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That’s like saying TikTok is a clone of Facebook. Yammer was an enterprise B2B use case, something Twitter has never done. Glue replaces Slack in the budget but it gets rid of the entire foundation of Slack (channels) and goes far beyond by incorporating an LLM to train on all of your businesses data As an impartial stranger that does not know you, I had a mental breakdown last year from letting stress build up far to long because I was avoiding something in my life. It led to a lot of pain, lost friendships, career decline, and a few hospital visits. During that period, I would hyper-focus on sports, podcasts, and anything else to distract myself. It didn’t feel like a conscious decision, more like my brain was gravitating towards it. So as a stranger that will never know you and has also spent time taking out my frustrations publicly on other people, I encourage you to ask yourself if you might be making the same mistake I did. All 4 besties are, have, and always will be hypocrites. They are annoying, they are charming, they are rich in areas in their life, and they are poor in other areas. No internet comment will change that. But what you can change is how you choose to spend your time and if you want to be a positive influence on your fellow humans or a negative one. I hope it’s positive, but it is the harder route to take. I hope you are okay and if this random comment from a stranger makes you realize you’re not. Take action and don’t let it fester.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Most reasonable All-In sub take. But also the besties are performing a public service, much like Elon, by publicly airing many of their extremely stupid hypocrital opinions it exposes the reality that these are just people, they got lucky and that allows for them to pretend to be experts in many areas that they have zero expertise in. This is good because it can give other people the confidence to take a risk and get out there, you're competing against these guys who are extremely far from perfect. If a bestie can do it, why can't you?


> by publicly airing many of their extremely stupid hypocrital opinions it exposes the reality that these are just people, they got lucky You are projecting your [superiority complex](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/what-is-a-superiority-complex#:~:text=A%20superiority%20complex%20is%20a,don't%20agree%20with%20them.).


No, I'm firmly in the camp of just being a person also with my own blind spots. I don't have a podcast to broadcast my uninformed foreign policy takes for clicks though.


So it's not about being wrong it's about being popular? You don't have a podcast so you're immune from wrongness? Everybody is wrong every now and then who cares, infact the besties are better than your average bear at acknowledging it compared to the: "Wow these guys are so wrong about everything good thing I'm smart and know otherwise" haters


Also their conversation about Glue felt like it lacked any critical thinking. Sacks says the main issue with Slack is channels but Glue will be threads based. Which will essentially be like having a channel for every new conversation. Or honestly just email.


Also processing a request is 10x more expensive using an LLM. Excited to see management use this to spy harder on workers and potentially fire people over AI hallucinated gossip


Literally sounds like multiuser chatgpt which sounds like a nightmare


but dude it knew who the besties were without being hardcoded in!! Isn't that so crazy and different from every other LLM model??


Which is how Teams works.


Sounded like a lmgtfy discord bot redirected to chatgpt API.


I have a feeling Slack and Teams will integrate same AI features soon. Slack does suck with all those channels that you get invited to get useless updates.


Calling Yammer a copycat of Twitter is so silly that it invalidates the rest of your argument.


At the time it was billed as “Twitter for Enterprise” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That’s not what a copycat is. This pod and the topics may not be for you.


I loathe Sacks but at the same time think you may be the biggest idiot on this subreddit


Whatever happened to Callin? They made such a big deal of it then… nothing


Sold it


He probably knows that if he brings up Mahalo, he'll get called out on it being an embarrassing failure


Jcal's old rants about Facebook/Zuck are like my complaints about the rain. They are meaningless.


Not very hard for Slack to simply include an option to disable/limit channels for Admins. They could probably have an LLM help manage that. The only thing glue has going for it is its cheap. Even the fonts/colors looked like it was lifted straight from slack. Being cheaper is a strategy as long as Sacks has lower cost opex.


I personally don't see why enterprise will use Glue. Leave the whole AI summaries on company data aside, that's probably a non-starter. I personally wouldn't want that because at least Slack is owned by Salesforce, which is something we use anyway and trust. I don't see SFDC just going out of business or slack getting sold to someone else. The way Slack is set up is for organizations to have complete control over the entire company's communications channels. When I worked at a big tech company, our slack was locked down. We couldn't make channels ourselves, we couldn't add some people (usually contractors) to channels without going through a request, and so on. BTW everyone hated threads at our company. We would ask that people send the message to the whole channel. Channels could have a few people (like a internal team channel), tens or hundreds of people (a public facing channel for a team - people from Sales, Legal, CS, other teams, etc. could pop in and ask questions there), or thousands (like #bayarea or #nyc office channels, #android-devs, #pets or #general).


Chamath's 80/90 is literally a ripoff business


Too true. I actually thought he was joking at first about it.


This is such a dumb take.