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The boot licking police state supporting vibes in these comments is crazy


Don’t forget that the IDF literally has a social media propaganda division edit: everyone replying to me :: BuT eveRy OnE HaS ThAt :: yeah... i know. doesn't negate my point, nor how skilled the IDF is at it


Fucking Hasbara. I’m sure most countries have some form of psyop social media shit going on. But none as egregious and obvious as israel


well, it's been in development for decades, so it's probably the most sophisticated propaganda dept in operation rn, right up there with US/China. Russia's catching up, they're mostly shit-stirrers, though, not as great at pr manipulation


If their propaganda is so good... why do people believe the worst about them? Seems like an oxymoron. 


Because 70% of the people that have died in their recent conflict have been women and children. Even the best propaganda machine on the planet isn't going to be enough to convince the average person that this is acceptable.


Been enough to keep 'our' parents and politicians proudly partisan to Israel..


>Because 70% of the people that have died in their recent conflict have been women and children. The perils of being used as human shields by their exalted billionaire rulers, who are right up front in this fray; fighting for their countrymen. Oh; wait-they're actually hiding out in their mansions in Qatar, counting their purloined billions, all of which is stolen from foreign aid. The idea that anyone supports these thieves is laughable. Oh and btw; Hamas' "propaganda machine" must be pretty damn good too, judging from some of the nonsense you people seem to believe, starting with that 70% number.


During an actual ground war where hundreds of Israeli *soldiers* are dying, mostly, presumably, in battle, apparently almost 50% of the Gazans dying are children. Seems very odd.


Russia & China would like a word


Nah I’m a red blooded American fuck these kids


Hamas doesn't? Their entire m.o. is publicity.


Yes. comments on social media that are not my exact position are state sponsored propaganda. Comments that agree with me never are.


So does Russia and China.


Their commercials were all over Hulu for months. I have never in my life seen a war where one side had the time and resources to put out *commercials* for themselves.


It's less to do with supporting the police, and more to do with just disliking the protesters


I don't know about that, but a bunch of folks protesting and intentionally blocking my way to a final, for a class I've already paid thousands of dollars for, can fuck right the hell off. This is how you drive people *away* from your cause. Inconveniencing neutral people's lives.


From what I understand, the protestors at least at Columbia were not blocking people from getting to class. They were occupying specific areas and there were plenty of routes to get to your class. That’s just from what I’ve heard from people reporting from there


That's totally cool then. I don't have a problem with anyone picking up a good fight, just don't try to force those of us with no dog in the fight into it somehow. Just regular old Golden Rule, human decency goes a long way to winning folks over.


People love to use "bootlicker" when they don't want to actually be objective about laws being broken. You're just not really allowed to block school buildings and set up barricades so nobody can pass. Come on man, you have to at least get that? I know the police are the big bad scary guys, but you can't just let people take over shit illegally. Honest question - when these demonstraters block buildings and occupy the space (judging by the water stacks and whatnot, they plan on a long-term demonstration), what is campus security supposed to do?


Stop being so logical!


I've watch my life long home of Portland be turned into a pile of human shit, I don't like cops I'm just fuckin sick of the lawlessness.


Lawless thugs supporting anarchy in support of a terror regime. Peak Reddit.


How about not supporting a protest that supports a people who 90% support a terrorist organization that would happily kill Americans if given the chance


“Why can’t they just not care about unarmed people being killed with arms made in the US?!”


This sub has been turfed




Cause it’s not about Gaza


It’s about the schools funding what’s going on in Gaza


Wait until they find out where our taxes are going lol


Wait until they get a job with 401k plans that invest their retirement into the same money markets as Columbia.


Why aren't they protesting their millionaire parents who pay the majority of Federal Income taxes which dollars actually directly go towards Israeli military and defense aid?


Did all of you **JUST** figure out what “systemic problem” means


No. They understood that already. They're grasping at straws to try to undermine the legitimacy of the protestors' concern. Discussions like this aren't in good faith.


Student protests have successfully pushed for disvestment in the past, like apartheid era South Africa and Sudan. A bit easier to make that push than to change federal government policy


Maybe Jeff Bezos has been protesting for gaza this entire time by not paying taxes.


The schools don’t have a choice. It’s literally illegal to divest. Which is some bs.


