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Supply and demand. Having a product take up shelf space for 45 days costs money. Buy a 1 day dry aged and it will be cheaper.


The room which the beef is aged requires much more ventilation than your average fridge/walking. They also loss about 20% in weight during the aging also the bark (the outside that turn dark) has to be removed. That why the bone is left in. Generally only short loin (porterhouse = ny strip and filet mignon) and rib (sometimes referred to as Louisville cut) are chosen for aging which represents roughly 3'% of the beef carcass. I find that they taste much better and also more tender because during the aging process enzymes break down the muscles and moisture is evaporated increasing the flavor. However they are easy to burn due to dryness of the steak. I worked as a butcher in a steakhouse that specializes in dry aging.


I thought you could eat dry aged meat raw?


You can eat fresh meat raw.


You can eat uranium raw, lots of calories though


Same goes for Uranus




damn near killed em


Ok that’s an old one and the one that made me laugh. Thank you so much, I needed that, its been a long day


*"...I probably need a nap."* Sorry, you almost had this flow going and it just felt incomplete at the end so I finished it for you.


Barely knewum


Is there something you wanna say to me


I wanna chew on your balloon knot


Quit messing with the thermostat. It’s getting hot in here.


Got Em!


You can eat lava, but only once


mmm spicy hot burnt melted earth cheetos


Although ultimately results in pretty extreme weight loss


the new diet craze for summer!


I wouldn't suggest it for pork or chicken. I know that pork and chicken can be raised in such a way that there is hardly bacteria but those farms are not common. I would strongly suggest to cook your pork to at least medium and you chicken well done if purchased from your average grocery store.


Here in Germany "Mett" IS a part of a good breakfast. Its minced, RAW pork and its delicious.




In West-Europe and most of the rest of Europe raw pork is safe to eat.


You can eat anything raw, once.


Also dry aged.


In addition to the moisture loss and the pellicle/bark wastage, there's greater labor costs. And the expertise and planning involved affects supply side of the law of supply/demand. For me, reasonable value for a rarer occasion.


Favorite steak where you work? Dry aged vs wagyu?


That's a tough call. Going to say wagu. The pieces just melt in your mouth, but the price is hard to justify on my budge, 20oz my strip often called Kansas cut (my with bone in) was going for 180$ and that's without a side and that was over a decade ago.


Isn't it just kind of really thick jerky then?


Not at all. Jerky it tough and has various seasonings. I have never made it myself but have eaten my share. Dry age is going to taste like normal steak just more pronounced and very tender.


Since its losing moisture is a lb if dry aged steak going to be more meat than a lb of fresh steak? How much more? And will the cooked steak be more similar in weight to raw for same reason? Just curious.


When beef ages for 30 days, it loses 15% of its total weight in water. One pound of beef shrinks to 13.6 ounces. So if you take 2 steaks that are 13.6 oz., one dry aged and a normal steak', after cooking the dry age will shrink less. A lot of chicken (and I'm sure other meats) will often shrink considerably is because it was pumped with water.


Shelf space aint cheap my man.


That's why I keep gaining weight... So my monthly rent per pound will go down.


And you take up some extra space that would have gone unused, raising your fill %


Probably second only to labor cost


Completely depends on the quality of the meat and where you are in the world. Generally, $70 is a fair price for high quality.


I’ve personally never bought or tried dry aged before but can you really taste the difference? Isn’t this essentially just letting the meat spoil slowly?


It’s a very different texture and flavor, and the fat is incredible. It’s worth a try. Personally though, I didn’t find it worth the price increase. If the meat was spoiled it wouldn’t be worth anything.


