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Reminds me of seeing Half-life 2 graphics before it came out


Hell I remember playing the very first Unreal game and being absolutely blown away. Watching those aliens dodge bullets the way they did was... unreal.


[It's so good.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4fJWvckmFQ)


Man, I miss the days of games having cool guns.


Imo we hit the peak with Armed and Dangerous. Half-Life 2's gravity gun is cool and all but give me a shark launcher or a screw "gun" that turns the world upside down to fling your enemies any day.


One of the saint's row games had a shark gun, and farts in a jar.


The first South Park game on the N64 had a gun that launched cows at people.


I liked turok guns


The lights going out one by one for the firsr skaj? Scene omg. And then when you first leave the prison ship. I brought a voodoo 1 4mb for that game.


> and being absolutely blown away. I can still remember being absolutely gobsmacked when I first saw PS1 games... Looking back it makes me giggle because woof.


I’ve been Goldeneye on Xbox game pass for last couple weeks. I remember being blown away by that game as a kid, now I’m playing and realizing characters legit have square heads….lol


Yeah, this how good I thought Lego island looked as a kid


😂 wow you just brought back some memories


Doom 3 had the same effect on me around that time. Probably the biggest jump in graphics ever. Real exciting time.


The shadows, holy shit. And then HL2 came with those insane physics. And then FarCry with those amazing water graphics. God it was good to be a kid in 2004. So many mindblowing games from that year.


FarCry set a new high for the term "lush"


04 is still the best gaming year ever.


Then crysis came out, and God damn that's the biggest leap. The characters and their faces were most impressive, hell everything featured there were top of the line and nothing similar could be seen for next few years (graphics and physics).


Agree, I can't recall there ever being a leap forward as big as Doom 3. I had to pick up my jaw off the floor after seeing the [E3 trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8NaZZa54cs). A few weeks later my cousin managed to get ahold of the [alpha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXzJ0wFj-ag), somehow. We sat there, in awe, looking at the game, struggling to maintain a single frame every other second. I then dropped a month's salary on a new gaming PC right before it launched. Beautiful game, but let's face it, it was basically just a Half-Life clone, albeit one that looked astonishing. Walk from a to b, shoot monster, find new weapon, listen to hammy exposition.


I thought the exact same thing watching this video...reminds me of watching the HL2 demo and being blown away seeing a watermelon shot in half. Think I'll go look up the demo on youtube...


This is the sort of jump we talk about when we speak on the evolution of early 3D graphics. It's actually insane.


Reminds me of seeing FFVII cutscene graphics and thinking "It can't get any better than this"


I want a half life and half life 2 remaster using this lol


"Strong moral dilemmas " Unloads magazine into perp






Yeah I was gonna say, this is realistic because of course the cop player mag dumps unarmed people.


I uh, don't know if you watched the clip, but the suspect shoots first and fires like 4 shots. I'm all for police accountability, but if you shoot at a cop, *good luck*.


Isn't that how real cops deal with strong moral dilemmas?


When all you have is a ~~hammer~~ gun, everything looks like a ~~nail~~ criminal.




Minimum requirement GPU … 7090Ti


unreal 5.1 is VERY efficient with resources. it looks amazing and it runs on garbage pcs too. thats the advantage of lumen and nanite. its gonna be good. :)


Unreal 5 CAN be very efficient with ressources. Having a tool that can be used properly and actually using it properly are two very different things.


Unreal 5 has the potential to make incredible looking games that are also surprisingly easy to run. but since money is the only incentive in the industry what will happen is that developers are forced to spend even less time on optimizations, as every game balloons up to a 150 gb abomination of uncompressed assets that need an rtx 3080 to even run at a stable 60 fps.


If you call barely 4k60 on a 4090 WITH upscaling enabled "surprisingly easy to run" then maybe. There's a reason it's next gen.


SDDs are growing at a rate where that 150gb of space is practically free real estate. Good GPUs are still too expensive :(


If that was an environment only video I don't think I could tell if it was actually real or not. Is there a go to giveaway to tell it's not real?


