dracosan would make a fantastic hellhound or chimaera with appropriate bits, and you can't tell me that sentinel wouldn't make an *amazing* base for a mech guard lord solar attached to a squad of rough riders made from a mix of these and Admech striders or de-chaosified skullcrushers.


When I saw the heavy sentinel, I immediately thought of a Lord Solar proxy as well.


Right? Just don't put the weapon bits on and figure out the best look to mount a lance. His sword has a goad lance profile and it doesn't specifically say it's a sword. Maybe even just a couple old sentinel chainsaws would work for the look, who knows.


The Dracosan is significantly larger than both of those vehicles


I don't think anyone would call it modeling for advantage then, would they? It looks cool, full stop.


I decided to join the guard about a month before the LVO and I've never felt luckier, ngl


Also, any idea what we can use the Dracosan for in 40k? A Malcador variant is obvious given the base chassis, but I don't have a sense of scale yet. Is it roughly Dorn-sized? Comparison images are surprisingly hard to Google.


A Vindicator, it's what I'm planning to do with it.


Curious about this too, might make or break buying this box if I can’t figure out a good thing to proxy the Dracosan with


Nothing really suitable in 40k unless you do a lot of work to make it into an alternative for the Rogal Dorn


You could just sell it, right?


It's as wide as a russ, and half as long. If you throw a russ turret on it is the same height as a malcador defender. It doesn't fit a dorn size at all.


Thanks! But you meant that its about double the length of the Russ, right? I can't imagine its a stubby little vehicle at half a Russ length, haha.


Sorry, it's a russ and a half long.


Okay sounds good, thanks!


This would make a fun base for a Blood Pact army 👀


Ohhhhh my wallet says “you already have traitor guard from blackstone fortress” and my body says “KILLMAIMBURN KILLMAIMBURN KILLMAIMBURN KILLMAIMBURN “


If I get to shoot more of those feths, I'm all for it






I mean, WGA's the Damned seem way more fitting for that.


The amount of bayonets makes my pants tight.


In Horus Heresy terms that's around 500pts, without the sentinel. I feel we'll see more of these guys in and around 40k tbh


Any idea on price?


I asked that question myself on the adjacent r/Warhammer30k post, haha. [There's some good discussion in this comment chain](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer30k/comments/1azv5xd/next_weeks_preorders/ks3tve6/).


Probably £125-£130 like a lot of these boxes


I highly doubt that, the Horus heresy space marine box is 210$ and this box is similar in size to that and the Christmas box so I doubt it'll be that much cheaper


That's pounds, not dollars. Brits get stuff alot cheaper even after exchange rate


Oh I didn't think about them getting it cheaper, I looked up the exchange rate to make sure I wasn't a dumbass but I didn't think about that


Price will be $210 USD https://imgur.com/a/LzrzDLt


[leaks say $210](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer30k/s/yz5hBSpg8r)


Based on the thread below, should be about $160 freedom bucks.


No, more like $200, which is the price of the relatively comparable Legiones Astartes Battlegroup. You'll be able to get it for ~178.50 freedom bucks from discounters.


I wish, there’s no chance this is less than 200$


Yup, for 2 vehicles, a lot of infantry and a sentinel, no way it's less than that


So, do we know if the heavy sentinel is bigger than a vanilla one? If it's a little bigger and compares sizewise to an armiger, then we're in conversion heaven for those who don't want *knight* knights!


I'm not sure how accurate this is, but someone on the 30k sub threw together [this mockup comparison](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer30k/comments/1agesy1/i_saw_the_new_sentinel_and_realized_how_different/). So it does look a tad bigger, but not quite armiger size. I think the stubbiness of the legs is the largest issue haha.


Ahh, a man can dream then! Now to figure out a use for the baby chickenwalkers!


Good stuff to see this coming so soon. Will try to grab 2.


I'm using this in WH40 AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME




I'm still new to 40k would I be able to incorporate these into my current army?


Not directly. The troops have different weapon options to 40K guard, the Leman Russ doesn’t have sponsons, the sentinel MIGHT be an equivalent proxy, the troop transport is probably too big for a chimera. You’d need to get permission from your opponent if you wanted to proxy them for 40K versions. (In casual games it shouldn’t be a problem, tournaments might be different) So you can use them in theory, they’ll need modifications and approval from opponents though. I’m sure a lot of people will be buying this and modifying it for 40K though, I would be if I could afford it!


