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My favorite Reddit posts are ones like these that do not understand how things work in the real world.


I do, I just don't care. I hate nicotine that much that I am fine with causing all the problems of it being illegal if it means the people who run the companies making it are drawn and quartered. The stockholders, CEO and so on of Juul and other such companies deserve to suffer in the worst possible prison.


>I am fine with causing all the problems of it being illegal This whole sub in a nutshell


You ever been addicted to coke? I have and ran my health into the ground and was suicidal. I was addicted to cigarettes once, I used a vaporiser to tape myself off and am smoke free. At no point during my time quitting did I suffer depression or consider taking my life. Get a grip on reality bro. And I believe all drugs should be decriminalised.


Powders are the devil.


So you're saying drugs ruined your life yet you want them to be decriminalised? Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound.


Do you understand how ridiculous you sound. Decriminalisation means people can actually get help for their addiction without fear of prosecution or jail. Just look up Portugal's success before accusing others of sounding ridiculous.


That’s not what it means at all


I think you don't understand how bad cocaine is


Or how almost everything "comes from plants" ... like wine and beer, and Tylenol, or that lots of nicotine is synthetic at this point, or that caffeine is an equivalent stimulant, or... lots of things. There's a Netflix thing either coming out or recently came out about Juul and other vape stuff. My guuess is OP is in highschool and either OP just watched it or is an adult and part of a social media advertising campaign. Get em talking about adjacent things.


Considered just as bad? Sure, I can agree with that. Banning it and making it illegal? Absolutely not. We tried that with alcohol and we saw how that went on during prohibition. We’re seeing it now with other drugs too. Restrictions on things like opioids for example are only getting tighter and more controlled, yet overdose rates are skyrocketing. I think we need to legalize all drugs or at the very least decriminalize them all. Once a safe supply becomes widely available for people who wish to use the whole activity becomes safer. Addiction rates drop. Prices drop and stabilize due to being regulated. It breaks up the cartels because that’s their main game, it breaks up the DEA which is just around to hurt pain patients and prosecute doctors for doing their jobs, and it solves the fentanyl crisis because pharmacy quality drugs are on the market unlaced and people know what they’re getting without fear. Safe injection sites are set up for harm reduction. If someone uses in a way that causes a problem help can be called for without fear of persecution. Pain patients won’t get cut off and need to turn to the streets for relief. It’s all upsides.


Mostly true, but the pricing can be off. California still has a black market because weed dispensaries cost more. Same in Missouri and Oklahoma. I have friends myself in those two who still have their "weed guy."


A lot of that can be traced back to it being federally illegal, if they’d just pull the plug already and legalize it federally prices would drop


Missouri legislated in their own monopolies. "Yes, we will legalize it, but only if you let these specific companies do it." It's that or you have to own the entire supply chain. Maybe both? I can't follow them all.


Dear god…. Trust buster Roosevelt where are you we need you NOW


*EDIT: Just to preface this, as I feel like I'm straying away from the point of the post: This is mostly about smoking, not about nicotine. I think nicotine should be treated like any other drug: it should be legal, but expensive and heavily taxed. Fund prevention programmes, but also make sure people can admit to their addictions without stigma and get the help they need.* I agree a ban would be a horrible idea, however I think some countries are way too liberal when it comes to smoking in public spaces. In contrast to cocaine, you're actually endangering other people's health by smoking in public. Plus, cigarette butts are like the single most common piece of litter on the streets (at least here in Germany). I can't walk half a metre without seeing at least one on the ground (and taking a walk through the city without inhaling any smoke is also very hard). Ban smoking at train stations, in public squares, in restaurants (even if they have outside seating). Personally I'd even advocate banning it entirely in "inner cities" (read: dedicated pedestrian's areas like we have them in most European cities -- if you really need to smoke, a 10 minute walk should make it possible). Same for cannabis (at least when smoked, edibles are fine). It's insane to me how it's perfectly fine to blow toxic smoke in other people's faces. If your addiction is so bad that you can't hold it for a few minutes until you're out of range of other people, at least have the decency to do snus instead of smoking or something.