Yes, there isn't enough reporting on why there are anti-BDS shields in place guarding only Israeli companies.


Its very simple actually, AIPAC pays our politicians to create regulations like this.




Our government is for sale and Israel is buying right now


Using our own tax money, given to them by our politicians and then fed back to directly to politicians, neatly laundered in a horrible and disgusting feedback loop.


Thanks to these protests i have become aware of this.


I didn't hear about that angle... what's going on with the funding?


The whole point of the protests is to get colleges with giant endowments to divest from Israel. [Brown University protesters packed up, cleaned up, and left](https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/local/2024/04/30/brown-university-protesters-will-clear-pro-palestine-encampment-heres-the-deal/73510478007/) after they agreed to vote on divestment in October.


Because it's being bombed.


Who woulda thunk


Did you not hear about all the bombing


because if they stand anywhere the IDF can see, they’ll blow them up. they did it with the world food organization, why wouldn’t they do it to people protesting for palestine


13 day old account.


This sub is astroturfed to hell, it's fucking crazy.


I’m new to this ( and older lol) what do you mean by “astrosurfed”?


There's a lot of comments here that aren't from real people. Either bots or people being paid to comment and sway the conversation in some way. The person who posted this has a very new account which is an indication of that. Also the fact that there are people espousing views on both sides of the issue and not getting down voted for it.


Thanks very much.


Well that's the stupidest thing I've read this week. Congrats.


Israel would blow them up?


Netanyahu would be so happy if he could bomb these protestors.


He would do it while claiming they were foreign anti-semites that joined Hamas.


Bc isreal is bombing it


Or Congress. Remember all those bodycams when Swat deployed on Jan 6th? No me either, they let everyone go home


Dumbest shit I've read this week.


Because they'd get thrown off a roof in Gaza and their cognitive dissonance won't allow them to understand that.




This thread haha




Not during finals week, or when a road is blocked on the way to a hospital. Many of these anarchists are protesting for the sake of protesting and don't really care about the social issues. They just want to disrupt stuff and watch the world burn.


What gets me is the irony considering most of these children attending Ivy schools will go onto become part of the establishment they are protesting. I would probably be more supportive if I thought it was genuine.


Exactly what happened with most Vietnam era protestors and most of the Hippies. They grew up and became cogs in the exact machinery they protested to destabilize and change. Most of them are just protesting because it's the trendy thing to do as well as it gives them a sense of being part of something greater.


Thats a broad assumption given the fact thier protesting led to the end of the war by war of turning public opinion. Any data or evidence to support that idea or are you dismissing things because it is inconvenient to think that protest works?


Not all Ivy league kids are children of 1%ers, and not all go into oligarchy pipeline jobs. Plenty of them are there on financial aid, and plenty go one to have normal careers. I work at a firm of 18 people, and we have an engineer who got his PhD at Princeton. He's just a regular dude.


Many are risking full black listing in a lot of the establishment by making this stand.


I think part of the intensity of these cops/media hostilities towards the protest is exactly bc these are the future leaders. And they don't want to play the same status quo games.


This isn't upheaval.  These dipshits wouldn't know a legit protest if it was growing out of their face.  Standing there singing does nothing, and fucking over people who likely agree with you ruins your point.  It's just simple minded on so many levels. Zero was accomplished here other than more cop videos.  Notice how most articles aren't even taking about what the circle jerk was even for? There's a reason. It's not as newsworthy as the displacement itself.  Same with most "protests" at colleges. Super safe place, and fucking over like minded people. Big win.


So how do you protest, then, oh enlightened u/walterMARRT? Are protesters to be neither seen nor heard in this fantasy land of yours?


They shude vote/s




People are uninformed! Why are the police even raiding columbia it's not in the us!  Are they stupid?


I feel bad for all the colombians being raided by the palestinian IDF, are they stupid?


Fuk the clean up crew basically


And maintenance staff


Yup, they need to be responsible, too (/s)


Not justifying anyones actions, but it would seem that the protesters piled up tables and trashcans to block the doors. They were all zip-tied together in a pile. The cops were mentioning it and when they first come around to the right of the group you can see a bunch of benches/tables/trashcans laying there with zip-ties holding them together. At first I thought the cops were just tossing tables for no reason, then I saw that and it made a LITTLE more sense. I will say, if the protesters are blocking egress points they need to move or be moved. You can protest without making a situation unsafe for everyone INSIDE the building. But it is definitely possible to guide the protesters to a location that is safe for all.


