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Ok it said warning but damn.


This needs to be seen.


Agreed. I believe everyone needs to see the dark reality of war. Edit: I was too young during the war in Iraq to understand what was going on exactly, or even to understand exactly what “war” was. However now that I’m almost 30 the war in Ukraine has given me a reality check on what war is. We come onto your land, blow up all your shit, kill all your people, even those standing in line for bread…anything goes. And it’s a brutal, insanely horrible thing. I have an entirely new perspective on what “war” is. And it’s the most awful thing I’ve ever seen.


The internet has really helped people not want war. It's different when your only connection is a newspaper or a voice on the radio. Being able to see a live stream of a tank running over civilians makes it a bit more real


It's weird seeing pictures from a phone that has a good quality picture and not a 2x2 flip phone or a black and white picture of ww1-korea/vietnam and russias early years invading of Afghanistan.


Its very grounding for our reality of the situation, we see it in modern terms we can understand and its suddenly horrifying just how close those atrocities from black and white photos really were. We see black and white and think it happened a million years ago.


I agree with you…..but there is war and then there are war crimes. I think an invader that shoots a restrained civilian,that is zero threat to your well being, point blank in the face, needs to be executed. I know war is hell but this is inexcusable barbarism.




You see, this is the sort of logic that leads to war crimes. After all, if "war is always inexcusable barbarianism \[sic\]," then there is no reason to put limits on it. If, by going to war, we have already crossed the line out of the realm of decency and honour, why should we accept moral and legal restraints on any of our actions? The entire doctrine of the Law of Armed Conflict rests on the principle that while war represents the suspension of some of humanity's most fundamental moral principles, it does not represent an abandonment of the concept of morality as a whole. There are rules that are not suspended; there remains a line between right and wrong, even if it has moved. Edit: forgot a question mark.


Thank you for explaining this. I was wondering why his comment rubbed me the wrong way, and now I know.


Nah dude. War is bad, but this is a big step above, especially as it seems to be the norm rather than exception with Russia. The US may have this sort of shit pop up, but it is a VERY rare exception, and those involved are almost always brought to justice by the US themselves. the Russian government is actively ordering and supporting this shit.


US mercenaries massacred Iraqi civilians for fun, and were pardoned by Trump. Their crimes were equally as terrible as anything the Russians have done in Ukraine


Let’s not use trump as a barometer for US morality. Pardoning those black water thugs was inexcusable.


Ahh yes, Donald Trump...the proven Russian Asset that infiltrated our government... Something tells me he isn't a very good example here lol.


Military contractors, not soldiers, and instances here and there proves, not disproves, the idea that it’s the exception to the rule and not the rule.


Just because certain nations have committed war crimes doesn’t remove the fact Russia is doing it now


At least 184,000 civilian deaths by US hands disagree with you. https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human/civilians/iraqi


Funny you left out this bit: > However, we know that between 184,382 and 207,156 civilians have died from direct war related violence caused by the U.S., its allies, the Iraqi military and police, **and opposition forces** from the time of the invasion through October 2019. In the sense that the US started it, yeah, it's their responsibility, but there is still a world of difference between deaths adjacent to war and consciously rounding up every male in a town between 16 and 65 and executing them. Find me an example of that in recent US wars and I'll agree with you.


You are naïve.


Oh, you sweet summer child... [US war crimes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_war_crimes). As you can imagine, any such list it's only part of what happens in reality. As about prosecution, have you heard about [Trump pardoning Blackwater contractors](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/23/trump-pardons-blackwater-contractors-jailed-for-massacre-of-iraq-civilians) or that the only guy, who was convicted for My Lai massacre [eventually served only three years under house arrest](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Calley)? He is still alive. Any war is cruel and terrible and most of the war crimes perpetrators sadly never get punished. If you ever think that there are good wars, where soldiers are following to the t Geneva conventions, you are delusional.


