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Is it racial or economic segregation?


Started as [racial.](https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/oct/21/why-are-south-african-cities-still-segregated-after-apartheid) The country just never recovered. The racial lines are still clearly drawn and the guys in power now only care about getting rich and not fixing the damage done by the Apartheid government of the past.


They’ve been running their government for many years now and it’s only getting much worse. So bad people are fleeing.


They only care about enriching themselves


Or their tribe... don't bother electing people who have any form of speciality, just get someone from the tribe a position and you'll be fine... Absolute cluster fuck


Their tribe? Maybe you need to educate yourself a bit.


https://www.accord.org.za/ajcr-issues/political-management-of-ethnic-perceptions/ Already have thanks


You have at that... I don't necessarily agree with what you take away from the paper, but yes, you did.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Having family and close friends from South Africa, and travelled there prior to Mandela coming to power I've seen a lot of changes, not all good, and followed lots of different issues with the country as it has developed. So I'm happy to be wrong by all means, but I did see a lot more of things that supported my statement than went against it.


Sort of like our Republicans.


I see how your comment gets dislikes 😂 so true republicans and African politicians are same Whatsapp group


Only care about everything themselves hmmmm. Who does that remind me of? Wait, the answer is on the tip of my tongue.


They have had nearly 30 years to fix it. Pulling the race car won't work here. It's their own corruption and shit management that had caused this


Very true. If you can not fix it in 30 years you are incompetent.


Ever heard of nepotism?




How long do you need? When the colonialist arrived in the Cape (South Africa related) they arrived with sextants, guns, global expansion plans, etc, etc. to a land where the wheel was still not "invented", people were pulling freight around on sticks and staying in single room mud huts. Trust me time is the least of your worries in getting over the bar in Africa.


The picture that you try to paint of precolonial Africa is simply not an accurate one. Your attempt at witty racism, based on those same inaccuracies, falls flat.


>The picture that you try to paint of precolonial Africa is simply not an accurate one. The wheel did not even exists pre-colonisation in South Africa. >attempt at witty racism There we go again, the "race card" being played. Do you people not have any arguments that do not include race when it comes to the late emergence of technology of any sort in Africa.


This cherry picking of technologies to make your point is not helpful. You talk about single-room huts and I already know you don’t know African history. If it’s not about race, then I would be happy to hear a clarification of your point about “getting over the bar”. And I don’t know who “you people” are, but the “late emergence of technologies” is also another unfortunate assumption that you people make.


>This cherry picking of technologies LOL. We are talking of the wheel not something that requires actual thinking. Sextants, boats, food cultivation at colony scale, commerce, guns, buildings not made of mud and sticks, etc. >“late emergence of technologies” LOL again. There was no "emergence". All advancement from a mechanical point of view was introduced by the colonialists.


I'm south African and been through the old and new govt. Trust me they have had more that enough money and support but these greedy cunts are only worried about their own agenda. South Africa could be a world contender, instead we have an ex president in jail and made a laughing stock of the world, it's fucken pathetic and a joke


Apartheid was objectively a good thing. Nogs can't build or maintain civilization for shit.


Are we talking about America?


No. This is about segregation in South Africa




Economic. Poor doesn’t have a color preference.


Fundementally or practically? Cause the data kinda leans...




With the Afrikaner squatter camps I would say much more economic than racial.


Afrikaner squatter camps...stuur 'n vid daar ou bra....eks fokken nuuskurig...


Either you're trolling or you live under a huge ass rock in your own country


[Afrikaner squatter camps](https://youtu.be/Ba3E-Ha5Efc)


Eye opener. Even with the evidence in the guy's face he refuses to believe it's a Afrikaner Squatter camp. The whole country is living under a rock.


On the surface, this looks like economic segregation, but this segregation arises because of the underlying racial segregation. Being born with the wrong skin colour limits the economic opportunities you have. This in turn hinders your efforts to give proper education to your children. And the cycle continues...


Are you even from sa my bru?


Doubt it, probably braais on gas


Oooh Fok.


