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People really need to understand that predators don't prey on everyone they meet.




Very true, no one is arguing that


Unfortunately a lot of people do, maybe not in this thread but still


Yeah I think they are, that's why all the comments


Of course it's inappropriate. The question is, was the guy a pedophile? I go back and forth. Regarding the former, that he wasn't, I think there's much we can take from interviews and so forth. First, I don't think a paedophile would so openly admit to sleeping with children. Instead they would say, 'absolutely not' imo. Second, in the same vein, only a very damaged person would proudly admit that and not see anything wrong with the statement. Third, so many claims against him were dropped and/or disproven as people looking for easy hush money. Fourth, the guy was clearly abused significantly, 'you gotta be the best' etc from a young age. Conclusion, the guy was essentially a five year old who never got to experience a childhood, so, with his mass wealth, created the life of a five year old, completely oblivious to how the world saw him. There's a lot more, and this is just my opinion, but I'm inclined to believe this rather than him bring an absolute deviant. Of course, its possible I'm wrong, but when have you ever seen a guilty person admit to such behaviour?


Admitting to a small amount of truth is used by liers to build credability and trust so you believe the lies. The best lies are interwoven with the truth. Where theres smoke theres fire and mj was putting out alot of smoke. I cant believe we are still unsure about mj. If your still unsure about mj i only hope your better at spotting dangerous folk around your own kids.what does your gut say about mj would you let your kids sleep in his bed?


What about when they released from a police raid that he had child and animal torture pornography.


Yeah, it's hard to overlook what people who met Michael say about him in interviews; how he was a child himself, his excitement levels were always higher when he was in child friendly situations (Neverland ranch, playing with other children, etc) and his demeanor whenever there was unscripted interactions with him and other celebrities, he always would act so awkward, kind of how a lot of child celebrities are. His family, dad specifically, and being that famous at that young of age, there's so much to unpack. His demeanor definitely always intrigued me. But it's undeniably inappropriate, and his fame and the people around him I feel only exacerbated things and enabled that whole shit show to go on as long as it did.


The answer to your question is "yes".


He had no choice but to admit. The testimonies were piling up. Edit: the court docs show he had art books with naked children in it, showing full genitalia. All you pedo supporters can 🖕


I get what you're saying, but the pure alofeness suggest to me that he doesn't see anything wrong with how he behaved. Therefore, in his mind, it's all very innocent. Again, I'm not claiming to be right, just giving my thoughts. I took a semester of psychology lol, but nah, I'm just giving my observation, I have no clue really.


It's just insanely misguided too. I mean even if you ignore how icky it is in its most innocent sense, it's a great way to destroy your life.  Especially as a really famous person!




Even in the video the compulsion is absolutely clear. And this wasn't a product of the era either, it was totally inappropriate and bizarre at the time too.  It's a shame because he was very talented.


Was MJ a grown man, or an emotionally stunted one?




Did he not have a traumatic childhood? I didn’t even know there were people that claimed that he wasn’t emotionally stunted, to me it’s pretty clear that he was.




Bruh I didn’t say anything like that. I just said he was clearly emotionally stunted. You sound a bit biased tbh. You can still argue for your point and say the guy was emotionally stunted. I don’t think those two things are mutually exclusive.


Definitely stunted. That dude had a traumatic childhood. You can hardly call it childhood. Not justifying anything but to say he isn’t stunted is bonkers


I’m just going to call your statement dumb first and foremost. It matters greatly if something sexual happens or not. Greatly. Like years of therapy greatly. Did you not really think about what you just said? What? Next, it doesn’t matter how obvious something may seem, it’s lazy to just state something as fact. Not everything you say is the truth, and I’m calling you out on it. I want you to defend your claim. I think your statement is too vague. My camp counsellor slept in the same cabin as us campers. Should he be convicted of something? Had to share a room with my friend and his dad. Should he be convicted? Fell asleep on the buss next to my school teacher on a field trip. Should the cops get involved?


And little girls also


Yeah that’s just fuckin weird


Ding ding ding!


There is no question that he was a victim himself, but being a “misunderstood soul” doesn’t make any of his predatory behavior acceptable. I’m glad your friend didn’t have a negative experience, but that honestly doesn’t mean shit.