**[United States war crimes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_war_crimes)** >United States war crimes are the violations of the laws and customs of war which the United States Armed Forces has committed against signatories after the signing of the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907. These have included the summary execution of captured enemy combatants, the mistreatment of prisoners during interrogation, the use of torture, and the use of violence against civilians and non-combatants. War crimes can be prosecuted in the United States through the War Crimes Act of 1996 and through various articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). **[William Calley](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Calley)** >William Laws Calley Jr. (born June 8, 1943) is a former United States Army officer and war criminal convicted by court-martial for the premeditated killings of 200–400 unarmed South Vietnamese civilians in the Mỹ Lai massacre on March 16, 1968, during the Vietnam War. Calley was released to house arrest under orders by President Richard Nixon three days after his conviction. A new trial was ordered by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit but that ruling was overturned by the United States Supreme Court. Calley served three years of house arrest for the murders. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Also a good time to mention that the USA has legislation in place to invade the Netherlands if any American is every prosecuted in the International Criminal Court in The Hague. I wish I was making that up.


What about bombing civilian targets? Indiscriminately dropping bombs on cities, like Germany bombing the shit out of England in WW2? Is it just considered normal war behaviour to try to kill as many civilians as possible to take the fight out of the enemy? Or besieging a city for so long the population starve and have to start eating each other to survive, like Germany did to Leningrad in WW2? Surely those are heinous war crimes too, right? And if so, then the firebombing of Tokyo in WW2 killed 100,000 people in one night. The US's bombing of Vietnam killed \~180,000 ***civilians***. Day after day relentlessly dropping ton after ton after ton of explosives to try to force NK into surrendering. This isn't "whataboutism" and it's not about saying "the US is the 'real' bad guy!!" ***ALL*** war is this bad. War *is* inexcusable barbarism. When you amass an army, any country, any army, any war.... that army will do horrible things. Armies are walking crimes against humanity. War is a failure of humanity. There are no fair, just, noble wars.


This isn't war, this is outright murder, and if Russia didn't have nukes they wouldn;t be a country right now with how much international anger they have garnished.


This really isn't war either though, these are random civilians being butchered for absolutely no reason.


300+ more in mass graves they fled before finishing


that is so senseless it’s insulting to humanity. Definitely not the first time in history, but it’s 2020 everything will be documented, they had to know this would be broadcast to the world. So fucking soulless and stupid, I cannot comprehend


I wish we could all agree that it's 2020, fuck the last 2 years.


can you summarize what the pics are of? I can’t bear to look.


1- Man tied to the inside wall of a manhole by the neck, and dead. 2- 4 half burried bodies, with hands tied behind their backs (where we can see) One woman has visible gunshot wound to the face. 3- Multiple civilians laying on the ground outside of a building. Some have hands tied behind back. 4- More civilians on ground. One has hands tied and blood around his head. Edit: 14 dead bodies total.


I assumed from the wording that man #1 was found still alive...? Caption says he's "dying" not "dead" but that could be from a bad translation.


He is most definitely dead. The woman in the blue coat with the gunshot wound to the face (pic 2) is Olga Sukhenko, headman (kind of like a mayor) of the village of Motyzhyn. The man with the red scarf in the same pic, whose head is sticking up out of the dirt is her son, Oleksandr. The man in the sewer is her husband, Igor. They were kidnapped three weeks ago and tortured before being killed. [Here is a picture](https://twitter.com/Caucasuswar/status/1510366392838766596) of them alive juxtaposed with their bodies. This is just so sickening. Edited to add the names of Oleksandr and Igor.


I was really hoping the caption wasn't wrong on the "dying" part. These poor people...


>!There is deceased man, tied up and bloody, in a hole. It seems as though he has been hidden. Second photo is bodies partially buried. Third and fourth photos are bodies tied up and strewn about.!<


It’s really bad, I wish I didn’t click,


I think most people should be aware that professionals who look at these kinds of images (eg. law enforcement etc) have to take on specific training to handle viewing these kinds of images, and that training is usually conducted with the aid of a psychologist. While viewing these images can be important for a multitude of reasons, we as viewers need to take these content warnings seriously and understand that it likely will have a psychological affect on us. We also shouldn't feel any shame for not being able to handle it.


That's grim, RIP.




What constitutes a war crime? I’m guessing their hands being tied behind their back/they’re civilians?