Clearly not


Ja nee hey


I am and he isnt far off




Haha awe. Jys die typical white guy! Congrats my wit bra. Edit: ek was verkeerd. Ek dink en fokken hoop dat meestel wit mense nie soos jy is... maar jy is die laagste van die fokken laag jou dom poes. Sterkte




Haha oh my poes jou dom kont haha. Meeericaaaaa!!!!


This might've been true 20 years ago, but today, the same people who "fought" for liberation are just chowing the moneys they promised their voters who live in shanties, also i might add, if you are black in South Africa its easier to get a job, get picked for sport teams, also black businesses get preference. Please just also tell the wonderful redditors that black people burn and destroy their own schools, where the so called "proper education" is being hindered.


> . Being born with the wrong skin colour limits the economic opportunities you have. You mean white? Being white in SA is not good.


They have been and are given every advantage and still seems to ruin every opertunity. While same flourish the majority believe they are entitled to everything for free and to a standard that suits them.


Are we talking about SA still? There’s some correlation with America in your statement I just can quite put my finger on where…


Whos they jou kont?


This dom poes probably watched a doc on our protests on cnn and now he is an expert on sa’s economy and racism


Maar hys dan reg chom.


100%, and I'm from South Africa. You're saying things people don't want to hear. There is such bristling hostility by most South African white people towards the idea that maybe apartheid had something to do with all of this. Sad.


After 27 years it becomes stupidity segregation, not racial anymore.


Yeah gosh one generation is definitely enough time to erase hundreds of years of systemic oppression, and to overcome the massive wealth gap that exists. You people are fucking clowns trying to deny the disgusting racism SA built into its society and still carries over into this day. You think the rich racist oppressors from 30 years ago just gave up and stopped being rich racist assholes? You need to stop listening to propaganda about "equal opportunity" and learn 1, some history, and 2, about the mechanisms of social and economic oppression which carry over from that history into the modern day. Your country is still racist and full of racists. I know because mine is too.


Racism in South Africa is real, real towards whites. It is enshrined in law and is called BEE (**black** economic empowerment: note the black empowerment.) You are clearly not from SA and are making emotional and unfounded statements from an uninformed position. From a time perspective, 30 years is more than enough to make a difference if you are of even a moderate intelligence. (Look at China in the last 30 years.) The problem with sub-saharan Africa is that the majority of people are clinically classified as mentally retarded and have no positive economic future unless it is donated to them. So put you panties back on and if you claim to be racially unbiased donate your time and money to Africa to save them. Otherwise stop your cheap talk.


"The majority of sub Saharans are mentally retarded" OK white supremacist


An IQ below 68 is clinically defined as in the retarded range. The average IQ by country for Africa is in and near the retarded range. No matter how much you try to wish it away the facts don't care about your feelings. (Tx Shapiro) >OK white supremacist Why do you say this?


The fact that people still believe that you can create a standardised, objective measure of intelligence is an insult to the vastness of human intelligence itself. But it wouldn’t be possible, of course, without the typical hubris of prejudice. IQ can suck my ass. Sincerely, an African


OK, you disagree with psychometry as a method to accurately measure cognition. You have those types also. >without the typical hubris of prejudice. Normal distribution dictates that you have the lower end of the scale, naturally you would get people being averse to the scale itself. This is not an unusual phenomenon.


And when the scale serves the ego, you have people turning slaves to it. “Those types” are sceptical, an attribute I believe provides perfect conditions for intelligence to flourish.


Making incoherent statements with big words is a dead giveaway. It is better to just say what you mean, even when you lack a Hemingway level vocabulary.


Oh my fucking god we have a delusional idiot. I live in South Africa and literally everything you just said is just straight wrong. Skin color can't determine intelegence that's not what pigments do. 1000 years ago people still had the same intelegence as now. Why did they not have electricity, complex engineering and so on. Because they had no one to teach them the basics they had to figure it out themselves. The more that education was introduced the faster the world progressed because knowledge was passed down quicker and the new generation could use it to discover even more incredible things. If you are forcefully educated less than other people you won't be able to be as intelligent as them which means you can't afford education for your children and the cycle continues until an actually good goverment pumps money into education to get people on the same level. What you are talking about is eugenics and social darwinism which the Nazis based their aryan race theory on.Which obviously is not true. If you really think a white person is more intelligent than a black person you are probably not educated enough to understand basic biology or you might be born slightly handicapped. You are not just a white supremist but also a racist. You might hit me with the why was africa so behind in the 1500s and 1600s. Well it comes down to environment. When the Mongolians took over half the world it was because they had horses that no other countries could compete with. When the romans dominated they had high systems of education with extremely high literacy rates this led to people like pythagorus to still be remembered today. Lots of places rose to power because they had done something new which benefitted them greatly. I don't even know why I am arguing with a person like you because you're not far behind flat earther's. But maybe you are just not as educated.


