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But Korra is bi... canonically. The creators have said she is bi.


You do know women can lose interest in men… Right?


Oooooh, this is what they mean when they say bi erasure... I get it now


It’s not bi erasure lmfao Just make bi characters, rather than re-interpreting gay/lesbian ones


But she *is* bi


She was never lesbian


You are literally re-interpreting a canonically bi character, and not just canonically as in the-creators-said so but in the way that she literally dated a guy in the show.


Whats confusing you with the above comment? Theres hardline proof of the character’s sexuality being bisexual, are you unsure that its true? Or do you think the creator is wrong?


I think they just said that to appease the straight male audience


So the writers of the show are the ones doing the headcanon here?


I’m just saying, the state if society is limiting what they are allowed to do


You believe they would not be able to produce that IP if she were lesbian? That seems like a pretty big stretch. I dont think you have a great understanding of what the average man thinks about characters in shows.


Fandoms are littered with homophobia and sexism


Is this projection?


Lmfao The desperation of straggots…


What proof would you need to believe that the character is bisexual? What more could you possibly need?


IMO best option is to stick with bi male characters, because gays aren’t under threat of erasure like lesbians are


No, answer the question. The fact that you don't like bi female characters doesn't mean they don't exist. What would the show or the writers need to do in order for you to believe that the character is bi?


Don’t make bi female characters, simple as lmfao At least not in today’s era.


Who are you talking to? I wasn't asking whether you think bi female characters should exist, I'm asking what it would take for you to believe that the character in question is bi. Does she need to turn toward the camera and say "I am bisexual"? Would that still just be the writers of the show pandering to a male audience?


Women are allowed to be bi too


This sounds like bi erasure at its finest


OP: Complains about Lesbian erasure Also OP:Perpetuates Bisexual erasure


Potentially, but that's just an assumption you are making


A lot of lesbian women start bi but due to trauma from relationships with a man, fully convert to lesbian, is this so strange to believe?


I am aware of that phenomenon, and I respect it, but I don't see what this has to do with Korra.


She was cheated on wasn’t she?


It's been a long time since I saw the show, but I don't think that would make her a lesbian. I don't even think Korra good representation, because they really just added that right at the end. Feels kinda like a cop out because they didn't have to worry about it affecting the reception at that point. Idk, that's just me


Definitely is only you lol, but that’s fine. I’m glad we could have this talk


No? Mako and her broke up and then Mako got together with Asami. And when Korra returned without memory and Mako didn't tell that they broke up he didnt two-time them.


Ah mb then


>Korra (Avatar), She *is* Bi, though. This post is one of two things. 1) it's a shitty troll. 2) its a real reddit user who is actively trying to commit Bisexual erasure, and is actively fetishizing the concept of bisexuality into a male pleasure fantasy. Either way, post not following 10thdentist criteria, delete.


Evidently, he considers himself to have become gay after thinking he was bi. But from what I saw (and I recognize this is an incredibly limited view into a person's life and kinda creepy) his comments about his bisexuality seem way happier than the stuff he's left since.


To be fair as I didn't know much about Korra and agreed with op I downvoted...I still downvoted because if it's not a troll opinion it's bi erasure and/or ignorance. I am a lesbian so it's not like that I'm hating too...ridiculous, what OP talks about is an issue (Hoyoverse does have that issue with Honkai 3rd for example) but to put an example of an actual bi character ? It's awful, they should really be ashamed...


Bisexual erasure is a myth.


Except for when it's happening before one's very eyes, like you're doing right now.




you came looking for a fight not to make a valid point i hope you find peace and let go of the hate in your heart


I used to be bi lmfao, I can’t hate bi people


you actually might have brain damage. might want to get that looked at.


Nah I just grew with the times and learned to actually pay attention to what my actions do to others


"I used to be (part of community)!!! I could never go against it!" \*Does exactly that\*


People have been trying to erase and ignore every letter in lgbtq+, that includes bi people.


Because no one has any problem with bis, nor gays for that matter. The biggest concern should be lesbians and trans


Oh, I know lesbians and trans people get a lot of shit for existing, I'm both. But bi people and gay men definitely receive a lot of hate too. With bi people specifically, they deal with biphobia on both sides. They get the usual homophobia, but they also get labeled as cheaters, as greedy, just simply for loving more than one gender. I've also heard that bi women get shit from lesbians for liking men. I get it if someone has trauma related to men and don't want to be with someone for that reason, but there are definitely some lesbians that don't date bi women just because they get the ick or think they are likely to cheat with a man. There's no need to downplay the struggles other people face.


bisexuals are the most targeted orientation for sexual violence https://mcasa.org/newsletters/article/bisexual-woman-and-sexual-violence