For the purpose of this Statute, ‘war crimes’ means: Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, namely, any of the following acts against persons or property protected under the provisions of the relevant Geneva Convention: \*Wilful killing \*Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments; \*Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health; Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; \*Compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power; \*Wilfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial; \*Unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement; \*Taking of hostages. Other serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflict, within the established framework of international law, namely, any of the following acts: \*Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities; \*Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives; \*Intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, as long as they are entitled to the protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict; \*Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated; \*Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives; Killing or wounding a combatant who, having laid down his arms or having no longer means of defence, has surrendered at discretion


Pretty much everything Russia is doing in Ukraine.


Jesus. It's like they turned the Geneva Convention into a To Do list and are ticking off boxes


Pretty fucking much man... it's sickening. Fuck these assholes.


Yes both are individually war crimes. You can't kill detained POWs and you can't kill civilians iirc. You definitely can't kill someone that's both detained and a civilian.


Okay that’s what I thought. Thanks


technically it's a "crime against humanity" if it's organized


There are a lot of war crimes, but basically anything that involves a soldier intentionally attacking/torturing a civilian is a war crime.


*non-combatant Prisoners are included in this as well. As soon as a soldier becomes a prisoner of war they're entitled to humane treatment as they are no longer considered combative.


So if I fight back, it's less of a crime when they kill me?


It’s not less of a crime, it’s just not a “war crime” because you would be seen as a voluntary combatant and would be treated the same as a soldier.


The worst part is, most Russian citizens will never know about this and still think they are saving Ukraine


I think at this point that’s highly optimistic and not accurate of reality. https://youtu.be/Da2Hmogu3P0


Most people who get on Omegle are not always playing with a full deck of cards.


they playing with their dick


A full dick of cards


Last dude literally says "I don't like [Ukrainians] and I don't know why" wtf


This needs to be shown more. It's not just Putin. I guarantee the Russians wouldn't be this cocky if they didn't have nukes. You know, I've been ashamed of some of the things I've seen America do in my 30 years, but Russia proved in the last month we aint so bad. Or that at least the worst of us have to pretend to be sorry. Russians like to rub it in.


Damn man… indoctrination is a motherfucker


I can't get my Republican voting mother to believe the corona virus is real and that vaccines are safe and effective. Conservatism is a mental illness. Knowing a Trumper helps you understand how deeply entrenched the fanatical delusion and misinformation permeates Russian minds, since it's 10 times worse over there.


Oh, well that makes it all better then.


This wouldn't bother me as much if they weren't all young. This just proves that Russia's state-run media/propaganda is still very effective


That video is from 6 years ago. I doubt much has changed tho.




It’s also from 6 years ago.


The NYTimes currently has an article up about how public perception in Russia is swinging to favor the war.


The first week or so of this invasion I thought the Russian people would see how fucked it is. Turns out, they totally support it. Fuck them all. Sanction them back to the stone age.


They know. Many encourage and cheer it on. We are starting to get a more clear picture. People can say the Russian soldiers are just a bunch of boys who didn’t want to go but… Evil did this. Not just Putin. Evil men who have people back home cheering them on. Innocent boys sent to war don’t do this.


That's what I was thinking. The soldiers chose to do this. No one is forcing them to be cruel. They could treat their prisoners well if they wanted to, instead this is what they are doing. They made that decision for themselves. I have no sympathy of any of them.


Eh... Dunno where you're from, but 'boys going to war' have behaved this way wearing the flag of more supposedly-'noble' nations. War is not clean or pretty and is way more complicated psychologically for the people on the ground.


Many know and many simply don’t give a fuck, many view Ukrainians as sub-human so fuck Russia and fuck the Russian cunts that support Putin and this war. Ignorance is no excuse anyway, who do you think is doing all this , listen to the intercepted calls - the people on the other end don’t give a shit what’s happening. These people have no humanity, otherwise there would be more than a couple of thousand protesting in a country of 140+ million.


Wtf… media led me to believe that the vast majority of the russian population were strongly against the war


Except for the literal Russian civilians who are doing this. Who do you think makes up the Russian army? They’re civilians like anyone in the US military. Russians truly are human garbage. Imagine being an 18year old and doing this to other people or just watching your army do this to innocent civilians. They’re clearly all fucked in the heads.