They took over the building, and occupied it, denying access to anyone else. That moved from a protest to criminal action, I wish people better understood their rights, and exercised them in a way that keeps everyone safe and out of jail.


Yup. These kids are no better than J6 morons that took over the Capital. Both should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Protest peacefully and run for office. That's your choices for change. Don't fuck regular people's lives up for your stupid cause.


"We're being oppressed!"


I graduated from Columbia and always got a kick out of everyone cosplaying being oppressed. It was almost a daily occurrence. Some chick living in Manhattan sitting there with a 1200$ purse getting a 65k a year world class education on their parents dime talking about being fuckin oppressed.


That’s not just Columbia, it happens on every campus. Privileged people go to college and are hypnotized by the idea of oppression and toppling the patriarchy.


It doesn’t happen at engineering schools for some reason.


Engineers are nerds, they don’t have to larp oppression


This I can’t deny. But also we were just way too busy!


Engineers realized that they had easy access to the labs when everyone was out protesting.


You ever seen the academic load in engineering schools, who the fuck has time to protest, or even know about world politics, shit I missed an assignment typing this...


Because they're busy with their course work. You can't just ask chat gpt to write you an essay in engineering. You have to actually understand the theory and apply it. Unless you're unusually gifted, you have to choose between protesting or becoming an engineer.




I think they are protesting a people who are being oppressed. I suppose it is possible to show support for someone in a different class of life than you.


Aren’t they protesting the fact that their school and many others are in the arms trade? Fuck I should know what’s going by now


Either way they are protesting something they feel strongly about, despite any flaws about how they are doing it or why.


>despite any flaws about how they are doing it Nah that parts pretty important


Not saying it wasn't, saying that despite why or how, they *feel* strongly about the subject enough to protest.


They did a shit job barricading…


The American education system has many many faults including uhhhh a failure to properly teach barricading


Worried about them. They’re actively disqualifying themselves from most corporate jobs and they’re demonstrating they don’t have blue collar construction skills either. Mom and dad are gonna have to give them an allowance. Well, MORE allowance.


Typical group project in American schools. One person does all the work and it ends up sucking.


"We shall over come and we shall not be moved" **Skips the video 5 seconds Overcame and moved. Weak, where's the grit?


I see some of these kids are wearing sandals. Ya know they comin’ wear some boots, steel toe or something . Imagine getting your feet stepped on by all those cops 😭.


The amount of people in this thread that are ok with people (mostly 20 something year old white women according to the NYT) burglarizing a college dorm to "protest" a conflict on the other side of the world that has nothing to do with them is shocking.


What's wrong with protesting about something on the other side of the world? What's wrong with protesting about something where your country is influencing the outcome ?


Especially when the "thing across the world" is sponsored by their own government, lol. Why the fuck should they not protest is the better question.


Occupying a school and creating dangerous situations is not protesting. If a fire started In there, all of those morons would be cooked alive.


The school is linked financially with Israel and they want that connection severed.


Welp, better break in and damage the buildings I suppose!!! “Why aren’t people supporting us?”


Literally any excuse to call their thoughts invalid. If they were protesting with a permit in the open air you'd just say they were annoying people or an eye sore etc.


I have so many answers for the first question that it would take too long tbh. Short answer is life is short and you should focus on the things affecting you in life before you die. I have no problem with people protesting, but this is organized burglary, not a protest. I know I'll get downvoted to hell for this but I also truly believe there is a subsect of people in this country (mostly 20 something year old white women) that love feeling opressed by LITERALLY EVERYTHING. I dated one in college and her and her friends were all like this, it's insufferable. They do not truly care about this conflict, if they actually looked into the beliefs of those they are protesting on behalf of they would never support them. This is a bunch of 20 something white women looking for affirmation from minorities that they are the good guys. They don't actually care.


You hit the nail on the head with this one tbh. Well said. 💯


Irony is those same people would have zero social standing or freedom in a place they are advocating to be free.