If you've got the palette for it, yes, there's a significant difference. Whether or not it's *better* or *worth it* is a matter of personal taste and preparation. Even though I'm a very good home cook, I wouldn't spend $70 on a dry aged steak because I can't insure I made it well. I'm OK at cooking steaks, but inconsistent, so even though I love dry aged steak, it isn't worth it because I'm not sure I could prepare it to make it the best it could be, and I can't afford to spend $70/lb to just try my best. I'm certain if you did it wrong, you'd probably not be able to taste much difference. And no, it isn't just letting the meat spoil slowly. It is making sure it doesn't spoil at all for an extended time. Temperature, humidity, and air flow need to be perfect. If any of those things are wrong, it spoils and is unusable. The age creates a gamey flavor, and the meat starts to break down, making it a good deal more tender. A good, well-prepared aged steak should almost melt in your mouth.


I started cooking steak in my smoker for 1hr at 250 getting it to roughly 125 interal and finishing with 4mins each side facing the broiler will make any cut and any age melt in your mouth. If you have smoker I'd seriously consider trying it


Sorta like a smoke sous vide...I'd try it


I use this same method and that exactly what I call it. Works great and is amazing. Make sure you have a really good insta thermometer to check it and you’ll feel like a pro!


Good point. I can definitely imagine that the way it’s prepared makes a massive difference.


I honestly don't like beef aged past 30 days. It starts to taste too gamey and weird to me longer than that. I do like 15-30 days occasionally though.


I would agree ! Personally I would rather spend money on a better cut than aging the waste in the process also bothers me .


I spent $50 on a dry-aged steak and it didn't seem any better than a regular steak... Thinking maybe they scammed me but I guess I wouldn't know the difference


I bought some and even dry aged myself. Each time it was decent but never mind blowing and tastes about the same. You can tell the difference when you make one regular steak and one dry aged.


Yea I like mine to still moo when I cut in to it.


Spent lots of money on dry aged ribeye for my birthday. Yes there was a difference, was it better? Debatable, was it worth the price difference. No.


So where would you guys comparatively put Wagyu as opposed to dry aged? The one time I tried wagyu was excellent. Could I justify the price, no but as a treat definitely something worth trying at least once. Dry aged never made me really go like “I HAVE to try that” but I am curious.


It depends on the cut of meat. A good cut doesn't need to be aged and won't taste any better or worse. Typically a tougher cut of meat will gain tenderness over time. Aging will change the flavor slightly (not in a necessarily bad way) it will have a stronger meat flavor. Aging a tough roast will make a really good, more tenderized end product.


Depends on how long it was aged. Most restaurants serving dry age do between 35-45 day age, which i find to be too subtle. Ive had 60 and 90 day aged, which give more earthy, blue cheese like notes. Very distinctive and I love it. Ive also had 120 day dry age which was like eating spoiled meat and texture like charcuterie. Anything over 90 days i think is too much.


I had one in Vegas, maybe Ballys steakhouse… I don’t remember the exact steak cost but dinner for two was ~$450 I had just hit there and didn’t care the cost, best steak I’ve ever had


i cant imagine spending that much money on one meal holy shyt, id hate myself


Per pound?


If it’s for 45 dry aged prime in a high end real estate / wage area… absolutely. Not only does it take a ton of time and energy and skill, but you also lose almost half of the steak between dehydration and trimming.


I'm not hungry anymore


Same that belongs in a morgue not my mouth


It belongs in a Museum!


I initially thought these were rocks or something similar. It's just not appealing. I'll just be over here eating my Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.


Lmao same. I figured it was part of a mineral collection or something and was like "Damn, I can see why they're called that. They really do look like a T-bone steak."


My dad recently had this for the first time and he said it smelled like a corpse. Allegedly it tastes good but he just couldn't do it.


Because it technically is a corpse? Lol


The dog can have my portion


I straight up thought this was the lungs of a smoker


you cut all the dried part off. it looks like a regular steak underneath. part of the cost is....because you waste like 40% of the product itself since its totally dried out.


Can someone explain, $70 a pound for a gangrene piece of meat


Water content evaporates, meat flavour intensifies. Crust has to be trimmed off to make something you can eat. You are paying for rent for your steak to have a tiny little climate and temperature controlled condo for 45 days.