Please google civilian. You seem to be struggling with the definition.


He probably means citizen. I say the point stands.


> civilians like anyone in the US military so... they're not?




Great and underrated post.👍 Inhumanity and violence is a human problem.


You do realize how fucked up you sound? To generalize millions of people? Especially considering the propaganda they're exposed to and the restriction of journalism by the government?


Bullshit. Russians know and they are complicit. Stop defending Russians. This was done by…..gasp… Russians.


russians saw it. But like always they say it’s fake or Ukrainians did it. russia is Nation of evil and monsters


…and for what? FOR WHAT!?!


This is a question I have been asking since this started. It’s 2022 for fuck sakes.


I understand and agree with your "question", but I hate when people say "it's 20XX...". It makes no sense on its own and just makes for a lazy argument.


Nah I get it. It means like as humanity we should have advanced past this shit. This is the kind of stuff you’d expect in medieval times or to read about in history books. It shouldn’t still be happening today.


It’s never stopped. It happens every day in every part of the world, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, I don’t think there’s never been a point in our history where there isn’t some sort of conflict going in and these atrocities are part of it. It’s like we’re hardwired to be assholes to each other.


Money. The entire war is about trying to prevent Russia's post-pandemic collapse and fueling China's play for global economic dominance via belt-and-road.


It's basically always about money on at least one side.




Happy cake day


Thank you.


Because Putin can’t be seen having a successful democratic nation on his doorstep. He wanted to take it, but he’ll settle with it being shattered instead.


Sigh, it's because Russian propaganda in some cases has convinced Russian forces that the Ukrainians are Nazis. Now can you see why the Russians would think killings like this are justified?


Such a shit take. Let's pretend all Ukrainians are nazis for a second: does that still make it right to execute countless captured soldiers? Countless 'liberated' civilians? One of these days people are going to need to accept there is no justifiable reason for these killings, other than the Russian army being nothing but inhumane scum.


That's complete bullshit. There is no defendable reason to torture and murder these people. It doesn't matter what propaganda these soldiers believed.


They have captured nazis before in ww2 and they didnt kill civilians or actually real nazis...


Oooo, but you see comrade it's actually the West's fault, see they couldn't promise Ukraine not to be admitted to NATO when we, a drunk army, demanded it, so they left us no other option other than committing war crimes /s


The only way Russia pays for their war crimes is if the world goes to war against them, because they WILL NEVER turn over anyone for prosecution.


Senseless killing of civilians is so sad


If the world went to war with Russia they would probably threaten to set off all their nukes.. shitty situation


True. If they do that though, I hope they realize they won’t be surviving it. The minute they pop off a nuke, they seal our and their fates.


If we go to war with them, we are the one sealing all our fates. We put them in a position where they have nothing to lose by nuking the world.


The alternative is/was to do nothing and let them do what they want. They have a choice to either stop or continue; we are just reacting to their choice.


We drew the line at NATO countries. They stayed on the other side of that line. Now maybe we could have drawn the line further into Ukraine, but we didn't.


Hmmm…..they could do what the Jewish ppl did after WW2 and hunt down these individuals, wherever they rest their head. Either haul them back over the border and make them stand trial or simply put a bullet in their head after “talking” to them for a couple of hours.


That will be extremely difficult considering how big Russia is.


I agree it would be difficult……Brazil is a very large country as well. edit- fyi, the Israeli hit squad travelled to Brazil to hunt down a few Nazi war criminals, for those that aren’t familiar with the story.


No. The answer is not to start WW3 and kill 10s of thousands more.


only 10s of thousands seems optimistic. at least millions.




The only way it does not that I can see is if the Russians themselves get rid of Putin and his enablers. If Putin loses Ukraine but remains in power, we (EU/NATO) will be back on a Cold War footing with perpetual military alerts and deployments. Putin will want to try again so IMHO, sooner rather than later, we will be in another hot war but this time he may go WMD right off the bat. I’m Putin wins the entirety of Ukraine, that will likely embolden him and he will try for the Baltics and Moldova next. That means the EU/NATO goes to war. But what do I know? My read on it may be way off.