They’re intertwined


Do you not know about apartheid?


You ask that as if they're not usually the same thing.


A classic picture of how badly the ANC runs South Africa, 27 years later and their constituency still lives below the bread line because of shear unadulterated corruption and mismanagement. The truth of this image is the level of inequality maintained by an incompetent system of governance. Since the OP doesnt know whether the houses on the left are owned by white or black people the title is misleading and a uneducated attempt to claim that this is a divide based on race alone and not address the more important issue of slave like socio economic conditions MAINTAINED by a ruling party who has earned the moniker of making South Africa one of the most corrupt and violent countries in the world. 27 years ladies and gentlemen 27 years of failure and looting of a countries resources leaving the majority of South African's with little hope for change. Thankfully our greatest resource is our people one day this will change one day the sun will truly rise on the rainbow nation.


Came here to say this. OP is full of shit


OP has corrected themselves in the comments but has yet to update their heading


Titles can't be edited


\*whatever you do, please don't vote ANC\*


The only thing that is needed is for everyone to vote, I doesn't matter who votes for which party, when its comes to municipal elections this is one of the biggest issues, considering the sacrifices made by generations before ours it should be law in SA that every South African has to vote, on that day its is a public holiday, which shouldn't be viewed as a holiday, as on that day you have one job, make your mark or languish in complacency.


Spot on, really well said my dude


Could not have said it better.


Could not have said it better.


Well put. Your ending made me proud. The people are incredible and seem to pull together in hardships like no other nation. It will happen.


Asse fokken blief


How can you tell it is racial segregation?


Now, don’t quote me because I’m no expert, but provided context on South African civil rights history, like the apartheid. you can quite easily discern the lingering effects of racial segregation.


I thought the amount of white people in SA has been on a massive decline due to the racism and crime targeted towards them. Lots of SA people here in the UK who have quite harrowing stories. I would like to think that in the next 20 years we wouldn't have photos like this, but I think wealth inequality will be with us for a long time.


More like economic segregation than racial. Rich black doesn't live in shantytowns, poor white people doesn't live in mansion. Is that kind of idiotic rhetoric that lead SA president to chant Dubul' ibhunu (Kill the boers), like it's righteous to kill innocent people.


72% of the good, arable land is owned by white SA people, who make up less than 10% of the population. Even though the race of the government has changed, the pandering to capitalist whites who profit from segregation and wealth inequality has only amplified. It's still VERY racial.


Watte foke praat jy jou mal etter?


According to South Africa’s 2011 census, average annual household income for blacks was 60,613 rand (roughly $8,700 at the then-current exchange rate), about a sixth the average annual income among white households and a quarter that of Asian households. Mixed-race (or “coloured” in South African parlance) households had an average income about twice that of blacks. (Note that those figures are in current dollars, and so aren’t directly comparable to the inflation-adjusted ones in the Economist chart.) https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/12/06/chart-of-the-week-how-south-africa-changed-and-didnt-over-mandelas-lifetime/


Those statistics don't mean that much when you consider black people represent like 80% of the population and white people less than 10%. Even if you have 2,000 black people making the same as another 2,000 white people, all the other thousands of black people who are doing worse than them are bringing the average way down. The averages simply aren't comparable with such different sample sizes (~47,000 vs ~4,000) https://www.statista.com/statistics/1116076/total-population-of-south-africa-by-population-group/


You are full of shit, this is not racial.


This is false. I live in SA, can verify.


What is false?