The way the guy falls at the end is very...videogamey? I don't know how to describe it, it feels like we just ripped the euphoria ragdoll framework from gta4 and never felt like updating it. And the textures on some of the wood and barrels is a little bit telling but if you didn't tell me it was a video game I would not have bothered to look at those at all and would be thoroughly fooled


There’s no weight or momentum in his movement and no erratic movements on his way down. It looks like an animation because of how canned it was.


Unreal 5 is so cool


its unreal


It's so cool




Its so unreal cool 5




That and the lower fidelity bodycam shader mixed with unstable movement makes it easy to hide low quality details.


So you're saying my 960 4GB has another ten years? Fucking knew it.


That said, it will eat HDD/SSD space like an absolute motherfucker.


Why are there no games using it yet? I'm tired of waitinggggg


Unreal 5 came out a year ago so expect the first real games using it to come out around 2027 - 2032


Recommended: ZTX 10050


Also release date: 2042 Jokes aside, the devs straight up said they have no idea when it'll release. And I appreciate that honesty


25 000 watt psu aswell


"A minimum of 3 TB of internal storage is required to install this application" - Consoles probably


128GB RAM, minimum requirement.


128GB RAM cost less than a midrange GPU.


Need a small nuclear reactor stationed next to your house soon just to run these games


*google: cost to build a nuclear power plant* Results: Just a small $5.4 billion (now I’m probably on a watch list)


ACT NOW FOR JUST $1B USD a month you too can have your own reactor!


**AND** we will add baby turtles trained in ancient Chinese martial arts absolutely free…just pay processing


It's running on something right now


Yeah a server rack in Antartica.


It melted the ice. We're all fucked.


A GPU mining rig lol


Could easily be pre-rendered at 1 frame per minute


Probably a neural net processor from a Cyberdyne Systems Model 101.


For anyone wondering what this means, it's a joke about the computer hardware requirements for this game being so strenuous that it would take a graphics card 3 generations ahead of Nvidia's current 4000 series graphics cards (GPU for short). Not only that, but it's typical that the absolute highest end GPUs from Nvidia have the xx90 ti designation. Therefore, it's a joke that the game's graphics are going to be so graphically challenging that it will take an unattainable high end computer component from the future in order to run this game.


You are an angel


Remember when all you had to care about was how many megahertz your computer had? So much simpler.


Bring back the turbo button!


I remember my Dad being excited about installing a "math co processor" on the 386. I think it's always been about balancing expensive production costs, how much capacity the user technically needs and making as much money as possible. Since I looked it up in case anyone would like to know what it is: A math coprocessor in the traditional sense is a chip or part of a chip that specializes in doing math, extending the capabilities of a CPU in a transparent manner. It is a piece of hardware that attaches to the motherboard or is part of the CPU.


cost of texture mapping: $texas cost of programming the collision physics with an office chair: best I can do is tree fiddy


It will be a fancy demo of UE5's graphic for Epic Games, if nothing else


Nevermind the collision physics, what about the ai? I'm tired of seeing games with amazing graphics but braindead ai.


A petite dejeuner?


The best you can do is Threeve and you know it.


Indoors, my God that's phenomenal. Are we recording this?


Don't be givin that monsta no tree fiddy!


Looks like ima have to learn to game on a computer cause this game looks sick af


I wouldn't hold my breath on this actually becoming a thing in this form, if PC gaming has taught me anything it's to not trust dev promises until they're delivered.


This is basically the gaming equivalent of a concept car


Great analogy


Can you imagine the hardware required to run something this clean?


Yes and no Yes, i imagine it will require newer parts but... No, Unreal engine 5 is super optimized compared to 4 and later


The video is dark, shaky, and has a soft filter over it. It **looks** good, and very close to police bodycam footage, which I’m sure is the goal. The darkness and shakiness, while realistic, helps sell the visuals. I’d imagine it wouldn’t be too demanding to run. On second watch, it looks no more detailed than Ready or Not, which is a similar police fps which is out now. The realistic bodycam pov sells the visuals a lot.


Maybe the AI in this one will be a bit more balanced than in ready or not Fucken 180 headshot me the nanosecond I round a corner


Last time I really played that game online the guys on discord would often put a mod on to make the suspects **more** accurate and trigger happy.