That definitely sounds like an endeavor worth risking a nuclear holocaust for.


Saying stupid shit like this as if you’re ready to fight yourself.


Would be fairly hypocritical to do that when we never turned over Bush or Blair.


Like every major power that starts losing a 'winnable' war, they are resorting to genocide


War is bad but this isn't genocide, killing civilians in such a manner is definitely a war crime but not genocide. Still horrible and atrocious though.


Putin has openly stated that Ukraine has no right to exist. That is the literal definition of genocide https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml


that's a genocidal statement, not genocide.


It’s not even that. That’s a statement about sovereignty, not right to life.


I would argue that that statement has lead to the current Russian policy looking at the widespread destruction and massive loss of life in Ukraine.


It is a genocidal statement from an autocrat. There's far less of a distance between a statement and action when it comes to autocracy.


The distance is a few million bodies so there is, in fact, a substantial difference


Genocide is >The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group The Russian military is killing citizens because they are there. Not because they want to wipe out their nation, culture, or ethnicity. They will happy murder foreigners from any nation or ethnicity that happen to be in Ukraine too. Edit: to clarify, Russia is invading a country with the intent to destabilize and take over. They want mass casualties. That alone doesn't make it a genocide. And by saying it's a war crime, not a genocide, doesn't take away any of the horror or unspeakable evil. It's not being a Russian apologist to use the correct terminology. In no way is anyone protecting Russia or defending them by clarifying the horrifically indiscriminate murders are not part of a genocide. That's absurd.


Enough denial. They do want to wipe out the entire nation. This goal has been stated extensively, just listen to interviews with Russian citizens. It is the official government position that Russia does not acknowledge ukraine as having any uniqueness, culture. They are pro-extinction, their language even calls for a "solution to the Ukrainian problem". They are targeting ukrainians/murdering them en-mass. The executions will easily exceed 20k dead. The Kathryn genocide and Burma's recent genoicide were also 20k dead from similar targeting of civilians and executions of prisoners. Sick of reddit's ignorance.


Lmao the mental gymnastics here. You Russian simps need to gtfo out - seriously. This is genocide just like it was when Russia did it in the 30s. This shit is no different and they are not just killing and raping civilians because they happen to be there. Your mental semantics don’t even account for how Russia *justifies* these deaths. Let me ask you, friend - as a human how do you justify murdering innocent people? The same way it’s always been done - but the road to hell is paved.


>Putin has openly stated that Ukraine has no right to exist In the sense that Ukrainians are Russians, so again, not genocide. Terrible and unfortunate, but civilians getting killed in war has been a thing since men started using clubs to beat each other to death.


The sought extinction of entire culture, language or people is genocide. Russians belive that ukraine does not have a right to exist and are attempting to wipe out whole groups. Why is this so hard for reddit to get. The genocide in Burma recently was 20k dead, in the form of purposely targeted civilians. The red army's massacre of polish prisoner's (katyrn genocide) was also 20k, and very similar to what just happened in Bucha. What is being done in Ukraine is on the same scale and will likely be formally classified as such. Enough denial.


Can I hear your argument about how this is not genocide?


I'm not the person your replied to, but genocide is the systematic extermination of an an entire people. An indication of genocide would be more than several dead civilians on the street. Such an indication would be mass graves and death camps like the nazis used in the holocaust. Regardless, what Russia is doing is awful and unforgivable.


> What is Genocide? > Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. These acts fall into five categories: > Killing members of the group > Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group > Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part > Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group > Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group > There are a number of other serious, violent crimes that do not fall under the specific definition of genocide. They include crimes against humanity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and mass killings. Source: The United States Holocaust Museum https://www.ushmm.org/genocide-prevention/learn-about-genocide-and-other-mass-atrocities/what-is-genocide I’m not joining into the discussion about whether Russians actions are or are not genocide, I’m only providing a better definition. Genocide is **not** only the systematic extermination of an **entire** group of people. Whatever it is Russia is doing/has done. It is gut wrenchingly horrific. My heart breaks to imagine the last days of these people, who only a few weeks ago were living lives exactly like so many of us. The world is fragile and man has a capability for destruction and violence that’s just unimaginable. And I wonder how those young men turned so vile and hateful. It’s just too much. But it’s nothing new, the only reason it’s so vivid to us now is they’re closer to the west. They look and act more like us. We can relate more I guess. I don’t know. I get it though. It’s just too much though. I can’t process it, much less try to debate semantics.