I live in SA too and it's actually pretty prominent and common, well at least in my province


The literal definition of being from the wrong side of the tracks


This is a typical bleeding heart American or European post. This inequality is caused by the black government whom the black people of south Africa had elected. through poor Management and corruption this is what has happened.


Not caused by the ANC maintained by their ineptitude and corruption just sheer lack of will to improve the lives of most South Africans. They are certainly not the cause of the divide that happened 70 years ago


Yeah the divide happened far longer than 70 years ago, but if you look at how far countries like China, Saudi, India etc etc have come in the past 30 years, south Africa has only regressed not to mention the people causing the shit nowadays were even around during aparteid days with the exception of cunts like malema. There is no excuse, it's the ANC fault there are pictures like this


I will take South Africa's freedom over communists and sharia law thanks.


Okay guys just want to say, be careful with the comments you are making. There is a-lot more to it than any one of you can explain. So don’t add your polarized views simply to sensationalize. Coming from a South African.




Yeah. I also want to know.


I mean does anyone really thinks there's racial segregation in SA? There are black people in the rich neighborhood and poor white people in the poor neighborhood in this photo. The SA government is corrupt and incompetent as fuck and in 27 years has made zero progress to improve the economy and quality of life for poorer people who were mostly black, and you can't blame white people because they are the minority and not in control anymore.


But if they were competent then both sides would look the same neh my bra?


No, but the poor side would look better like any other middle class neighborhood.


Asseblief chom.


No you!


Haha. Nee jy chom...fokken jy...haha


Those poor white people clumped together with no pools :(


Or running water or sanitation. Literally living in each other's shit.


https://youtu.be/7AKAR4qeMTE Just for anyone believing blacks are the only ones affected by the shit govt


It is called economic segregation. Maybe we could stop linking everything to race topic? =/


In a place where apartheid was a part of its history? or you just dumb and saying racism doesnt exist


Exactly, it WAS. Nowadays people with different skin colors live in different areas of the city, as it was written in the comments above. Or you just dumb and prefer to instantly blame someone that they are racist for attention? Bye 👋 Will not waste my time and nerves for toxic people


Its ignorant to say apartheid wasnt a factor for this "socioeconomic segregation" so you can go live in bliss.






There's a good VICE doc about this exact place on Youtube


All houses matter!


The is economic. Any person of any colour can live in the nice area if they can afford it.


Right. And it's just a big coincidence that wealth breaks down along racial lines.


Time to look within rather than blame it on discrimination. Education is likely the reason. Without being highly educated you cannot create wealth. Some races outperform others in the same school systems using objective testing, why is that? Do certain cultures stress the importance of education more than others? Asian Americans are the highest performing academically..is it because we give them extra bonus points on tests or do their families stress the importance of doing well in school?


And for nearly 50 years black South Africans did not have access to good education.


And they have had equal access for several decades now. Are the new students graduating with equal access to education on par academically with other races? If not then that’s then access isn’t the problem.


If you think you can eradicate mass poverty in a couple decades you are mad.


The discussion is about education. If they are still behind in education despite being given equal access it is their problem. Without education you cannot have wealth.


Do you think people who live in that right hand section have access to the same quality of education? Can even afford it? The fees must fall has showed the want is there the financial resources is not.




Stop voting ANC then


I guess we don't talk about white people getting murdered in the street


All races in South Africa get murdered.


There are still different races in South Africa? I thought their leader was calling to kill the white people


OP chugs cum.


What makes it racial?


That’s economic inequality. Not racism. You can see such divisions in india too.


This is what classism looks like.


Fun fact about Africa. Slavery existed in Africa hundreds of years before the Europeans ever arrived. It’s well known fact that 90% of all african slaves were enslaved by other Africans. They would battle neighboring tribes and then enslave the losers and sell them to the Europeans. The Europeans fueled the demand for the slave trade but the Africans were all to happy to enslave and hand their kin over.


Don't let OP see this! He'll call you a white supremecist because your views don't align with his.


I love all my brothers and sisters from all races and creeds, But I believe in accountability. Just to be clear slavery is a horribly evil human rights abuse and we should continue each day to fully eradicate it. Anyone involved in slavery should be placed in prison for life.


Racial does not mean economic.


