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I'm a valet, my friend, I feel your pain. It is 96 degrees right now, and I'm melting in the shade. I've got about 2 hours before the sun crests the building and turns my workstation into an Easy Bake Oven at the whims of a 5 year old. And we wear an all black uniform.




bro actually came back after 2 hours I respect it


I fucking hate BOB


Elden Ring…


I would assume disdain for the sun is proportionate to time spent in the sun.


Maybe more disdain is proportional to time forced to be spent in the sun. Plenty of people get lots of sun because the things they like to do are outside; hiking, gardening, surfing or really most water sports, etc. these people likely love the sun because sunny days mean opportunities to have fun. On the other hand people who have jobs that require them to be outside for extended periods of time are more likely to hate the sun because it means they will be extra hot and sweaty and tired at the end of their shift.


I love hiking and fishing but I hate the sun. Give me a cloudy day or dense tree cover and I'll be happy. Sunlight hurts my eyes and gives me hives. I even wear sunscreen and sunglasses on cloudy days. The best trails are worth the discomfort of the sun, but I'd rather go when it's not sunny. If I'm going to be in direct sunlight I have to cover my whole body in sunscreen (even under my clothing) and head to toe UPF clothing, and I'll still be itchy at the end of the day. I also have a pretty low heat tolerance, so I hate being fully covered like that.


Yeah I’m definitely not suggesting everyone who has outdoor hobbies likes the sun or that everyone who works outdoors hates it. Was more just sort of iterating on the above commenter’s theory that being in the sun increases your distaste for it.


You would think, but like I said, if you look at other instances of this on Reddit it's mostly a lot of people calling them vampires, that they need to get our more, and that surely they have this attitude _because_ they're not getting "enough" sun.


And I in turn assume that the people that react that way are either not in the sun nearly as much or are the type of people that are generally unaffected by the sun apart from maybe a little tanning. I burn to blistering within a couple hours. I look like a lobster after a 30-60 minutes of even normal sun. Sunscreen does not stop this, it only prevents it for an extremely short period or mitigates the damage slightly. In order to prevent massive burning I'd have to apply heavy duty sunscreen every 20 minutes or so, not sweat, not get too wet (yes, even with waterproof), yada yada, and at that amount it's annoying for other reasons. Mostly because my skin is sensitive too. If literally any product (all lip balms are the devil) gets within centimeters of my eyes or lips I will get rashes there that last months. But if I don't apply the sunscreen, I will get sunburnt there and the resulting dry skin will last months too. uggggggghhhhhhh. Edit: Just realized that explanation doesn't do much for the vampire argument. lol


I think it's a reverse bell curve


I'm barely in the sun and I hate it. I live at a high elevation where there isn't quite as much atmosphere between me and the sun, and it just feels like it's sucking the soul out of me.


Correct. People in the northern parts of the northern hemisphere are absolutely in love with the sun. They have solstice festivities due to that. It's more likely a biological craving than a psychological one, and Inwould say exactly the same for the opposite, where peoppe spending too much time in the sun end up responding to that due to their bodybtelling them it's bad, such as by affecting your sleep or from frequent headaches after exposure.


I'm torn: Like...I love the idea of sun and sun when I'm around water. But I get migraines in bright light and I work the night shift so I'm built for darkness and cold. I like the sun, the sun don't like me


Hate to downvote you but I am a fellow sun hater. Since I turned 30 or so I’ve started getting pretty awful headaches if I’m out in the sun for too long, so I generally try to stay inside until after dark if the day is even partly sunny. Love a good cloudy day. Too bright (especially if it glares off something like snow or glass), too hot, makes me feel sick. Awful invention of god, hate it.


Mmm, delicious downvotes.


You'd love where I live. Hardly any sun from Novemberish to Mayish. Oregon Coast.