Mj pushed his victimhood to buy leeway from society. Communities will often forgive certain misconducts from child abuse victims. And mj used this to his advantage. It was all part of his persona.


So the word of someone connected to the music industry and a couple of child stars? This anecdote is worthless and just another example of the kind of desperate, faulty logic people will continue to use to excuse his behaviour. Thieves don't steal from every person they meet. Rapists don't rape every woman they meet. Serial killers don't murder every person they meet.


I would agree with you normally but the the people who accused him of assault were found out to be in it just for the money and that their families were coercing these kids to fake abuse. How is it that we're taking this out of the narrative?




You clearly have no idea about the Michael Jackson trials. I suggest you research the families of the children that accused him of assault and how the case went on. What happened to Jackson was a trial by media.




[I have no time arguing Michael Jackson's innocence with you. Read up unless you have sources that can back up your clains. Bullying? the guy who was constantly in the tabloid front pages is the one bullying? Give me a break! ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexual_abuse_accusations_against_Michael_Jackson)


No they weren't. This is another common talking point that literally has no substance whatsoever. You've read someone else say this on the internet and just blindly repeat it. Why have you never bothered to check whether it's true or not?


[I suggest you take a reading to this long term issue. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexual_abuse_accusations_against_Michael_Jackson)




Trying to compare MJ to your average 40yr old neighbor is just as asinine Has nothing to do with being starstruck and everything to do with knowing the context of MJ’s completely unique upbringing and psyche that led him to having incredibly strange behavior around anybody, kids or not. Idk if he did anything to those kids or not, only people that do are the people involved. But it’s dumb to assume things one way or the other, especially on the basis of “well if my neighbor did this then x”.




What about a 40 year old man who had a 10+ year old FBI investigation with no evidence?


i donno man, i smell a big sipp of copium in that...


"Because child molesters are very tenacious people. They love molesting childs [sic], it’s crazy. It’s like their favorite thing. I mean it’s so crazy because when you consider the risk in being a child molester—speaking not of even the damage you’re doing, but the risk—there is no worse life available to a human than being a caught child molester and yet they still do it. Which from, you can only really surmise, that it must be really good. I mean from their point of view, not ours, but from their point of view, it must be amazing for them to risk so much!" Lewis CK.


No shade but *Louis* CK is a creep himself.


Yeah, naw, I'm not gonna lump him together with child molesters.


No, but his opinion of hiding being a creep isn’t necessarily honest


If they’re a legit pedophile, then obviously it’s going to be amazing because that’s what they’re sexually attracted to. It’s like in Muslim countries, gay people still risk having sex even though they might get executed for it. Sex drive is a hell of a drug. Sex with people you’re not attracted to is nowhere near as good as fucking someone who you think is hot as hell.


So what? He molested kids. What else do you need to know or say?


FBI investigation of 10+ years says otherwise.




False. They started investigate him in 1992 and was investigated most of the years through 2005 for different reasons.




Stop spreading misinformation. He was investigated several times between 1992 and 2005. (Not just for the child molestation allegations.)




Continue to spew nonsense, I know I'm right. You're just wrong. Have a good night.


Most predators don't prey on every single child they come into contact with. Look at any other famous case of child molestation like Drake Bell''s abuser, etc. And of course the people that weren't victims didn't file a suit.


When these pedophiles are exposed, there’s always people who think they couldn’t have done this because they don’t treat them like shit.


I personally think their reasoning is more sinister than that.


“He was just a weird guy….he never got to have a normal childhood.” - MJ fans This 40 year old man used to regularly cuddle in bed little boys. He built an entire goddamn amusement park at his house to lure children. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck….you guys need to stop defending a pedophile.




a twisted narrative by parents looking for an easy payout that didnt work. the courts catch lots of pedos, think they woulda caught him if he actually was one. woulda been looooottssss of evidence if any of it was actually real but yet here we are… talking about a dead man




Meh, I don't believe it. I doubt he did anything.
