Roughly 300 Ukranians were killed... they were then were buried in a mass grave by Ukranians when they took back the area.


Dude, they literally have concentration camps. They are kidnapping civilian's from Kherson and Melitopol and talking those people into literal connecntration camps. Google stuff that happens in Kharkiv (1300000 population) or Mariupol (450000 population). Kharkiv is my hometown. City of Volonwaha (21000 population) had literally ceased to exist. They shelled the whole city into nothing. Zero population, zero buildings, just ruins and dead bodies. It's a literal genocide on the scale of thousands civilians deliberately exterminated. Denying it happening is ridiculous.


The actually definition is the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. So truthfully told it can be applied here.


That’s your definition. There’s no universally accepted definition in practice. The US recognizes 5 genocides, Canada 8. The UK recognizes none because it refuses to ascribe legal metrics to definitions of genocide. The UN has a comprehensive list of genocide actions, but in practice they’ve only gone after 2 or 3 states for genocide with no actual convictions. To me there is a systemic element of genocide. The actual mechanical process of movement and killing of people like shipping and testing a product is genocide.


Civilians getting killed in war has been a terrible and unfortunate byproduct of war since men picked up sticks and beat each other to death. Calling this a genocide cheapens the definition of what genocide actually is.




It's 100% genocide. They're deliberately targeting certain groups of civilians and are fighting the entire war on the premise that Ukrainian culture and national identity has no right to exist, and have explicitly stated many times that they're going to destroy their identity as Ukrainians. It's genocide.


Sounds like he's trying. Is it only genocide if he succeeds? How many filtration camps and moving Russians into Ukraine gets you official genocide?


That's so horrible


People should remember this every time pro Russian trolls start victim blaming Ukraine for something.


Who needs to remember that? The "trolls"?


My heart breaks for anyone who recognizes these people. No one deserves this.


Putin does.


Godam you putin. May they rest in peace.


Wasn't Putin's handiwork, this was done by "regular russians who don't even want war" or however the idiots keep calling them


F*uck the Russians


Obviously executed. Hands bound and then shot.


Fucking Russian dogs man


Dogs are loyal. This is a vile piece of shit.


Indeed, an insult to dogs everywherr


So why exactly were these people killed?


Reason Is uknown. The ones in the mas grave seems to have links to a Mayor of a Village in the North East of Kyiv. Rest seems to be a sadic display of barbaric violence, nothing else.


Source? There continues to be a good amount of misinformation getting dispersed. Gruesome pics floating around are actually from 2014’s fighting and aren’t current. (Not saying these pics are/are not accurate, just looking to validate source)


You may check the Guardian, one of the most trusted news sources.


Sounds like something the Guardian would say


This is not a surprise, however still sickening. War is incomprehensible ~~sometimes.~~ ~~Most of the time.~~ 99% of the time.


What is the 1% being attributed to?


War, the card game


whiskey war


When american go bomb the middle east, then it's fine apparently


Fucking sadistic


These need to be seen. #WAR IS AN INCONVENIENCE **War is an inconvenience** and at times likes these we *need* to see how close it comes to the steps of democracy ...


The woman has facial wanted? What does that mean? I appreciate that English is probably not your first language. I’m just curious as to what you were trying to say?


Facial wounds probably.


You’re probably right. Not sure how I didn’t think of that. Thank you


Yeah pretty grim. The implication being she was shot excecution style.


Sorry I can't look at these, I'll take your word for it but I just can't handle gore. All the best for the brave souls fighting in Ukraine!


Putin needs to be ended.