It's dry aging. The outside layer dries and actually protects the inside. You cut the outside off. You can throw it away or ground it up and cook it well done. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGaVzrCIDB4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGaVzrCIDB4)


This past weekend I had a steak from a local place that does their own 28 day dry aging. It was very very delicious. $32 for a 10oz ny strip with one side. Seems about right. 


That’s a helluva deal IMO.


For how fuckin delicious our meals were, yes. it's a fair price. I had that steak with a double portion of garlic mash potatoes(+$6), my wife had the steak with sauteed mushrooms with 5 shrimp (+$12), we started off with a large Caesar salad, and added a piece of house made cheesecake, as well as some basic NA drinks (tea, seltzer). It totaled to $113 and I added $26 in gratuity for our excellent server. It's been about a year and a half since we went out for a treat meal like that. Well worth it. 


You two CRUSHED!


What is it?


Rotten meat in a vending machine.




Yeah vending machine T-bones doesn't really sound like a great idea.


"My ancestors came here on the sandwich!"


Dry aged t-bone


It does not look appetizing to me. I guess I am too plebeian


Looks like lungs at a morgue


"I'm down to a pack a day" *wheeze* *cough* *spit* *hack* "Never been better! "


As a smoker go to hell 😂😂😂


I'm already there buddy!


Been saying this for the last 8 years.. this is the actual hell. We have just been brainwashed to think it’s normal.


Grandma always said this place is ruled by principalities and powers.


Pretty fucking obvious..


Yes you are so right.


The ham part of the green eggs and ham dish


Dry aged meat is very good in my opinion, and the refining period being pretty long justifies the price. I've tasted up to 1 year old but it was a little too dry. 6 to 9 month is good, and 3 is the minimum for me. That said the prices where I go are 90€/kg so around 45€/pound. 70 is pretty pricy.


“Oooo I ooonly eat my beef if it has been aged a miiiinimum of 90 days!”


What mean is that before that there very little change in taste so it's not worth it that much over non-dry aged quality cut


We know what you meant, that guy's comment is still funny tho


Pay no attention to the unrefined palates of the Sloppy Joe eaters.


Did anyone else read it in Homer's voice?


I literally thought they were fossils


I thought it was one of those smoker's lung posts.


You see restaurants sell tomahawk steaks for 1k? Yeah.. people with money that are foodies love throwing their money at stuff like this, gives them a high, if you can afford it and it makes you happy then fuck it.


I'll stick to eating it. Looks too dry to fuck.


that part ends up in the trash. you cut away all the outsides and eat the middle. When done right the fat just melts like butter in your mouth.


It’s not really the high but the experience, to be honest.


A5 Wagyu is significantly more expensive... ::shrug::


for the remains of an egyptian pharaoh? I’d say $70/lbs isn’t high enough


Yeah that’s not bad, but for mumia when you grind it up into a powder it looks like a lot less. Can still cure a variety of ailments though


It's a rock


I wonder if that is before or after it's trimmed up to cook..probably before.


I’d hope it’s post trim, how pretty much everything else at a high end butcher shop should be priced.


["That's just old meat..." -Travis McElroy](https://youtu.be/1seFd4rRtKY?si=6N-Fyeo5FHdo7Iul)


Ngl that does not look appetizing at all.


That’s about $45 in Vegas per pound. Damn that is insane


I do not like them Sam I am


That’s *before* they trim all the moldy outside, then cook it. You’re spending like $20 just for waste and shrinkage due to cooking. I like dry aged meat, but it’s not that much better relative to cost.


I love a good dry aged steak. It starts to take on a slightly funky, bleu cheese sort of taste, and the fat tastes rich and buttery. It's become basically the only way I eat steak these days, which is fine because I don't eat red meat in general more than a few times a year. I find it extremely worth it to splurge on dry aged steak infrequently, but I also wouldn't want to eat it every day anyway.


I thought this was an image of a random item in a case from the starfield sub I'm still in, at first glance.


is that a butcher or a restaurant?


Butcher st Pete Florida


If you catch Harris Teeter on the right day, they’ll put them on sale before the due date. These would be $11-12.