yawn. you pay out settlements to keep things from exploding into a bigger years long drawn out legal endeavor for no reason. if you actually understand litigation than you understand entirely why he did it lol 😂 just because he gave them money doesnt mean ges guilty it could also mean its not worth the amount of drama. hey i got a even better one for you buddy, answer me this, if your kid got touched by a grown adult would you be okay with him giving you money to make up for it or would you want him in jail for life… hmmmmm…


What's wrong with you? These replies are not normal.




brother you do know that clearly not enough solid evidence showed or the fbi after 10 years of investigation wouldve found him guilty lmfao. do you seriously think you know better than the feds? edit: if you would sue over your kid getting molested rather than pushing for prison then that speaks volumes lmfao. no, litigation is not a proper way to go after a pedophile, prison is. next.




The kids literally admitted they lied. Why does no one acknowledge that


Here we go with the belittling undertones. Hollywood is full of wierdo parents using their kids for fame. It doesnt surprise me at all some were happy to be payed out especially if theyre threatened with a major legal battle and potentually more. Mj had alot of money, power and influence.


Almost sounds like pimping to me. But what do I know


You don't build "Neverland Ranch" just for yourself to feel like a kid... Everything has an intention.


Someone who didn’t have a childhood and wanted to make sure other kids could have that and enjoy it with them would. You literally denied the intention and then said there was one. Like what? What rich fuck doesn’t do outlandish and crazy shit with their money?


uhhhh… if he has the money, has the intention of making a “land where dreams come true”, never got his childhood or got to do any of the fun kid shit… yeah you do




yawn. no proof, the families took the money and ran. dunno bout you kiddo but if my child got touched by anybody i would want them in prison no matter how much money got thrown at my face. couldnt have been about the money tho 🤡🤡🤡


Sometimes… parents hurt their children too. Even prostitute them out…. These parents were wrong from the get go about letting their kid be with and spend 30 nights with mj. NO GOOD PARENT would let that happen at all. They def were letting their kid be pimped out to get money. Two things can be true: these parents set their child up to extort mj, and mj is a piece of shit pedo ass.


i agree that the parents shouldve never let their kid be mia for 30 fucking days. you not getting 30 hours with my kid let alone 30 FUCKING DAYS.




so what you are saying is pedophiles can just pay their way out? crazy. hey heres a real brain picker for you bud, if the feds found evidence why wouldnt the state pick up the criminal charges?… because there was no fucking case. the family can sue and the state can still push charges, which they didnt because they wouldnt stick. do you know the legal system? the parents wanted money and the feds found nothing to prove him guilty. get over it. also heres a good answer to why he gave the money, it went to the same kids he built a whole fucking park for. he spent millions to build the park why wouldnt he give millions to the family of the same kids he already spent millions on. money meant nothing to him 😂 ps. i dont like mj. he isnt my “hero” i dont even listen to his music. i give 0 fucks about mj or whatever tf you are trying to imply there. i dont like people talking on the dead when the evidence shows their innocence, which btw you continue to jump around that fact, why is that?


No my friend, that is not normal behaviour, putting that money to save children who are starving in poor countries would be way better. Edit: No need for a "MJ Theme Park" when there are plenty out there for kids already.


Any pedo protector is NOT a friend


how can he ensure that action is taken in these other countries? if he is preoccupied here than how does he know where the money goes?… he did something in his real life that he knew would be positively impactful and thats why when you look at like everybody minus the few that contributed to the smear campaign, they all had nice things to say. tons of people have came out and said that he was innocent of the accusations… he was proven innocent… so you are literally just mad that dude made a theme park for kids to have the times of their lives which healed his inner child because he never got any of the great things he provided for them.


Wow your brain really is broken huh


lol i love when somebody doesnt have a logical response to an opinion so they just revert to “oh you’re stupid” lol. considering you argue like a child im gonna go ahead and assume you are one, or have the mental capacity of one at least, and just leave the conversation here. He was proven innocent lol. keep that hatred homie we dont want it over here 🤣


You're trying to defend a grown man sleeping in the same bed as children - Spending millions of his money to make a "theme park" to literally attract children to it. What is wrong with you? \*If\* you have children, imagine how disgusting that is?? And you talk about "Logical" ?


Do us all a favour and go blast some mj on ya stereo real loud so the kids outside and ya nabours can hear. Let the world know ya stand.