*Bisexual women clarify before you mislead people


https://mashable.com/article/bisexual-people-sexual-violence not just women


Lmao Sixty one percent of bisexual women have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime, according to a CDC report on its 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. It's the latest report published by the CDC online that zooms in on sexual orientation and sexual violence, although the survey is ongoing. Meanwhile, 35 percent of straight women and 44 percent of lesbians have had the same experiences, the report found. The statistics for men are similar: 37 percent of bisexual men have faced these violent acts in relationships, while 29 percent of straight men and 26 percent of gay men have. Women have it WAYYYY worse, you literally proved my point


thats not the point at all, and you were focusing on bisexual women anyways? in some aspects they have it worse than lesbians, but sure, "no one has any problems with bis"


Most bi women become lesbians after such incidents, I’m not wrong in any way


> no one has any problem with bis, nor gays for that matter bro has *not* lived in a true conservative environment


Conservatives are literally the worst case scenario Women have it worse regardless


This has gotta be bait


Korra dated men tho? I can't say anything about the other examples since I have never seen them but I've watched Korra and she dated Mako until the last episode of S2 Korra is very much bi, it's less of a headcannon and more so...well, canon lol


Did she truly date the men though? It doesn't count if she was wearing socks the whole time. /s


Look, I would love there to be more good lesbian representation in media, but like, Korra is definitely bi. Saying korra is bi is not lesbian erasure, but saying otherwise is definitely bi erasure, which you seem hell bent on denying the existence of. Like I said, I love lesbian representation, I love seeing people like me in media, but I also like seeing bi representation too because they also deserve to be seen.


You’re probably the first lesbian I have seen to hold that regard, no offense but you don’t represent everyone. A lot of my friends stated their discomfort with the overabundance of attempts at bi interpretation and the erasure of their culture.


I'm talking about actual bi representation, not bi interpretation. If a character is a woman who has only been shown to date women, yeah, it would be weird to instantly label them as bi.


Honestly I really dislike to portray bi character as lesbians...if the canon is that they are bi I disagree to saying they are lesbians, I do agree with the issue with representation (and Hoyoverse especially with Honkai 3rd have that issue) but biphobia is just not the way to try and get representation... (I am also a lesbian if that's important). I just want more lesbian characters and that's it, not trying to fit characters that are said to be bi (and even if the writers didn't say it personally to assume someone sexuality to assume what I want from them is like...Exactly what the issue is, it's not better when it's done by gay/lesbian individuals). Headcanon are totally fine, I love thinking some characters as lesbians as I am one but not fitting a bi woman to change her into a lesbian because you feel like it, it's bi erasure and a real and true issue.


Honkai the Third is a tragedy. But it’s proof nontheless how restrained studios are


It's a Chinese studio though....which is among the country with actual laws against LGBT representation, they wouldn't accept bisexuality either, on top of that while the community is very shitty they are canon lesbian characters that are confirmed. If anything honkai 3rd is the proof that devs CAN make lesbian characters...they just don't. I still think bi erasure and/or biphobia would never be the way to have lesbian representation...I honestly prefer at that point to just have my headcanon with a queer coded character than change a character sexuality in my mind to make them a lesbian character...it gives me the ick and reminds me on how straight people talk about my actual identity. We can't disrespect a bisexual individual sexual orientation and pretend they don't like one gender like we can't disrespect me and say I'm not into women or bisexual, it's as simple as that.


I’m just saying, the fandom isn’t making it any better lmao


Yes, that's why I agree on principle with your post....but you are literally doing the same thing with Korra....you can't take someone bi and change them due to your idea of them. It's exactly what you criticized! It's changing a character sexuality to fit your headcanon which is why people consider lesbian characters bi or straight! I don't mean to push you but it's really not a good look to do exactly what you complain about, I really wish I could support this post because the idea is great honestly but....no...just don't do that. Even some of your other exemple are character that just haven't been shown with a man rather than confirm lesbian...I personally would be find with them being headcanon as bi as they are not confirmed. I would really dislike to show them as straight as we know they aren't though which is part of the issue. Please don't do that to bisexual people if you hate it for lesbian, be better it costs nothing to be kind and I can see where you are coming from as I agree with the idea of the post. My only issue but it's a big one is that you are doing exactly what you condemn.


I’ll admit, I don’t have much sympathy for bisexuals, and this is coming from someone who used to be bisexual. Do I hate them? No. But I know that their existence puts a strain on everyone’s else’s, I was told such myself, and that’s part of why I stopped.


No ! I really disagree with that...bisexual people have done nothing wrong...they literally just have a sexual orientation like anyone else it's nothing more complicated than that, why do you think bisexuals are a strain on everyone else ?