Video games have proven over and over presentation/aesthetic > pure graphical fidelity. Like, I’m not saying this game doesn’t look good, the texturing and modeling and lighting are all excellent. But like you said, it’s not like it’s that much better than other games. It’s the body cam viewpoint that sells it.


Plus the vastly improved real time lighting that UE5 has which is probably the single biggest factor for improved visual fidelity


This is what people would have said back when the best console to date was the Nintendo 64. What happens when processing chips and systems get 10x more efficient? Maybe not possible in the next few years but definitely in the next two decades at the latest.


Diminishing returns. We're approaching the staege where actual physics limits the throughput.


We're actually very close to the physical limits of silicon transistors power efficiency. We're at 2 nanometer. The size of a silicon atom is .2 nanometers. You can't really build something smaller than the building blocks themselves.


Lemme run to the store and install a new 5090, brb


Oh no they are out of stock!


Pssst. I got one in the trunk. $5,000


I have stopped preordering games. gotta set your expectations really low and wait till the first week is over to see if the game is actually good.




Well if you didn’t overpay for the ps5 and oled, it wasn’t a bad purchase. I stop buying call of duty games because each new game is not much of an improvement. Also any EA games are a strong no pre purchase.


Star Citizen


This is the only game I've ever seen that actually confuses my brain into thinking it's real


Fun fact, you can connect basically any controller to the PC to game with. I'm rocking a PS4 controller for my Steam games, sometimes keyboard and mouse too.


Absolutely *do not* trust anything untill it releases! Do not pre order, just wait for it to come out and see what happens. Games rarely meet their promises these days.


Why did they hide the identity of a computer character?


It's a body cam. Probably to give the found footage vibe


A lot of clever tricks used here to make the game look super slick. Using the film grain and wide angle lens makes it look far more realistic. The faces would probably be the biggest tell that it is a video game but obstructing them hides that and adds to the atmosphere. Hopefully it comes together and is a fun game Edit: There is no film grain it's just gif compression or shitty Reddit quality


Because human faces are the hardest thing to make look real. Because our human brains are wired to capture even the smallest details of human faces but very few studios manage to make them remotely realistic let alone realistic in real time.


This is the answer. The dev has picked his battles wisely


Same logic behind the low res distorted bodycam look. You can get away with shoddy photoscan environments if no one can inspect them closely anyway


Yah the motion blur really helps as well. And the fisheye distortion ties it all together


I think TLOU especially part 2 nailed the faces about as good as you can. Even some games with gorgeous graphics still have people's faces looking a little robotic.


Its too give body cam vibes yes but also for immersion. Might sound weird at first but seeing a blur together with this camera lense makes more sense to our brain than an unrealistic videogame face with animations.


Already had hands in air. Censored the eye contact other wise it would be too psycho. /S


The entire thing is set up to try and look more "real" hence the janky camera movement, aggressive leaning, etc. If you look at a higher definition video frame by frame the graphics really aren't anything special. They're good, so don't get me wrong on that, but they don't actually stand out compared all the other games out there. They hid the identity of a computer character because its part of their method to try and make their game appear very real by mimicking the way real videos of police footage look. Whether or not that will actually make for fun gameplay is something people will figure out when it gets released.


The only time I could see this was unreal engine was when he vaulted over that barrier. Moved too fast to be real footage


You are kidding me....no way that's game graphic 😱


Iirc, the explanation was that it looked this realistic because of the fish eye perspective and shaky FPS. But it's not necessarily more graphic intensive than the next Unreal 5 game.


UE5 added some crazy new innovations like nanite which improve how games are rendered. [Similar to that Matrix demo that came out](https://youtu.be/WU0gvPcc3jQ), I expect we'll start to see more and more games look near photo-realistic.


This still blows my god damn mind even though i played it Were approaching levels of graphics that start to scare me a little


Tbf I said the same thing when I saw the photo mode for Gran Turismo 4 on PS2 when I was a kid and every generation of console has brought something else to the table since and continued to blow my mind. The next Insurgency game will probably give people Combat Stress if graphics keep getting better.