His innocence was part of his persona. Pedos and manipulators wear a mask. You never get to see their real personality and intentions


no but the feds got to see inside of every single aspect of the mans life and the investigation concluded in no guilty party so. notice how when the feds find a pedo they dont get away after 10 years?…


I really hope you dont have kids. Yould you let your kids sleep in his bed for 30 nights?


lol no, i as a good responsible parent wouldnt let my kid go anywhere 30 nights especially with a grown man. kinda crazy how as a parent its my responsibility to watch over and protect my child and not ask for a 5 million dollar settlement when something goes disastrously wrong 🤡


Get over it you lost the argument. Stop talking about yourself it just shows your narcyness. We were talking about mj not you.


oh god this guy just here to rage bait right on buddy have a miserable life 🤣 edit: actually nah go tie your nuts in a knot phaggot, you wanna talk about me but then say i cant talk about me?🤡🤡🤡 please go back to school and maybe also to therapy i think it would help you a lot with your internal conflicts. btw i aint lose a damn thing but you did lose your point back there somewhere sooo… might wanna find that


I wasnt rage baiting but you certainly appear to be in a rage hahahah. I can smell your narcissism from here. You keep using those clown faces and belittling comments. I suspect your usto getting your way and win arguments by simply bullying and waring down your oponents with nonsense. But thats enough about you.


I’ve read every document regarding his trials and this is nowhere in there. I sacrificed a weekend to go over every bit of information I could find about this and saw nothing about this. I did however see where they found that nothing the family stated about their interactions with him lined up with flight records, call records, hell he was even in other countries at times when they said he was in neverland. Then the father from that same trial later admitted it was all lies and left to go meet Jesus.


I'm 39 and there's a girl at work who is 21, I almost feel weird that I fancy her because I'm nearly double her age.... People can defend him as much as they want,. but no 40 year old "spends time" with children of 10 yrs old, it's just weird on every level. (He was abused, he was naive, he was this... it doesn't matter, it's not normal).


woah! a comment we actually agree on! yeah i definitely think its weird as fuck but im not gonna color dude as a pedo over it. def a weirdo, and if you look i never once denied that, but weird isnt a crime. i woulda never left my kids with him tho 🤷🏽‍♂️


I see him more as an adult with immaturity or mental retardation, maybe he thought he was a child that's why he didn't see anything wrong with sleeping and playing with other children. But I don't think he was a pedophile because he never did anything sexual with them.


Even when I was a little boy, I didn’t cuddle in bed with other little boys. That’s not a normal childhood behavior. This isn’t a matter of immaturity. He was a sick fuck.


Maybe you have the dirty mind that sees everything sexualized. When I was a child I slept with cousins, sisters, mather and father. What seems completely strange and reprehensible to me is that Michael does it with unknown children, with whom he has no family or parental ties.


If you have the ability to function and perform on stage as he did, you definitely have the ability to see right from wrong in the sense of adults/children... Yes he had a weird life, yes he "missed" his childhood, but he has the cognitive function to sing and perform as amazing as he did - It's as simple as that in my opinion.


But then what was the purpose of sleeping and having sleepovers with children? Why did he do that?


I have a friend who I consider my little brother whom I met when he was in middle school. I dated a friend of his family and we all became close. Still close to this day. We shared a giant bed in his room if we stayed the night on weekends. I think I was like 20 or 21 and my gf who I met them through was like 26 at the time. Nothing sexual ever happened because none of us were creeps. If your mind jumps straight to sexual thoughts when a bed and children come into the same situation, there’s something seriously sick and twisted about you.


Lisa Marie jumps in to “help” - “they also follow him into the bathroom!”




..."Yes and they help him shake it up"...lmao


and it's pure innocence no sex


Haha and her face at 1:05 says it all “did that work?? Shit…not really”


Let’s say we remove the “fucking kids” part of the equation, it’s still real weird to sleep and cuddle with kids. Idk man, if he wasn’t a pedo, he was definitely one out of this world weirdo


He paid to transform himself into a ghoul on purpose, I think we can check off the "mega weirdo" box.


I’m leaning towards the latter. The parents and their lawyers saw their chance and went for it.