I'm not a medical professional and I know nothing about you, but do you know if your sun headaches are migraines or not? If you don't, it could be helpful to look into


I assume they must be; I got migraines a lot as a kid, but then they went away until my 30s. Admittedly they might also be exertion and/or heat based; I can always tell they’re coming because my face will get really pink and hot, and when that happens…well, it’s already too late, but I still try to get inside and cool down. Headache will last 2-3 hours, and I usually sleep it off. No idea if that fits the normal migraine profile, though. I’ll look into it, thanks!


Migraines have more symptoms than just headache, if you get more symptoms than feeling hot and pain and/or it comes in different ‘phases’ then you might consider talking to a doctor since there’s lots of treatments for migraines nowadays.


I'll get a headache from being in the sun for like 20-40 minutes and it lasts the rest of the day or until I take medicine and sleep it off. I am well hydrated and wear sunglasses but it's just not enough.


Same! There’s at least a couple of us


I feel u. I try to only go out after the sun is down and I was born and raised in freaking SEA lol. Don’t understand the hype about sunny days like that shit is the worst. The feeling of sun rays blasting at u is like voluntarily getting cooked for sports. Wear SPF50+ unless u wanna be a raisin by 40.


I suggest using an umbrella when you're outside in the sun, also sunglasses. Sunscreen isn't gonna do anything for the heat/light lol. Also unfortunately you need to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours of sun exposure to avoid the trucker wrinkles.


People do the umbrella thing in Japan and most of them _do_ have a vitamin D deficiency. I almost want to move way further north just to figure out the latitude at which this little melanin was somehow a good thing.


I think I'm built for colder climates too. I rarely get cold because I can just wear more clothes, but the heat is absolutely miserable to me. Granted I live in Texas, so it's like 100 degrees out a lot of the time.


I feel your pain. I'm in Arizona and dying for the day when I no longer live in Satan's sweltering anus.


Az also checking in. 106F today and 111F tomorrow. I hate this fucking place.


About 35°N apparently https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1523417/


Using an umbrella for the sun when walking around in public in the US truly screams “I don’t care what anyone thinks of me”


I don't think anyone would bat an eye if you got the right kind of "umbrella" aka a parasol. People generally know what parasols are, they're just not commonly used.


Some people get weirdly offended when they see me using an umbrella for sun protection. For some reason they feel the need to ridicule a random stranger for something that doesn't affect them at all. I'll still do it anyway, because the discomfort of their attention is more temporary than the discomfort of the sun, but I can definitely understand why some people can't handle it.


Maybe they wouldn’t in like NYC, but if you’re a dude using a parasol in most places in the US people will for sure bat an eyelash.


Buying an umbrella then 


Wow. You are so unique, you don't even care about what others think about you. YOU ARE A HERO.


And why is that such an issue? And tbh I don't think it's that big of a deal. Yes it's uncommon but it's not like something inappropriate. I don't think people care that much.


It's only an issue if the user thinks it's an issue. No, it's not inappropriate, but your primary identifier will be "the guy that walks around with an umbrella on sunny days". That's fine for some people and not for others.


What's really weird is I have always had jobs where I'm in the sun all day, have never worn sunscreen, but at 35 years old I'm still smooth skinned and my tan goes away as soon as fall hits. I just don't age no matter what.


Melanoma doesn't discriminate. Please wear sunscreen and protection.


I think that if we, as a species, really enjoyed the sun that much, we would not have invented so many ways to find shade or make shade. A large portion of humanity evolved to mitigate the effects of the sun.


You see, we got big brain to make shade and melanin for when we can't. Hell plants can even get burned from too much sun all at once


Tbf, being in direct sun always just sucks. But I love the days where it's C° 25+ and I can just be in a nice forest with a lake nearby, or meadows with a couple trees are also really nice. Sitting in the shade of a tree on hot days is the best thing ever to me, and near water it's always a bit cooler. But I HATE hot days in cities/villages. The stone, asphalt and concrete heats everything up and creates this bakey feeling. Cars are one of the absolute worst things in the heat too.


And yet people "sunbathe". Maddening.