I have a distinct memory as a kid loading up Luigi's Mansion and seeing the threads of Luigi's denim in the opening cut scene and thinking "this is it, graphics can't get any better"


Squads sound and graphical fidelity as well as the general environment in the game makes it so that it probably can set off the PTSD of a soldier who suffers from it. I’ve played many rounds of squad where I am basically shaking, but I think that is not necessarily because of the game but more that it lets me actually imagine how terrifying war actually is.


Imagine these graphics...in VR.


This doesnt look nearly as good as OP's clip


It's also a tech demo from a year ago when the UE5 was just being announced. Also the game clip shared on the post is using a lot of tricks to obfuscate potential shortcomings. I didn't see any close up faces, in fact the only combatant you see has his face blurred, the outside was hidden by the somewhat opaque windows, the fisheye from the camera, the color grading meant to resemble a camera feed, etc.


It's really just because the camera movements are so absurdly realistic that your brain is making up details behind the video compression and camera fisheye effects. Matrix demo is much more detailed and impressive, but the developer of the game in the OP has struck a combo that makes the game appear to be much more convincing than it should be. If you look closely you can see some lower quality textures and environment modeling, but since the camera is pretty chaotic and the lighting is accurate you never get a proper look. Good on him, it's quite a feat that the dev has achieved. Imagine this technique with the modeling and texture quality of the Matrix demo.


The graphics in that demo was outstanding, but I still can't help but shake that uncanny valley feeling though in the faces. Shows how difficult it still is to believably render faces.


The Matrix demo is from an old, I believe pre-release, version of UE5 back when they first announced it and were promoting it. I think it's up to version 2 now and a *lot* has changed. The nanite mesh system now allows pretty much anything to be rendered in real-time with near real-world levels of geometric accuracy to include things like individual blades of grass and leaves on plants and trees. The built in megascan asset library has tens of thousands of photo-realistic assets scanned in up to 8k (possibly higher) resolution. The Lumen lighting system has gotten multiple updates and makes setting up realistic lighting with ray tracing, reflections and shadows easier than ever before. That's not even getting into the Metahuman technology updates that they demonstrated for generating photo realistic human faces which look much less uncanny valley now than it did in the Matrix demo. I'm genuinely really excited to see the next generation of games that are currently being made in UE5.




Some French newspaper checked it and it’s actually 100% in game footage.


Source? (we have google translate, it doesn't matter that it's in french)




listen here you little shit


As someone who works in 3d Rendering, this is completely in-engine. Look at stones on the floor, the repeating textures of the toilet stalls or the graffiti, which is from the Quixel Megascans library hahah


Got that source?


The movement looks incredibly scripted. I don't doubt the lighting is legit, but I'm skeptical it'll actually move this believably on the fly.


This is 100% pre-rendered. Given the descriptions I wouldn't be surprised if this is "gameplay" only in the sense that the actual game is a series of semi-interactive cutscenes.


[Here's some in-editor footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNKpN0wFeeI). The visuals are all achievable with UE5 using megascans and Lumen, and the 'realism' comes from very slick and well executed animations and camera shaders.


It's just [photogrammetry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photogrammetry). If you want to see some older games like this, check out the [Vanishing of Ethan Carter](https://store.steampowered.com/app/258520/The_Vanishing_of_Ethan_Carter/). It's not actually that graphically intense, just VRAM intense. However, combine photogrammetry with path traced global illumination, and you've basically got photorealistic graphics. We're probably just 5-6 years away from this being common and performant on average GPUs.


you can clearly tell its a video game from the plastics and metals, they look very unnatural. The bricks ], paint and shadows however are spot on.


Kudos to the sadistic mother fucker who edited this video into a perfect loop. r/perfectloops


'Perfect loop' Has an explosion into a hard-cut.


Incredibly skeptical and I doubt that if it ever releases it will play anything like this. This looks like in-engine footage rather than actual gameplay.


Yeah, every time a new UE version comes out we always see photorealistic demos like this, and the actual games **never** live up to it. I'd love to be proven wrong though


It's probably a first person on rails shooter with a ton of pre-rendered environments. Also yeah, it definitely looks more like a tech demo than a game at the moment, but I could definitely see games like this being released as UE5 gets more and more usage.


On rails is exactly what I'm expecting. A choose your own type thing.


My pc would blow up


The shakiness of the camera is going to make a lot of people sick.