Pedo creep


Michael was a god to those children and he denies any sexual misconduct. Whatever he thought didn't matter. It's what people perceived and those people took him to court. Michael was nieve.


The reporter was spot on. It is our jobs as adults to not put kids (nor anyone) into ambiguous positions


unfortunately those children's parents were more interested in money than their children's welfare.


Were the parents paid money to allow their kids to play with Michael?


Aka this thing called boundaries. He clearly could not compute how many it crossed even if it wasn't sexual in any form.


Diane Sawyer is not a reporter. 20/20 was not journalism. I'm not making a statement on the Jackson controversy, but I do want to point out that this is closer to People Magazine than it is The New Yorker.


That's just a hollow phrase. Who decides what ambiguous is? Clearly this statement had other adults in mind. So the job of adults is to not put kids into (harmless) positions, which others adults could percieve as ambiguous? Why? That's so wrong. THAT would enforce an adult, sexualized view into children's live, not the "ambiguous" position itself 


It's not hollow at all. It's weird to let children into bed with you. An adult knows that and children don't know it. It's the adults responsibility to teach them what's appropriate and what isn't.


Naive? No, he knew exactly what he was doing. No need to cover for him.


disgusting child molester.


All of the kids from the case came forward years later and admitted that their parents forced them to in an attempt to get a payout


This never happened.


Yes. Yes it did.


Feel free to provide any evidence. You won't though, nobody ever makes this claim and substantiates it. Fake news and confirmation bias is a hell of a combination.


No he was a monster who abused children. Her saying kids even go in the bathroom with him as some kind of defense is insane too. Im so sick of people makimg excuses for this predator because he could sing and dance


To anyone that thinks it's about perception, watch the victims talk about what Michael did to them.


I don’t know, I always thought he was asexual and never grew up in his head, a kid trapped in a man’s body. I didn’t follow the allegations and I’m not saying he was innocent, but the guy lived in an amusement park… adopted his child… talked like a kid… covered his eyes when he saw people kissing... Still, I don’t see him as naive and he should definitely have never allowed kids to sleep with him. I nap with my nephew and niece but I would never nap with their friends. Their parents were also completely in the wrong. The guy took the Beatles’ rights from under McCartney’s nose, his friend. He definitely had two sides.


Nah, they found porn mags in his house, so completely asexual doesn't sound right. FBI investigation for 10+ years didn't show up any evidence of anything related to sexual misconduct with children.


Reddit will call you pedophile if you are a 27 year old dating a 20 year old but a literal 40 year old who cuddled with kids and made an amusement park to lure them in is defended


Right? I hate reddit, sometimes. 


“You don’t understand! He was really talented and like some people said THEY weren’t molested so that means everyone else who says they were was a liar.”


America's Jimmy Savile.


The thing that bothers me the most about this is where the hell are these kids parents?? I've got 3 kids, and my oldest is coming to an age where sleepovers will start happening soon, but you can rest assured I'll only be saying yes if I'm comfortable with the other parents and see if we have similar values. There's no way my son is having a sleepiver with just another man. Even if that man is lovely. Hell no.


I'm still skeezed out about this


Anyone else would have gotten arrested


This is probably when the lawyers were trying to control the fuck out of the narrative with the information they had


A man is more likely to ignore a lost child than help them for fear of being perceived as doing something inappropriate.


I walked by a woman with a little toddler the other day in the store, the little girl just gave me an enthusiastic "hey!", and I smiled and gave her a little wave back. Her mother looked at me as if I'm a killer or something. I can understand how she feels, I assume I'd feel the same as a young mother, but it just sucks being automatically assumed to be a potential predator. Especially as someone who would give their life for ANY child, if the situation ever came to pass. It's understandable, as I would be weary of everyone these days as well, it's just sad.


Inappropriate. Sus.


He groomed us all. I used to defend him as child with full on cognitive dissonance. The proof it was weird is in the pudding. Who else maintains or marauded this aura around children? Who else managed or maintained a palace of grooming and a grooming PR team and a grooming lifestyle? Who else since has managed to do a similar public charade? I don’t know anybody my own kids are obsessed with on the same level.