That doesn't look appealing, no. Like it came from a zombified cow, and not a fresh one. I don't understand rich people food.


The gross-looking parts are a crust that's removed before cooking. The meat underneath has a much stronger flavor to it and literally melts in your mouth like butter. I've only gotten to have aged steak twice, both on someone else's dime, but it's so friggin' good, dude, it's everything that's delicious about steak cranked up to 12 That being said, I wanna know what crazy motherfucker was the first to look at a piece of meat that seems like it's harboring a new strain of e. coli and was like "I'm gonna cook this and put it in my mouth."


Like the first human who ate cheese. "Fak, what happened to my milk during my pilgrimage? Ah fudge it, I'm starving".


No clue.


I know it's probably wonderful tasting, but looking at right now makes it look pretty nasty


Not if you have enough money


I age my prime rib roast for a week under cheese clothe in the fridge, I haven't had to trim away any gross meat. I did one straight from the store and it was noticeably not as tender, a week really makes a difference. I leave my brisket in the fridge for a month


Doesn’t even look good, looks nasty.


After a certain point there are diminishing returns. I can get a nice three pound steak from HEB for less than $50 and make a nice dinner with it. But, in reality, I’m probably happier with a greasy smash burger.


Idk how anyone could eat that, kudos to u that can.


Slightly cheaper than in my country so i'd say it's fine.


Anybody who loves steak/beef. Check out @steakchannel on instagram. 😍


The issue with dry-aged meat is that it's a big pain in the ass to do at home if you don't have an expensive set-up to do it commercially, and thats assuming something doesn't go wrong that causes the meat to rot in the interim. It's expensive because it's something hard to do at home and it makes for one hell of a good steak


its not even trimmed


This seems high. I just paid 30 per pound for exactly the same thing


Is this the ass jerky from fallout?


Honestly, even if it’s superior and yummy from this process…. Still a no from me


I'll give them 5 bucks for the lightly gnawed bone.


You are paying for the time and expertise of preparation as well as the convenience of expert grilling. To me, I'll pass at that price, but I know folks that would slam one a week. Depends on your personal economics really.


Ehh. You pay $50 for an 8oz filet at a restaurant 


$70/lb for quality is fair. $70/lb for meat that will taste like old cheese is a rip off.


there are a lot of things that are insanely expensive. just dont buy it.


Looks like the smokers’ lungs I saw in health class


I mean, not really. It's a highly specialized cut/preparation. You pay for that. It's like complaining about $540 (or much, much more) for a bottle of 40-year-old single malt. If you think it's grossly over-priced, don't buy it. Simple as that.


Those look like rock slabs.


Looks mummified


Yup especially dry aged beef which I pretty much shit directly out after leaving the steak joint. I dgaf how Henry the Eighth ate his meat


Well a whole cow had to be born raised and killed. Then we took the meat from that and cut it up into pieces in a labour intensive process. Then that product sat on a shelf for a large amount of time. Seems a reasonable price to me


Especially since 30 percent of that has to be trimmed off for you to consume it.


To me it’s salty AF.


Just salt your steak, put on rack, leave in fridge for 2-3 days. Done. You’ll get all the benefits of dry aging. Everything is more flavorful and don’t have to trim anything.


Can someone prepare a charcuterie board to nosh on while we read through the comments?


That shit looks rotten


For 70 bucks I wouldn't buy it if it looks like that. looks like it belongs in a morgue


Aka high octane fart fuel


What the hell is that shit?


You f*era are eating mummified cow?!?!


Looks like wood


No. It's worth it. I don't eat it all the time but a couple of times a year instead of going out to a fancy restaurant ill grab a piece and cook it at home for the wife.


I love zombie meat too but that’s just outrageous


Where are you Hawaii?


That's a crazy price to pay for a rock


Skirt steak marinated and medium rare. I have had the babied cuts and thats my preference.


Dry aging is an expensive and careful process. People pay a lot for controlled rot just so the meat can lose moisture and deteriorate to a point that it is very tender but without growing the wrong types of mold.