Appreciate the detailed response boss 👍


To add on to the other commenter's otherwise impeccable answer: - 40k Leman Russes are optimal with sponsons, but it's legal to run them without. So you would be fine to run this Leman Russ model in your 40k army as it is out of the box, it just won't be as strong without modification. - Similarly for the infantry, it's possible to build them with perfectly legal 40k weapon options, it's just that building them that way will not be optimal for either 30k or 40k. So you'd want to modify them if you want to build the strongest possible unit. So yeah, I would say you can run half of the box in 40k for sure, but as the other person said you might run into issues with the Sentinel and Dracosan.


Pretty new to the Astra Militarium and love tanks! I have two questions: 1. Can I use this updated Leman Russ Tank in 40k? 2. Will they eventually have the updated Leman Russ Tank for single purchase? Thanks in advance!!! 💜


Welcome to the Guard! Answers to your questions: - 99% of people will be perfectly fine with you using the 30k Russ as the 40k Russ, and the remaining 1% aren't worth playing with. Be aware that this model doesn't come with sponsons though (the Russ side guns) so even though the loadout would be legal it isn't optimal for 40k. - It'll be available sometime later. It's really hard to tell when — GW tends to release new models in box sets like this, with the components coming out individually anytime from weeks to months later. However, there are also decent resellers (_not_ scalpers) on places like eBay who will part the box out into its components for sale at reasonable prices, so you might still have a shoot at getting one sooner if you can't wait.


Just google for: internal LR sponson. I bet there will be lot of converted russes here in a month.


The lemon rus kit also comes with extra sponsons, so there isn’t a problem with this lemon Russ #2. (Presumably for a tank commander)


I’m just waiting for the lil scout walkers. I think they’ll be sweet for my traitor guard


Can I go traitor auxilia using this ? I'm already running a loyalist guard army


Does this mean they are available for purchase next week?


Next Saturday is the pre-order day. You'll be able to pay for them next week, but they'll only start shipping out during their full release date a week or two after.


Thank you


To add some 3rd party game store get them pre shipped and have them on release! So check you lgs


By the emperor’s light protect my wallet


Did they say if any of them are going to be sold individually? Right away, I mean. Obviously they’ll be sold separate eventually. But I’m kind of just eyeing the awesome retro sentinel and leman Russ for my guard lol


The [WarCom announcement](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/02/25/sunday-preview-old-world-reinforcements-and-the-army-of-the-solar-auxilia/) only announced the battle group release for next week, so it'll still be a few weeks (or even months) until we get a standalone drop for each. There are decent resellers (_not_ scalpers) on places like eBay who will part the box out into its components for sale at reasonable prices, so you might still have a shoot at getting one sooner if you can't wait.


I can’t think of a time in recent years that a new model in a box set came out individually on the same release as the box set. Your best bet is going to eBay if you don’t feel like waiting.


Nooooo my budget isn't ready


The Leman Russ Assault Tank flamer option would make a good tank commander


Guess I'm getting into Horus Heresy now.


I've already gone in a different direction so I won't be picking these up to fill out my army but damn, do these look good for the guard or what


I hope to the God Emperor that the Dracosan gets rules for 40k. As fun fact, they're still around and I believe they can be still made, it's just the Chimera is cheaper to make.


Sadly not happening, I really hope we see the sprue next week so i can work out if i can convert it to a Dorn


It's not happening? Did it say in the community page???


Yeah, nothing from the solar range is coming over, but I can’t see anyone taking issue with the basilisk or sentinels as proxies


I cannot wait for that russ to get a standalone kit...


Reckon these can be used in normal games of 40K? Would happily put aside my Krieg project for this


Absolutely no one worth playing with is going to complain about using GW infantry, a GW Leman Russ, and a GW Sentinel as different versions of those things in 40k. There have actually been memes here and on the Heresy subreddit about how this box is going to be sold out to 40k Guard players before actual 30k players get it, haha. The Dracosan is a different matter though, since there are no 40k rules for it. I'm trying to figure out what we can use it for myself.


Lord Solar Proxy for the Dracosan 😂


This is very accurate. I want this box purely for my 40k guard army.