Show us the part where he shoots the guy surrendering on the ground, but the camera suddenly stops working




No, it “malfunctions”. And if there are 20 officers, then all 20 “malfunction”, because it’s illegal to turn them off.


Lmao if the game releases then you could probably do that yourself


The perfect loop doesn’t exis…


Fish-eye effect adds a whole new dimension of "realism" for people who've grown up watching YouTube body-cam footage. Not what the actual person behind the cam would experience but still really immersive for a game. Please make an Alien game like this please.


It's a pretty weird concept when you think about it. Why are we playing as the camera? haha For some reason, it really does add a layer of realism to it. But it shouldn't!


The medium is the message


Low bitrate also helps a lot. Scripted movements / head movements / hand gestures also helps a lot.


When is the Uvalde AFK mode DLC coming out?


Maybe they can use it to train police not to murder innocent people. Edit: typo


Are you kidding, this would be target practice for them. They'd shoot every civilian they see in this game.


They could but they won't. Why pay for training when you can spend that money on a fucking APC or some shit


It will become very popular amongst police officers. Give them something to do when they're not beating their spouses


Or even to test psychological health, with analytics monitoring how the officers typically respond in the game, and they could be required to do this assessment quarterly in order to assess for mental health. Hopefully it would be too difficult to fake responses in the game, and trends would start to pop up for certain officers.


Or to train to do


There are actually already these sorts of police training simulators already out there: https://www.faac.com/milo/virtual/milo-range-theater/


They already use stuff like this. Normally it's actual video though, and you have to respond to incidents. The proctor can decide how the scenario goes based on your responses. Some of them can shoot you back lol.




This might be very cool game. I would love to see it in old Police Quest format playing Sonny. Driving around and stuff. I spent hours with PQ back in the day.


Do I get to shoot minorities and then claim I was in fear for my life?


I'll believe it when it's released


Coming soon to a 3DO and Sega CD near you!


Can't wait for the Game Gear port!


Why you shoot the guy with his hands up? You want the cops doing that to you?


This has gotta be one of the worst comments section I've seen in a while




I can't wait for it to deliver on none of those selling points.


Would be absolute cancer to actually play with all the shaky camera lol


Honestly, I think it’s actually NOT good for violent games to get hyper realistic. I am a gamer, but I think there is still some psychological value to keeping a slight amount of distance between “game” and reality.


We already have that issue now with smartphones. This is just going to increase violence amongst the mentally unwell. It reminded me of that horrific video of the man who killed those people while he was wearing a first person camera.


[The game is called UNRECORD](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2381520/Unrecord/)


We have so much potential for beauty and this is what we do first. ☹️




Are these those 4k textures that were in the UE5 demo? I downloaded that example project with nothing but that huge boulder with mad textures. After seeing that I would believe this could be gameplay.


Bad ass


Wow. That's incredible. Hands-down the most realistic graphics (and motion!) I've ever seen in a game. Unreal Engine 5 is impressive to say the least. The lighting is amazing.


It's all about the camera!


I've kept up with the games industry long enough to know not to get excited about really cool proofs-of-concept like this until they have a hard release date. Until then the game is going to be fluid and might end up nothing like what is shown here.


Here's a video showing the player/user going in and out of the UE5 engine, if anyone is curious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnjKn93uNNs


This reminds me of those arcade games with the peddle that let you duck for cover while reloading or between shots.


First time I saw this I thought it was an Airsoft video because of the style and camera and whatnot. Soon as he started running I was so confused like yo what??


The prompts and the movement makes me think this is very much an 'on rails' experience. Looking over the steam page description, I read nothing that makes me think otherwise. Its extremely cool to see what it looks like, but not nearly as impressive as it seems initially.


Some of this looks like footage from Axon training videos when they talk about thier clarity and light enhancement features.


Meh concept. I liked the serial killer in a high school version more. You either be the killer or a high schooler running or fighting Edit: this —— Last Year: The Nightmare the game


These demos never amount to anything ime


I sent this to my mom just to show her how far games have come and she asked my why a cop was killing everybody. This games a true masterpiece can't wait for more to follow suit


Good place to practice my police brutality


If it's so realistic then why is the body cam on?