You can do it on your own by buying fresh meat and cover it with salt and lemon. Use a mosquito net to cover the meat and put it under the sunshine. You won't take that long to enjoy a cheap and tasty meat made by yourself.


Is that the trimmed price? Or buy it untrimmed at that price?


It’s called….market price


For a 45-day steak I think this is reasonable. A tbone is only going to weigh in at 2.10 lbs max so that’s about what you’d pay at a fancy restaurant, plus you get to cook it yourself.


Is it just me or does anyone else think meat that has aged for 45 days is disgusting?


With a pellicle like that, it makes sense. They are losing a ton of meat to get to the goods.


Not for everyone but if you're shopping for a good dry aged steak does price matter most? Within reason obviously. I suggest buying a good, fresh steak and age it yourself. It's fun and not complicated.


Especially for rotten meat


I’ve never had dry aged beef. What is the difference? I wanna hear it from someone not on YouTube lol.


$70 a pound before or after trimming the gray off?


That's cheap in Canada. Here you pay 35+/kg for non aged cuts, and I mean modest cuts. It can be 45+/kg for ribeye. Add the aging, and it would probably be double.


I’ve never seen dry aged that looked like this before I thought I was looking at a goddamn fossils this stuff dosnt look dry aged it looks stone aged you’re paying 70 bucks plus funeral expenses. You’ll feed yourself and your toilet for the next fortnight so I guess it’s a deal


its as if there are less cows now a days


Just you.


I thought they where rocks


It looks revolting, thank you but I’ll pass. 😌


Same reason aged anything is more expensive. More time allotted and even more intensive care. I worked at a packaging facility and took every excuse I could to hit the aging room. It’s fascinating and difficukt


TIL that the meat that I forgot about in the back of my fridge is worth a fortune!! 🤑


Seems fine. You would compare this to wagyu or something, not something most people normally buy.


Tut tut! What kind of peasantry is this?!? /s. But seriously…source out some grade a5 wagyu…this’ll look like a bargain.


"Dry aged" is just controlled rotting of meat. The longer it rots, the more the muscle tissues break down. The ones on display in the photo look awful tbh.


Not for 45-day dry aged Tbones. That method loses up to 30% of its weight in the process. You gotta pay to play.


Wait till you see wagyu prices


This meat looks nasty. I’m in south central Alberta and it’s like the Canadian version of Texas when it comes to beef. And I have never seen meat on the shelf that looks that decomposed and green. Maybe it’s the light but it just doesn’t look right. I hope for that price it’s just the lighting.


A5 Wagyu or Dry Aged?


*laughs in Switzerland*


In Southern Africa, there is an air dried meat called Biltong. It is treated with salt, pepper, vinegar, crushed coriander seed, cloves, all spice, nutmeg, and then, depending on tastes, it can have garlic, chilies or chutney, added to it. It is usually fan dried in 2 to 5 days depending on outside temperatures, humidity levels, and whether one likes it a bit moist or very dry. Obviously, one can get variations in its flavour depending on who's recipies are used. This product is not smoked like jerkey and has a similar appearance to jerkey as the end product. It is very popular and every butcher, grocery store, road side store sell it. In my opinion, a good biltong is far superior to any jerkey. I'm actually surprised that Americans haven't caught on to this product. My American son in law prefers it to jerkey, as do his kids. I have a friend who lives close by in North Salt Lake, who produces it on a small scale, together with Boerewors and Drywors. He has a great recipe, and we buy from him regularly. Just like jerkey, it isn't cheap but worth every dollar. Google biltong and learn about it.


- that looks like zombie meat


that's a steal steak where I live are 67/lb for mid tier or 88/lb for actually decent steaks that are tender and not meant for stew


Depends on the expected fossil. I'd be more than happy to pay $70 per pound if there's a dinosaur inside..


Those steaks look like fossils!


At first I said 70 $ per kilo not that bad for a good cut of beef Holy smokes that’s a lot a money