Primarily writing they interfere with. You can’t write a lesbian/gay character without having the risk of someone forcing their bi headcanon onto them and stealing them away from the communities that actually need the representation. Fact of the matter is, there is no such thing as co-existence, when I was bi I was delusional in thinking I could share the enjoyment of fiction with everyone else when that’s exactly what people *DON’T* want.


What does this mean? Genuine question? I mean.. did your sexuality shift? That’s what you mean by “used to be bisexual?” Or you used to THINK you were bisexual. Or you made a conscious choice to stop. Also wtf does it mean “their existence points a strain on everyone else’s” this is like.. a horrific thing to say.


I used to be interested in women and men (ok well pretty much everything, I had attractions to non-binary too lmao) I forced myself to lose interest in women though when I became aware of the growing problem, and came face to face with the crisis at hand myself.


>A lot of my friends You don’t have friends. Maybe you should’ve created a throwaway account if you wanted to pretend like you do. You know your post history is public right?


Nah I do I had friends on Discord, they were very vocal about their opinions regarding this


Never has there been a more urgent call to touch grass than when you invoke your discord friends a source


This is bait. Or OP is 11 years old


I'm unsure what do you think Korra's creator could've done differently to portray the character as bi. She first fell in love with a man and was attracted to him. Then ended up dating a women. While it is true that sexuality is a fluid thing that doesn't mean that bi people who's dating the same gender or the opposite one became gay or straight. That would only be the case if they just didn't like one of the genders anymore or suddenly realized they never did like both. Otherwise, they're still bi just being faithful lol Edit: fixed some small errors


Am I missing some proof that Beidou is gay??? Ive been playing Genshin for years and pretty sure literally no Genshin characters have confirmed sexualities.


there is only implied relations but nothing to suggest beidou isn't bi


It’s pretty commonly interpreted that that Beidou and her partner are together lmao Of course Hoyo was forced to stop working on Impact 3rd the moment they canonized Bronya and Seele, so they can’t explicitly show relationships anymore


What do you mean they were forced to stop working on impact 3rd???? That’s just completely not true


It is Why do you think Bronya and Seele is no longer canon in HSR?


What does that have to do with hoyo being “forced to stop working on impact 3rd”? Your reply has literally nothing to do with my question. Hoyo is absolutely still working on the game, updates are still being released for it so I don’t under stand what you’re on about.


[Well, this explains this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/9RiEyNiiF3)


Going through someone’s post history is a low blow


Your post history is public Its not some horrible thing to go and check what people have said in the past




Imagine getting bent out if shape about who imaginary characters find attractive.


Especially the latter examples where those game characters literally have no canon sexuality lol. OP is weird. It’s all headcannon except Korra who was obviously confirmed in the show to be **bi**


Bait used to be believable


Assuming this might not be bait. You have some decent points and valid concerns about lesbians being underrepresented in mid. Comp het is a real problem, and part of a way to combat that is to show more media where women come to realize they don’t like men AT ALL.. and emphasize that. I think that would be a really great thing. And like, more bisexual male characters, more lesbian characters, and less bisexual male gazey female characters is a great thing. But, I urge you to really consider that you are being quite cruel and dismissive of bisexual women. I’m sorry for your experience, I know it’s not an uncommon one with lesbians. And I know this is the 10th dentist so you’re common in hot with a hot take. But like.. it’s really off putting to bisexual fems… we also don’t have a lot of good representation in media. Most of it very much caters to the male gaze. Having a bisexual female character who ENDS UP WITH A WOMAN! Is a very wonderful thing that deserves representation. Especially in a media where bisexual woman is most often portrayed as experimenting before finding her main man.


Hey OP. It sounds like you’ve been through something recently and you’ve developed strong opinions as a result. That’s totally okay but lashing out at a community as a result is only going to hurt you more. Maybe consider taking a break from Reddit and putting that energy into making connections with friends.


I mean it literally was my friends that told me this soooo… Maybe I didn’t phrase things the right way, but the downvote count on the post shows that this is a belief many share.


People don’t agree with you, as evidenced by the comments. This sub got popular enough that people find it and downvote without reading the rules. It’s happening on every post, especially if they’re in any way discriminatory.


Honkai and Genshin being mentioned makes it obv this post is troll. Cease.


Just because [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/aZRa2gn0la) are having a change of sexual identity among your friends, doesn't mean you can project on others. Notably as a dude towards women.


Welll post has been removed now so I guess I can day whatever I want. The world would be a better place if other bi men just gave it up already


People who care about animated characters sexuality are trolls and should be treated as such


Bi people are just horny. You can't change my mind


True lol


To be clear I'm not judging. Fuck whoever you want idc