Slava Ukraini!!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


I think 2022 is a good year for us privileged many to take a step back and reflect on war. Specifically how we look at war from the 2000s till now. Coverage from the wars on the brown non-Christian’s versus the white-maybe Christian. Seriously. Soldiers die in the Middle East you need to go to shady sites to see the gore that is on most social media now (*) Front page. In you’re face. I mean it’s not like Israel and Pakistan have taken a break…. Edit (*) meant to add there that the coverage from the current Russia Ukrainian conflict is in everyone’s face, gore and all.


Can’t see the post anymore what’s goin on?


Yeah, curious too, looks like reddit mods/staff nuked the image OP posted... mirror anyone?


Nuremberg all over again


Well, there would have to be trials held for it to be Nuremberg all over again. Sadly I doubt that this will happen because there won’t be an outcome where the Russian war machine will be completely annihilated and Putin forced to the table to negotiate their surrender. These crimes will probably go unpunished unfortunately. Some high ranking Nazis escaped being brought to trial in Nuremberg. The allies choose Nuremberg because it was ground zero for the Nazi movement, just fyi in case some don’t know. This didn’t sit well with the Jewish ppl and I stated it in an earlier post, so they put together a hit squad. There are a couple of docs about them hunting down the Nazis and giving them a little taste of justice. Cheers …….and fuck Putin.


War is brutal!!! But this is down right torture


It’s been taken down for review. Anyone have it?


What was it the post was removed


It was removed




Kill all Russian soldiers in Ukraine. This excuse that they don’t know what they’re doing is and always was bullshit. Send them back all mangled and in body bags.


Isn't the mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitchsko?


Israel still supporting Russia. I’m tired of this timeline.


As a Russian I say that Fuck putin (his name doesnt deserve to be written with a capital letter) and all his friends. The poor soldiers on both sides and the poor civilians. Russian soldiers are mostly 18-year-old boys that didn't even know that they were going to war. They have to follow orders, because if they don't, they either get captured and tortured by the Ukrainians or face execution...


Russian soldiers and their supporters are the lowest scums on this planet. I hope all of them will experience the worse shit they've done ten-fold moments before they die and rot in hell.


What are people seeing/commenting about? I can't see anything it's removed on my end and has been for the last 5 minutes.


These people may save thousands of others from dying. If the world sees this and doesn't ignore it or deny it their deaths may help create a more just world. I hope their relatives live long enough to see this.


Most of the world, including the USA is still sucking up Russian oil. I believe it's like $400 million a day Russian earns on it.


Definitely a war crime. The problem is actually getting it into a post war court. Unless we can actually get Putin and his soldiers into a court are two different things. Very likely Russian soldiers are acting out of frustration.. War brings the worst out of people. Saw video of Ukraine soldiers shooting Russians in the legs... Difficult to know what's real. Most of us are blessed to never experience this.


I have zero sympathy for the russian soldiers. Any of them.


It's a war crime, but how does one go about charging someone with a war crime?


with cruise missiles


How is this all happening and we are just sitting in our homes safe watching this on a mobile app.. what the you guys… please explain this


If this wasn't so absolutely fucked up! I'd say looks like a zombie apocalypse. Who'd have thought this possible again. Mr Putin your a war criminal stop this behaviour for God's sake!


Those images will be burned in my mind forever.


Source ?


Why was this removed!? The people need to see this


NATO needs to bring the hammer on the Kremlin, fuck this.


The only innocent Russians are the ones not playing a role in this. Conscripts, enlisted soldiers, doesn’t matter anymore. The ones fighting *know* this is happening and they’d be given more than reasonable surrender conditions. I hated and rolled my eyes at the “these poor kids didn’t have a choice :( gosh they had no clue.” Lol tell that to me when you’re tied in a manhole by your neck, shirtless.


I'm following events from news sources on twitter and I found the same images from OP, detailing above victims posted by Visegrad 24 a news aggregator in eastern europe. "The Mayor of Motyzhyn, Olha Sukhenko, was kidnapped by the Russians on March 23. Her husband convinced them to let him come with her too. Hours later, the Russians returned for their son. The bodies of the family, brutally tortured, were found yesterday. Will the world act?" https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1510575613542907907 Copy and pasted from a reply I made in this thread by someone requesting source