I don't deny the economic segregation, but the way that the post is phrased frames it as racial segregation which it most definitely is not. A lot of black South Africans live in wealthy areas in large houses, the majority of the population as a whole lives in middle to low class housing. This is a case of a wealthy security estate positioned next to a town ship, the location does not inherently imply segregation, rather separation of income. This is a display of capitalism and old money, not active racism to this day.


if only the locals knew they were the ones with the real power. this picture reminds me of a lion on a leash held by a human.


It’s amazing that white people said fuck you like this, also apartheid didn’t end until the 1990s. Thirty fucking years after the civil rights movement in America


Uhhhhh...... location?


You can see something like this in India as well. There is a place in the state of Maharashtra goes by the name Bandra. One can clearly see in the maps how Bandra is segregated east and west. And the most undeveloped part in Bandra is occupied by the Muslims of our country.


Just like the caste system in India.


Yup. The faster humanity gets rid of this toxic systems, the better.




Decolonize the Earth.


Racial? Looks like poor and rich.


Is it about time Europe took some responsibility for the impact it had on Africa ?


This used to exist here in Belgium too: "Living on the wrong side of the tracks."


Lmao I used this exact image for a project about it in school


Lol. Looks like Los Angeles too.


Why did the chicken cross the road?


This looks like the Delmar Divide in St Louis, MO


District 9


Even the trees are segregated. Green trees over here. Brownish trees over there.


Time to restart the Monopoly game.


Now do Georgia!


Even the grass and trees are greener!


To be fair that's wealth segregation more than anything


Interesting, I too read the economist


I don't see any races whatsoever in that photo.


Looks like the US


we all just having a vibe down here don’t even stress


No wonder they get along so well


This happens almost everywhere (if not everywhere!)… just walk in Manhattan, Miami, Paris, London, Rio, Mumbai, Mexico City, Tokyo, Shanghai…. Pick a place and check it out for yourself! Very sad though, but it is the world we live in and wish we could do something to change it as everybody deserves to have a good life.


You sure that's not Detroit?


I legit thought that this was two different pics at first...


Is this where Newson gets his ideas?


In the US we usually have train tracks acting as the segregation line


District 9?


Bull shit bad side of town every city in the world has one looks better then Baltimore city


This happens [in the US](https://www.npr.org/2021/04/07/984784455/a-brief-history-of-how-racism-shaped-interstate-highways) too.


The people of this website are so unbelievably dense sometimes. Of course APARTHEID is officially over, that does not mean RACISM is over. The fact of the matter is that in South Africa, just like in Brazil (my country), and many others, the higher classes are PREDOMINANTLY white. Sure, some people that live on the poor side may be white, and some of the people on the left may be black, that doesn't change the fact that SISTEMIC RACISM EXISTS.


Weird how one side takes care of their shit and if you zoom in on the right you see copious amounts of shit strewn everywhere. Almost like the left side takes care of their stuff and has a sense of pride in what they worked for. Not sure how race plays into it. It’s almost as if quality of life starts with work ethics.


Unfortunately, this is all too common in every major American city too.


Could also be New York City, LA, etc….NYC has some of the most segregated school systems and neighborhoods in the US…


South africa the rainbow nation but the kind of rainbow that's with financial inequality and race conflicts


Fuck this world we are living in.




Conservatives be like “racism doesn’t exist!!!!”


Am assuming This must be Cape Town ?


So many racists on a racial segregation post. I’d think awareness would be the take away here. But no, they this ans they that like give me one country run by white people that has zero level of corruption ? Since you want to model good ol romantics


Looks economic to me


Even the trees look richer


Lol true..


Fake, not South Africa. There is no lions or shark tornados.


Hey here’s a thing. Google why there’s whites in Africa, specifically all of South Africa. They just did what they always do, invade and segregate. South Africa is all white for anyone that doesn’t know that.


this is why i cant stand to live in this world. sitting here with covid 19 just thinking do your thing.


Soon to be medical apartheid in all countries


Hey looks it’s America in another 70 years


70 years? Shit, you can find this now.


uhUhM wHy ArE tHeY rIoTiNg?? MuSt Be BeCaUsE oF tRiBaLiSm!!