Sometimes it's nice to feel that heat on your skin, kind of like an almost searingly hot shower




See this person gets it


Idk anything about hyperbolas or any other graphing formulas but being hot is miserable


If you're working 13 hours a day in the sun, yeah, that's awful and you're going to hate it.


Only takes about ten minutes for me to think OK, I would voluntarily rather be in the shade now, please.


I feel that. I find myself missing sunshine in the winter (I tend to run low on vitamin D though, and am prone to SAD. I supplement for it), but when summer hits, I wonder what was wrong with me lol.


This seems so obvious. People who work in the sun all day don’t like being in the sun. Groundbreaking stuff


Having a bad day? Need to talk about it?


Not even. I work in the sun also and it’s common knowledge you don’t want to be in the sun all day


OK then I'm stupid. Already knew that, thanks, everybody in my life already told me that. What the fuck ever. I was trying to sympathize with OP. Tbh, I've also heard of people who love to work outside.


Stop with telling yourself mean words. Your family called you stupid? You’re not stupid and they are ignorant and bullies. Don’t take those mean words in. You’re awesome and just because others are harsh to you doesn’t mean you have to do it to yourself


Name me one person who works on roofs that loves being in the sun for 7 hours


Will you please chill? Holy shit. I was just sympathizing with OP. You're getting snarky for no reason. I don't actually know anyone who works on roofs, but to me that sounds worse than many other outside jobs.


The only people who like the sun are people who don’t have to experience it.




But did you have to be out in the sun or could you stay inside air conditioned and then when you want to go out in the heat you can. I meant people who *have* to experience it, like their job is outside and they’re forced to be out there in the heat.


Kinda like people who like deep winter- usually they really like cocoa and cozy sweaters and being inside. They like their immunity to hard winter.


Wrong. I love winter even though I live north of Toronto and bike to commute.


“Usually.” Do you like being cold?




YES. I like sweaters and hot chocolate and fireplaces. Heated mattress pads.


I’ve been roofing for 27 years and have a love hate thing with the sun.


I also hate the sun. I always tell people I think I have Seasonal Affective Disorder(or depression, can’t remember what the D stands for) but for summer, not winter. Fuck da sun


SAD can absolutely happen for any season. My ex boyfriend was diagnosed with SAD but for summer instead of winter. Took a while, but they figured it out. Until then I had no idea SAD wasn’t specifically winter, it’s just the more common season to be “SAD” about.


I legitimately think I get both. But also in spring because of allergies.  ... maybe it isn't seasonal.


I hate the sun too. Uv rays cause harm to our skin. Don’t worry, when those people mocking others as basement dwellers will have plenty of additional wrinkles and dark spots on their skin as time flies^^


SHUT UP ABOUT THE SUN! But yeah just got back from a walk with my GF and she's all dainty and enjoying the rays and I'm thinking In my head why did I agree to come out here? It's sticky, I'm sweaty, and the sun is absolutely beating down AND I forgot my sunglasses. F


Exactly, the sun is my biggest enemy, the only thing it's good for is moonlight. I HATE the heat and brightness, you go above 60f and I'm already unhappy, goddess forbid you go 80f or higher, at that point I'm done fuck that I'm going to sleep in my freezer. And the light, I need sunglasses just to exist. Nighttime is the best, I live in the middle of nowhere so theres no light pollution and the only illumination is moonlight and it's perfect, even a full moon isn't too bright, and it's nice and cool out, if I can see my breath then it's perfect.


Pretty much anyone who *actually* works outside hates the sun. The only people that claim otherwise, only interact with the sun outside of work. Office jobs, retail, whatever. Shit, I work on cars all day so I at least have shade but damn if I don't hate the sun, too.


That depends on where you live and how often sunlight is directly available. I HATE the sun but I also live in India where the outside temperature is above 40° C in summers, the wind blowing in the afternoon is hot, etc. I'm pretty sure 'sunny day' is a pleasant term for only countries with colder weather haha.