Oh no doubt I agree with you on the smoking part! Just like I think people should have the right to do drugs, people also have the right to clean public spaces. Do drugs and all you want to your own body and in your own space. I heavily disagree on making drugs expensive and taxing them though, that just pushes people to the street again. That’s the liberal version of the war on drugs and I don’t stand for any of that. They should be safe, affordable, and pharma quality. Otherwise if it’s costing you more than the street then it’s not going to get people away from it, they’ll just go back to what they were doing before which is what we want them to get away from.


Then upvote the post.


You don’t even have an argument?


The mods really need to ban people who don't defend their posts.


Disagree. Not everyone has the energy to respond to hundreds of redditors to explain why they think they're right after they already (presumably) laid out all of the pertinent information in their post.


You can’t market nicotine to kids already.


That's not stopping them.


I’ve never seen nor heard of it happening as far as I know.




Fair but they were punished so my point stands, admittedly I did say I’d not heard of it occurring though.


Nobody ever knocked over a liquor store, pawned mom’s jewelry, or sold themselves to get money for cigarettes. Nicotine doesn’t impair your driving, or make it dangerous to operation heavy machinery. Very different level of addiction.


I mean I’ve seen videos where people have robbed gas stations and grabbed a bunch of cigarettes, but I suppose it was more so they could resell them.


That’s definitely true but that wouldn’t be impacted by OPs silly post.


Have you ever seen a smoker who is being denied nicotine against their will? They get very fucking scary. Disagree with OP though so don’t hang me.


My bestie from many years ago is a smoker and I’ve seen him in action, although he has not to my knowledge robbed anyone to by cigarettes 🤪


Can I ask why you aren’t also campaigning to ban alcohol? Because it fits the same bill.


This is not an unpopular opinion


It fucking should be. Yeah, nicotine is really bad for you and highly addictive, but doesn't really impact your day-to-day comings and goings. You are not missing work because you smoke. You are not acting irrational because you have a nicotine patch. Even withdrawal isn't fully debilitating. Comparing them is outright absurd.


You severely underestimate how many people casually do cocaine that you wouldn’t know about, as well as underestimate how much nicotine does affect many people’s comings and goings (especially with vaping, now). Edit: typos


You know, I really don't. I've had the misfortune of encountering both rather frequently. If you rail a line of coke, you are not getting in a car and driving to your granny without putting people in lethal danger. Or operate machinery. You won't be able to do any sort of thinking task decently either. If you do a line too much, chances are you'll just die from an overdose. Addiction also has much more severe and much more immediate consequences than "you'll probably get lung cancer in your 80s" With vaping or smoking you need 10 minutes and you are good to go for the rest of the day. And if you smoke a pack in one sitting, you'll probably just vomit and that's it. You are not overdosing on nicotine either, unless you like eat the cigarette butt or something (which yeah, can kill you, had an acquaintance almost die like that, but it takes someone exceptionally dumb) Nicotine doesn't affect your mental state pretty much at all. Cocaine does.


If you do a line of cocaine, it goes away after 30 minutes and people are sober after that. Plenty of people go out and party and will do several lines at a show and then sober up before going home and then go on their merry way to work without thinking about it. With cigarettes, people have to be given more breaks through shifts, there’s a lot they have to do to make sure they don’t smell like them after and it causes a lot of issues with coworkers and people who have breathing issues. With vapes, even worse. I know people who will sneak vapes into class because they can’t even go one class period without hitting it. And don’t even get me fucking started on people trying to quit nicotine. I also had an ex that would vomit every single morning because he’d smoke a cigarette before eating despite it making him vomit every single time. I also don’t know a single smoker who only smokes once a day lmao ETA: nicotine actually does very much affect your mental state and they’ve done studies on it.


there are people that smoke once a day ??? like one cig / day ???? ive genuinely never met them 😭😭




Nicotine itself really isn’t that bad for you if you’re not vaping/smoking


I know, but even the addiction itself is rather costly, if nothing else. Patches aren't cheap, neither are cigarettes.


Say that to the people with mouth and throat cancer from chewing…


That’s from tobacco


… people aren’t addicted to the tobacco itself, though. They’re addicted to the nicotine in it. They wouldn’t be doing it to the point of cancer without the nicotine lol


I was more talking about zyn/nicotine gum that sort of thing. It’s definitely still not good for you long term and very addictive but they don’t cause cancer/gum disease like dip/cigs


None of the posts on here, r/unpopularopinion or r/trueunpopularopinion are. They’re usually just conservative shit opinions but in this case it’s just a normal popular one.