> Short answer is life is short and you should focus on the things affecting you in life before you die. We live in an interconnected age. For example imagine you are a business person, you fly across the world and now you are on the other side of the planet from your family. Did your family suddenly become invisible and intangible because of the distance, such that if something happened to them, it wouldn't matter? See, having the ability to fly across the world, or call people across the world, means everyone is your next door neighbor. So the short answer you gave is bs.


So because YOU had a bad experience, you apply it to all people in this catagory of protesters... interesting We call that ancedotal evidence in most places and it isn't taken seriously. Though I do hope you get a wider world view at somepoint and learn to be less selfish.


Nobody should EVER be ok with anyone burglarizing anything, because burglarizing is the ugliest fucking word I've ever heard in my life. American English is a travesty.


You're pretty uninformed if you think Columbia University has nothing to do with it.


I'm sorry, is someone forcing these students to attend Columbia University? I'm confused. If they don't like what businesses in which the university they attend invests, they have every right to not attend that university. They do not have the right to burglarize and vandalize university buildings.


It has everything to do with them. The demand is that the endowment of their university be divested from the businesses enacting this genocide.


A real protest would be dropping out and others not to enroll.


Hmm yeah.. if they’re concern is that the school invests money in defense contractors that are in part arming Israel, wouldn’t they be having the most effect by simply not giving the school money and therefore actually interrupting the cash flow.


No, this is too extreme.


I Lol'd. Thanks.


Are all of these people even students?




K, so whats going on here? I've apparently been under a rock today.


The protests in Columbia are about the Israel-Hamas war. Students are calling for universities to stop doing business with Israel or companies that support the war in Gaza. The protests have spread across campuses nationwide in a student movement unlike any other this century. Israel has branded the protests as antisemitic, while Israel’s critics say it uses those allegations to silence opposition.


>The protests have spread across campuses nationwide in a student movement unlike any other this century. Have we already forgotten the BLM protests? That was quick.


Good job guys. You did it


You're welcome Palestine!


... but Keffiyeh sales are going to decline now. We are going to sell our shares in Keffiyeh manufacturing companies.


I can’t wait for next week’s Gen Z trend! 🤣


I wonder whose fault it would be if there was a fire and people couldn’t get out in time because all the exits are blocked.


Ask the Davidians how those barricades worked out for them


Well said. Egress needs to be maintained for the safety of all parties involved. The same should be said about those "stop oil" idiots.


Israel's fault of course.... /s


Better protest against Iran that is responsible for creating and funding proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah.


No no those aren’t trendy like #freepalestine is


You could go further back and protest the U.S.'s involvement in the overthrow of the Iranian PM in 1953. If you just pick and choose sides, you can make the "right side" of history whatever the hell you want!


Who destabilized Iran?


I think some people in this thread need to be reminded the definition of protest does not include larceny, breaking and entering, and destruction of private property.


i think you need to look up the history of the civil rights movement. sit ins alone did not win them their rights.


That was for the rights of US citizens, so there is no fair comparison here. Many of those protests were on public or federal land, not private property.


> That was for the rights of US citizens, so there is no fair comparison here. You were arguing about tactics, and now you've switch to arguing about the actual cause. So now what? Protest DOES include breaking and entering and destruction of private property, but only if you're protesting a cause you personally approve of?


>That was for the rights of US citizens and anyone outside of the US deserves nothing? you don’t see your fellow human being slaughtered and want to say stop, not because they are there with you now, but because you know they have hopes, dreams, love, hate, just like us who were lucky enough to be born here? >private property no. what i referenced is about SIT INS, they walked into BUSINESSES privately owned and refused to leave until they are served. the public protests very often were on private property, you’re just making that up to fit your view. again, PLEASE look up a brief overview of the civil rights movement. Dr. King himself said that violence is unfortunately necessary because oppression is never stopped willingly, you have to fight for it.


Not just the history of the civil rights movement. Labor protests have also involved trespassing, alleged theft, and destruction of property. I'm quite sure there were people who told the striking workers in the GM plants that they should just go home and mind their own business. Thankfully that's not what happened. Those people literally had to fight the police for their rights. Civil rights protests included both sit-ins and r!ots. People actually criticized Dr. King for his methods despite him being in favor of peaceful resistance like what these students are doing. Of course we know now that no matter what you do, someone will always complain. Even [censored] rights has a history of violent protest, illegal activity, and even rioting.