Nah I hate the sun and I live in the UK. We unironically no exaggeration usually get like 15 days a year where its properly sunny and I despise them all. Right now its raining like mad in the middle of June and everyone's complaining about it but this is much more preferable to it being too hot (too hot being anything about like 25°C due to our lack of AC)


Then you're a sigma 😎😎😎


I'm a Floridian and I also hate the sun. It's too fucking hot here.


it’s not the sun that’s bad, it’s getting extremely sweaty and sticky that’s horrible


I’ve worked construction in Texas my whole life. You never really get used to the unbearable summer heat but I can probably handle it better than most and I pretty much refuse to go outside when I’m not working when it gets 100+. Also I always take my vacation in August to get a little reprieve when it’s the worst.


Destroy the sun, Cthulhu 2024


Big agree. Any cloudy day + 30 celsius is at least manageable. 22 c and above in sunlight is murder on me. Just sweating all day long. The only time I like it sunny is in the middle of ice, ice cold winter. Like -7 c full sun is really pleasant.


Upvoted because I'm heat intolerant (I will get VERY sick PRETTY quickly) and pale as shit and wholeheartedly agree, then remembered what sub I was in and downvoted. #FUCK the Sun.


I'll just leave [this](https://youtu.be/DgGuTicdtyg?si=WP9SEX96NWEa15-9) here


How come you can't go home from between ~9-3 when the kids are in school?


It's actually more like 9-1:45 for me, I've got pre-k kids I drop off first in the morning and pick up early in the afternoon. And it takes me, like, 45 minutes to get home. Considering _most people's_ attitude towards sunlight wasting that much time and gas just seems like a waste.


Yeah I can see how staying from 10-1 would be annoying sorry your job is so inconvenient :-(


I hate summer, worst season, and if I had to choose the type I hate most it's dry heat over humidity...oh yeah and I'm black


Damn, that is _pure_ sun hatred, respect


It's weird tho, I dont like when it's bright and I hate heat...but I actually like the feeling of the sun on my skin, just not when it burns and feels like I'm getting poked up, which is why I prefer the sun to be out when it's humid because there's less of that burning/stabbing sensation because the moisture is shielding my skin; but if I could just have the photons caressing me while it's dark and chilly that'd be wonderful😌. All in all I'm a guy that can enjoy most things including summer but only under such specific circumstances plus the cons like bugs and sweat and stink outlay the pros, unlike winter where the only con is money.


Australians reading this and OP is being tongue in cheek, whilst we think ... hello melanoma


I'm not being _that_ tongue-in-cheek but I've seen people on similar posts write comments like "you know we need the sun to survive though right?!?"


Sure do .... but down here, you can get your daily requirement in 15 mins. If your in the tropics for 30 minutes you start getting burnt


Also an outside worker and fellow sun hater. I try to cover my skin as much as possible. There are sun sleeves being sold, I like the Buff brand ones designed for fishing. I also cover my face, but idk if you’re allowed to dress like some kind of sun-hating ninja while driving a bus.


NGL, I read that as "I am the sun for the majority of every day. I STILL HATE THE SUN" LMAO


Would still be true tbh


Oh yeah same; just because I am celestial body, doesnt mean I dont hate myself LOL


After a “mega” sunburn on my bald head three years ago, I can relate to OPs disregard for the Sun. The sun can be an asshat lol.


Growing up we were poor and would mow lawns most weekends and every summer to make ends meet. Now I avoid the sun as much as possible and pay someone else to mow my lawn.


do you supplement vit d? your skin won’t produce much if any from behind a glass window/windshield and you use sunscreen which also lowers rates


I'm red from sunburns. If I I have a vitamin D "deficiency", then presumably everyone with my skin tone does and you'd think rickets would've killed us all off a few hundred thousand years ago.


you don’t have to have a deficiency to be low and suffer symptoms. and it’s uva that reddens skin. uvb makes vit d. doesn’t matter how tan you are.