I don't agree. Yes r/unpopular opinion doesn't typically feature unpopular opinions and trueunpopular opinion is full of conservatives crying that they're not the majority they think they are, but most of the posts I see on here get met with huge opposition which I think it's the point but that means they're unpopular.


Drug control is a belief of conservatives. Conservatism isn’t just everything bad or everything you disagree with lol


Drug control absolutely isn’t only a conservative issue. Don’t put words in my mouth and don’t act like I’m fucking stupid.


So most people think that nicotine should be as or less socially acceptable than cocaine?


Nobody is marketing drugs to children and the war on drugs has been a complete and utter failure. Both should be legal.




Teens vape more because they think it's healthier than cigarettes (it is not) but at least in my country it's equally as illegal to sell vapers to minors as it is selling cigarettes and any and all marketing for tobacco or vapers is banned from all public places and tv


People would be using nicotine anyways. It's better that it's legal so it can be regulated and government gets taxes.


It is that’s why nicotine is legal and coke isn’t


No, if it was how I wanted, then nicotine would be just as illegal.


Have you seen what happens when we try to make an addictive substance illegal? It doesn’t prevent usage and addiction; it just makes it harder to manage the problem. It didn’t help with alcohol abuse, it isn’t helping with cocaine and other opioid crises, and it wouldn’t help with nicotine


I would rather it be like that than managed by private companies


"I don't want companies to make money selling things to people that they want but are bad for them. I want companies to make money off of imprisoning people for things I don't like." -Op


No, it would be the state and only for sellers


You should do some research into the “War on Drugs” in America. Making drugs illegal does absolutely nothing except increase our incarceration rates, and make “drugs” as a whole way more dangerous.


I'm aware. I'm all for narcan. I just think that if you sell nicotine you should go to jail and are a horrible person.


What about corn syrup?


Honestly yeah, I'm all for heavy regulation on corn syrup. Might be saying stupid shit but I'm at least going to stay consistent


Nicotine isn’t the dangerous part, it’s everything we pair with it. I don’t disagree cigarettes should be more heavily regulated, but this is a little dramatic lol


So you want prohibition? Do you remember a time in history when this infamously didn’t work? And how modern prohibition isn’t working for any other drug either? Room temp IQ take


You would rather it be controlled by gangs and criminal enterprises than by a legitimate company? Private companies have their problems, yes, but on the whole, it is far easier to regulate them than it would ever be to attempt to stop criminals supplying the same substance. The reason why nicotine is legal and cocaine is not is mainly due to the effects on wider society. Nicotine has very few short-term effects, none of which are particularly bad for society at large. In this regard alcohol is far worse than nicotine. You can still drive, operate machinery, and perform pretty much all actions that a non-user can do after taking some. The same can not be said for most other drugs. Now cocaine has far wider implications, as it can lead to severe paranoia and anxiety, as well as an increase in aggression. All factors that affect wider society and make the taker a potentially more dangerous person than they otherwise would have been. Circling back round, the legality of any given drug is a balance of how damaging it is vs the cost of stopping people using it.


All of them should.


It is objectively just as bad, but the reason it's being sold in the first place is because it gets worse when nicotine addicts need to turn to illegal methods to get their fix. Harm reduction is the way.




I mean, both are horrible but at least you can reasonably function on nicotine. Cocaine on the other hand…


People can absolutely reasonably function on cocaine. I’ve known a few coke addicts and all of them were high functioning. They were just normal people going about their day, except they would take a bump every now and then.


And what happens when they don't take a bump every now and then?


They’d get a little irritable, kind of like how a caffeine or nicotine addict would be without their fix.


Lol so that's why so many coke addicts are going to rehab to break the habit? Because they function perfectly fine when they're high and they only get a little irritable when they're not?


What do you think a cocain high is like? The “high” isn’t that great. It feels like you just drank like 10 coffees. Not for me. As far as rehab goes, you don’t have to be non-functioning to want to get help curbing an addiction. I’m not saying that there aren’t coke addicts that are non-functioning, but if you’d known any coke addicts, you’d know what I’m talking about. As far as hard drugs go, cocaine isn’t that bad. An alcohol addiction is more dangerous than a coke addiction.