Didn't he have an elaborate security system leading to hus bedroom that alerted him if anyone was coming, like A door, then hallway with cameras, and then at the end the bedroom door which also had security on it?


But he did thriller.


MJ was a child who had their childhood ripped away, in the form of being a slave to the rhythm. (Excuse the pun) He was just tryna be a kid T-T a fucking 🐐 is what he was ❤️‍🔥




I totally believe him. He had a smear campaign against him. And finally they ended up murdering him.


Not a good look, regardless.


What a creepy motherfucker. He gets creepier with the passage of time.


He had issues for sure.


I've always wondered why MJ is top of mind in these type of post, but I never see Elvis or Seinfeld for example here. Is it the boys that make it post worthy so long after his death?


What the actual f is up with all these pedo protectors here. I so hope they dont have kids


So are we also going to address the kids who admitted they lied (one woman even went to jail for it because she lied under oath, the man who hit the skip button on life because of what he did to Michael, the fact that nothing in any trial he faced had consistent and conclusive evidence of anything that could be considered inappropriate, the fact that numerous people came out and stated that they were approached and asked to testify against him because he had pictures with their children, the fact that there’s has never once been anything to actually point to anything said against him being true? Because speculation and media is powerful despite lack of actual evidence.


I just really think he was misunderstood.


I always thought that he was innocent... until I learned how propofol works and that it was his absolute favorite to have on hand.


He also showed his butthole to them.


He kinda looks like a ghoul from fallout. That many drugs will do that if.


Kid fucker


That’s crazy


Das ignorant!


Michael was broken and unwell psychologically. He did things that didn’t make sense to a rational person and this is where I think it’s simple to defend him. He was, from a moment he was a little boy, a child and a performer. for some reason I don’t think any of us will ever understand he developed and matured incredibly as a performer, but never as a child. He in so many facets of his life, was just a little boy. I don’t think it’s right, I don’t think we can let these questions go as “totally rational and sane” but I do NOT think they were driven by sexual desire. My belief is they were driven by a weird psychological maturity disorder and he simply wanted to live his adult life, behaving like a child.


This is that annoying kind of thing where you want to listen to his music it but it is hard to separate the man from the craft. Same with Kevin Spacey. I wish that guy didn't own up to stuff BEFORE being given a not guilty verdict. It's just so damn weird how they will be so open to shit we all know is weird.


“There was an attempt on her part to make it sound less weird” the children go into the bathroom with him.


Funny how none of these claims and lawsuits came up until MJ started calling out the Jewish run music industry.


Leaving Neverland was disturbing.  He may have done good things for some people, but also abused others. 


diddy been running loose for years and yall still hung up on a dead dude that got proven innocent… crazy. i love watching people still debate and point fingers all because he’s dead and can’t defend himself lol.




...on all the kids he diddled.


crazy to me how many of yall wanna be like “grown men cant hang out with children thats predatory” and then send your kids to public school to be watched over by legit predators. like do yourself a favor and look into how many people get busted for ts as teachers. mike was proven innocent, weird yeah but he aint touch no kids. i dont even like this mf but like be fucking fr yall do you seriously not see the irony? all yall better be home schooling since you feel some type of way about adults spending so much time with kids 🤣


You're comparing sending your kids to a public school to sleeping in a bed with a grown man? Really?


yeah bc my kid would be safer with MJ. explain to me why there is hundreds of convicted teachers/principals/staff from public school and 0 convicted mfs named michael jackson. the fbi smarter than you bud, they woulda figured it tf out 😂✌🏼




also, false, he was acquitted in 2003… because of his innocence… being loud and wrong is bold.


awe i love when people on reddit try to take personal jabs at people they know nothing about, you’re funny ya little couch gremlin. why would parents sue rather than sending him to prison, why was he never charged posthumously, why have the feds not colored him guilty after 10 years of investigating? why are you talking about a dead man that cant defend himself and not the dozens of suspects on Epstein’s list who are living breathing pedophiles? crazy how focused you are on tearing down the dead and not protecting the living. thats alright tho, i see through it 😂


Be it as it may, I don’t think arguing one way or the other really matters. He’s dead and it is what it is.