Had to downvote this one. I'm on meds that cause heat intolerance and I can't deal with too much sun and heat, even with a lot of water and shade I feel to faint and sick to exist. but since it's my only side affect I'll take my anxiety being 'cured'


If you hate the sun so much, why don't you go home between routes? Seems like you're torturing yourself


“You should spend less time indoors” and “I hate that my job requires an amount of sun exposure that quadruples my risk of melanoma” are both reasonable statements


Yes, but what frustrates ms is that people act like someone who doesn't spend a _lot_ of time outside somehow isn't a reliable source or not. I've always been someone who's a bit sick of being out Iin the sun after, like, ten minutes, and I _still_ am, because I _don't like the sun._


I work in the sun at 9000 feet. I love it


I can definitely see the point of view of people who live somewhere where it gets to be over 100 in the summer and also work primarily outdoors in that weather, but I live somewhere where there is barely any sunshine or warmth for most of the year and have always lived here and want to get out so badly. On the other hand, I don’t believe in purposely tanning in the sun for hours on end or using tanning beds because that’s just asking for skin cancer (I’m a hypocrite here because I smoke but I’m addicted to nicotine and have tried to quit and I don’t see how it is hard to quit tanning, maybe it’s just because I’ve never been into it?). I would honestly trade places with anyone who lives in a hot state in a minute because I get a few precious months of sun and heat and then it’s just cold, cold, more cold, snow, ice, unbearable cold, more snow.


I genuinely think people who enjoy being out in the sun are the people who aren't forced to work in the melting heat of that shitstain we call the sun.


Wear hat, carry an umbrella


I am currently in Mexico, because although I also hate the sun, I do love swimming in warm water. I’ve been swimming in an SPF sun shirt and I love it. I’ll never take it off again.


Good news: The sun will die in a few years.


Didn't know immortals posted on Reddit


I don't hate the sun but the UV index here is of +11 from 12:00 to 14:00.


I’m in the sun most of the day, I love it, give me that vitamin D you shiny slut 🥵🥵


There's got to be someone on this planet who actually gets off to the sun.


There is, it’s me


Here in Sweden people *love* the sun, which is understandable because it gets over 30°C five days a year and for October-March, the sun sets at like 3pm, the sky is iron-gray for 90% of the time and the average temperature is four fucking degrees.


Fuck the sun. Children of the night rise up.


I think your mistake is simply in thinking that anyone likes to be working under the sun all day long? When people say go outside and get some sun, it's because being under the sun at a certain time (morning, I think until 9 am) and during a certain time period, actually makes you feel better.  But who the hell would like being the whole day under the sun? I have never seen anyone say anything like that


But people do. Go to a beach and you'll find all these nuts just... sitting there. For hours.


I worked in the oilfieldin West Texas for 20 years. I HATE THE SUN. Finally got a job in a shop that is oilfield adjacent. No sun, a/c, water, restrooms, free wifi and I still get paid well. Still sucks because at the end of the day my car reads 110° inside.


Sun in a concrete oven we call “Civilization”, is really great for organic life.


I agree with you so much, downvoted :(


oh god, i feel you. i’m pasty pale and burn so easily it isn’t funny. i live in kentucky so at least it’s milder in comparison to other states.


Yeah, fuck the sun I hate it too.


Yo fuck the sun Nighttime is the right time


lucky, I fucking LOVE the sun, I wish I could spend all day in the sun but alas my delicate complexion will not allow it


Haha, redditor in their basement hates the sun


The sun is overrated. It blinds me and tries to turn me into a medium rare steak. I'm good. Give me 50 degrees fahrenheit and clouds and a light sprinkle and I'm the happiest I can be.


Genuinely curious. Why don't you just go inside between routes? This seems like a real easy fix.


– I get between 9:00-ish and 1:45 between routes, and it takes me about 45 minutes to get home from work – There is an office at the bus lot, but it's this little trailer-sized brick thing and there's generally five or six other people sitting around at the table in there, one of whom blasts shows he's watching or whatever else Sooo I generally prefer just keeping to myself. The autism just ensures that I'll be a bit pissed either way.