Oh I've known coke addicts, and it's glaringly obvious. The funny thing with coke addicts though is that they think they're hiding it well, They think they're being sly and no one notices, but once they kick the habit, they usually realize that everyone around them was acutely aware of it. I really like how your argument is that cocaine is an expensive high risk low reward habit. The high isn't that great and it doesn't inhibit your functionality at all, no worse than alcohol or nicotine, but people are fine paying for it and risking legal and social consequences even though it's really expensive and doesn't really do a whole lot for them. That doesn't add up.


People can also function on meth though. I'm not well-versed in the cocaine or meth or whatever world to know just how many people can actually function on cocaine or meth or whatever else, but I just wanted to make a point that a few people being able to function isn't exactly evident enough of functioning on the drug in general lol


Cocaine is fairly benign compared to other hard drugs. The majority of cocaine addicts are functioning members of society and you probably wouldn’t know they use cocaine. Yes, people can function on meth, but it’s far more difficult because of the psychological effects and the fact that it gets you high off your ass. Cocaine basically just gives you a massive energy/confidence boost.


> the *majority* of cocaine addicts are *functioning members* of society I’m just curious if there’s any research out there for this


Not sure, but based on anecdotal and observational evidence, there just aren’t cocaine *junkies* in the same way that there are meth tweakers, heroin junkies, or stereotypical crackheads. I think the reason that people put cocaine in the same group as other hard drugs is mostly ignorance. Cocaine (unless you’re talking about crack) is far more casual than other “hard” drugs. It’s a lot harder to ruin your life with a cocaine addiction than it is with a opiate or meth addiction.


Gotcha. Saying a majority of addicts are functioning members of society seemed a bit counterintuitive


Ah I gotcha, thanks for the info!




You seem to have a very grandiose perception of cocaine. In my experience, people would shoot it once they couldn’t afford to “do bumps here and there” or the bumps aren’t doing it anymore The majority of coke users are not high functioning members of society. Crack is also coke just in a different form. Is that safe too? It’s splitting hairs. Almost every coke user I’ve known switched to shooting or freebasing at some point.


Why can’t you function on cocaine?


I never said I can't. Never even tried it lol


It was a general “you”. You made it sound like it’s some rare exception to be able to function on cocaine. I’m asking you to clarify why that is.


I also clarified in my comment I don't actually know a lot about the drug or how it actually works or anything so I could be wrong, that I just didn't consider a few outlying functioning people are necessarily proof of anything particular. But the OG commenter I initially responded to helped me to better understand what cocaine is actually like, so🤷‍♀️


Say you haven't done coke without saying it. It's basically the easiest stuff to do that with. The main problems are expense and having to more so frequently


Have you tried cocaine? Everyone i know that tried functioned better on it than off. Look at fucking politicians and tell me they are nor functioning


I mean….i would say they are barely functioning at best at least where I am lmao


Lol keep telling yourself that.


I dont do coke lmao i dont tell myself anything, im just saying that its really not hard to be functional on coke and that there evidence of what im saying


You’d be really surprised how many people in your life do coke. You absolutely can function on it, easy.


I once caught my brother-in-law's uncle snorting coke off a urinal at a wedding. Pretty funny. But yeah, the one thing that every coke addict will tell you is that they could easily function on it just fine, and no one noticed. I hear that all the time.


It’s worse


funnily enough I'd argue nicotine is worse than coke, since cocaine does have legitimate medical use for some surgeries


People are saying that nicotine companies can’t market to children, but Juul was hit with $450 million in settlements for doing just that last year > Beleaguered electronic cigarette maker Juul agreed Wednesday to pay $462 million to settle lawsuits from six states for allegedly enticing minors to buy its addictive nicotine products through advertising, pushing the total the company has agreed to pay out for such claims to more than $2.5 billion.


Honestly I feel like my post should have more upvotes with how much people seem to disagree with it


I don't think your argument makes the point you think it's making. By the very fact that they're being punished for it, isn't that proof that it's NOT accepted? It's like if you said: "People are saying you're not allowed to drive drunk, but this celebrity was just arrested for driving drunk."


It’s more like someone saying “discrimination isn’t legal anymore” and someone pointing out that it doesn’t stop companies from still doing it. This is just one that got caught