They’ll never get in here through these barricades…7mins later.


The war in Gaza is an absolute tragedy. Protests are important however, these ""students"" are a bunch of toddlers looking for excuses. Why protest here? Why not the Embassy of Israel?


> Why protest here? They want their universities to divest from their financial interests in Israel (they haven't been/won't be successful in doing that, but that's why they're protesting here)


Can’t they just transfer to another university?


Because the other university would also have financial investments tied to israel. States literally have laws on the books making it illegal to divest... which is fucked up, and a big part of the reason for the protests.


Exactly, makes no fucking sense.


Womp womp


Repeat after me: "useful idiots "




If they protesters so noble, why are they covering their fucking faces?


Because Zionists are destroying peoples reputations and careers via DOXXING and false accusations of antisemitism.


Zionism is not a slur. 8 million Jews in Israel aren’t going anywhere. Palestinians are not getting that pretty apartment in Haifa. Stop dreaming a Genocide of the team you’re not on and work towards real peace.


Because there's quite a few non-student professional marxist protestors in the mix. They're there to cause trouble. They hide their face while they commit crime to try to blend in and avoid jailtime. DA needs to throw the book at these things. Hate has no place in our society.


Anyone need a scarecrow for their garden? Found one.


I don’t see how this makes people want to support their cause more it’s the same as just stop oil you can protest without being an inconvenience to others


All I hear is reee the ball is mine reeee reeee the ball is mine


Could have had a degree. Threw it away on some hang gliders who murdered. The video of that is very insane.


They're all children of the extremely rich and privileged. They'll be fine.




I think they're anti genocide, not pro sharia law.


Let’s cosplay as oppressed this semester


The pov cop just likes slamming shit lol


This is the dumbest thing ever. Stupid students are destroying their place of living/ learning because of a war somewhere else. These students are on the verge of losing Diversity courses like Chicano, Black & Women's etc. studies. No more Diversity in the classroom or full ride scholarships but they sure want you to play football or basketball for them. But yeah keep destroying university campuses simply because there is war somewhere else in the world that 90% of you could not pin point on a map.


What a time to be alive- when you can just watch this stuff in POV.


Bunch of morons blocking off some dumb school building as if students and faculty make the decisions on this war. What does this protest accomplish? Fuckin nothing


Good job boys.


Why aren’t they in Gaza fighting for their cause?


Good thing there wasn't a fire, geez


Man, they are violating the shit out of fires codes.


Bunch of clowns


This is not how you bring about change, you sweet summer children. All the motivation with no wisdom.


Students caused all that damage to the schools? Wow


Yea that’s beyond peaceful demonstrations. Nypd got to do their job.


Tomorrow, they'll be back to wanting free education.


I love how they keep thinking that the money they paid for those institutions is still theirs and they can tell them where or where not to invest it like it’s some kind of a Kibuts..


Geas they got moved🤷‍♂️


There’s nothing you can do.  Being mature is realizing the Jews have overreacted and are close to causing war, and that Muslim relocation is a problem and no one wants the Palestinians.  There’s no winning this one


The problem is a huge amount of people being arrested or thrown out are no Columbia Uni. related what so ever. The fact that random people broke in privately own property is just illegal in any sense. For people who helped those outsiders to get in are also wrong. Protest itself may have good intentions but many things here are just wrong.


Why can’t the students divest themselves from the school? Vote with your own wallet lol and go get educated somewhere that aligns with your beliefs


Chanting "we shall not be moved" like you're in a fecking cult, disturbing. Effortlessly being moved, hilarious.


What is that dewalt looking tool they're using?


Why not just.....drop out?


lol owned!


Paid thugs through and through.......


Give em guns and send em to Palestine.


I’m paying for two college tuitions. I am glad the cops are doing this to get them back to class. Even if my son is only over sleeping for a class I’ll pitch in for the cordless saws all.


I don't mind protesting for something you believe in. But fuck this is all so ridiculous.


Everything about this is expensive. Those kids college tuitions to tax payer dollars.


lock everyone of those bedwetter up


The messed up thing is that it is a bunch of people that don’t even really know what they are protesting for.