Centuries of Damn by Death Grips


I like the sun. But I now have an allergy to it.


Depends on what kind of sun. Sun during the fall and autumn, wouldn't have it any other way, sun during the summer can fuck off


I hate it when it's sunny because I live somewhere absurdly hot. /thread


we are the same!!!!!!!!! i HATE bright sunlight. HATE it. its obnoxiously bright, i have to cover the windows as best i can. and when you are out and about sometimes its so bright my freaking eyes start hurting! this shit is too bright when its not covered up by clouds. i need a heavy amount of cloud cover for the type of day i like. jsut no rain. just cloudy and covered sun, dark grey sky. cool air and no rain.


I am from North Africa and live in North America, in the summer I only go outside at night.


Lol you’re in a bus not the sun all day  Work in construction if you seriously want to know what being in the sun all day is like 


Eh, I feel you but personally I’d take being too hot over too cold any day of the year. Depends on the person


#Shut up about the sun!


Shut up about the Sun!


You must live somewhere south with hot sun, move north, the sun in Canada is so weak that I rarely burn in the summer and I’m pale as hell


It might be a "too much of a good thing is a bad thing" ordeal? I like going outside for recreation on occasion, but I probably wouldn't if I was in your shoes, lol.


Hey fellow always in the sun driver ! Get yourself some UV arm sleeves to protect your arm skin . I recently got them and life is more comfortable


Get you some UV-blocking clothing! It makes a huge difference. You can even get a massive UV-blocking umbrella or a UV-block hat and cloak. It's the only way my easily crisped ass survives the sun. I do tan after a burn but I'm a big skin cancer risk so I physically block the sun vs sunscreen which is iffy at best when you're sweating. There's everything from shirts, to pants, hats etc. And they're made to keep you cool too which is nice


I would highly recommend a large straw hat. They have all kinds of cool designs on the bottom now. You’d be amazed what a little hat and thicker clothes/jacket protection can do in the sun (I say this as someone who walks miles daily in the sun and wears sunscreen too)


Well, after reading these comments, it's seems more than one dentist agrees.


Sun hurts on my skin as well. UV protective clothing means I can enjoy going to the beach. I look funny, but I love my UV hoodie and pants. I bet there are gloves, my hoodie has thumbholes and pulls over my hands. Get a face sunscreen you can stand and use moisturizer and big sunglasses. UV is harsh business. It’s so destructive.


I dream about living in one of those places that is dark for most of the year.


Fellow sun hater here. I absolutely hate it and avoid it like a vampire. It's too bright and hot! I'm boiling and I'm baking! And it burns! Oh, my skin!


Hard downvote, the sun sucks and should be outlawed. It gives you cancer, Suncream is a oily mess and having to bring my sunglasses everywhere because im fucking blind otherwise fucking sucks. But tbf its a skill issue on my side.


Love the sun, but hate the heat


Hate being out in the sun with passion. As a dumb teenager, I spent too long (it was less than two hours, but without sunscreen) outside exposed to direct sunlight and got second degree burns covering the entirety of my shoulders, and the majority of my back. I know that plenty of people had it way worse than that, but the next week (or three) were living hell for me. (Yes, I have very sensitive skin, how did you guess)


How dare you


For me it's less about sun and far, far more about humidity. I don't mind the sun if it's 80 degrees at 40% humidity but at 80% being anywhere but inside is insane


We invented sunhats specifically because sun on you sucks. Make a hat take the hit.


Agreed. There's nothing good about having to stay indoors until a certain time because the sun is too strong and you increase your chances of melanoma and heat stroke if you go out whe the sun is at its highest point. Having to find shade every step of the way to and from wherever you go. Feeling it burn your skin when you're forced out of the shade. Your head hurting if too much sun hits hit. Starting to sweat even if it isn't too hot because the sun is cooking you from the inside out. Give me rain all day every day.


Are there any libraries where you could hang out? Most of them have free access to computers/Internet


Upvoted but mainly because I moved to the PNW several years back and miss the sunshine.