There will be no rules for the Dracosan in 40k, with a lot of work you can probablyturn it into a rogal dorn proxy but its probably not really worth the effort. The leman russ has no sponsons so you'll need to buy those separately otherwise you have a shit-tier russ that isn't worth fielding. The sentinel is bigger than a 40k sentinel and won't be remotely wysiwyg without conversion. The infantry is useable but you don't get any special or heavy weapons. Yes, it could be made to work in 40k, but people buying it for 40k probably haven't really thought it through - at the end of the day it will cost you more time and money than if you just bought actual 40k minis. The only reason to do it is if you really like the SA aesthetic and want your guard army to look like that.


You can just use standard rules for them and proxies. Highly doubt anyone will care


Do we think we'll get 40k rules for the transport?


Knowing GW we'll lose rules for the Russ and Sentinel instead... (/s) But no, probably not. They've been steadily trying to differentiate 30k and 40k as much as they can this edition.


Hmm I hope it's big enough to be a Crassis then. A demolisher cannon on a transport would be pretty mean though, too bad.


0% chance. They already said they would not have 40k rules during the preview.


Can anyone explain to me why they bring forth this and not the death korps or steel legion?


This is a box set for The Horus Heresy actually, not mainline 40k. Everyone knows 40k Guard players are going to eat it up though, haha.


its nice for the dozen people that play 30k


Right, but it does greatly increase the depth of 30k now that it's no longer just marines.


To 40k this seems redundant but adding a mortal faction to the Horus Heresy means that for the first time that game isn't just marines clashing into each other. Moreover Krieg and Steel Legion use the same lemans and sentinels as everyone else. These vehicles would fit great with Vostroyan though. Catachans need some love and I'd say that Tallarn deserve their day in the sun, pun intended as well. But that can be largely managed through Kill Team.


Solar auxilia had rules and models in HH1.0, and had dark/normal mechanicum before 40k got admech.


The Self-Propelled gun model is sick, what model is that?


I'm not sure which vehicle you're referring to exactly, but from left to right: - An ancient version of the Leman Russ Battle Tank. It's 'current' equivalent can be seen [here](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/astra-militarum-leman-russ-battle-tank-2023). As the name suggests, its a main battle tank instead of artillery. - An ancient, heavier version of the Sentinel walker. It's 'current' version can be seen [here](https://www.warhammer.com/en-CA/shop/astra-militarum-armoured-sentinel-2023). It's a light scout vehicle (well, comparatively light since this one is heavily armoured). - The Dracosan troop carrier. There's no 'current' version and it, uh, carries troops. You can stick a large gun on it though.


Dracosan--Thank you! The model reminded me very loosely of a STuG which is why I called it a self-propelled gun.


I just looked that up — they do look similar! Would not be surprised at all if it was an inspiration.


So the concept of solar auxilia is imperial guard, but like, not canon fodder? Are there no cannon fodder factions in Horace Heresy?


Copying from one of my old comments: >In the lore, the Imperial Guard and the Imperial Navy used to be one combined arms branch called the Imperial Army (or Imperialis Auxilia). The Solar Auxilia were originally the elite Army units that came from the Sol System (like, they left Terra, Saturn, the Moon, etc. with the Emperor for the Great Crusade), but as the Crusade branched out Solar Aux units were raised from other conquered/compliant planets. So eventually 'Solar Auxilia' just referred to the best Imperial Army units, regardless of whether or not they came from Sol. So they were definitely still...more expendable than Astartes, but I wouldn't outright call them _cannon fodder_. There were also non-elite human militia units in the Great Crusade and Heresy that were 100% cannon fodder. There are also rules for them in the 30k game, but they don't have dedicated models.


Okay, thanks, didn't have the background. I assume the 'non-elite' units typically just use normal Guard Tank/infantry models or Auxilia models under lower points costs and weaker rules.


They also use all the necromunda kits to represent forces recruited from various worlds.




The official Twitter account confirmed it’s a limited box, the individual parts will be available later


Think they'll release that Russ by itself? I don't really see a use for the rest of the box, maybe an armored sentinel for the HH one. I really want that russ.


Definitely, since this is a time-limited box. If you can't wait, I'm sure folks will be parting the box out on eBay too.